예제 #1
 def _getLocalFilePath(self, element, attrName):
     path = getNoneString(element.getAttribute(attrName))
     # check if the path is a local resource (file://) and if it exists
     localFilePath = getFilePathFromUri(path)
     if localFilePath and os.path.isfile(localFilePath):
         return localFilePath
         return None
예제 #2
 def _getLocalFilePath(self, element, attrName):
     path = getNoneString( element.getAttribute(attrName) )
     # check if the path is a local resource (file://) and if it exists
     localFilePath = getFilePathFromUri(path)
     if localFilePath and os.path.isfile(localFilePath):
         return localFilePath
         return None
예제 #3
 def getSize(self):
     fileSize = -1
     filePath = getFilePathFromUri( self.getHref() )
     if filePath:
         # local file exists
             fileSize = os.path.getsize(filePath)
     return fileSize
예제 #4
 def getResourceName(self):
     u"""getResourceName() -> string
     Returns the resource (e.g. file) name if href is a local file and it is available or None otherwise.
     """ #$NON-NLS-1$
     rval = None
     filePath = getFilePathFromUri( self.getHref() )
     if filePath:
         # local file exists
         rval = filePath.replace(u'\\',u'/').split(u'/')[-1] #$NON-NLS-1$  #$NON-NLS-2$  #$NON-NLS-3$
     return rval
예제 #5
 def _checkImgUnicodePaths(self):
     eleList = self.mshtmlBodyElement.getElementsByTagName(u"IMG") #$NON-NLS-1$
     for ele in eleList:
         src = getNoneString(ele.getAttribute(u"src")) #$NON-NLS-1$
         if not src:
         localFilePath = getFilePathFromUri(src)
         if localFilePath and os.path.exists(localFilePath):
             # if local file path, then "set" image path - IE MSHTML quirk - to 'update' the image
             dispEle = getDispElement(ele) #@UnusedVariable
             dispEle.src = localFilePath
예제 #6
 def isEnclosure(self):
     # get file path  (href)
     filePath = getFilePathFromUri( self.getHref() )
     # filepath is None if path does not exist ot if the protocol is not file://
     rval = False
     if filePath:
         # filepath points to a local file
         (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filePath) #@UnusedVariable
         # FIXME (PJ) use mime registry to determine types.
         EXTS = u".mp3 .wma .mov .mp4 .wav .mpg .mpeg .zip .exe .pdf .doc .xls .ppt" #$NON-NLS-1$
         rval = ext and EXTS.find(ext.strip()) != -1
     return rval
예제 #7
 def _validateProtocol(self, value, message):
     # validate procotol in given value and return tuple (bool, message)
     valid = False
     if FILEURL_RE.match(value) is not None:
         valid = True
     filepath = None
     # if file://, then validate path.
     if valid and value.lower().startswith(u"file:"): #$NON-NLS-1$
         filepath = getFilePathFromUri(value)
         valid = os.path.exists(filepath)
         if not valid:
             message = message + u"(invalid file path)" #$NON-NLS-1$
     elif not valid and FILE_RE.match(value) is not None:
         # user typed in local path, eg c:/temp.
         valid = os.path.exists(value)
         if not valid:
             message = message + u"(invalid file path)" #$NON-NLS-1$
     return (valid, message)
예제 #8
 def _validateProtocol(self, value, message):
     # validate procotol in given value and return tuple (bool, message)
     valid = False
     if FILEURL_RE.match(value) is not None:
         valid = True
     filepath = None
     # if file://, then validate path.
     if valid and value.lower().startswith(u"file:"):  #$NON-NLS-1$
         filepath = getFilePathFromUri(value)
         valid = os.path.exists(filepath)
         if not valid:
             message = message + u"(invalid file path)"  #$NON-NLS-1$
     elif not valid and FILE_RE.match(value) is not None:
         # user typed in local path, eg c:/temp.
         valid = os.path.exists(value)
         if not valid:
             message = message + u"(invalid file path)"  #$NON-NLS-1$
     return (valid, message)
예제 #9
 def _analyseZXhtmlImage(self, iZXhtmlImage):
     tnElem = None
     linkElem = None
     if isLocalFile( iZXhtmlImage.getSrc() ):
         # img source points to a local image file.
         tnElem = iZXhtmlImage.getNode()
         if iZXhtmlImage.isLinked():
             # TN is linked. Check to see if the link exists and if it points to a local image
             iZXhtmlLink = iZXhtmlImage.getLink()
             if isLocalFile( iZXhtmlLink.getHref() ):
                 # parent link points to a local file.
                 # check if link is to an image
                 filePath = getFilePathFromUri( iZXhtmlLink.getHref() )
                 (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filePath) #@UnusedVariable
                 if ext and IMAGE_EXTS.find(ext.strip()) != -1:
                     linkElem = iZXhtmlLink.getNode()
     if tnElem and linkElem:
         # remove TN
         tnElem = tnElem.parentNode.removeChild(tnElem)
         # import TB back to dom
         tnElem = linkElem.ownerDocument.importNode(tnElem, True)
         # replace link if TN
         linkElem.parentNode.replaceChild(tnElem, linkElem)
예제 #10
 def _analyseZXhtmlImage(self, iZXhtmlImage):
     tnElem = None
     linkElem = None
     if isLocalFile(iZXhtmlImage.getSrc()):
         # img source points to a local image file.
         tnElem = iZXhtmlImage.getNode()
         if iZXhtmlImage.isLinked():
             # TN is linked. Check to see if the link exists and if it points to a local image
             iZXhtmlLink = iZXhtmlImage.getLink()
             if isLocalFile(iZXhtmlLink.getHref()):
                 # parent link points to a local file.
                 # check if link is to an image
                 filePath = getFilePathFromUri(iZXhtmlLink.getHref())
                 (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filePath)  #@UnusedVariable
                 if ext and IMAGE_EXTS.find(ext.strip()) != -1:
                     linkElem = iZXhtmlLink.getNode()
     if tnElem and linkElem:
         # remove TN
         tnElem = tnElem.parentNode.removeChild(tnElem)
         # import TB back to dom
         tnElem = linkElem.ownerDocument.importNode(tnElem, True)
         # replace link if TN
         linkElem.parentNode.replaceChild(tnElem, linkElem)
예제 #11
    def _checkImgAttributes(self):
        # 1) Set img runtime border if needed to 0 (remove border)
        # 2) Check img align attribtues
        # simple method to make sure if the image CSS has width and heigh but not image width and height
        # attribute, then create image width and height attributes.
        # (Work around for WordPress.com bug)
        eleList = self.mshtmlBodyElement.getElementsByTagName(u"IMG") #$NON-NLS-1$
        for ele in eleList:
            # verify image centering attrs are correct.
            if ele.style and ele.style.textAlign == u"center" and ele.style.display == u"block": #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-2$
                # img is supposed to be centered - add fire fox work around.
                if ele.style.marginLeft != u"auto": #$NON-NLS-1$
                    ele.style.marginLeft = u"auto" #$NON-NLS-1$
                    ele.style.marginRight = u"auto" #$NON-NLS-1$

            # set runtime border = 0, if border is not set by the user.
            # this is so that a border for hyperlinks is not shown
            hasBorder = ele.style.borderWidth != u"" or ele.style.borderLeftWidth != u"" #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-2$
            hasBorder = hasBorder or ele.style.borderRightWidth != u"" or ele.style.borderTopWidth != u"" or ele.style.borderBottomWidth != u"" #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-3$
            hasRtBorder = ele.runtimeStyle.borderWidth != u"" or ele.runtimeStyle.borderLeftWidth != u"" #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-2$
            hasRtBorder = hasRtBorder or ele.runtimeStyle.borderRightWidth != u"" or ele.runtimeStyle.borderTopWidth != u"" or ele.runtimeStyle.borderBottomWidth != u"" #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-3$

            if not hasBorder and not hasRtBorder: #$NON-NLS-1$
                # set implicit/runtime border =0
                ele.runtimeStyle.borderWidth = u"0px"; #$NON-NLS-1$
            elif hasBorder and hasRtBorder: #$NON-NLS-1$
                # remove runtime border if user has defined a border.
                ele.runtimeStyle.borderWidth = u""; #$NON-NLS-1$

            src = getNoneString(ele.getAttribute(u"src")) #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not src:

            # check if the img src is a local resource (file://) and if it exists
            localFilePath = getFilePathFromUri(src)
            if localFilePath and not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
                # Do not modify any local files that do not exist anymore (width and height info will not be available)
                #(i.e. not assign random/default width and heights)
            cssWidth = None
            cssHeight = None
            # get css sizes
            if ele.style and ele.style.width:
                cssWidth = getSafeString(ele.style.width)
            if ele.style and ele.style.height:
                cssHeight = getSafeString(ele.style.height)
            # get explicit size (i.e. set by the user via img width/height attribute)
            w = getSafeString( ele.getAttribute(u"width", 2) ) #$NON-NLS-1$  # pass flag=2 so that getAttribute() returns value iff one was explicitly specified.
            h = getSafeString( ele.getAttribute(u"height", 2) )#$NON-NLS-1$

            # note: getAttribute may also return the value found in the CSS style.
            # so, we should set it as an attribute in the <img> tag in case it did not exist as an attribute in the img tag.
            # for example, we want <img style="width:10px" src="" /> to be <img width="10" style="width:10px" src="" />
            # (that is add explicit width and height attributes)
            # grab size if explicit size is not available
            actualWidth = actualHeight = -1
            # if local file then get size directly from img.
            if localFilePath:# and (not w or not h):
                (actualWidth, actualHeight) = self._getImageSizeFromFile(localFilePath)
            # if not  local file, then ask IE for implicit img size (i.e. for remote (non-local) images)
            if not localFilePath and not w and not cssWidth and not h and not cssHeight:
                # first, ask IE for implicit width and height (usually returns actual image size)
                w = getSafeString( ele.getAttribute(u"width") ) #$NON-NLS-1$
                h = getSafeString( ele.getAttribute(u"height") ) #$NON-NLS-1$
            if w:
                ele.setAttribute(u"width", w) #$NON-NLS-1$
            elif cssWidth and not w:
                ele.setAttribute(u"width", cssWidth) #$NON-NLS-1$
            elif actualWidth > 0:
                ele.setAttribute(u"width", actualWidth) #$NON-NLS-1$

            if h:
                ele.setAttribute(u"height", h) #$NON-NLS-1$
            elif cssHeight and not h:
                ele.setAttribute(u"height", cssHeight) #$NON-NLS-1$
            elif actualHeight > 0:
                ele.setAttribute(u"height", actualHeight) #$NON-NLS-1$
예제 #12
 def getFile(self):
     u"""getFile() -> string"""  #$NON-NLS-1$
     rval = self.getLocalUri()
     if rval:
         rval = getFilePathFromUri(rval)
     return rval
예제 #13
 def getFile(self):
     u"""getFile() -> string"""  #$NON-NLS-1$
     rval = self.getLocalUri()
     if rval:
         rval = getFilePathFromUri(rval)
     return rval