예제 #1
def active_languages():
    """Return a sequence of dicts, where each element consists of the
    following keys:

    * code: the language code
    * name: the translated name of this language

    for each available language."""
        return _ACTIVE_LANGUAGES

    # get a list of avaialable translations
    domain = base.queryUtility(ITranslationDomain,
    lang_codes = set(domain.getCatalogsInfo().keys())

    # determine the intersection of available translations and
    # launched jurisdiction locales
    launched_locales = set()
    jurisdictions = cclicense_functions.get_valid_jurisdictions()

    for jurisdiction in jurisdictions:
        query_string = ('PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> '
                        'SELECT ?lang WHERE {'
                        '  <%s> dc:language ?lang}') % jurisdiction

        query = RDF.Query(str(query_string), query_language='sparql')
        this_juri_locales = set([
            for result in query.execute(rdf_helper.JURI_MODEL)

        # Append those locales that are applicable to this domain

    # XXX: Have to hack in Esperanto here because it's technically an
    # "Unported" language but there is no unported RDF jurisdiction in
    # jurisdictions.rdf..

    # make our sequence have a predictable order
    launched_locales = list(launched_locales)

    # this loop is long hand for clarity; it's only done once, so
    # the additional performance cost should be negligible
    result = []
    for code in launched_locales:

        if code == 'test': continue

        gettext = ugettext_for_locale(negotiate_locale(code))
        name = gettext(mappers.LANG_MAP[code])
        result.append(dict(code=code, name=name))

    result = sorted(result, key=lambda lang: lang['name'].lower())

    _ACTIVE_LANGUAGES = result

    return result
예제 #2
def queryNextUtility(context, interface, name='', default=None):
    """Query for the next available utility.

    Find the next available utility providing `interface` and having the
    specified name. If no utility was found, return the specified `default`
        sm = getSiteManager(context)
    except ComponentLookupError:
        return default
    bases = sm.__bases__
    for base in bases:
        util = base.queryUtility(interface, name, _marker)
        if util is not _marker:
            return util
    return default
예제 #3
def queryNextUtility(context, interface, name='', default=None):
    """Query for the next available utility.

    Find the next available utility providing `interface` and having the
    specified name. If no utility was found, return the specified `default`
        sm = getSiteManager(context)
    except ComponentLookupError:
        return default
    bases = sm.__bases__
    for base in bases:
        util = base.queryUtility(interface, name, _marker)
        if util is not _marker:
            return util
    return default
예제 #4
def active_languages():
    """Return a sequence of dicts, where each element consists of the
    following keys:

    * code: the language code
    * name: the translated name of this language

    for each available language."""
        return _ACTIVE_LANGUAGES

    # get a list of avaialable translations
    domain = base.queryUtility(ITranslationDomain, ccorg_i18n_setup.I18N_DOMAIN)
    lang_codes = set(domain.getCatalogsInfo().keys())

    # determine the intersection of available translations and
    # launched jurisdiction locales
    launched_locales = set()
    jurisdictions = cclicense_functions.get_valid_jurisdictions()

    for jurisdiction in jurisdictions:
        query_string = (
            'PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> '
            'SELECT ?lang WHERE {'
            '  <%s> dc:language ?lang}') % jurisdiction

        query = RDF.Query(
        this_juri_locales = set(
             for result in query.execute(rdf_helper.JURI_MODEL)])

        # Append those locales that are applicable to this domain

    # XXX: Have to hack in Esperanto here because it's technically an
    # "Unported" language but there is no unported RDF jurisdiction in
    # jurisdictions.rdf..

    # make our sequence have a predictable order
    launched_locales = list(launched_locales)

    # this loop is long hand for clarity; it's only done once, so
    # the additional performance cost should be negligible
    result = []
    for code in launched_locales:

        if code == 'test': continue

        gettext = ugettext_for_locale(negotiate_locale(code))
        name = gettext(mappers.LANG_MAP[code])
        result.append(dict(code=code, name=name))

    result = sorted(result, key=lambda lang: lang['name'].lower())

    _ACTIVE_LANGUAGES = result

    return result