예제 #1
def init_group(container, admin_email, emailDomain):
    '''Initialise the first group.'''
    acl_users = container.site_root().acl_users
    site = getattr(container.Content, SITE_ID, None)
    if not site:
        m = 'No site "{0}" found in "{1}"'.format(SITE_ID, container)
        raise ValueError(m)
    siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', site)

    starter = MoiraeForGroup(siteInfo)
    groupId = 'example_group'
    # We want the userInfo in the context of the site
    admin = acl_users.get_userByEmail(admin_email)
    adminInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', site, admin.getId())
        groupInfo = starter.create('Example group', groupId, 'public',
                                   emailDomain, adminInfo)
    except BadRequest:
        mumble_exists_mumble('init_group', 'groups/%s' % groupId)
        m = 'init_group: Skipping the rest of the group configuration.'
        ju = JoiningUser(adminInfo)
        # Silent Join is used so if the SMTP config is borken everything
        # still works.
    def handle_get_groups(self, action, data):
        '''The form action for the *Leave group* page.

:param action: The button that was clicked.
:param dict data: The form data.'''
        r = OrderedDict()
        groupInfo = createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo', self.context, data['groupId'])
        userInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.context, data['userId'])
        if groupInfo.groupObj is None:
            r['status'] = self.NO_GROUP
            r['message'] = 'No such group "{0}"'.format(data['groupId'])
        elif userInfo.anonymous:
            r['status'] = self.NO_USER
            r['message'] = 'No such user "{0}"'.format(data['userId'])
        elif user_member_of_group(userInfo, groupInfo):
            leave_group(groupInfo, userInfo, self.request)
            r['status'] = self.SUCCESS
            r['message'] = '{0} has left {1}'.format(userInfo.name, groupInfo.name)
            r['status'] = self.NOT_MEMBER
            r['message'] = '{0} is not a member {1}'.format(userInfo.name, groupInfo.name)
        r['groupId'] = data['groupId']
        r['userId'] = data['userId']
        retval = to_json(r)
        return retval
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])

        # Create a conversation.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment1.creator = "jim"
        comment1.author_username = "******"
        comment1.creation_date = datetime(2006, 9, 17, 14, 18, 12)
        comment1.modification_date = datetime(2006, 9, 17, 14, 18, 12)
        self.new_id1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment2.creator = "emma"
        comment2.author_username = "******"
        comment2.creation_date = datetime(2007, 12, 13, 4, 18, 12)
        comment2.modification_date = datetime(2007, 12, 13, 4, 18, 12)
        self.new_id2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)

        comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment3.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment3.creator = "lukas"
        comment3.author_username = "******"
        comment3.creation_date = datetime(2009, 4, 12, 11, 12, 12)
        comment3.modification_date = datetime(2009, 4, 12, 11, 12, 12)
        self.new_id3 = conversation.addComment(comment3)

        self.conversation = conversation
예제 #4
    def test_conversations_method(self):
            title='Conversation 1'
        conversation = IConversation(self.topic.conv1)
        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.creation_date = datetime.utcnow()
        comment1.author_name = u'John Doe'
        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.creation_date = datetime.utcnow()
        comment2.author_name = u'Jane Doe'
        from collective.ploneboard.browser.topic import TopicView
        view = TopicView(self.topic, self.request)

        conversations = view.conversations()

        self.assertEqual(len(conversations), 1)
                    'title': u'Conversation 1',
                    'url': 'http://nohost/plone/board/topic1/conv1',
                    'total_comments': 2,
                    'last_commenter': u'Jane Doe',
                    'last_comment_date': comment2.creation_date,
예제 #5
    def test_delete_comment(self):
        # Add and remove a comment to a CommentReplies adapter

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        # Add a comment to the conversation
        replies = IReplies(conversation)

        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'Comment text'
        new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(

        # Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'Comment text'

        replies = IReplies(comment)

        new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)

        # Remove the reply to the CommentReplies adapter
        del replies[new_re_id]

        # Make sure there is no comment left in CommentReplies
        self.assertEqual(len(replies), 0)

        # Make sure the first comment is still in the conversation
        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 1)
    def __init__(self, page):
        """Create an edit auditor.

            The constructor for an auditor is passed all the data
            that will be the same for the events that are created
            during one use of the auditor by a Zope 3 page-view.

            "page"    A IGSContentFolder representing the page being

            The page is set to the page that is passed in, and used
            as the context for the auditor.

            The user (who is acting on the page) is set after
            determining the logged-in user, using the page as the

            The site that all this is occurring on is set, after
            being determined by a similar mechanism to the user.

            A page-edit audit event factory is instantiated.
        self.page = page
        self.userInfo = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', page)
        self.siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', page)

        self.queries = AuditQuery()

        self.factory = EditPageAuditEventFactory()
예제 #7
    def __call__(self):
        siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', self.context)
        auditor = Auditor(self.context, siteInfo)

        if len(self.traverse_subpath) == 1:
            # The reset ID is specified
            resetId = self.traverse_subpath[0]
                passwordResetUser = \
                    createObject('groupserver.PasswordResetUser', self.context,
            except ResetIdNotFoundError:
                auditor.info(RESET_ID_404, instanceDatum=resetId)
                u = '/password-reset-not-found.html?resetId={0}'
                uri = u.format(resetId)
                if passwordResetUser.resetId_current(resetId):
                    auditor.info(RESET_LOGIN, passwordResetUser)
                    # Only log in when resetting the password
                    login(self.context, passwordResetUser.user)
                    uri = passwordResetUser.passwordSetUrl
                    auditor.info(RESET_ID_410, passwordResetUser, resetId)
                    u = '/password-reset-used.html?resetId={0}'
                    uri = u.format(resetId)
            # the reset ID is not specified
            uri = '/password-reset-no-id.html'
        assert uri, 'URI not set'
        return self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(uri)
    def test_marks_behavior(self):

        fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, 
        factory = fti.factory
        new_assessmentitem = createObject(factory)

        fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, 
        factory = fti.factory
        new_answer = createObject(factory)
        marks_behavior = getUtility(IBehavior, 
                        name = 'upfront.assessmentitem.behaviors.IMarks')

        # We expect this behavior to be a form field provider. Let's verify that

        # assert that you cannot add this behavior to a non-dexterity 
        # content type
        doc = Document('doc')
        marks_adapter = IMarks(doc, None)
        self.assertEquals(False, marks_adapter is not None)

        # assert that new_assessmentitem object implements the behavior
        marks_adapter2 = IMarks(new_assessmentitem, None)
        self.assertEquals(True, marks_adapter2 is not None)
        # assert that new_answer object does not implements the behavior
        marks_adapter3 = IMarks(new_answer, None)
        self.assertEquals(False, marks_adapter3 is not None)
 def setUp(self):
     self.app = self.layer["app"]
     self.portal = self.layer["portal"]
     self.request = self.layer["request"]
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ["Manager"])
     typetool = self.portal.portal_types
     typetool.constructContent("Document", self.portal, "doc1")
     self.wf = getToolByName(self.portal, "portal_workflow", None)
     self.context = self.portal
     self.portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(("Discussion Item",), "comment_review_workflow")
     self.wf_tool = self.portal.portal_workflow
     # Add a conversation with three comments
     conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
     comment1 = createObject("plone.Comment")
     comment1.title = "Comment 1"
     comment1.text = "Comment text"
     comment1.Creator = "Jim"
     new_id_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)
     self.comment1 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse("++conversation++default/%s" % new_id_1)
     comment2 = createObject("plone.Comment")
     comment2.title = "Comment 2"
     comment2.text = "Comment text"
     comment2.Creator = "Joe"
     new_id_2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)
     self.comment2 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse("++conversation++default/%s" % new_id_2)
     comment3 = createObject("plone.Comment")
     comment3.title = "Comment 3"
     comment3.text = "Comment text"
     comment3.Creator = "Emma"
     new_id_3 = conversation.addComment(comment3)
     self.comment3 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse("++conversation++default/%s" % new_id_3)
     self.conversation = conversation
예제 #10
    def setUp(self):
        # Setup sandbox
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        self.request = self.layer['request']
        setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])

        self.document = self.portal['doc1']
        conversation = IConversation(self.document)
        replies = IReplies(conversation)

        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'This is a comment'
        new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.document.restrictedTraverse(

        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'This is a reply'
        re_comment.author_username = '******'
        re_comment.author_name = 'Juliana'
        re_comment.author_email = '*****@*****.**'

        replies = IReplies(comment)
    def test_notify_user(self):
        # Add a comment with user notification enabled. Add another comment
        # and make sure an email is send to the user of the first comment.
        comment = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment.text = "Comment text"
        comment.user_notification = True
        comment.author_email = "*****@*****.**"
        comment = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment.text = "Comment text"

        comment_id = self.conversation.addComment(comment)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 1)
        msg = str(self.mailhost.messages[0])
        self.assertTrue("To: [email protected]" in msg)
        self.assertTrue("From: [email protected]" in msg)
        # We expect the headers to be properly header encoded (7-bit):
        self.assertTrue("Subject: =?utf-8?q?A_comment_has_been_posted=2E?=\n" in msg)
        # The output should be encoded in a reasonable manner
        # (in this case quoted-printable):
        self.assertTrue("A comment on 'K=C3=B6lle Alaaf' has been posted here:" in msg)
        self.assertTrue("http://nohost/plone/d=\noc1/view#%s" % comment_id in msg)
        self.assertTrue("Comment text" in msg)
        self.assertFalse("Approve comment" in msg)
        self.assertFalse("Delete comment" in msg)
예제 #12
    def add_new_user(self, toAddr, profileDict):
        # Email address does not exist, but it is a legitimate address
        user = create_user_from_email(self.context, toAddr)
        # force verify
        vid = '%s-%s-verified' % (toAddr, self.adminInfo.id)
        evu = createObject('groupserver.EmailVerificationUserFromEmail',
                           self.context, toAddr)

        # get the user object in the context of the group and site
        userInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.context,
        self.add_profile_attributes(userInfo, profileDict)
        auditor = self.get_auditor(userInfo)
        status = ADD_NEW_USER
        auditor.info(status, toAddr)
        joininguser = IGSJoiningUser(userInfo)
        e = '<code class="email">{0}</code>'.format(toAddr)
        msg = _('new-profile-member',
                '<li>A profile for ${user} has been created, and given the '
                'email address ${email}.</li>\n'
                '<li>${user} has been joined to ${group}.</li>\n',
                mapping={'email': e,
                         'user': userInfo_to_anchor(userInfo),
                         'group': groupInfo_to_anchor(self.groupInfo)})
        retval = (msg, userInfo, status)
        return retval
    def process_form(self):
        '''Process the forms in the page.

        This method uses the "submitted" pattern that is used for the
        XForms impementation on GroupServer.
          * The method is called whenever the page is loaded by
            tal:define="result view/process_form".
          * The submitted form is checked for the hidden "submitted" field.
            This field is only returned if the user submitted the form,
            not when the page is loaded for the first time.
            - If the field is present, then the form is processed.
            - If the field is absent, then the method re  turns.

            A "result" dictionary, that at-least contains the form that
            was submitted
        form = self.context.REQUEST.form
        result = {}
        result['form'] = form

        if 'submitted' in form:
            groupIds = [k.split('-respond')[0] for k in form.keys()
              if '-respond' in k]
            responses = [form['%s-respond' % k] for k in groupIds]
            result['error'] = False
            acceptedMessage = declinedMessage = u''

            accepted = [k.split('-accept')[0] for k in responses
              if '-accept' in k]
            if accepted:
                acceptedGroups = [createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo',
                  self.groupsInfo.groupsObj, g) for g in accepted]
                acceptedMessage = self.accept_message(acceptedGroups)

            declined = [k.split('-decline')[0] for k in responses
                        if '-decline' in k]
            for d in declined:
                assert d not in accepted
            if declined:
                declinedGroups = [createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo',
                  self.groupsInfo.groupsObj, g) for g in declined]
                declinedMessage = self.decline_message(declinedGroups)

            result['message'] = u'%s\n%s' % \
                (acceptedMessage, declinedMessage)
            self.__currentInvitations = None
            assert 'error' in result, 'No "errror" in the result'
            assert type(result['error']) == bool
            assert 'message' in result, 'No "message" in the result'
            assert type(result['message']) == unicode

            # Invalidate the current invitations property, so it is recomputed.
            del self._current_invitations

        assert 'form' in result
        assert type(result['form']) == dict
        return result
    def setUp(self):
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])

        workflow = self.portal.portal_workflow
        workflow.doActionFor(self.portal.doc1, 'publish')

        # Create a conversation.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment1.creator = 'jim'
        comment1.author_username = '******'
        comment1.creation_date = datetime(2006, 9, 17, 14, 18, 12)
        comment1.modification_date = datetime(2006, 9, 17, 14, 18, 12)
        self.new_id1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment2.creator = 'emma'
        comment2.author_username = '******'
        comment2.creation_date = datetime(2007, 12, 13, 4, 18, 12)
        comment2.modification_date = datetime(2007, 12, 13, 4, 18, 12)
        self.new_id2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)

        comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment3.text = 'Comment Text'
        comment3.creator = 'lukas'
        comment3.author_username = '******'
        comment3.creation_date = datetime(2009, 4, 12, 11, 12, 12)
        comment3.modification_date = datetime(2009, 4, 12, 11, 12, 12)
        self.new_id3 = conversation.addComment(comment3)

        self.conversation = conversation
예제 #15
    def setUp(self):
        # Setup session manager

        # Setup sandbox
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        self.request = self.layer['request']
        setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
        name = self.portal.invokeFactory(
            title='Document 1',

        self.document = self.portal[name]
        conversation = IConversation(self.document)
        replies = IReplies(conversation)

        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'This is a comment'
        new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.document.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id)

        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'This is a reply'
        re_comment.author_username = "******"
        re_comment.author_name = "Juliana"
        re_comment.author_email = "*****@*****.**"

        replies = IReplies(comment)
        new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
    def __call__(self):
        siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', self.context)
        auditor = Auditor(self.context, siteInfo)

        if len(self.traverse_subpath) == 1:
            # A verification ID is present
            verificationId = self.traverse_subpath[0]
                emailVerificationUser = \
                                    self.context, verificationId)
            except VerificationIdNotFoundError:
                auditor.info(VERIFY_ID_404, instanceDatum=verificationId)
                uri = '/email-verify-not-found.html?verificationId=%s' % \
                if emailVerificationUser.verificationId_current(verificationId):
                    auditor.info(VERIFY_LOGIN, emailVerificationUser)
                    # Only log in when able to verify the email address
                    login(self.context, emailVerificationUser.user)
                    uri = '%s?verificationId=%s' % \
                      (emailVerificationUser.emailVerifyUrl, verificationId)
                    auditor.info(VERIFY_ID_410, emailVerificationUser,
                    uri = '/email-verify-used.html?verificationId=%s' %\
            # No verification ID is present
            uri = '/email-verify-no-id.html'
        assert uri, 'URI not set'
        return self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(uri)
    def test_add_comment(self):
        # Add comments to a CommentReplies adapter

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        # Add a comment to the conversation
        replies = IReplies(conversation)

        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'Comment text'
        new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id)

        # Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'Comment text'

        replies = IReplies(comment)

        new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)

        # check that replies provides the IReplies interface

        # Make sure our comment was added
        self.assertTrue(new_re_id in replies)

        # Make sure it is also reflected in the conversation
        self.assertTrue(new_re_id in conversation)

        # Make sure the conversation has the correct comment id
        self.assertEqual(conversation[new_re_id].comment_id, new_re_id)
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, site):
        self.site = site
        self.userInfo = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', site)
        self.siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', site)
        self.queries = AuditQuery()

        self.factory = ChangeAuditEventFactory()
예제 #19
    def test_traversal(self):
        # Create a nested structure of comment replies and check the traversal

        # make sure comments are traversable, have an id, absolute_url and
        # physical path
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'


        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'Comment text'
        new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id)

        # Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(comment)
        new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
        re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
                '++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_id)

        # Add a reply to the reply
        re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(re_comment)
        new_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_comment)
        re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
                '++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_re_id)

        # Add a reply to the replies reply
        re_re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(re_re_comment)
        new_re_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_re_comment)
        re_re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_re_re_id)

        self.assertEqual(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default',
                           str(new_id)), comment.getPhysicalPath())
        self.assertEqual('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
                          str(new_id), comment.absolute_url())
        self.assertEqual(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default',
                           str(new_re_id)), re_comment.getPhysicalPath())
        self.assertEqual('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
                          str(new_re_id), re_comment.absolute_url())
        self.assertEqual(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default',
                           str(new_re_re_id)), re_re_comment.getPhysicalPath())
        self.assertEqual('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
                          str(new_re_re_id), re_re_comment.absolute_url())
        self.assertEqual(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default',
        self.assertEqual('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
    def __init__(self, user):
        self.user = user
        self.userInfo = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', user)
        self.instanceUserInfo = IGSUserInfo(user)
        self.siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', user)

        self.queries = AuditQuery()
        self.factory = CustomUserAuditEventFactory()
예제 #21
 def __init__(self, groupInfo, eDict):
     self.groupInfo = groupInfo
     self.userInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.groupInfo.groupObj,
     self.date = eDict['date']
     self.removingUserInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.groupInfo.groupObj,
     self.css = 'leave-event'
    def test_commentators(self):
        # add and remove a few comments to make sure the commentators
        # property returns a true set

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments, 0)

        # Add a four comments from three different users
        # Note: in real life, we always create
        # comments via the factory to allow different factories to be
        # swapped in
        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'
        comment1.author_username = "******"

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment text'
        comment2.author_username = "******"

        comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment3.text = 'Comment text'
        comment3.author_username = "******"
        new_comment3_id = conversation.addComment(comment3)

        comment4 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment4.text = 'Comment text'
        comment4.author_username = "******"
        new_comment4_id = conversation.addComment(comment4)

        # check if all commentators are in the commentators list
        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments, 4)
        self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertTrue('Jack' in conversation.commentators)

        # remove the comment from Jack
        del conversation[new_comment3_id]

        # check if Jack is still in the commentators list (since
        # he had added two comments)
        self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertTrue('Jack' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments, 3)

        # remove the second comment from Jack
        del conversation[new_comment4_id]

        # check if Jack has been removed from the commentators list
        self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertFalse('Jack' in conversation.commentators)
        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments, 2)
예제 #23
 def test_uid_is_unique(self):
     conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     brains = self.catalog.searchResults(
                  portal_type = 'Discussion Item')
     self.assertNotEqual(brains[0].UID, brains[1].UID)
    def update(self):
        self.__updated = True

        self.siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo',
        self.groupInfo = createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo',
        self.userInfo = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser',
 def suggested_groups(self):
     siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', self.context)
     groupNames = siteInfo.get_property('suggestedGroups', [])
     suggestedGroups = []
     if self.maxGroupsToDisplay:
         groupNames = groupNames[:self.maxGroupsToDisplay]
     for groupName in groupNames:
             createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo', self.context, groupName))
     return suggestedGroups
    def update(self):
        self.__updated = True
        self.siteInfo = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo',
        self.groupsInfo = createObject('groupserver.GroupsInfo',

        rws = [w for w in self.widgets if w.required]
        rwIds = ['\'#%s\'' % w.name.replace('.', '\\\\.') for w in rws]
        self.requiredWidgetsArray = '%s' % ', '.join(rwIds);
예제 #27
 def test_connection_failure(self):
     sci = self.layer.sci
     sci['password'] = '******'
     from splunklib.binding import AuthenticationError
     with self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError):
예제 #28
    def test_clear_and_rebuild_catalog_for_nested_comments(self):

        # Create a nested comment structure:
        # Conversation
        # +- Comment 1
        #    +- Comment 1_1
        #    |  +- Comment 1_1_1
        #    +- Comment 1_2
        # +- Comment 2
        #    +- Comment 2_1

        comment1_1 = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment1_1.title = "Re: Comment 1"
        comment1_1.text = "Comment text"

        comment1_1_1 = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment1_1_1.title = "Re: Re: Comment 1"
        comment1_1_1.text = "Comment text"

        comment1_2 = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment1_2.title = "Re: Comment 1 (2)"
        comment1_2.text = "Comment text"

        comment2 = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment2.title = "Comment 2"
        comment2.text = "Comment text"

        comment2_1 = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment2_1.title = "Re: Comment 2"
        comment2_1.text = "Comment text"

        # Create the nested comment structure
        new_id_1 = self.conversation.addComment(self.comment)
        new_id_2 = self.conversation.addComment(comment2)

        comment1_1.in_reply_to = self.comment_id
        new_id_1_1 = self.conversation.addComment(comment1_1)

        comment1_1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1_1

        comment1_2.in_reply_to = new_id_1

        comment2_1.in_reply_to = new_id_2

        # Clear and rebuild catalog

        # Check if comments are still there
        brains = self.catalog.searchResults({"portal_type": "Discussion Item"})
        self.assertEqual(len(brains), 6)
    def test_do_not_notify_user_when_email_address_is_given(self):
        comment = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment.text = "Comment text"
        comment.user_notification = True
        comment = createObject("plone.Comment")
        comment.text = "Comment text"


        self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0)
    def test_dict_operations(self):
        # test dict operations and acquisition wrapping

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        # Add a comment. Note: in real life, we always create comments via the
        # factory to allow different factories to be swapped in

        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'

        new_id1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment text'

        new_id2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)

        # check if get returns a comment object, and None if the key
        # can not be found
        self.assertEqual(conversation.get(123), None)

        # check if keys return the ids of all comments
        self.assertEqual(len(conversation.keys()), 2)
        self.assertTrue(new_id1 in conversation.keys())
        self.assertTrue(new_id2 in conversation.keys())
        self.assertFalse(123 in conversation.keys())

        # check if items returns (key, comment object) pairs
        self.assertEqual(len(conversation.items()), 2)
        self.assertTrue((new_id1, comment1) in conversation.items())
        self.assertTrue((new_id2, comment2) in conversation.items())

        # check if values returns the two comment objects
        self.assertEqual(len(conversation.values()), 2)
        self.assertTrue(comment1 in conversation.values())
        self.assertTrue(comment2 in conversation.values())

        # check if comment ids are in iterkeys
        self.assertTrue(new_id1 in conversation.iterkeys())
        self.assertTrue(new_id2 in conversation.iterkeys())
        self.assertFalse(123 in conversation.iterkeys())

        # check if comment objects are in itervalues
        self.assertTrue(comment1 in conversation.itervalues())
        self.assertTrue(comment2 in conversation.itervalues())

        # check if iteritems returns (key, comment object) pairs
        self.assertTrue((new_id1, comment1) in conversation.iteritems())
        self.assertTrue((new_id2, comment2) in conversation.iteritems())
    def test_get_threads(self):

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)


        # Create a nested comment structure:
        # Conversation
        # +- Comment 1
        #    +- Comment 1_1
        #    |  +- Comment 1_1_1
        #    +- Comment 1_2
        # +- Comment 2
        #    +- Comment 2_1

        # Create all comments
        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_1_1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_2.text = 'Comment text'

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment text'

        comment2_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2_1.text = 'Comment text'

        # Create the nested comment structure
        new_id_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)
        new_id_2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)

        comment1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1
        new_id_1_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1_1)

        comment1_1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1_1
        new_id_1_1_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1_1_1)

        comment1_2.in_reply_to = new_id_1
        new_id_1_2 = conversation.addComment(comment1_2)

        comment2_1.in_reply_to = new_id_2
        new_id_2_1 = conversation.addComment(comment2_1)

        # Get threads

                'comment': comment1,
                'depth': 0,
                'id': new_id_1
                'comment': comment1_1,
                'depth': 1,
                'id': new_id_1_1
                'comment': comment1_1_1,
                'depth': 2,
                'id': new_id_1_1_1
                'comment': comment1_2,
                'depth': 1,
                'id': new_id_1_2
                'comment': comment2,
                'depth': 0,
                'id': new_id_2
                'comment': comment2_1,
                'depth': 1,
                'id': new_id_2_1
        ], list(conversation.getThreads()))
예제 #32
 def loggedInUserInfo(self):
     retval = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', self.context)
     assert retval, 'Could not create the user-info for the logged '\
         'in user from %s' % self.context
     return retval
예제 #33
 def __iter__(self):
     """Iterator of unicode capable ordered values"""
     return iter([
         createObject(u'sparc.db.result_value', value)
         for value in self.context
 def test_owner(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     self.assertEqual((['plone', 'acl_users'], TEST_USER_ID),
예제 #35
 def loggedInUser(self):
     '''Information about the currently logged-in user.'''
     retval = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', self.context)
     return retval
예제 #36
 def adminInfo(self):
     retval = createObject('groupserver.LoggedInUser', self.context)
     assert not(retval.anonymous)
     return retval
예제 #37
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI,
     factory = fti.factory
     new_object = createObject(factory)
 def test_no_name_title(self):
     conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     self.assertEqual('Anonymous on Document 1', comment1.Title())
 def test_title(self):
     conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment1.author_name = 'Jim Fulton'
     self.assertEqual('Jim Fulton on Document 1', comment1.Title())
 def test_id(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment1.comment_id = 123
     self.assertEqual('123', comment1.id)
     self.assertEqual('123', comment1.getId())
     self.assertEqual(u'123', comment1.__name__)
    def test_traversal(self):
        # Create a nested structure of comment replies and check the traversal

        # make sure comments are traversable, have an id, absolute_url and
        # physical path
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'


        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment.text = 'Comment text'
        new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
        comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/{0}'.format(new_id), )

        # Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
        re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(comment)
        new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
        re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/{0}'.format(new_re_id), )

        # Add a reply to the reply
        re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(re_comment)
        new_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_comment)
        re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/{0}'.format(new_re_re_id), )

        # Add a reply to the replies reply
        re_re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
        re_re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
        replies = IReplies(re_re_comment)
        new_re_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_re_comment)
        re_re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/{0}'.format(new_re_re_re_id), )

            ('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_id)),
            'http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_id),
            ('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_re_id)),
            'http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
            'http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
            'http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' +
예제 #42
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='News Item')
     factory = fti.factory
     new_object = createObject(factory)
 def test_creator_author_name(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment1.author_name = 'joey'
     self.assertEqual('joey', comment1.Creator())
    def test_dict_api(self):
        # This test is for the ConversationReplies as well as the
        # CommentReplies adapter.
        # Ensure all operations use only top-level comments. Add some
        # deeper children and ensure that these are not exposed through the
        # IReplies dict.

        # Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
        # object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
        conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)

        replies = IReplies(conversation)

        # Create a nested comment structure:
        # Conversation
        # +- Comment 1
        #    +- Comment 1_1
        #    |  +- Comment 1_1_1
        #    +- Comment 1_2
        # +- Comment 2
        #    +- Comment 2_1

        # Create all comments
        comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_1_1.text = 'Comment text'

        comment1_2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment1_2.text = 'Comment text'

        comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2.text = 'Comment text'

        comment2_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
        comment2_1.text = 'Comment text'

        # Create the nested comment structure
        new_id_1 = replies.addComment(comment1)
        comment1 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_1)
        replies_to_comment1 = IReplies(comment1)
        new_id_2 = replies.addComment(comment2)
        comment2 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_2)
        replies_to_comment2 = IReplies(comment2)

        new_id_1_1 = replies_to_comment1.addComment(comment1_1)
        comment1_1 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
            '++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_1_1)
        replies_to_comment1_1 = IReplies(comment1_1)



        # check that replies only contain the direct comments
        # and no comments deeper than 1
        self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 6)
        self.assertEqual(len(replies), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment1_1), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment2), 1)
예제 #45
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='collective.conference.speaker')
     factory = fti.factory
     new_object = createObject(factory)
예제 #46
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='Task')
     factory = fti.factory
     obj = createObject(factory)
예제 #47
    def process_form(self):
        '''Process the forms in the page.

        This method uses the "submitted" pattern that is used for the
        XForms impementation on GroupServer.
          * The method is called whenever the page is loaded by
            tal:define="result view/process_form".
          * The submitted form is checked for the hidden "submitted" field.
            This field is only returned if the user submitted the form,
            not when the page is loaded for the first time.
            - If the field is present, then the form is processed.
            - If the field is absent, then the method re  turns.

            A "result" dictionary, that at-least contains the form that
            was submitted'''
        # TOOD: I could probabily implement this page as a list of
        #       choice fields, and a custom widget to display the data
        #       about the membership request. However, it is easier to
        #       reuse an old pattern than figure out how to get formlib
        #       to behave.
        form = self.context.REQUEST.form
        result = {}
        result['form'] = form
        m = ''
        if 'submitted' in form:
            userIds = [k.split('-respond')[0] for k in list(form.keys())
                       if '-respond' in k]
            responses = [form['%s-respond' % k] for k in userIds]

            result['error'] = False

            acceptor = Acceptor(self.adminInfo, self.groupInfo)
            auditor = ResponseAuditor(self.context, self.adminInfo,
                                      self.groupInfo, self.siteInfo)

            accepted = [k.split('-accept')[0] for k in responses
                        if '-accept' in k]
            if accepted:
                notifier = NotifyAccepted(self.context, self.request)
                for uid in accepted:
                    userInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId',
                                            self.context, uid)
                    m = m + ('<li>%s</li>\n' % acceptor.accept(userInfo))
                    notifier.notify(userInfo, self.adminInfo)
                    auditor.info(ACCEPT, userInfo)

            declined = [k.split('-decline')[0] for k in responses if '-decline' in k]
            for d in declined:
                assert d not in accepted
            if declined:
                notifier = NotifyDeclined(self.context, self.request)
                for uid in declined:
                    userInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.context, uid)
                    m = m + ('<li>%s</li>\n' % acceptor.decline(userInfo))
                    auditor.info(DECLINE, userInfo)
                    notifier.notify(userInfo, self.adminInfo)
            result['message'] = '<ul>\n{0}</ul>'.format(m)

            assert 'error' in result
            assert 'message' in result

        assert 'form' in result
        return result
예제 #48
 def siteInfo(self):
     '''Information about the current site.'''
     retval = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', self.context)
     return retval
예제 #49
 def userInfo(self):
     retval = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId', self.context, self.userId)
     assert not(retval.anonymous)
     return retval
 def test_creator(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment1.creator = 'jim'
     self.assertEqual('jim', comment1.Creator())
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='ExternalContent')
     factory = fti.factory
     new_object = createObject(factory)
 def test_type(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     self.assertEqual(comment1.Type(), 'Comment')
예제 #53
    def handleComment(self, action):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)

        # Check if conversation is enabled on this content object
        if not self.__parent__.restrictedTraverse(
            raise Unauthorized("Discussion is not enabled for this content "

        # Validation form
        data, errors = self.extractData()
        if errors:

        # Validate Captcha
        registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings, check=False)
        portal_membership = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        if settings.captcha != 'disabled' and \
        settings.anonymous_comments and \
            if not 'captcha' in data:
                data['captcha'] = u""
            captcha = CaptchaValidator(self.context, self.request, None,
                                       ICaptcha['captcha'], None)

        # some attributes are not always set
        author_name = u""

        # Create comment
        comment = createObject('plone.Comment')

        # Set comment mime type to current setting in the discussion registry
        comment.mime_type = settings.text_transform

        # Set comment attributes (including extended comment form attributes)
        for attribute in self.fields.keys():
            setattr(comment, attribute, data[attribute])
        # Make sure author_name is properly encoded
        if 'author_name' in data:
            author_name = data['author_name']
            if isinstance(author_name, str):
                author_name = unicode(author_name, 'utf-8')

        # Set comment author properties for anonymous users or members
        can_reply = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(
            'Reply to item', context)
        portal_membership = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        if portal_membership.isAnonymousUser() and \
            # Anonymous Users
            comment.author_name = author_name
            comment.author_email = u""
            comment.user_notification = None
            comment.creation_date = datetime.utcnow()
            comment.modification_date = datetime.utcnow()
        elif not portal_membership.isAnonymousUser() and can_reply:
            # Member
            member = portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
            username = member.getUserName()
            email = member.getProperty('email')
            fullname = member.getProperty('fullname')
            if not fullname or fullname == '':
                fullname = member.getUserName()
            # memberdata is stored as utf-8 encoded strings
            elif isinstance(fullname, str):
                fullname = unicode(fullname, 'utf-8')
            if email and isinstance(email, str):
                email = unicode(email, 'utf-8')
            comment.creator = username
            comment.author_username = username
            comment.author_name = fullname
            comment.author_email = email
            comment.creation_date = datetime.utcnow()
            comment.modification_date = datetime.utcnow()
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise Unauthorized(
                "Anonymous user tries to post a comment, but "
                "anonymous commenting is disabled. Or user does not have the "
                "'reply to item' permission.")

        # Add comment to conversation
        conversation = IConversation(self.__parent__)
        if data['in_reply_to']:
            # Add a reply to an existing comment
            conversation_to_reply_to = conversation.get(data['in_reply_to'])
            replies = IReplies(conversation_to_reply_to)
            comment_id = replies.addComment(comment)
            # Add a comment to the conversation
            comment_id = conversation.addComment(comment)

        # Redirect after form submit:
        # If a user posts a comment and moderation is enabled, a message is
        # shown to the user that his/her comment awaits moderation. If the user
        # has 'review comments' permission, he/she is redirected directly
        # to the comment.
        can_review = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(
            'Review comments', context)
        workflowTool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
        comment_review_state = workflowTool.getInfoFor(comment, 'review_state')
        if comment_review_state == 'pending' and not can_review:
            # Show info message when comment moderation is enabled
                _("Your comment awaits moderator approval."), type="info")
            # Redirect to comment (inside a content object page)
            self.request.response.redirect(self.action + '#' + str(comment_id))
예제 #54
 def siteInfo(self):
     retval = createObject('groupserver.SiteInfo', self.context)
     return retval
    def get_results(self):
        if not self.__updated:
            raise UpdateNotCalled()

        groupCache = getattr(self.view, '__group_object_cache', {})
        authorCache = getattr(self.view, '__author_object_cache', {})

        for result in self.results:
            r = GSFileSearchResult(self.view, self.context, result)
            postId = self.filePostMap.get(r.get_id(), '')

            authorInfo = authorCache.get(r.get_owner_id(), None)
            if not authorInfo:
                authorInfo = createObject('groupserver.UserFromId',
                                          self.context, r.get_owner_id())
                authorCache[r.get_owner_id()] = authorInfo
            authorId = authorInfo.id
            only = False
            if self.view.author_count() == 1:
                only = True
            authorD = {
                'id': authorInfo.id,
                'exists': not authorInfo.anonymous,
                'url': authorInfo.url,
                'name': authorInfo.name,
                'only': only,
                'onlyURL': self.view.only_author_link(authorId)

            groupInfo = groupCache.get(r.get_group_info().get_id(), None)
            if not groupInfo:
                groupInfo = createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo', self.context,
                groupCache[r.get_group_info().get_id()] = groupInfo
            group_count = self.view.group_count()

            only_group = False
            if group_count == 1:
                only_group = True

            groupD = {
                'id': groupInfo.get_id(),
                'name': groupInfo.get_name(),
                'url': groupInfo.get_url(),
                'only': only_group,
                'onlyURL': self.view.only_group_link(groupInfo.get_id())

            tags = ' '.join(r.get_tags())
            tagSearch = self.view.get_search_url(searchText=tags)

            fileURL = '/r/file/%s' % r.get_id()

            fileD = {
                'id': r.get_id(),
                'file': fileURL,
                'type': r.get_type(),
                'size': r.get_size(),
                'title': r.get_title(),
                'tags': r.get_tags(),
                'tag_search': tagSearch,
                'date': r.get_date(),
                'rfc3339_date': r.rfc3339_date,
                'url': r.get_url(),
                'thumbnail_url': r.thumbnail_url,

            topicURL = '/groups/{0}/messages/topic/{1}'.format(
                groupInfo.id, postId)
            topicD = {
                'name': r.get_topic_name(),
                'url': topicURL,

            postURL = '/r/post/%s' % postId
            postD = {
                'id': postId,
                'url': postURL,

            retval = {
                'file': fileD,
                'group': groupD,
                'author': authorD,
                'post': postD,
                'topic': topicD,
                'context': self.context
            assert retval
            if postId:  # --=mpj17=-- Skips hidden posts
                yield retval
예제 #56
 def groupInfo(self):
     retval = createObject('groupserver.GroupInfo', self.context)
     assert retval, \
         'Could not create the GroupInfo from %s' % self.context
     return retval
 def test_getText_w_custom_targetMimetype(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     comment1.text = 'para'
     self.assertEqual(comment1.getText(targetMimetype='text/plain'), 'para')
예제 #58
 def test_factory(self):
     fti = self.getFti()
     factory = fti.factory
     new_object = createObject(factory)
 def test_mime_type(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
     self.assertEqual(comment1.mime_type, 'text/plain')
 def test_factory(self):
     comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')