This options lets you select the port # that Zope will use for serving HTTP. """, min=1024, max=65535, ) VAR_DEBUG_MODE = OnOffVar('debug_mode', title='Debug Mode', description='Should debug mode be "on" or "off"?', default='off', modes=(EXPERT, EASY), page='Main', help=""" Debug mode (sometimes called "Debug/Development Mode") is the correct setting for running a site under development--it ensures that on-disk changes to templates and skin scripts are immediately visible, and allows use of certain add-on debugging/profiling products. Running your Zope in the foreground (with "bin/plonectl fg" or similar commands) always puts you in debug mode; this setting controls whether you are in debug mode even when running in the background. You should set this to "on" during development; once you are ready to deploy your site, you change this to "off" in your buildout.cfg. """) VAR_VERBOSE_SEC = OnOffVar( 'verbose_security', title='Verbose Security?', description='Should verbose security be "on" or "off"?', default='off', modes=(EASY, EXPERT),
def setUp(self): self.ovar = OnOffVar('name', 'description')