예제 #1
class RCAGame():
    This class defines or refers to another class that defines all game logic.
    This class may be switched out for another game and used in it's place.
    def __init__(self, eng):
        self.eng = eng  # get the engine

        # Set up all sprite groups
        self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group()  # everything
        self.background = pg.sprite.Group()  # background tiles
        self.foreground = pg.sprite.Group()  # non-interacting blocks
        self.blocks = pg.sprite.Group()  # non-moving sprites that interact
        self.players = pg.sprite.Group()  # sprites you can control
        self.friends = pg.sprite.Group()  # moving friendly sprites
        self.foes = pg.sprite.Group()  # enemies
        self.hud = pg.sprite.Group()  # HUD (health, money etc.)
        self.misc = pg.sprite.Group()  # other (dialog boxes etc.)

        # set up the groups list (this is the order in which you want them to
        #   be drawn)
        self.groups_list = [
            self.background, self.foreground, self.blocks, self.players,
            self.friends, self.foes, self.hud, self.misc
        # define groups that are diegetic (i.e. groups that exist in the game
        # world and will be affected by camera movement) EXCLUDES players
        self.diegetic_groups = [
            self.background, self.foreground, self.blocks, self.friends,
        # set up player
        self.player = Player(self)

        # Zone class will set up the blocks and background
        self.current_zone = Zone(self, "zone1")

    def key_do(self, key):
        Runs a command corresponding to a 'key'. Where key is an integer
        that corresponds to a key press.
        Whenever called it checks if the key fed to it corresponds to a command.
        If it does, it runs that command.
        Before doing anything else it checks if the logic manager is accepting
        input. By default it accepts input. If 'self.accept_input' is set to 
        False, no keys are registered.
        # dictionary here?
        if key == pg.K_u:
        elif key == pg.K_LEFT:
        elif key == pg.K_RIGHT:
        elif key == pg.K_UP:
        elif key == pg.K_DOWN:
        elif key == pg.K_z:
        elif key == pg.K_x:

    def off_key_do(self, key):
        if key == pg.K_z:
            self.player.allow_use_item = True

    def no_key(self):

    def logic(self):
        if self.player.use_animate_bool:
        for blk in self.blocks.sprites():
            if pg.sprite.collide_rect(blk, self.player):

    def event_do(self, event):