예제 #1
def slice_boxes(boxfilename):
    # iterate through a box list, making strip slices.

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)
    #    for box in box_list :
    #        print box
    #        s = Strip(box=box)
    #        print s

    # find the largest Y index in our boxes (the maximum row)
    bounding_box = box_list_bounding_box(box_list)
    print "bounding_box=", bounding_box

    # use lower left row count as the number of rows we will iterate
    num_rows = bounding_box["lower_right"]["row"]
    print "num_rows=", num_rows

    # make a starting strip
    num_rows_in_strip = 300
    s = Strip(width=2560, height=num_rows_in_strip)

    row = 0
    while row < num_rows:
        print "strip=", s
        for box in box_list:
            print "box=", box
            isect = strip_intersect(Strip(box=box), s)
            if isect:
                print "intersect=", isect
                print "no intersections"

        row += num_rows_in_strip
예제 #2
def slice_boxes( boxfilename) : 
    # iterate through a box list, making strip slices.
    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)
#    for box in box_list :
#        print box
#        s = Strip(box=box)
#        print s

    # find the largest Y index in our boxes (the maximum row)
    bounding_box = box_list_bounding_box( box_list )
    print "bounding_box=",bounding_box

    # use lower left row count as the number of rows we will iterate
    num_rows = bounding_box["lower_right"]["row"]
    print "num_rows=",num_rows

    # make a starting strip
    num_rows_in_strip = 300
    s = Strip(width=2560,height=num_rows_in_strip)

    row = 0
    while row < num_rows : 
        print "strip=",s
        for box in box_list : 
            print "box=",box
            isect = strip_intersect( Strip(box=box), s )
            if isect : 
                print "intersect=",isect
            else :
                print "no intersections"

        row += num_rows_in_strip
예제 #3
def make_sliding_strips_from_box(boxfilename):
    basename = get_basename(boxfilename)

    # create the output directory for all the files I'm about to create
    output_dir = make_output_dir(basename)
    #    return

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)

    # load the image associated with this box list
    # assume all the boxes have the same image name (they should)
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format(box_list[0].document_id)

    # get the image as a numpy array
    data = mkslices.load_image(imgfilename)

    strip_list = make_all_strips_images(data, basename, output_dir)

    # Now make the ground truth files for each strip

    # convert the box list into a list of strips
    box_strip_list = [rects.Strip(box=box) for box in box_list]

    # slice up the ground truth into individual XML files
    make_all_gtruth_xml(box_strip_list, data, output_dir, basename)
예제 #4
def draw_boxes( boxfilename, outdir=None) : 

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)

    print box_list

    # get the document id from the box file
#    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.TIF".format( box_list[0].document_id )
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format( box_list[0].document_id )

    # write the output image to this file and perhaps to another directory
    if not outdir is None : 
        outfilename = outdir + "/" + get_basename(imgfilename) + "_zoneboxes.png"
    else :
        outfilename = get_basename(imgfilename) + "_zoneboxes.png"

    img = load_image(imgfilename)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # draw the zone boxes onto the image
    for box in box_list : 
#        print box.document_id
#        print box.corner_one
#        print box.corner_two

        upper_left = (box.corner_one["col"],box.corner_one["row"])
        lower_right = (box.corner_two["col"],box.corner_two["row"])

        draw.rectangle( (upper_left,lower_right), outline="red" )

    print "wrote",outfilename
예제 #5
def make_sliding_strips_from_box( boxfilename ) :
    basename = get_basename( boxfilename )

    # create the output directory for all the files I'm about to create
    output_dir = make_output_dir(basename)
#    return
    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes( boxfilename ) 

    # load the image associated with this box list
    # assume all the boxes have the same image name (they should)
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format( box_list[0].document_id )

    # get the image as a numpy array
    data = mkslices.load_image( imgfilename )

    strip_list = make_all_strips_images( data, basename, output_dir )

    # Now make the ground truth files for each strip
    # convert the box list into a list of strips
    box_strip_list = [ rects.Strip(box=box) for box in box_list ]

    # slice up the ground truth into individual XML files 
    make_all_gtruth_xml( box_strip_list, data, output_dir, basename ) 
예제 #6
def draw_boxes(boxfilename, outdir=None):

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)

    print box_list

    # get the document id from the box file
    #    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.TIF".format( box_list[0].document_id )
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format(box_list[0].document_id)

    # write the output image to this file and perhaps to another directory
    if not outdir is None:
        outfilename = outdir + "/" + get_basename(
            imgfilename) + "_zoneboxes.png"
        outfilename = get_basename(imgfilename) + "_zoneboxes.png"

    img = load_image(imgfilename)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # draw the zone boxes onto the image
    for box in box_list:
        #        print box.document_id
        #        print box.corner_one
        #        print box.corner_two

        upper_left = (box.corner_one["col"], box.corner_one["row"])
        lower_right = (box.corner_two["col"], box.corner_two["row"])

        draw.rectangle((upper_left, lower_right), outline="red")

    print "wrote", outfilename
예제 #7
def make_gtruth_slices(boxfilename):
    basename = get_basename(boxfilename)

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)
    print "found", len(box_list), "boxes"

    # load the image associated with this box list
    # assume all the boxes have the same image name (they should)
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format(box_list[0].document_id)

    img = drawboxes.load_image(imgfilename)
    print img.mode, img.size
    num_cols, num_rows = img.size
    print "rows={0} cols={1}".format(num_rows, num_cols)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # starting strip as wide as the iamge with our base number of rows
    s = rects.Strip(width=num_cols, height=strip_rows)

    box_strip_list = [rects.Strip(box=box) for box in box_list]

    data = np.asarray(img, dtype="uint8")
    print "shape=", data.shape

    # draw the ground truth in blue as sanity check (should see no blue in the
    # output image)
    for box_strip in box_strip_list:
        upper_left = box_strip.rect[0].x, box_strip.rect[0].y
        lower_right = box_strip.rect[2].x, box_strip.rect[2].y

        draw.rectangle((upper_left, lower_right), outline="blue")

    # iterate the strip down the page, calculating all the box intersections
    # for each strip
    row = 0
    strip_counter = 0
    while row < num_rows:
        print "strip=", s

        upper_left = s.rect[0].x, s.rect[0].y
        lower_right = s.rect[2].x, s.rect[2].y
        draw.rectangle((upper_left, lower_right), outline="green")

        # linear search all the boxes searching for those that match this strip
        box_intersect_list = []
        for box_strip in box_strip_list:
            isect = rects.strip_intersect(box_strip, s)
            if isect:
                print 'isect=', isect

                # PIL's Draw is x,y order
                upper_left = isect.rect[0].x, isect.rect[0].y
                lower_right = isect.rect[2].x, isect.rect[2].y

                draw.rectangle((upper_left, lower_right), outline="red")

                # adjust the intersections so the new ground truth of the box
                # intersections starts at row=0 (making new images out of
                # strips so need ground truth for each image strip)
                for rect in isect.rect:
                    # subtract out the starting Y position of upper left
                    rect.y -= s.rect[0].y
                print "adjusted isect=", isect

                # save this intersection; we'll write to a new XML file

        # save the intersections as XML
        xmlfilename = "{0}_s{1}.xml".format(basename, strip_counter)
        with open(xmlfilename, "w") as outfile:
            zone2xml.write_boxlist_to_xml(outfile, box_intersect_list)
        print "wrote", xmlfilename

        row += strip_rows
        strip_counter += 1

    outfilename = "{0}_out.png".format(basename)
    print "wrote", outfilename
예제 #8
def convert_zonebox_to_xml( outfile, boxfilename) : 

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)

    write_boxlist_to_xml( outfile, box_list )
예제 #9
def convert_zonebox_to_xml(outfile, boxfilename):

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes(boxfilename)

    write_boxlist_to_xml(outfile, box_list)
예제 #10
def make_gtruth_slices( boxfilename ) : 
    basename = get_basename( boxfilename )

    box_list = zonebox.load_boxes( boxfilename ) 
    print "found",len(box_list),"boxes"

    # load the image associated with this box list
    # assume all the boxes have the same image name (they should)
    imgfilename = "IMAGEBIN/{0}BIN.png".format( box_list[0].document_id )

    img = drawboxes.load_image(imgfilename)
    print img.mode, img.size
    num_cols,num_rows = img.size
    print "rows={0} cols={1}".format( num_rows, num_cols )

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    # starting strip as wide as the iamge with our base number of rows
    s = rects.Strip(width=num_cols, height=strip_rows )

    box_strip_list = [ rects.Strip(box=box) for box in box_list ]

    data = np.asarray(img,dtype="uint8")
    print "shape=",data.shape

    # draw the ground truth in blue as sanity check (should see no blue in the
    # output image)
    for box_strip in box_strip_list : 
        upper_left = box_strip.rect[0].x, box_strip.rect[0].y
        lower_right = box_strip.rect[2].x, box_strip.rect[2].y

        draw.rectangle( (upper_left,lower_right), outline="blue")

    # iterate the strip down the page, calculating all the box intersections
    # for each strip
    row = 0
    strip_counter = 0
    while row < num_rows : 
        print "strip=",s

        upper_left = s.rect[0].x, s.rect[0].y
        lower_right = s.rect[2].x, s.rect[2].y
        draw.rectangle( (upper_left,lower_right), outline="green" )

        # linear search all the boxes searching for those that match this strip
        box_intersect_list = []
        for box_strip in box_strip_list : 
            isect = rects.strip_intersect( box_strip, s )
            if isect : 
                print 'isect=',isect

                # PIL's Draw is x,y order
                upper_left = isect.rect[0].x, isect.rect[0].y
                lower_right = isect.rect[2].x, isect.rect[2].y

                draw.rectangle( (upper_left,lower_right), outline="red" )

                # adjust the intersections so the new ground truth of the box
                # intersections starts at row=0 (making new images out of
                # strips so need ground truth for each image strip)
                for rect in isect.rect : 
                    # subtract out the starting Y position of upper left
                    rect.y -= s.rect[0].y
                print "adjusted isect=",isect

                # save this intersection; we'll write to a new XML file 
                box_intersect_list.append( isect )

        # save the intersections as XML
        xmlfilename = "{0}_s{1}.xml".format( basename, strip_counter )
        with open(xmlfilename,"w") as outfile :
            zone2xml.write_boxlist_to_xml( outfile, box_intersect_list )
        print "wrote", xmlfilename

        row += strip_rows
        strip_counter += 1

    outfilename = "{0}_out.png".format( basename )
    print "wrote",outfilename