예제 #1
def list_verbose():
    """List templates verbosely, with full help."""

    textwrapper = TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="   ", subsequent_indent="   ")
    cats = list_sorted_templates()

    for title, items in cats.items():
        print "\n"+ title
        print "-" * len(title)
        for temp in items:
            print "\n%s: %s\n" % (temp['name'], temp['summary'])
            if temp['help']:
                wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, temp['help'])
예제 #2
def generate_dotzopeskel():
    """Make an example .zopeskel file for user."""

    cats = list_sorted_templates()
    print """

# This file can contain preferences for zopeskel.
# To do so, uncomment the lines that look like:
#    variable_name = Default Value

    for temp in sum(cats.values(), []):
        print "\n[%(name)s]\n" % temp
        tempc = temp['entry'].load()
        for var in tempc.vars:
            if hasattr(var, 'pretty_description'):
                print "# %s" % var.pretty_description()
            print "# %s = %s\n" % ( var.name, var.default )
예제 #3
def list_printable_templates():
    Printable list of all templates, sorted into two categories.

    s = StringIO()

    cats = list_sorted_templates()
    templates = sum(cats.values(), [])   # flatten into single list
    max_name = max([len(x['name']) for x  in templates])

    for title, items in cats.items():
        print >>s, "\n%s\n" % title
        for entry in items:
            print >>s, "|  %s:%s %s\n" % (
                ' '*(max_name-len(entry['name'])),

    return s.read()
예제 #4
    def test_script_features(self):
        """Verify that the help features of the script function correctly"""
        oldargv = sys.argv

        # --help produces the DESCRIPTION string
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--help']
        output = run()
        self.failUnless(DESCRIPTION in output,
                        '--help produces incorrect output: %s' % output)

        # --list produces a verbose list of all templates by category
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--list']
        output = run()
        cats = list_sorted_templates()
        catnames = cats.keys()
        templates = sum(cats.values(), [])
        tempnames = [t['name'] for t in templates]
        tempsums = [t['summary'] for t in templates]
        for cat in catnames:
            self.failUnless(cat in output, '%s not in --list output' % cat)
        for tname in tempnames:
            self.failUnless(tname in output, '%s not in --list output' % tname)
        for summary in tempsums:
            self.failUnless(summary in output,
                            '%s not in --list output' % summary)

        # --make-config-file produces a config file with headings for each template
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--make-config-file']
        output = run()
        for theading in ['[' + name + ']' for name in tempnames]:
            self.failUnless(theading in output,
                            '%s does not appear in .zopeskel' % theading)

        # --version should output a version number.  make sure it finds something
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--version']
        output = run()
        self.failIf('unable' in output)

        sys.argv = oldargv
 def test_script_features(self):
     """Verify that the help features of the script function correctly"""
     oldargv = sys.argv
     # --help produces the DESCRIPTION string 
     sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--help']
     output = run()
     self.failUnless(DESCRIPTION in output, '--help produces incorrect output: %s' % output)        
     # --list produces a verbose list of all templates by category
     sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--list']
     output = run()
     cats = list_sorted_templates()
     catnames = cats.keys()
     templates = sum(cats.values(), [])
     tempnames = [t['name'] for t in templates]
     tempsums = [t['summary'] for t in templates]
     for cat in catnames:
         self.failUnless(cat in output, '%s not in --list output' % cat)
     for tname in tempnames:
         self.failUnless(tname in output, '%s not in --list output' % tname)
     for summary in tempsums:
         self.failUnless(summary in output, '%s not in --list output' % summary)
     # --make-config-file produces a config file with headings for each template
     sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--make-config-file']
     output = run()
     for theading in ['[' + name + ']' for name in tempnames]:
         self.failUnless(theading in output, '%s does not appear in .zopeskel' % theading)
     # --version should output a version number.  make sure it finds something
     sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--version']
     output = run()
     self.failIf('unable' in output)
     sys.argv = oldargv