def __init__(self, maxSamples=3600, sleepTime=1.0): self.maxSamples = maxSamples self.sleepTime = sleepTime self.cpuInfo = self.cpuVirtualCores = len(self.cpuInfo) self.cpuModel = self.cpuInfo[0]['model name'] self.cpuAdvertisedMHz = 1000.0 * np.float32( self.cpuModel.split('@')[1].rstrip('GHz')) self.cpuPowerManagement = self.cpuInfo[0]['power management'] self.cpuFlags = self.cpuInfo[0]['flags'].split( ) # Look for 'sse', 'sse2', 'avx', 'fma' for FFTW compilation self.cpuCacheSize = np.float32( self.cpuInfo[0]['cache size'][:-3]) # Should be kiloBytes self.cpuCoresPerProcessor =[0]['cpu cores']) self.cpuPhysicalCores = self.cpuCoresPerProcessor * countPhysicalProcessors( ) if len(self.cpuInfo) == 2 * self.cpuPhysicalCores: self.hyperthreading = True else: self.hyperthreading = False self.zorroDefault = zorro.ImageRegistrator() self.zorroDefault.diagWidth = 5 self.zorroDefault.CTFProgram = None self.zorroDefault.filterMode = None self.zorroDefault.doLazyFRC = False self.zorroDefault.savePNG = False self.resetStats()
def saveCtfImagesStar( self, outputName, zorroList = "*.dm4.log", physicalPixelSize=5.0, amplitudeContrast=0.08 ): """ Given a glob pattern, generate a list of zorro logs, or alternatively one can pass in a list. For each zorro log, load it, extract the pertinant info (defocus, etc.). This is a file ready for particle extraction, with imbedded Ctf information. """ import zorro zorroList = glob.glob( zorroList ) headerDict = { b'MicrographName':1, b'CtfImage':2, b'DefocusU':3, b'DefocusV':4, b'DefocusAngle':5, b'Voltage':6, b'SphericalAberration':7, b'AmplitudeContrast':8, b'Magnification':9, b'DetectorPixelSize':10, b'CtfFigureOfMerit': 11 } lookupDict = dict( zip( headerDict.values(), headerDict.keys() ) ) data = OrderedDict() for header in headerDict: data[header] = [None]*len(zorroList) zorroReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() for J, zorroLog in enumerate(zorroList): zorroReg.loadConfig( zorroLog, loadData=False ) data[b'MicrographName'][J] = zorroReg.files['sum'] data[b'CtfImage'][J] = os.path.splitext( zorroReg.files['sum'] )[0] + ".ctf:mrc" # CTF4Results = [Micrograph number, DF1, DF2, Azimuth, Additional Phase shift, CC, max spacing fit-to] data[b'DefocusU'][J] = zorroReg.CTF4Results[1] data[b'DefocusV'][J] = zorroReg.CTF4Results[2] data[b'DefocusAngle'][J] = zorroReg.CTF4Results[3] data[b'CtfFigureOfMerit'][J] = zorroReg.CTF4Results[5] data[b'Voltage'][J] = zorroReg.voltage data[b'SphericalAberration'][J] = zorroReg.C3 data[b'AmplitudeContrast'][J] = amplitudeContrast data[b'DetectorPixelSize'][J] = physicalPixelSize data[b'Magnification'][J] = physicalPixelSize / (zorroReg.pixelsize * 1E-3) with open( outputName, 'wb' ) as fh: fh.write( b"\ndata_\n\nloop_\n") for J in np.sort(lookupDict.keys()): # print( "Column: " + "_rln" + lookupDict[J+1] + " #" + str(J+1) ) fh.write( b"_rln" + lookupDict[J] + b" #" + str(J) + b"\n") lCnt = len( lookupDict ) for I in np.arange(0,len(zorroList)): fh.write( b" ") for J in np.arange(0,lCnt): fh.write( str( data[lookupDict[J+1]][I] ) ) fh.write( b" " ) fh.write( b"\n" )
) filenames = glob.glob(globPattern) # Open the first one and grab the pixelsize N = len(filenames) CTFInfo = {} CTFInfo['DefocusU'] = np.zeros([N], dtype='float32') CTFInfo['DefocusV'] = np.zeros([N], dtype='float32') CTFInfo['FinalResolution'] = np.zeros([N], dtype='float32') CTFInfo['DefocusAngle'] = np.zeros([N], dtype='float32') CTFInfo['CtfFigureOfMerit'] = np.zeros([N], dtype='float32') # Better approach is probably to call this in batch mode. Then I get the file! ctfReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() ctfReg.n_threads = 16 ctfReg.savePNG = True ctfReg.files['figurePath'] = '../figs/' ctfReg.plotDict["imageSum"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["imageFirst"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["FFTSum"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["polarFFTSum"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["corrTriMat"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["shiftsTriMat"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["peaksigTriMat"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["errorTriMat"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["translations"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["pixRegError"] = False ctfReg.plotDict["CTF4Diag"] = True ctfReg.plotDict["logisticsCurve"] = False
hotpixMask = np.random.binomial(1, hotpixelRate, size=[N, N]) # NOT WHAT I WANT, need some variation frame-to-frame in hot pixel values... hotpixImage = np.random.normal(loc=(ePerPixel + hotpixelSigma * np.sqrt(ePerPixel)), scale=hotpixelSigma * np.sqrt(ePerPixel), size=hotpixMask.shape).astype('float32') hotpixImage = np.clip(hotpixMask, 0, np.Inf) hotpixImage *= (hotpixMask.astype('float32')) ims(hotpixImage) for J in xrange(0, M): print("Applying hot pixel mask for image " + str(J)) noisyObject[J, :, :] = (noisyObject[J, :, :] * (~hotpixMask)) + hotpixImage zorroReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() zorroReg.shapePadded = zorro.util.findValidFFTWDim([N * 1.1, N * 1.1]) zorroReg.images = noisyObject zorroReg.stackName = 'Sim' zorroReg.saveC = True zorroReg.Bmode = 'opti' zorroReg.triMode = 'diag' zorroReg.weightMode = 'logistic' zorroReg.peaksigThres = 5.5 zorroReg.diagWidth = 5 #zorroReg.Brad = 256 zorroReg.alignImageStack() unblurReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() unblurReg.images = noisyObject
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Sep 7 10:25:34 2015 @author: Robert A. McLeod @email: [email protected] OR [email protected] """ import numpy as np import zorro import os, os.path, glob compress_ext = '.bz2' zorroDefault = zorro.ImageRegistrator() ##### IMPORTANT VARIABLES #### zorroDefault.diagWidth = 5 zorroDefault.n_threads = 16 zorroDefault.suppressOrigin = True zorroDefault.shapePadded = [4096, 4096] zorroDefault.doCompression = False zorroDefault.doDoseFilter = True zorroDefault.doLazyFRC = True zorroDefault.savePNG = True zorroDefault.doCTF = True ##### TYPICAL DEFAULT VARIABLES ##### zorroDefault.maxShift = 60 # This is only within diagWidth frames difference zorroDefault.weightMode = 'autologistic' zorroDefault.Bmode = 'opti' # zorroDefault.peaksigThres = 5.0 zorroDefault.subPixReg = 16 zorroDefault.triMode = 'diag' zorroDefault.shiftMethod = 'lanczos'
def main(): # Get command line arguments from matplotlib import rc rc('backend', qt4="PySide") import sys, os import zorro import numpy as np import time # Usage: # python `which` -i Test.dm4 -c default.ini -o test.mrc stackReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() configFile = None inputFile = None outputFile = None try: print("****Running Zorro-command-line on hostname: %s****" % os.uname()[1]) except: pass for J in np.arange(0, len(sys.argv)): # First argument is # Then we expect flag pairs # sys.argv is a Python list if sys.argv[J] == '-c': configFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 elif sys.argv[J] == '-i': inputFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 elif sys.argv[J] == '-o': outputFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 pass if inputFile == None and configFile == None: print("No input files, outputing template.zor") stackReg.saveConfig(configNameIn="template.zor") sys.exit() if inputFile == None and not configFile == None: stackReg.loadConfig(configNameIn=configFile, loadData=True) stackReg.bench['total0'] = time.time() if not inputFile == None and not configFile == None: stackReg.loadConfig(configNameIn=configFile, loadData=False) stackReg.bench['total0'] = time.time() stackReg.files['stack'] = inputFile stackReg.loadData() if not outputFile == None: stackReg.files['sum'] = outputFile # Force use of 'Agg' for matplotlib. It's slower than Qt4Agg but doesn't crash on the cluster stackReg.plotDict['backend'] = 'Agg' if stackReg.triMode == 'refine': # In the case of 'refine' we have to call 'diag' first if it hasn't already # been performde. if not bool(stackReg.errorDictList[-1]) and np.any( stackReg.imageSum != None): # Assume that print( "Zorro refine assuming that initial alignment has already been performed." ) pass else: print("Zorro refine performing initial alignment.") stackReg.triMode = 'diag' stackReg.alignImageStack() stackReg.loadData() # Only re-loads the stack stackReg.triMode = 'refine' # TODO: enable subZorro refinment. stackReg.alignImageStack() else: # Execute the alignment as called for Zorro/UnBlur/etc. stackReg.alignImageStack() # Save everthing and do rounding/compression operations stackReg.saveData() # Can be None # Save plots if stackReg.savePNG: stackReg.plot() stackReg.printProfileTimes() stackReg.METAstatus = 'fini' stackReg.saveConfig() print("Zorro exiting") sys.exit()
def orientGainRef(stackName, gainRefName, stackIsInAHole=True, applyHotPixFilter=True, doNoiseCorrelation=False, relax=0.95, n_threads=None): """ USAGE Applies the gain reference over all possible orientations to determine which is the best, quantitatively. Calculates the image standard deviation after gain normalization (less is better) and the number of outlier pixels (less is better) and the degree of correlated noise (less is better) User should select a short flat-field stack (20 frames) in a hole. If no flat-field image is available, pick a stack with no carbon or large amounts of ice, that exhibited a large amount of drive. """ # ANALYSIS SCRIPT zGain = zorro.ImageRegistrator() zGain.loadData(gainRefName, target='sum') zStack = zorro.ImageRegistrator() zStack.loadData(stackName) rawStack = np.copy(zStack.images) #print( zGain.imageSum.shape ) #print( zStack.images.shape ) # Check if stack and gain is transposed if zGain.imageSum.shape[0] == zGain.imageSum.shape[1]: print("Square images") orientList = [ [0, False, False], [0, False, False], [0, True, False], [0, True, True], [1, False, False], [1, False, False], [1, True, False], [1, True, True], ] elif (zGain.imageSum.shape[0] != zStack.images.shape[1] and zGain.imageSum.shape[0] == zStack.images.shape[2]): print("Rectangular image, rot90=1") orientList = [ [1, False, False], [1, False, False], [1, True, False], [1, True, True], ] else: print("Rectangular image, rot90=0") orientList = [ [0, False, False], [0, False, False], [0, True, False], [0, True, True], ] # If the images are rectangular our life is easier as it cuts the number of # possible orientations in half. N = len(orientList) stdArray = np.zeros(N) outlierPixCount = np.zeros(N) corrNoiseCoeff = np.zeros(N) hotCutoff = np.zeros(N) deadCutoff = np.zeros(N) binnedSum = [None] * N if bool(doNoiseCorrelation): FFTMage = np.empty(zStack.images.shape[1:], dtype='complex64') FFTConj = np.empty(zStack.images.shape[1:], dtype='complex64') IFFTCorr = np.empty(zStack.images.shape[1:], dtype='complex64') FFT2, IFFT2 = zorro.zorro_util.pyFFTWPlanner(FFTMage, FFTConj, n_threads=24) normConst2 = np.float32(1.0 / np.size(FFTMage)**2) for I, orient in enumerate(orientList): gainRef = np.copy(zGain.imageSum) if orient[0] > 0: print("Rotating gain refernce by 90 degrees") gainRef = np.rot90(gainRef, k=orient[0]) if orient[1] and orient[2]: print("Rotating gain reference by 180 degrees") gainRef = np.rot90(gainRef, k=2) elif orient[1]: print("Mirroring gain reference vertically") gainRef = np.flipud(gainRef) elif orient[2]: print("Mirroring gain reference horizontally") gainRef = np.fliplr(gainRef) zStack.images = zStack.images * gainRef if applyHotPixFilter: zStack.hotpixInfo['relax'] = relax zStack.hotpixFilter() outlierPixCount[I] = zStack.hotpixInfo[ 'guessDeadpix'] + zStack.hotpixInfo['guessHotpix'] hotCutoff[I] = zStack.hotpixInfo[u'cutoffUpper'] deadCutoff[I] = zStack.hotpixInfo[u'cutoffLower'] binnedSum[I] = util.squarekernel(np.sum(zStack.images, axis=0), k=3) # zorro.zorro_plotting.ims( binnedSum[I] ) stdArray[I] = np.std(np.sum(zStack.images, axis=0)) if bool(stackIsInAHole) and bool(doNoiseCorrelation): # Go through even-odd series for J in np.arange(1, zStack.images.shape[0]): print( "(Orientation %d of %d) Compute Fourier correlation %d" % (I, N, J)) if np.mod(J, 2) == 1: FFT2.update_arrays( zStack.images[J, :, :].astype('complex64'), FFTConj) FFT2.execute() else: FFT2.update_arrays( zStack.images[J, :, :].astype('complex64'), FFTMage) FFT2.execute() IFFT2.update_arrays( nz.evaluate("normConst2*FFTMage*conj(FFTConj)"), IFFTCorr) IFFT2.execute() corrNoiseCoeff[I] += np.abs(IFFTCorr[0, 0]) elif bool(doNoiseCorrelation): # Calculate phase correlations with a frame seperation of 6 frames to # avoid signal correlation frameSep = 6 for J in np.arange(0, zStack.images.shape[0] - frameSep): print( "(Orientation %d of %d) Compute Fourier correlation %d" % (I, N, J)) FFT2.update_arrays(zStack.images[J, :, :].astype('complex64'), FFTConj) FFT2.execute() FFT2.update_arrays( zStack.images[J + frameSep, :, :].astype('complex64'), FFTMage) FFT2.execute() IFFT2.update_arrays( nz.evaluate("normConst2*FFTMage*conj(FFTConj)"), IFFTCorr) IFFT2.execute() corrNoiseCoeff[I] += np.real(IFFTCorr[0, 0]) pass corrNoiseCoeff[I] /= normConst2 zStack.images = np.copy(rawStack) #corrNoiseCoeff /= np.min( corrNoiseCoeff ) #stdArray /= np.min(stdArray) bestIndex = np.argmin(stdArray) nrows = 2 ncols = np.floor_divide(N + 1, 2) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) for I in np.arange(N): plt.subplot(nrows * 100 + ncols * 10 + (I + 1)) clim = util.histClim(binnedSum[I], cutoff=1E-3) plt.imshow(binnedSum[I], cmap='gray', norm=col.LogNorm(), vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1]) plt.axis('off') if I == bestIndex: textcolor = 'purple' else: textcolor = 'black' title = "kRot: %d, VertFlip: %s, HorzFlip: %s \n" % ( orientList[I][0], orientList[I][1], orientList[I][2]) title += r"$\sigma: %.5g$" % stdArray[I] if bool(applyHotPixFilter): title += r"$, outliers: %d$" % outlierPixCount[I] if bool(doNoiseCorrelation): title += r"$, R_{noise}: %.5g$" % corrNoiseCoeff[I] plt.title(title, fontdict={'fontsize': 14, 'color': textcolor}) return orientList[bestIndex]
def main(): # Get command line arguments from matplotlib import rc rc('backend', qt4="PySide") import sys, os import zorro import numpy as np import time # Usage: # python `which` -i Test.dm4 -c default.ini -o test.mrc stackReg = zorro.ImageRegistrator() stackReg.bench['total0'] = time.time() configFile = None inputFile = None outputFile = None try: print("****Running Zorro-command-line on hostname: %s****" % os.uname()[1]) except: pass for J in np.arange(0, len(sys.argv)): # First argument is # Then we expect flag pairs # sys.argv is a Python list if sys.argv[J] == '-c': configFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 elif sys.argv[J] == '-i': inputFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 elif sys.argv[J] == '-o': outputFile = sys.argv[J + 1] J += 1 pass if inputFile == None and configFile == None: print("No input files, outputing template.zor") stackReg.saveConfig(configNameIn="template.zor") sys.exit() if inputFile == None and not configFile == None: stackReg.loadConfig(configNameIn=configFile, loadData=True) if not inputFile == None and not configFile == None: stackReg.loadConfig(configNameIn=configFile, loadData=False) stackReg.files['stack'] = inputFile stackReg.loadData() if not outputFile == None: stackReg.files['sum'] = outputFile # Force use of 'Agg' for matplotlib. It's slower than Qt4Agg but doesn't crash on the cluster stackReg.plotDict['backend'] = 'Agg' # Execute the alignment stackReg.alignImageStack() # Save everthing and do rounding/compression operations stackReg.saveData() # Can be None # Save plots if stackReg.savePNG: stackReg.plot() stackReg.bench['total1'] = time.time() stackReg.printProfileTimes() stackReg.METAstatus = 'fini' stackReg.saveConfig() print("Zorro exiting") sys.exit()