예제 #1
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     key = str(context)
     annotations = IAnnotations(context)
     storage = annotations.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY,
     storage.setdefault('hmac_key', key)
     self.storage = storage
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     if self.bcrypt is None:
     annotations = IAnnotations(context)
     storage = annotations.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY,
     storage.setdefault('bcrypt_salt', self.bcrypt.gensalt())
     self.storage = storage
예제 #3
파일: membranetool.py 프로젝트: a25kk/stv2
    def _annotateHash(self, node):
        Use the hash type specified in the xml file, and annotate mbtool
        If not specified, use a default hash, iff not already annotated

        for child in node.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName != 'hash-type':
            htype = str(child.getAttribute('name'))
            if htype not in HASHERS:
                raise ValueError('Unknown hash type: %s - Specify one of %s' %
                                 (htype, HASHERS))
            mbtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'membrane_tool')
            annot = IAnnotations(mbtool)
            annot.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY, PersistentMapping())
            annot[ANNOT_KEY]['hash_type'] = htype
            self._logger.info("Remember hash-type imported: %s" % htype)
예제 #4
파일: test_install.py 프로젝트: a25kk/stv2
 def testExportNodeWithAnnotation(self):
     when membrane tool is annotated, hash-type node should get exported
     attribute 'name' on the node should contain the hash-type
     # initially add the annotation on to the membrane_tool
     annot = IAnnotations(self.portal.membrane_tool)
     annot.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY, {})['hash_type'] = 'bcrypt'
     node = self.adapter._exportNode()
     self.failUnless('<hash-type name="bcrypt"/>' in node.toxml())
     # clear the bogus annotation
     del annot[ANNOT_KEY]
예제 #5
def _update_last_modified_author(page, user_id=None):
    # check if user_id needs to be set
    if user_id is None:
        # find last logged in user
        user_id = get_member(page)

    # annotate page object with it
    page_annot = IAnnotations(page)
    annot = page_annot.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY, OOBTree())
    annot['lastModifiedAuthor'] = user_id


    # if part of a project, annotate the project with the user id as well
    proj = interface_in_aq_chain(page.aq_inner, IProject)
    if proj is None:
    proj_annot = IAnnotations(proj)
    annot = proj_annot.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY, OOBTree())
    annot['lastModifiedAuthor'] = user_id

예제 #6
파일: test_hashers.py 프로젝트: a25kk/stv2
    def test_hashers(self):
        for htype in HASHERS:
            login_id = 'hashtest_%s' % htype
            member = self.portal_member
            if not getAdapter(member, IHashPW, htype).isAvailable(): continue
            mbtool = getToolByName(member, 'membrane_tool')
            annot = IAnnotations(mbtool)
            annot.setdefault(ANNOT_KEY, {})['hash_type'] = htype

            password = member.getPassword()
            hash_type, hashed = password.split(':', 1)

            self.assertEqual(htype, hash_type)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.digest = listen_annot.setdefault('digest', PersistentList())
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     self.listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.mail_sender = ISendMail(context)
     self.mem_list = IWriteMembershipList(self.context)
예제 #9
class CatalogSourceSection(object):

    def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous):
        self.previous = previous
        self.context = transmogrifier.context

        # next is for communication with 'logger' section
        self.anno = IAnnotations(transmogrifier)
        self.storage = self.anno.setdefault(VALIDATIONKEY, [])

        self.pathkey = options.pop('path-key', '_path')
        self.entrieskey = options.pop('entries-key', '_entries')

        # handle exclude-contained parameter
        if "exclude-contained" in options.keys():
            self.exclude_contained = options.pop('exclude-contained')
            self.exclude_contained = self.exclude_contained == "true"
            self.exclude_contained = False

        # remove 'blueprint' option - it cannot be a query

        self.query = {}
        for k, v in options.items():
            for p in v.split(';'):
                params = p.split('=', 1)
                if len(params) == 1:
                    self.query[k] = p.strip()
                else :
                    q = self.query.setdefault(k, {})
                    q[params[0].strip()] = params[1].strip()

        self.catalog = utils.getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')

    def __iter__(self):
        for item in self.previous:
            yield item

        exported = []
        exported_parents = []

        results = list(self.catalog(**self.query))
        results.sort(key=lambda x: x.getPath())

        for brain in results:
            # discussion items are indexed and they must be replaced to
            # content objects to which they correspond
            # we need to skip them
            if brain.portal_type == 'Discussion Item':
                path =  '/'.join(brain.getPath().split('/')[:-2])
                cp, id_ = path.rsplit('/', 1)
                brain = self.catalog(path=cp, id=id_)[0]
                path = brain.getPath()

            # folderish objects are tried to export twice:
            # when their contained items are exported and when they are
            # returned in catalog search results
            if path in exported:

            # export also all parents of current object
            containers = []
            container_path = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
            while container_path:

                if container_path in exported:
                    container_path = container_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]


                contained = self.getContained(container_path, results, exported_parents)

                if contained:
                        self.pathkey: '/'.join(container_path.split('/')[2:]),
                        self.entrieskey: contained,
                container_path = container_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

            # order metter for us
            for i in containers:
                yield i

            item = {
                self.pathkey: '/'.join(path.split('/')[2:]),
            if brain.is_folderish:
                contained = self.getContained(path, results, exported_parents)
                if contained:
                    item[self.entrieskey] = contained

            yield item

        # cleanup
        if VALIDATIONKEY in self.anno:
            del self.anno[VALIDATIONKEY]

    def getContained(self, path, orignal_results, parents):
        """ Return list of (object_id, portal_type) for objects that are returned by catalog
            and contained in folder with given 'path'.
        results = []
        seen = []

        # Remove the orignal path element from the query if there was one
        query = copy.deepcopy(self.query)
        if "path" in query:
            del query["path"]

        raw_results = self.catalog(path=path, **query)

        for brain in raw_results:
            current = brain.getPath()
            relative = current[len(path):]
            relative = relative.strip('/')
            if not relative:
                # it's object with path that was given in catalog query
            elif '/' in relative:
                # object stored in subfolders, we need append to results their parent folder
                parent_path = '/'.join([path, relative.split('/', 1)[0]])
                if parent_path not in seen:
                    res = self.catalog(path=path) #, meta_type='Folder')
                    for i in res:
                        if i.getPath() == parent_path:
            elif current not in seen:
                # object is directly stored in folder, that has path given in query

        def filter(r):

            # Parent objects must be allowed always
            for parent in parents:
                if r.getPath() == parent:
                    return True

            if r["UID"] in allowed_uids:
                return True
                logger.info("Excluded contained item as it did not match the orignal catalog query:" + str(r.getPath()))

        if self.exclude_contained and orignal_results is not None:
            # Filter contained results against our query, so that
            # we do not export results from parent objects which did not match
            # Build list of allowed object UIDs -
            allowed_uids = [ r["UID"] for r in orignal_results ]

            # All parents must be allowed always
            filtered_results = [ r for r in results if filter(r) == True  ]
            # Don't filter child items
            filtered_results = results

        contained = [(i.getId, str(i.portal_type)) for i in filtered_results ]

        return tuple(contained)
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     self.listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.migration_annot = self.listen_annot.setdefault('migration', PersistentList())        
예제 #11
파일: reader.py 프로젝트: kroman0/products
class ReaderSection(object):

    def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous):
        self.previous = previous
        self.context = transmogrifier.context
        self.options = options

        self.anno = IAnnotations(transmogrifier)
        self.storage = self.anno.setdefault(VALIDATIONKEY, [])

        self.pathkey = options.get('path-key', '_path').strip()
        self.fileskey = options.get('files-key', '_files').strip()
        self.contextkey = options.get('context-key', '_import_context').strip()

        if 'prefix' in options:
            self.prefix = options['prefix'].strip()
            self.prefix = self.prefix.strip('/')
            self.prefix = ''

        context_type = options.get('context', 'tarball').strip()
        if context_type not in ['directory', 'tarball', 'snapshot']:
            context_type = 'tarball'

        path = options.get('path', '').strip()

        setup_tool = utils.getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_setup')
        if context_type == 'directory':
            self.import_context = context.DirectoryImportContext(setup_tool, path)
        elif context_type == 'tarball':
            if os.path.exists(path):
                archive = file(path, 'rb')
                archive_bits = archive.read()
                archive_bits = ''
            self.import_context = context.TarballImportContext(setup_tool, archive_bits)
        elif context_type == 'snapshot':
            self.import_context = context.SnapshotImportContext(setup_tool, path)

    def walk(self, top):
        names = self.import_context.listDirectory(top)
        if names is None:
            names = []
        yield self.readFiles(top, names)
        for name in names:
            name = os.path.join(top, name)
            if self.import_context.isDirectory(name):
                for i in self.walk(name):
                    yield i

    def readFiles(self, top, names):
        path = top[len(self.prefix):]
        path = path.lstrip('/')
        item = {self.pathkey: path}
        for name in names:
            full_name = os.path.join(top, name)
            if self.import_context.isDirectory(full_name): continue
            section = self.options.get(name, name).strip()
            files = item.setdefault(self.fileskey, {})
            files[section] = {
                'name': name,
                'data': self.import_context.readDataFile(name, top)
        return item

    def __iter__(self):
        for item in self.previous:
            yield item

        for item in self.walk(self.prefix):
            # add import context to item (some next section may use it)
            item[self.contextkey] = self.import_context
            yield item

        if VALIDATIONKEY in self.anno:
            del self.anno[VALIDATIONKEY]
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     self.listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.migration_annot = self.listen_annot.setdefault(
         'migration', PersistentList())
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.digest = listen_annot.setdefault('digest', PersistentList())
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, context):
     self.context = context
     annot = IAnnotations(context)
     self.listen_annot = annot.setdefault(PROJECTNAME, OOBTree())
     self.mail_sender = ISendMail(context)
     self.mem_list = IWriteMembershipList(self.context)
예제 #15
class ManifestImporterSection(object):

    def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous):
        self.previous = previous
        self.context = transmogrifier.context

        self.pathkey = defaultMatcher(options, 'path-key', name, 'path')
        self.fileskey = defaultMatcher(options, 'files-key', name, 'files')
        self.typekey = options.get('type-key', '_type').strip()

        # communication with logger
        self.anno = IAnnotations(transmogrifier)
        self.storage = self.anno.setdefault(VALIDATIONKEY, [])

        # we need this dictionary to store manifest data, because reader section
        # uses recursion when walking through content folders
        self.manifests = {}

    def __iter__(self):
        for item in self.previous:
            pathkey = self.pathkey(*item.keys())[0]
            fileskey = self.fileskey(*item.keys())[0]

            # skip items without path
            if not pathkey: continue

            path  = item[pathkey]

            if path != '':
                parent, item_id = os.path.split(path)
                manifest = self.manifests.get(parent, {})

                # skip that are not listed in their parent's manifest
                if item_id not in manifest: continue

                item[self.typekey] = manifest.pop(item_id)
                # remove empty manifest dict
                if not manifest:
                    del self.manifests[parent]

            # this item is folderish - parse manifest
            if fileskey and 'manifest' in item[fileskey]:
                self.extractManifest(path, item[fileskey]['manifest']['data'])

            yield item

        # now we yield items that were defined in manifests but not generated by
        # previous sections - it is posible
        if self.manifests:
            containers = self.manifests.keys()
            for i in containers:
                manifest = self.manifests[i]
                ids = manifest.keys()
                for id_ in ids:
                    if i == '':
                        path = id_
                        path = '/'.join([i, id_])
                    yield {pathkey: path, self.typekey: manifest[id_]}
        # cleanup
        if VALIDATIONKEY in self.anno:
            del self.anno[VALIDATIONKEY]

    def extractManifest(self, path, data):
        doc = minidom.parseString(data)
        objects = {}
        for record in doc.getElementsByTagName('record'):
            type_ = str(record.getAttribute('type'))
            object_id = str(record.firstChild.nodeValue.strip())
            objects[object_id] = type_
        self.manifests[path] = objects