Exemplo n.º 1
def dec(a, b):
    if 0 <= abs(a) / abs(b) <= 1:
        return a / b
    elif 0 <= abs(b) / abs(a) <= 1:
        return b / a
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
 def calc_radius(self, x1, y1, radius):
     # scale radius
     cx1, cy1 = self.canvascoords(x1, y1)
     cx2, cy2 = self.canvascoords(x1, y1 + radius)
     # TODO: the accuracy of this calculation of radius might be improved?
     cradius = math.sqrt(abs(cy2 - cy1)**2 + abs(cx2 - cx1)**2)
     return (cx1, cy1, cradius)
Exemplo n.º 3
def solve_matrix(mat, variables):
    m, n = mat.shape
    if len(variables) != n - 1:
        raise ValueError("Expected %d variables" % (n - 1,))

    if m >= n:
        # add fake columns at the front
        mat = numpy.hstack((numpy.zeros((m, m-n)), mat))
        variables[0:0] = ["_fake%d" % (i,) for i in range(m-n)]
        m, n = mat.shape

    assignments = {}
    for row in mat[::-1]:
        nonzero = list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda v: abs(v) <= EPSILON, row))
        if not nonzero:
        const = nonzero.pop(-1)
        if not nonzero:
            # a row of the form (0 0 ... 0 x) means a contradiction
            raise NoSolutionsExist()
        vars = variables[-len(nonzero):]
        assignee = vars.pop(0)
        assert abs(nonzero.pop(0) - 1) <= EPSILON
        assignments[assignee] = const
        for i, v in enumerate(vars):
            if v not in assignments:
                assignments[v] = FreeVar(v)
            assignments[assignee] -= nonzero[i] * assignments[v]
    return assignments
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __eq__(self, rhs):
     #return self.x==rhs.x and self.y==rhs.y and self.z==rhs.z
     return (
             and abs(self.y-rhs.y)<11e-3
             and abs(self.z-rhs.z)<11e-3
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_ruler_distances(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        mode = self.t_drawparams.get('units', 'arcmin')
            image = self.fitsimage.get_image()
            if mode == 'arcmin':
                # Calculate RA and DEC for the three points
                # origination point
                ra_org, dec_org = image.pixtoradec(x1, y1)

                # destination point
                ra_dst, dec_dst = image.pixtoradec(x2, y2)

                # "heel" point making a right triangle
                ra_heel, dec_heel = image.pixtoradec(x2, y1)

                text_h = image.get_starsep_RaDecDeg(ra_org, dec_org, ra_dst, dec_dst)
                text_x = image.get_starsep_RaDecDeg(ra_org, dec_org, ra_heel, dec_heel)
                text_y = image.get_starsep_RaDecDeg(ra_heel, dec_heel, ra_dst, dec_dst)
                dx = abs(x2 - x1)
                dy = abs(y2 - y1)
                dh = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
                text_x = str(dx)
                text_y = str(dy)
                text_h = ("%.3f" % dh)
        except Exception, e:
            text_h = 'BAD WCS'
            text_x = 'BAD WCS'
            text_y = 'BAD WCS'
Exemplo n.º 6
def resize(image, dim):
    #print "Resizing"
    todo = [True, True]
    while any(todo):
        if dim[1] != image.shape[1]:
            virtical_seams = find_seams(cost(image.sum(axis=-1)/3.))
            num_needed = abs(image.shape[1]-dim[1])
            #print "Found %d vert seams (%d more)"%(len(virtical_seams), num_needed)
            allpaths = reduce(lambda a,b : a+b, (seam["path"] for seam in virtical_seams[:num_needed]))
            if dim[1] < image.shape[1]:
                image = remove_path(image, allpaths)
                image = stretch_path(image, allpaths)
            todo[1] = False

        if dim[0] != image.shape[0]:
            horizontal_seams = find_seams(cost((image.sum(axis=-1)/3.).T))
            num_needed = abs(image.shape[0]-dim[0])
            #print "Found %d horiz seams (%d more)"%(len(horizontal_seams), num_needed)
            allpaths = reduce(lambda a,b : a+b, (seam["path"] for seam in horizontal_seams[:num_needed]))
            if dim[0] < image.shape[0]:
                image = remove_path(image.swapaxes(0,1), allpaths).swapaxes(0,1)
                image = stretch_path(image.swapaxes(0,1), allpaths).swapaxes(0,1)
            todo[0] = False
    return image
 def getDist(self):
     mainCharX = self.mainChar.getPos().x
     mainCharY = self.mainChar.getPos().y
     pandaX = self.pandaActor2.getPos().x
     pandaY = self.pandaActor2.getPos().y
     dist = math.sqrt(abs(mainCharX - pandaX) ** 2 + abs(mainCharY - pandaY) ** 2)
     return dist
Exemplo n.º 8
    def drawLink(self, src, dst, style):
        p = self.params
        lineStyle = self.scene.lineStyles[style]

        # shorten the line by the radius of the node to prevent
        # parts of the line from being covered by the node
        endpoints = computeLinkEndPoints(src, dst, p.nodesize)

        # both nodes are on the same location, link not visible
        if endpoints == None: return

        (sx, sy, dx, dy) = endpoints

        # draw nothing if the line is not visible after shortened
        if abs(dx-sx) < 0.01 and abs(dy-sy) < 0.01: return

        if lineStyle.arrow == 'both':
            arrow = "ArrowHead ArrowTail"
        elif lineStyle.arrow == 'head':
            arrow = "ArrowHead"
        elif lineStyle.arrow == 'tail':
            arrow = "ArrowTail"
            arrow = ""

        print >> self.stream, "LS%d %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %s Line" % (
              style, sx, sy, dx, dy, arrow
Exemplo n.º 9
    def defaultGait(self,leg):        
        # just walk forward for now
        travelX = 50
        travelY = 0
        travelRotZ = 0

        if abs(travelX)>5 or abs(travelY)>5 or abs(travelRotZ) > 0.05:   # are we moving?
            if(self.order[leg] == self.step):
                # up, middle position                    
                self[leg][0] = 0        # x
                self[leg][1] = 0        # y
                self[leg][2] = -20      # z
                self[leg][3] = 0        # r
            elif (self.order[leg]+1 == self.step) or (self.order[leg]-7 == self.step):   # gaits in step -1 
                # leg down!                    
                self[leg][0] = travelX/2
                self[leg][1] = travelY/2
                self[leg][2] = 0       
                self[leg][3] = travelRotZ/2      
                # move body forward 
                self[leg][0] = self[leg][0] - travelX/6
                self[leg][1] = self[leg][1] - travelY/6
                self[leg][2] = 0       
                self[leg][3] = self[leg][3] - travelRotZ/6    
        return self[leg]
Exemplo n.º 10
def secant(func, x0, x1, eps, max_iter=50):

  # Evaluate the function at the interval
  f_l = func(x0)
  f_x = func(x1)

  # Set the initial x
  if abs(f_l) < abs(f_x):
    x = x0
    xl = x1
    f_l, f_x = f_x, f_l
    xl = x0
    x = x1

  # Iterate
  for i in range(max_iter):
    dx = (xl - x) * f_x / (f_x - f_l)
    xl = x
    f_l = f_x
    x += dx
    f_x = func(x)

    # If we've reached the root, return
    if abs(dx) < eps or f_x == 0.0:
      return x

  # Raise an exception if we reach maximum iterations
  raise RuntimeError('Maximum iterations reached')
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_scal(vector_array):
    v = vector_array
    for ind in valid_inds(v):
        if v.len_ind(ind) != v.len_ind_unique(ind):
            with pytest.raises(Exception):
                c = v.copy()
        ind_complement_ = ind_complement(v, ind)
        c = v.copy()
        assert len(c) == len(v)
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c, v))

        c = v.copy()
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind], v.zeros(v.len_ind(ind))))
        assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind_complement_], v[ind_complement_]))

        for x in (1., 1.4, np.random.random(v.len_ind(ind))):
            c = v.copy()
            assert np.all(almost_equal(c[ind_complement_], v[ind_complement_]))
            assert np.allclose(c[ind].sup_norm(), v[ind].sup_norm() * abs(x))
            assert np.allclose(c[ind].l2_norm(), v[ind].l2_norm() * abs(x))
            if hasattr(v, 'data'):
                y = v.data.copy()
                if NUMPY_INDEX_QUIRK and len(y) == 0:
                    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(ind, Number):
                        x = x[:, np.newaxis]
                    y[ind] *= x
                assert np.allclose(c.data, y)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_testUfuncs1 (self):
     "Test various functions such as sin, cos."
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     olderr = numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
         self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test():
    '''Test the basic workings of `parse_slice`.'''
    r1 = range(5)
    r2 = range(2, 10)
    r3 = range(100, 3, -7)
    ranges = [r1, r2, r3]
    slices = [slice(3), slice(5), slice(9), slice(1, 4), slice(4, 7),
              slice(6, 2), slice(1, 4, 1), slice(1, 5, 3), slice(6, 2, 3),
              slice(6, 2, -3),  slice(8, 2, -1), slice(2, 5, -2),
              slice(None, 5, -2), slice(6, None, -2), slice(8, 4, None),
              slice(None, None, -2)]
    for slice_ in slices:
        (start, stop, step) = parse_slice(slice_)
        # Replacing `infinity` with huge number cause Python's lists can't
        # handle `infinity`:
        if abs(start) == infinity: start = 10**10 * math_tools.get_sign(start)
        if abs(stop) == infinity: stop = 10**10 * math_tools.get_sign(stop)
        if abs(step) == infinity: step = 10**10 * math_tools.get_sign(step)
        assert [start, stop, step].count(None) == 0
        parsed_slice = slice(start, stop, step)
        for range_ in ranges:
            assert range_[slice_] == range_[parsed_slice]
Exemplo n.º 14
	def addExtrusionIntro( self, line ):
		"Adds the additional linear gcode movement for the extrusion intro."
		splitG1Line = self.firstLinearGcodeMovement.split()
		firstMovementLocation = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine(None, splitG1Line)
		firstMovementFeedrate = gcodec.getFeedRateMinute(self.feedRateMinute/self.repository.firstPerimeterFeedrateOverFeedrate.value, splitG1Line)
		introX = abs( self.repository.absMaxXIntro.value )
		introY = abs( self.repository.absMaxYIntro.value )
		if abs( firstMovementLocation.x ) < abs( firstMovementLocation.y ):
		if (xAxisFirst and firstMovementLocation.x > 0) or (not xAxisFirst and firstMovementLocation.x < 0):
			introX = -introX;
		if (xAxisFirst and firstMovementLocation.y < 0) or (not xAxisFirst and firstMovementLocation.y > 0):
			introY = -introY;
		introLine = self.deriveIntroLine(self.firstLinearGcodeMovement, splitG1Line, introX, introY, firstMovementFeedrate)
		self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line )
		if xAxisFirst:
			introLine = self.deriveIntroLine(self.firstLinearGcodeMovement, splitG1Line, firstMovementLocation.x, introY, self.feedRateMinute)
			introLine = self.deriveIntroLine(self.firstLinearGcodeMovement, splitG1Line, introX, firstMovementLocation.y, self.feedRateMinute)
		introLine = self.getRaftlessSpeededLine(self.firstLinearGcodeMovement, splitG1Line)
		self.wantsExtrusionIntro = False
Exemplo n.º 15
def demoNoiseWS(iteration=11):
    print("reading image...")
    image = readImage('../samples/monsters.png', grayScale=True)
    adj4 = AdjacencyNdRegular.getAdjacency2d4(image.embedding.size)
    image = rescaleGray(image, 0, 1)
    convolve = False
    noiseInImage = True
    sal0 = None
    for i in range(iteration):
        print("-> Iteration " + str(i))
        print("Constructing gradient graph...")
        if noiseInImage:
            im2 = imageMap(image, lambda x: x + rnd.uniform(-0.001, 0.001), marginal=True, inPlace=False)
            adjacency = WeightedAdjacency.createAdjacency(adj4, lambda i, j: abs(im2[i] - im2[j]))
            adjacency = WeightedAdjacency.createAdjacency(adj4, lambda i, j: abs(image[i] - image[j]))
            adjacency = imageMap(adjacency, lambda x: x + rnd.uniform(-0.001, 0.001), marginal=True, inPlace=True)

        print("Constructing area watershed...")
        # wsh = transformAltitudeBPTtoWatershedHierarchy(constructAltitudeBPT(adjacency))
        # addAttributeArea(wsh)
        # wsha= transformBPTtoAttributeHierarchy(wsh,"area")
        wsha = constructExactRandomSeedsWatershed(adjacency)
        sal = computeSaliencyMapFromAttribute(wsha, adj4)

        print("Averaging and Drawing saliency...")
        if convolve:
            lineGraph = WeightedAdjacency.createLineGraph(sal)
            adjLineGraph = WeightedAdjacency.createReflexiveRelation(lineGraph)
            meanSal = spatialFilter(sal, adjLineGraph, BasicAccumulator.getMeanAccumulator())
            meanSal = sal

            imageMap(rescaleGray(drawSaliencyMap(image.embedding.size, meanSal), 0, 1), lambda x: x ** 0.33333)),
            "Results/Random noise gradient " + str(i) + ".png")
        if sal0 is None:
            sal0 = meanSal
            for j in range(len(sal0)):
                sal0[j] = [sal0[j]]
            for j in range(len(sal0)):
    print("Merging results...")

    for i in range(len(sal0)):
        sal0[i] = meanV(sal0[i])

        imageMap(rescaleGray(drawSaliencyMap(image.embedding.size, sal0), 0, 1), lambda x: x ** 0.33333)),
        "Results/Random noise combined gradient.png")

    print("Ultra metric opening...")
    bpt = transformAltitudeBPTtoWatershedHierarchy(constructAltitudeBPT(sal0))

    nbpt = filterBPTbyCriterion(bpt, lambda i: min(bpt.area[bpt.children[i][0]], bpt.area[bpt.children[i][1]]) < 10)
    saveImage(drawSaliencyForVisualisation(bpt, image), "Results/Random noise WS bpt.png")
    saveImage(drawSaliencyForVisualisation(nbpt, image), "Results/Random noise WS filteredbpt.png")
def get_probability(xyz1s,xyz2s,sigma1s,sigma2s,psis,length,slope):
    onemprob = 1.0

    for n in range(len(xyz1s)):
        psi = psis[n]
        psi = psi.get_scale()
        dist=IMP.core.get_distance(xyz1, xyz2)

        sigmai = sigma1.get_scale()
        sigmaj = sigma2.get_scale()
        voli = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * sigmai * sigmai * sigmai
        volj = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * sigmaj * sigmaj * sigmaj
        fi = 0
        fj = 0
        if dist < sigmai + sigmaj :
            xlvol = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * (length / 2) * (length / 2) * \
                           (length / 2)
            fi = min(voli, xlvol)
            fj = min(volj, xlvol)
            di = dist - sigmaj - length / 2
            dj = dist - sigmai - length / 2
            fi = sphere_cap(sigmai, length / 2, abs(di))
            fj = sphere_cap(sigmaj, length / 2, abs(dj))
        pofr = fi * fj / voli / volj

        factor = (1.0 - (psi * (1.0 - pofr) + pofr * (1 - psi))*exp(-slope*dist))
        onemprob = onemprob * factor
    prob = 1.0 - onemprob
    return prob
Exemplo n.º 17
def G(x, k):
	result = []
	X = np.fft.fft(x, k)
	for i in range(len(X)):
		result.append(1/len(X) * (abs(X[i]) * abs(X[i])))

	return result
Exemplo n.º 18
	def process(self,Y,X=None,Xt=None,tests=None):
		bivariter = 0
		sumSSE = 0
		esiter = list()
		es.state()["iterations"] = esiter
		# in the first iteration we calculate W by using ones on U
		U = ssp.csc_matrix(ones(self.u.shape))
		while True:
			esiterdict = dict()
			esiterdict["i"] = bivariter
			logger.debug("Starting iteration: %d"%bivariter)
			bivariter += 1
			W,w_bias,err = self.calculateW(U,tests=tests)
			esiterdict["w"] = W
			esiterdict["w_sparcity"] = (abs(W) > 0).sum()
			esiterdict["w_bias"] = w_bias
			esiterdict["w_test_err"] = err
			if "test" in err: logger.debug("W sparcity=%d,test_total_err=%2.2f,test_err=%s"%(esiterdict["w_sparcity"],err['test']["totalsse"],str(err['test']["diffsse"])))
			W = ssp.csc_matrix(W)
			U,u_bias,err = self.calculateU(W,tests=tests)
			esiterdict["u"] = U
			esiterdict["u_sparcity"] = (abs(U) > 0).sum()
			esiterdict["u_bias"] = u_bias
			esiterdict["u_test_err"] = err
			if "test" in err: logger.debug("U sparcity=%d,test_total_err=%2.2f,test_err=%s"%(esiterdict["u_sparcity"],err['test']["totalsse"],str(err['test']["diffsse"])))
			U = ssp.csc_matrix(U)
			self.u = U
			self.w = W
			self.w_bias = w_bias
			self.u_bias = u_bias
			esiter += [esiterdict]
			if self.allParams['bivar_max_it'] <= bivariter:
		return sumSSE
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __new__(cls, latitude=None, longitude=None, altitude=None):
        single_arg = longitude is None and altitude is None
        if single_arg and not isinstance(latitude, util.NUMBER_TYPES):
            arg = latitude
            if arg is None:
            elif isinstance(arg, Point):
                return cls.from_point(arg)
            elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
                return cls.from_string(arg)
                    seq = iter(arg)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Failed to create Point instance from %r." % (arg,)
                    return cls.from_sequence(seq)

        latitude = float(latitude or 0)
        if abs(latitude) > 90:
            latitude = ((latitude + 90) % 180) - 90

        longitude = float(longitude or 0)
        if abs(longitude) > 180:
            longitude = ((longitude + 180) % 360) - 180

        altitude = float(altitude or 0)

        self = super(Point, cls).__new__(cls)
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.longitude = longitude
        self.altitude = altitude
        return self
def genData():
    c1 = 0.5
    r1 = 0.4
    r2 = 0.3
    Ndat = 1000
    # generate enough data to filter
    N = 20* Ndat
    X = array(random_sample(N))
    Y = array(random_sample(N))
    X1 = X[(X-c1)*(X-c1) + (Y-c1)*(Y-c1) < r1*r1]
    Y1 = Y[(X-c1)*(X-c1) + (Y-c1)*(Y-c1) < r1*r1]
    X2 = X1[(X1-c1)*(X1-c1) + (Y1-c1)*(Y1-c1) > r2*r2]
    Y2 = Y1[(X1-c1)*(X1-c1) + (Y1-c1)*(Y1-c1) > r2*r2]
    X3 = X2[ abs(X2-Y2)>0.05 ]
    Y3 = Y2[ abs(X2-Y2)>0.05 ]
    #X3 = X2[ X2-Y2>0.15 ]
    #Y3 = Y2[ X2-Y2>0.15]
    X4=zeros( Ndat, dtype=float32)
    Y4=zeros( Ndat, dtype=float32)
    for i in xrange(Ndat):
        if (X3[i]-Y3[i]) >0.05:
            X4[i] = X3[i] + 0.08
            Y4[i] = Y3[i] + 0.18
            X4[i] = X3[i] - 0.08
            Y4[i] = Y3[i] - 0.18
    print "X", size(X3[0:Ndat]), "Y", size(Y3)
    return vstack((X4[0:Ndat],Y4[0:Ndat])), vstack((array(random_sample(Ndat)),array(random_sample(Ndat))))
Exemplo n.º 21
	def get_balance(self):
		if not getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
			msgprint("Please enter atleast 1 entry in 'GL Entries' table")
			flag, self.doc.total_debit, self.doc.total_credit = 0, 0, 0
			diff = flt(self.doc.difference, 2)
			# If any row without amount, set the diff on that row
			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
				if not d.credit and not d.debit and diff != 0:
					if diff>0:
						d.credit = diff
					elif diff<0:
						d.debit = diff
					flag = 1
			# Set the diff in a new row
			if flag == 0 and diff != 0:
				jd = addchild(self.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', self.doclist)
				if diff>0:
					jd.credit = abs(diff)
				elif diff<0:
					jd.debit = abs(diff)
			# Set the total debit, total credit and difference
			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
				self.doc.total_debit += flt(d.debit, 2)
				self.doc.total_credit += flt(d.credit, 2)

			self.doc.difference = flt(self.doc.total_debit, 2) - flt(self.doc.total_credit, 2)
Exemplo n.º 22
def has_split_dividents(mdata, from_date, to_date):
    ''' Verifies if market data interval has splits, dividends '''
    from_diff = abs(mdata['close'][from_date] - mdata['adj_close'][from_date])
    to_diff = abs(mdata['close'][to_date] - mdata['adj_close'][to_date])
    if approx_equal(from_diff, to_diff, 0.0001):
        return False
    return not percent_equal(from_diff, to_diff, mdata['close'][to_date], 0.8)
Exemplo n.º 23
def mouseInput():    
    cont = logic.getCurrentController()
    owner = cont.owner 
    centerX = (render.getWindowWidth()//2)/render.getWindowWidth()
    centerY = (render.getWindowHeight()//2)/render.getWindowHeight()
    global oldMouseVec
    if oldMouseVec == None:
        oldMouseVec = mathutils.Vector([0.0,0.0])
        logic.mouse.position = (centerX,centerY)
        return mathutils.Vector([0,0])
    x = logic.mouse.position[0] - centerX
    if abs(x) < abs(2/render.getWindowWidth()): x = 0
    y = centerY - logic.mouse.position[1]
    if abs(y) < abs(2/render.getWindowWidth()): y = 0
    newMouseVec = mathutils.Vector([x, y])  
    global mouseSensitivity 
    newMouseVec *= mouseSensitivity
    # Smooth movement
    global mouseSmooth
    oldMouseVec = oldMouseVec*mouseSmooth + newMouseVec*(1.0-mouseSmooth)
    newMouseVec = oldMouseVec
    # Center mouse in game window
    logic.mouse.position = (centerX,centerY)    
    return mathutils.Vector(newMouseVec)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def to_polynomial(self, c):
        Convert clause to :class:`sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanPolynomial`


        - ``c`` - a clause


            sage: B.<a,b,c> = BooleanPolynomialRing()
            sage: from sage.sat.converters.polybori import CNFEncoder
            sage: from sage.sat.solvers.dimacs import DIMACS
            sage: fn = tmp_filename()
            sage: solver = DIMACS(filename=fn)
            sage: e = CNFEncoder(solver, B, max_vars_sparse=2)
            sage: _ = e([a*b + a + 1, a*b+ a + c])
            sage: e.to_polynomial( (1,-2,3) )
            a*b*c + a*b + b*c + b
        def product(l):
            # order of these multiplications for performance
            res = l[0]
            for p in l[1:]:
                res = res*p
            return res

        phi = self.phi
        product = self.ring(1)
        for v in c:
            if phi[abs(v)] is None:
                raise ValueError("Clause containst an XOR glueing variable.")
            product *= phi[abs(v)] + int(v>0)
        return product
Exemplo n.º 25
def fit_CSU_edges(profile):
    fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()

    amp1_est = profile[profile == min(profile)][0]
    mean1_est = np.argmin(profile)
    amp2_est = profile[profile == max(profile)][0]
    mean2_est = np.argmax(profile)
    g_init1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=amp1_est, mean=mean1_est, stddev=2.)
    g_init1.amplitude.max = 0
    g_init1.amplitude.min = amp1_est*0.9
    g_init1.stddev.max = 3
    g_init2 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=amp2_est, mean=mean2_est, stddev=2.)
    g_init2.amplitude.min = 0
    g_init2.amplitude.min = amp2_est*0.9
    g_init2.stddev.max = 3

    model = g_init1 + g_init2
    fit = fitter(model, range(0,profile.shape[0]), profile)
    # Check Validity of Fit
    if abs(fit.stddev_0.value) <= 3 and abs(fit.stddev_1.value) <= 3\
       and fit.amplitude_0.value < -1 and fit.amplitude_1.value > 1\
       and fit.mean_0.value > fit.mean_1.value:
        x = [fit.mean_0.value, fit.mean_1.value]
        x1 = int(np.floor(min(x)-1))
        x2 = int(np.ceil(max(x)+1))
        x1 = None
        x2 = None

    return x1, x2
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_translational_alignment(self):
        """ Test the translational alignment in 2D routine """
        srw = IMP.em2d.SpiderImageReaderWriter()
        # random translation
        transformation = IMP.algebra.Transformation2D(trans)
        fn_translated = self.get_input_file_name("translated.spi")
#        translated.write(fn_translated,srw)
        fn_aligned = self.get_input_file_name("trans_aligned.spi")
 #       translated.write(fn_aligned,srw)
        # -1 to get the translation applied to reference.
        # Result contains the translation required for align the second matrix
        determined_trans= (-1)*result[0].get_translation()
        # Tolerate 1 pixel error
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(determined_trans[0]-trans[0]),0, delta=1,
                msg="1st coordinate is incorrect: Applied %f Determined %f" \
                    % (trans[0], determined_trans[0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(determined_trans[1]-trans[1]),0, delta=1,
                msg="2nd coordinate is incorrect: Applied %f Determined %f" \
                    % (trans[1], determined_trans[1]))
Exemplo n.º 27
def karatsuba_multiply(x, y):
  if x == 0 or y == 0: return 0
  sign = 1
  if (x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0): sign = -1
  x = abs(x)
  y = abs(y)
  max_digit = max(x.bit_length(), y.bit_length())

  if max_digit == 1: return 1

  half_digit = max_digit // 2
  filter_mask = (1 << half_digit) - 1

  x_upper_half = x >> half_digit
  x_lower_half = x & filter_mask
  y_upper_half = y >> half_digit
  y_lower_half = y & filter_mask

  z_0 = karatsuba_multiply(x_lower_half, y_lower_half)
  z_2 = karatsuba_multiply(x_upper_half, y_upper_half)
  z_1 = karatsuba_multiply((x_lower_half + x_upper_half), (y_lower_half + y_upper_half)) - z_0 - z_2

  abs_res = ((z_2  << half_digit << half_digit) +
          (z_1 << half_digit) +
  if sign == -1: return ~abs_res + 1
  else: return abs_res
Exemplo n.º 28
def getPartInfo( part ):
        points = part['points']
        n = len(points)
        area = cx = cy = 0
        xmin = ymin = 360
        xmax = ymax = -360
        pt = points[n-1];  xx = pt[0];  yy = pt[1]
        for pt in points:
                x = pt[0];  y = pt[1]
                # bounds
                xmin = min( x, xmin );  ymin = min( y, ymin )
                xmax = max( x, xmax );  ymax = max( y, ymax )
                # area and centroid
                a = xx * y - x * yy
                area += a
                cx += ( x + xx ) * a
                cy += ( y + yy ) * a
                # next
                xx = x;  yy = y
        area /= 2
        if area:
                centroid = [ cx / area / 6, cy / area / 6 ]
                centroid = None
                'area': abs(area),
                'bounds': [ [ xmin, ymin ], [ xmax, ymax ] ],
                'center': [ ( xmin + xmax ) / 2, ( ymin + ymax ) / 2 ],
                'centroid': centroid,
                'extent': [ abs( xmax - xmin ), abs( ymax - ymin ) ]
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_rotational_alignment(self):
        """ Test the rotational alignment in 2D routine (new) """
        srw = IMP.em2d.SpiderImageReaderWriter()
        # random rotation
        transformation = IMP.algebra.Transformation2D(rot)

        fn_rotated = self.get_input_file_name("rotated.spi")
#        rotated.write(fn_rotated,srw)
        fn_aligned = self.get_input_file_name("rot_aligned.spi")
 #       rotated.write(fn_aligned,srw)
        # approximately 6 degrees tolerance, 0.1 rad.
        x = angle+determined_angle
        modulo = (abs(x % (2*pi)) < 0.1) or (abs(x % (2*pi)-2*pi) < 0.1)
        self.assertEqual(modulo,True,msg="Angles applied %f and "
          "determined %f are different, difference %f" % (angle
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _str(self, i, x):
        """Handles string formatting of cell data

            i - index of the cell datatype in self._dtype 
            x - cell data to format
            f = float(x)
            return str(x)

        n = self._precision
        dtype = self._dtype[i]

        if dtype == 'i':
            return str(int(round(f)))
        elif dtype == 'f':
            return '%.*f' % (n, f)
        elif dtype == 'e':
            return '%.*e' % (n, f)
        elif dtype == 't':
            return str(x)
            if f - round(f) == 0:
                if abs(f) > 1e8:
                    return '%.*e' % (n, f)
                    return str(int(round(f)))
                if abs(f) > 1e8:
                    return '%.*e' % (n, f)
                    return '%.*f' % (n, f)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def make(self, tags_additional=[], isSocket=True):

        param = self.params

        lib_name = "Connector_PinSocket_{0:03.2f}mm".format(param.pin_pitch)
        footprint_name = self.makeModelName("")
        description = "Through hole angled socket strip, {0}x{1:02}, {2:03.2f}mm pitch, {3}mm socket length"\
                       .format(param.num_pin_rows, param.num_pins, param.pin_pitch, param.body_width)
        tags = "Through hole angled socket strip THT {0}x{1:02} {2:03.2f}mm".format(
            param.num_pin_rows, param.num_pins, param.pin_pitch)

        tags += txt_tag[param.num_pin_rows]
        description += txt_descr[param.num_pin_rows]

        pad = [param.pad_length, param.pad_width]
        rowdist = param.pin_pitch

        if len(tags_additional) > 0:
            for t in tags_additional:
                footprint_name = footprint_name + "_" + t
                description = description + ", " + t
                tags = tags + " " + t

        if len(param.datasheet) > 0:
            description += " (" + param.datasheet + ")"

        description += ", script generated"

        print(footprint_name, "in", lib_name)

        # init kicad footprint
        kicad_mod = Footprint(footprint_name)

        # anchor for SMD-symbols is in the center, for THT-sybols at pin1
        kicad_modg = Translation(0, 0)

        # create layer canvases
        silk = Layer(kicad_modg, 'F.SilkS')
        fab = Layer(kicad_modg, 'F.Fab')
        crt = Layer(kicad_modg, 'F.CrtYd',
                    offset=0.5)  # offset 0.5 for connectors
        pads = PadLayer(kicad_modg,
        keepout = Keepout(silk)

        if Keepout.DEBUG:

        rmh = param.pin_pitch / 2.0
        r_dist = rowdist * (param.num_pin_rows - 1)

        h_fab = (param.num_pins - 1) * param.pin_pitch + param.pin_pitch
        w_fab = -param.body_width
        l_fab = -(r_dist + param.body_offset)
        t_fab = -rmh

        h_slk = h_fab + silk.offset * 2.0
        w_slk = w_fab - silk.offset * 2.0
        l_slk = l_fab + silk.offset
        t_slk = t_fab - silk.offset

        w_crt = -(rmh + r_dist + param.body_offset + param.body_width +
                  crt.offset * 2.0)
        h_crt = h_fab + crt.offset * 2.0
        l_crt = rmh + crt.offset
        t_crt = -rmh - crt.offset

        # create pads
        y = 0.0
        for r in range(1, param.num_pins + 1):
            x = 0.0
            for c in range(1, param.num_pin_rows + 1):
                pads.add(x, y)
                x -= rowdist
            y += param.pin_pitch

        # add pads to silk keepout

        # add text to silk
        silk.goto(l_crt + w_crt / 2.0, t_crt - silk.txt_offset)\
            .text('reference', 'REF**')

        # create FAB-layer
        bevel = min(Layer.getBevel(h_fab, abs(w_fab)),
                    -t_fab - param.pin_width / 2.0)

        fab.goto(l_fab + w_fab / 2.0, (h_fab - param.pin_pitch) / 2.0)\
           .text('user', '%R', rotation=(90 if h_fab >= -w_fab else 0))\
           .rect(-w_fab, h_fab, bevel=(0.0, bevel, 0.0, 0.0))\
           .goto(l_crt + w_crt / 2.0, h_crt + t_crt + fab.txt_offset)\
           .text('value', footprint_name)

        # add pin markers
        fab.goto(l_fab / 2.0, 0.0)
        for r in range(1, param.num_pins + 1):
            fab.rect(l_fab, param.pin_width, draw=(True, False, True, True))\
               .down(param.pin_pitch, False)

        # continue silk layer, set origin and fill pin1 rectangle
        silk.setOrigin(l_fab + w_slk + silk.offset, t_slk)\
            .jump(0.0, -t_slk - rmh)\
            .fillrect(-w_slk, param.pin_pitch + silk.offset + (silk.offset if param.num_pins == 1 else 0.0))\

        pw = param.pin_width + silk.offset * 2.0

        # add pin markers
        silk.goto(l_slk / 2.0, 0.0)
        for r in range(1, param.num_pins + 1):
            silk.rect(l_slk, pw, draw=(True, False, True, False))\
               .down(param.pin_pitch, False)

        #add separation lines
            .jump(0.0, silk.line_width / 2.0)
        for r in range(1, param.num_pins + 1):
            silk.right(-w_slk, r != 1)\
                .jump(w_slk, param.pin_pitch)

        # add outline
            .rect(-w_slk, h_slk, origin='topLeft')

        pin1 = keepout.getPadBB(1)

        # add pin1 marker
        silk.goto(pin1.x + pin1.width / 2.0, pin1.y)\
            .up(max(-t_slk, pin1.height / 2.0))\
            .left(silk.x - pin1.x)

        # create courtyard
        crt.setOrigin(l_crt + w_crt / 2.0, t_crt + h_crt / 2.0)\
           .rect(w_crt, h_crt)

        # add model
            Model(filename="${KISYS3DMOD}/" + lib_name + ".3dshapes/" +
                  footprint_name + ".wrl"))

        # write file
        file_handler = KicadFileHandler(kicad_mod)
            root_dir.saveTo(lib_name) + footprint_name + '.kicad_mod')
Exemplo n.º 32
def getDistance(p1,p2,q1,q2):
    if p1==q1:
        return abs(p2-q2)-1
    if p2==q2:
        return abs(p1-q1)-1
    return gcd(abs(p1-q1),abs(p2-q2))-1
Exemplo n.º 33
def gcd(a,b):
    if b == 0:
        return a
    else :
        return gcd(b,a%b)
def getDistance(p1,p2,q1,q2):
    if p1==q1:
        return abs(p2-q2)-1
    if p2==q2:
        return abs(p1-q1)-1
    return gcd(abs(p1-q1),abs(p2-q2))-1
for i in range(nums):
    p1,p2=input().split(' ')
    q1,q2=input().split(' ')
    r1,r2=input().split(' ')
    area=abs( p1*(q2-r2) + q1*(r2-p2) + r1*(p2-q2) )
Exemplo n.º 34
    s = 0
    for xm in range(0, N):
        #find the value of the function at every y and multiply it by the weights to get the sum
        s += wpx[xm] * f(xp[xm])
    return s

N = [2, 4, 8, 12, 16]
G = []
S = []
exact = 2.1620386
for n in N:
    x, w = gaussxw(n)
    t1, t2, s = swhole(n, 1, 8, f)
    G.append(G1d(1, 8, x, w, n, f))
G = np.array(G)
S = np.array(S)
ErrorG = abs(G - exact)
ErrorS = abs(S - exact)

figure1 = plt.figure()
ax = figure1.add_subplot()
ax.loglog(N, ErrorG, label="Error Gaussian", color='green')
ax.loglog(N, ErrorS, label="Error Midpoint", color='blue')
ax.set_ylabel("absolute error")
figure1.suptitle("Error of each method")
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('calibrate_angular_node', anonymous=False)

        # Set rospy to execute a shutdown function when terminating the script

            self.rate = rospy.get_param("~check_odom_rate", 12)
            self.circle_cnt = rospy.get_param("~test_circle", '2')
            self.test_angle = eval('self.circle_cnt*2*pi')

            self.speed = rospy.get_param("~angular_speed", 0.3)   #radians speed
            self.tolerance = rospy.get_param("~tolerance_angle", 0.02)
            self.odom_angular_scale = rospy.get_param("~angular_scale", 1.000)

            # Publisher to control the robot's speed
            cmd_topic    = rospy.get_param("~cmd_topic", '/cmd_vel')
            self.cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher(cmd_topic, Twist, queue_size=5)

            # The base frame is usually base_link or base_footprint
            self.base_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_frame', '/base_footprint')

            # The odom frame is usually just /odom
            self.odom_frame = rospy.get_param('~odom_frame', '/odom')
            rospy.logerr("ERROR: Get config param error from yaml file...")

        # How fast will we check the odometry values?
        r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)

        # Initialize the tf listener
        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        # Give tf some time to fill its buffer

        # Make sure we see the odom and base frames
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(30.0))

        start_time = rospy.get_time()  #get start test time
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # Get the current rotation angle from tf
            self.odom_angle = 0 
            last_angle  = 0 
            turn_angle = 0.0
            rest_angle = self.test_angle - turn_angle
            # config move cmd
            move_cmd = Twist()
            move_cmd.angular.z = self.speed

            while rest_angle > self.tolerance:
                if rospy.is_shutdown():

                # Rotate the robot to reduce the rest_angle

                # Get the current rotation angle from tf                   
                self.odom_angle = self.get_odom_angle()
                rospy.loginfo("current rotation angle: " + str(self.odom_angle))

                # Compute how far we have gone since the last measurement
                delta_angle = self.odom_angular_scale * normalize_angle(self.odom_angle - last_angle)

                # Add to our total angle so far
                turn_angle += delta_angle
                rospy.loginfo("turn_angle: " + str(turn_angle))

                # Compute the new rest angle 
                rest_angle = self.test_angle - abs(turn_angle)
                rospy.loginfo("rest_angle: " + str(rest_angle))

                # Store the current angle for the next comparison
                last_angle = self.odom_angle

            # test completed 
            end_time = rospy.get_time() #get test end time
            rospy.logwarn("---Angular Test Completed---")
            rospy.logwarn("Test angle:" + str(self.test_angle))
            rospy.logwarn("Test Time:"  + str(end_time-start_time))
            rospy.logwarn("Test Angular speed:"  + str(self.test_angle/(end_time-start_time)))
            rospy.logwarn("Input Angular speed:" + str(self.speed))
            rospy.signal_shutdown('End Test')
Exemplo n.º 36
 def delta(p):
     if len(p) == 1:
         return oo
     return min(abs(i[0] - i[1]) for i in subsets(p, 2))
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe/qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + pi*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)/(2*sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 13944145/S(4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe/qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(4*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(32*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(80*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(pi/13) + pi*cot(5*pi/13)/2 - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13)
             + 2422020029/S(702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po/qe)
    Aeoe = (-log(20) + 2*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 + 1/S(4))*log(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 11818877030/S(4286604231) + pi*(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8))/sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po/qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(54*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(6*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(108*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13) + pi*cot(4*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 11669332571/S(3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe/qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + pi*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)/(2*sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 779405/S(277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe/qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(4*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(32*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(80*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(pi/13) + pi*cot(5*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 53857323/S(16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po/qe)
    Aooe = (-log(20) + 2*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 + 1/S(4))*log(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 486853480/S(186374097) + pi*(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8))/sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po/qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(54*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(6*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(108*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13) + pi*cot(4*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 383693479/S(125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]

    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e/a) == 1
        assert abs(h.n() - a.n()) < 1e-12
Exemplo n.º 38
a = float(input('Digite o valor da reta A: '))
b = float(input('Digite o valor da reta B: '))
c = float(input('Digite o valor da reta C: '))
ab_menos = abs(a - b)
ab_mais = a + b
ac_menos = abs(a - c)
ac_mais = a + c
bc_menos = abs(b - c)
bc_mais = b + c
if ((ab_menos < c) and
    (c < ab_mais)) and ((ac_menos < b) and
                        (c < ac_mais)) and ((bc_menos < a) and (a < bc_mais)):
    if a == b == c:
        print('Triângulo Equilátero.')
    elif a == b or a == c or b == c:
        print('Triângulo Isósceles.')
        print('Triângulo Escaleno.')
    print('Estas retas NÃO podem formar um triângulo')
 def avoirEnsembleSansValeurIninteressante(self, ensemble):
     ecart_type, moyenne = self.avoirEcartTypeEtMoyenne(ensemble)
     return [x for x in ensemble if abs(x - moyenne) < 2 * ecart_type]
Exemplo n.º 40
 def feq(a, b):
     return abs(a - b) < 1E-10
Exemplo n.º 41
def cost1(nums, target):
    return sum(abs(n - target) for n in nums)
 def degree(self):
     return abs(self) - 1
Exemplo n.º 43
def isclose(a, b=1., rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0):
    return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol)
Exemplo n.º 44
def cost2(nums, target):
    sum = 0
    for n in nums:
        m = abs(n - target)
        sum += (m + m**2) // 2
    return sum
def dual(bot, update, log_update=False):
    Update the ranking of the chat where the update originated from. The format of the message
    is expected to follow format of a 2-vs-2 game.

        bot (Telegram Bot): Bot that received the message.
        update (Telegram Update): Full description of the Telegram message.

        Duals: Duals-object describing the match
    # Assume format:
    # subm_1, subm_2, rival_1, rival_2, subm_sc, rival_sc

    if log_update:


    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    if not __check_ranking_exists(chat_id):
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if update.message.chat.type == "private":
                msg = bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=("Unfortunately, private-chats cannot have rankings.\n\n" +
                                                                             "To get started with a ranking:\n" + 
                                                                             "* Create a new channel\n" +
                                                                             "* Invite @table_soccer_ranker_bot to the channel\n" +
                                                                             "* Send '/start' message to the channel"))
                msg = bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=("No ranking has been started yet.\n" +
                                                                             "To get started with one, send '/start' to this chat.\n"))
            if log_update:
            return None

        sub, sub_tm, rival, rival_tm, sub_score, riv_score = parse_dual_update(update)
    except ValueError as e:
        msg = bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Uh oh, malformatted game result ({}). Should be form: /duals @teammate rival_1 rival_2 your_score rival_score".format(e.args[0]))
        if log_update:
        return None

    pregame_ranks = {}
    # Convert to dict
    for i, (user, _) in enumerate(RANKINGS[chat_id].get_leaderboard()):
        if user in [sub[0], sub_tm[0], rival[0], rival_tm[0]]:
            pregame_ranks[user] = i

        ts = int(update.message.date.timestamp())
        duals = RANKINGS[chat_id].add_dual_match(sub, sub_tm, rival, rival_tm, sub_score, riv_score, ts)
    except (TypeError, UnacceptedMatch, DuplicateMatch, RateLimitExceeded) as err:
        # TODO COmmunicate rate-limit
        logging.log(logging.ERROR, msg="Internal error: {}".format(err))
        msg = bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Uh oh, Internal error when tried to process the result.")
        if log_update:
        return None

    postgame_ranks = {}
    # Convert to dict
    for i, (user, _) in enumerate(RANKINGS[chat_id].get_leaderboard()):
        if user in [sub[0], sub_tm[0], rival[0], rival_tm[0]]:
            postgame_ranks[user] = i

    message = ["Succesfully added the game to the records."]
    additional = False

    for uid, uname in [sub, sub_tm, rival, rival_tm]:

        rise = postgame_ranks[uid] - pregame_ranks[uid]

        if uname is None:
                chat_member = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, uid)
                user = chat_member.user.full_name
            except (TimeoutError, AttributeError):
                uname = "Unknown"

        if rise < 0:
            # Do not add extra new-lines if nothing to report.
            if not additional:
                additional = True
            if rise == -1:
                message.append("Player {}, rose {} rank\n".format(uname, abs(rise)))
                message.append("Player {}, rose {} ranks\n".format(uname, abs(rise)))
        elif rise > 0:
            if not additional:
                additional = True

            # Do not report lost ranks to the users. Humans' tend to weight losing higher than winning, so avoid reporting
            # a loss.

            # if rise == 1:
            #     message.append("Player {}, lost {} rank\n".format(uname, abs(rise)))
            # else:
            #     message.append("Player {}, lost {} ranks\n".format(uname, abs(rise)))

    msg = bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="".join(message))
    if log_update:

    return duals
Exemplo n.º 46
def approx_equal(in_1,in_2,max_delta):
    if abs(in_1 - in_2) <= max_delta :
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 47
def main():
    num_images = 0
    num_no_ground_truth = 0
    num_no_detected_face = 0

    GT_bboxes = []
    GT_bboxes_principle = []
    Pre_bboxes = []

    images_folder = str.split(evaluate_data, '.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cbdar_path, images_folder)):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(cbdar_path, images_folder))
    with open(os.path.join(cbdar_path, evaluate_data), 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            num_images += 1
            line = str.split(line, ' ')
            img_file = line[0]

            if img_file == '14_deu_id_new/images/PS/PS14_28.tif':
                print('%s' % img_file)
                print('%s' % img_file)
            ## read image
            img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_path, img_file))

            ## read the ground truth of bounding box
            gt_num = int(line[1])
            if not gt_num:
                    '===============>>>> No groud truth of bounding box in %s!'
                    % img_file)
                num_no_ground_truth += 1
            gt_bboxes = np.zeros((gt_num, 4))

            ## read groud truth of bounding box
            for i in range(gt_num):
                i_start = 2 + i * 4
                i_end = 2 + (i + 1) * 4
                gt_bboxes[i] = list(map(int, line[i_start:i_end]))

                #shift_pixel = 35
                ## draw the ground truth
                              (int(gt_bboxes[i][0]), int(gt_bboxes[i][1])),
                              (abs(int((gt_bboxes[i][2] - gt_bboxes[i][0]))),
                               abs(int((gt_bboxes[i][3] - gt_bboxes[i][1])))),
                              (255, 0, 0), 3)

            gt_idx_end = i_end

            ## read the predicted bounding box and the confidences
            pre_num = (len(line) - gt_idx_end) // 5
            if pre_num == 0:
                print('%s No face has been detected!' % img_file)
                num_no_detected_face += 1
                pre_bboxes = np.zeros((pre_num, 5))
                for i in range(pre_num):
                    i_start = gt_idx_end + i * 5
                    i_end = gt_idx_end + (i + 1) * 5
                    pre_bboxes[i, 0:4] = list(map(int,
                                                  line[i_start:i_end - 1]))

                    ## draw the predicted boxes for PCN & MTCNN & Cascade-CNN
                    shfit_pixel = 5
                    cv2.rectangle(img, (int(pre_bboxes[i][0] + shfit_pixel),
                                        int(pre_bboxes[i][1] + shfit_pixel)),
                                  (abs(int(pre_bboxes[i][2]) + shfit_pixel),
                                   abs(int(pre_bboxes[i][3]) + shfit_pixel)),
                                  (0, 255, 0), 3, 8)

            img_new_file = img_file.replace('/', '_')
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(cbdar_path, images_folder, img_new_file),

        print('Total %d images, %d No ground truth, %d No detected face!' %
              (num_images, num_no_ground_truth, num_no_detected_face))

    return GT_bboxes, GT_bboxes_principle, Pre_bboxes
Exemplo n.º 48
        x, y = y, x

    parent[y] = x

    if rank[x] == rank[y]:
        rank[x] += 1
    return True

N, M = map(int, input().split())
points = [0] + [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
parent = [i for i in range(N + 1)]
rank = [1] * (N + 1)
for _ in range(M):
    union(*map(int, input().split()))

heap = []
for i in range(1, N):
    for j in range(i + 1, N + 1):
        dis = (abs(points[i][0] - points[j][0]) ** 2 + abs(points[i][1] - points[j][1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
        heapq.heappush(heap, (dis, i, j))

answer = 0
while heap:
    cost, start, end = heapq.heappop(heap)

    if union(start, end):
        answer += cost

Exemplo n.º 49
    def update(self, time):
        update = super(AIFighter, self).update(time)

        # the super has already made a change to the avatar
        if update == True:
            return True

        # we are attacking right now, so just let it be...
        if self.ai_timer.finished:
            # if we are attacking, then let it finish
            if self.in_attack:

            # make it dumb by stopping once in a while
            if self.rand_diff(5, 40):
                self.ai_timer.alarm = random.randint(250, 1000) 

            # get a list of stuff we could do here to punish
            options = self.plan_attack()

            for ani in self.banned_animations:
                except ValueError:

            if options == []:
                # play random animation, just for variety
                if self.rand_diff(5, 15):
                    ani = self.block_frames[random.randint(0, len(self.block_frames)-1)].parent
                    self.ai_timer.alarm = random.randint(250, 1000)

                # if we are idling, then we can walk        
                foe = self.match.closest_foe(self)
                if self.avatar.current_animation == self.idle_animation:
                    if abs(foe.position[0] - self.position[0]) > self.personal_space:
                        self.ai_timer.alarm = random.randint(60, 120) 
                        return True
                # throw an attack we can land
                if random.random() * 100 > 101 - self.difficulty:
                    if self.avatar.current_animation == self.idle_animation:
                        attack = options[random.randint(0, len(options)-1)]

                        # BUG: causes race conditions
                        #self.in_attack = attack
                        self.ai_timer.alarm = random.randint(200, 400) 
                        self.ai_timer.alarm = random.randint(120, 200) 

            self.ai_timer.alarm = self.update_freq
Exemplo n.º 50
 # print "kk",kk
 for i in xrange(n_par):  #进行n_par个坐标循环
     # print('  i='+str(i))
     range1 = [lowb[i], upperb[i]]
     tmp2data = tmpdata.copy()
     tmp2data[i] = vdata[i]
     vji = vdata[i]
     dj2 = sum((vdata - tmp2data)**2)
     for k in xrange(size(datasum, 0)):
         if k == orpt:
         tmp2data[i] = datasum[k, i]
         vki = datasum[k, i]
         dk2 = sum((datasum[k, :] - tmp2data)**2)
         # print 'dk2',dk2
         if abs(vki - vji) < 1e-10:
         xji = 1 / 2. * (vki + vji + (dk2 - dj2) /
                         (vki - vji))  #计算xj的第i个分量
         # print xji
         if xji > range1[0] and xji <= tmpdata[i]:
             range1[0] = xji
         elif xji < range1[1] and xji >= tmpdata[i]:
             range1[1] = xji
         # print "range1",range1
     # exit()
     # print range1
     newx_loc = range1[0] + (range1[1] -
                             range1[0]) * random.rand()  #均分分布生成新的坐标
     tmpdata[i] = newx_loc
 oridata = list(oridata) + [list(tmpdata)]  #该次迭代生成的ns个样本
Exemplo n.º 51
import pyfits
import cofe_util as util
import toitools as toi
import cPickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#working directories: current level, old (for servofile), main data dir (for UT of crossings)
lon[abs(lon+1.8) >=.3]=mlon

print utcrossings
azoffdic = { 1:np.zeros(3), 3:np.zeros(3), 5:np.zeros(3) }
eltargetdic = { 1:np.zeros(3), 3:np.zeros(3), 5:np.zeros(3)}
aztargetdic = {1:np.zeros(3), 3:np.zeros(3), 5:np.zeros(3) }
utcrossdic = { 1:np.zeros(3), 3:np.zeros(3), 5:np.zeros(3) }
loncrossdic = { 1:np.zeros(3), 3:np.zeros(3), 5:np.zeros(3) }
def sizing_calc(iParameters, gases, fData):

    #unpack all of the JSON data objects
    iParameters = json.loads(iParameters) if iParameters else {
    }  #user parameters
    gases = json.loads(gases) if gases else {}  #database gas composition
    fData = json.loads(fData) if fData else {}  #database flammability data

    if iParameters and gases and fData:

        #find UFL - LFL - Su - Pmax from flammabilty data
        if fData is not None:
            df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fData, orient='index').transpose()

            ufl = max(df[(df.Xi == 0) & (df.Flammable == 1)].Xf) * 100
            lfl = min(df[(df.Xi == 0) & (df.Flammable == 1)].Xf) * 100
            su = max(df.Su)
            p_max = max(df.Pmax)

        fuel_species = _get_fuel_species(
            gases)  #makes non-cantera species propane

        Aw1 = iParameters['Length'] * iParameters['Height']
        Aw2 = iParameters['Width'] * iParameters['Height']
        Aw3 = iParameters['Width'] * iParameters['Length']

        iVentPercent = 0.4

        #create gas properties object
        gas_comp = Fuel(air=AIR_SPECIES,

        userInput = Fuel(

        cntrl = Fuel(tmax=0.35)

        explode = Vent(gas=gas_comp, room=userInput, cntrl=cntrl)

        ventPercent = 0.3
        ventNum = iParameters['Number']
        Av1 = ventPercent * Aw1
        Avg = 0.001
        Avo = 0

        Asurface = 2 * Aw1 + 2 * Aw2 + Aw3

        while 100 * abs(Avo - Avg) / (0.5 * (Avo + Avg)) > 1:

            Avo = explode.areaV(Av1)
            Avg = Av1
            Av1 = Avo
        #dddd = explode.areaV(Av1)

        #dedud = {'VentArea': Avo}
        #dedud = json.dumps(dedud)
        #dddd = json.dumps(dddd)

        #return dddd, fuel_species
        return '{:.2f} m\u00b2'.format(Avo), '{:.2f} m\u00b2'.format(Asurface)

        return 'Error', 'Error'
Exemplo n.º 53
def network_info(datapath):
    # f = open('data/node_info.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF8')
    f = open('data/node_info_final.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF8')
    rdr = csv.reader(f)
    a = 0
    linenum = 0
    node_data = {}
    newnodeid = {}
    minx = 1000.0
    miny = 1000.0
    maxx = 0.0
    maxy = 0.0
    nid = 0
    for line in rdr:
        if linenum == 0:
            a = line
            newnodeid[int(line[0])] = nid
            node_data[nid] = {'NODE_ID': nid, 'NODE_TYPE': int(line[1]), 'NODE_NAME': line[2],
                                       'lat': float(line[6]),
                                       'long': float(line[5]), 'NODE_ID_OLD': float(line[0])}  # 'NODE_ID', 'NODE_TYPE', 'NODE_NAME', 'lat'위도(Y), 'long'
            nid += 1
            if minx > float(line[5]):
                minx = float(line[5])
            if miny > float(line[6]):
                miny = float(line[6])
            if maxx < float(line[5]):
                maxx = float(line[5])
            if maxy < float(line[6]):
                maxy = float(line[6])
        linenum += 1

    print('total nodes', linenum - 1)

    # f = open('data/link_info.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF8')
    f = open('data/link_info_final.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF8')
    rdr = csv.reader(f)
    a = 0
    lid = 0
    linenum = 0
    link_data = {}
    newlinkid = {}
    for line in rdr:
        if linenum == 0:
            a = line
            fn = newnodeid[int(line[1])]
            tn = newnodeid[int(line[2])]

            newlinkid[int(line[0])] = lid
            link_data[lid] = {'LINK_ID': lid, 'F_NODE': fn, 'T_NODE': tn,
                                           'MAX_SPD': float(line[11]), 'LENGTH': float(line[15])/1000, 'CUR_SPD': float(
                        0), 'WEIGHT': float(line[15])}

            # 'LINK_ID', 'F_NODE', 'T_NODE', 'MAX_SPD', 'LENGTH' (line[0], line[1], line[2], line[11], line[15])
            lid += 1
        linenum += 1
    print('total links', linenum-1)

    f = open(datapath, 'r', encoding='UTF8')
    rdr = csv.reader(f)
    a = 0
    linenum = 0
    link_traffic = {}
    for line in rdr:
        linenum += 1

        if int(line[1]) > 4000000000 and int(line[1]) < 4090000000:

            if int(line[1]) not in newlinkid.keys():
            lid = newlinkid[int(line[1])]
            # print(lid, int(line[1]))
            if lid in link_traffic:
                link_traffic[lid] = [float(line[2])]
            # print(line)
    # print('l', linenum)

    f = open('data/chargingstation.csv', 'r')
    rdr = csv.reader(f)
    linenum = 0
    cs_info = {}
    for line in rdr:
        if linenum == 0:
            if line[7] == 'Y':
                mindist = 100000
                n_id = -1
                # print(linenum, line[7],line[17],line[16], line)
                x1 = float(line[17])
                y1 = float(line[16])

                for n in node_data.keys():
                    x2 = node_data[n]['long']
                    y2 = node_data[n]['lat']
                    diff = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
                    if mindist > diff:
                        mindist = diff
                        n_id = n
                # print(n_id, mindist )
                if n_id in cs_info.keys():
                    if diff < cs_info[n_id]['diff_node']:
                        cs_info[n_id] = {'CS_ID': n_id, 'CS_NAME': line[0], 'lat': node_data[n_id]['lat'], 'long': node_data[n_id]['long'],'real_lat': float(line[16]),
                                         'real_long': float(line[17]), 'diff_node': mindist}
                    cs_info[n_id] = {'CS_ID': n_id, 'CS_NAME': line[0], 'lat': node_data[n_id]['lat'],
                                    'long': node_data[n_id]['long'], 'real_lat': float(line[16]),
                                    'real_long': float(line[17]), 'diff_node': mindist}

    # print(len(cs_info))
    # for n_id in cs_info.keys():
    #     print(cs_info[n_id])

    # f = open('data/node_info_all_final.csv', 'w', newline='')
    # wr = csv.writer(f)
    # for n_id in node_data.keys():
    #     wr.writerow([node_data[n_id]['NODE_ID'],node_data[n_id]['NODE_TYPE'],node_data[n_id]['NODE_NAME'],node_data[n_id]['lat'],node_data[n_id]['long'],node_data[n_id]['NODE_ID_OLD']])
    # f.close()
    # f = open('data/link_info_all_final.csv', 'w', newline='')
    # wr = csv.writer(f)
    # for n_id in link_data.keys():
    #     wr.writerow([link_data[n_id]['LINK_ID'],link_data[n_id]['F_NODE'],link_data[n_id]['T_NODE'],link_data[n_id]['MAX_SPD'],link_data[n_id]['LENGTH'],link_data[n_id]['CUR_SPD'], link_data[n_id]['WEIGHT']])
    # f.close()
    # f = open('data/cs_info_all_final.csv', 'w', newline='')
    # wr = csv.writer(f)
    # for n_id in cs_info.keys():
    #     wr.writerow([cs_info[n_id]['CS_ID'],cs_info[n_id]['CS_NAME'],cs_info[n_id]['lat'],cs_info[n_id]['long'],cs_info[n_id]['real_lat'],cs_info[n_id]['real_long']])
    # f.close()

    return link_data, node_data, link_traffic, cs_info, minx, miny, maxx, maxy
Exemplo n.º 54
s = input()
n = 97
c = 0
for i in s:
    x = abs(ord(i) - n)
    if x > 13:
        c += abs(x - 26)
        c += x
    n = ord(i)
Exemplo n.º 55
def combine_kp(standard_inst=None,
    """ Combine the output from the different Kp sources for a range of dates

    standard_inst : pysat.Instrument or NoneType
        Instrument object containing data for the 'sw' platform, 'kp' name,
        and '' tag or None to exclude (default=None)
    recent_inst : pysat.Instrument or NoneType
        Instrument object containing data for the 'sw' platform, 'kp' name,
        and 'recent' tag or None to exclude (default=None)
    forecast_inst : pysat.Instrument or NoneType
        Instrument object containing data for the 'sw' platform, 'kp' name,
        and 'forecast' tag or None to exclude (default=None)
    start : dt.datetime or NoneType
        Starting time for combining data, or None to use earliest loaded
        date from the pysat Instruments (default=None)
    stop : dt.datetime
        Ending time for combining data, or None to use the latest loaded date
        from the pysat Instruments (default=None)
    fill_val : int or float
        Desired fill value (since the standard instrument fill value differs
        from the other sources) (default=np.nan)

    kp_inst : pysat.Instrument
        Instrument object containing Kp observations for the desired period of
        time, merging the standard, recent, and forecasted values based on
        their reliability

    Merging prioritizes the standard data, then the recent data, and finally
    the forecast data

    Will not attempt to download any missing data, but will load data


    notes = "Combines data from"

    # Create an ordered list of the Instruments, excluding any that are None
    all_inst = list()
    tag = 'combined'
    inst_flag = None
    if standard_inst is not None:
        tag += '_standard'
        if inst_flag is None:
            inst_flag = 'standard'

    if recent_inst is not None:
        tag += '_recent'
        if inst_flag is None:
            inst_flag = 'recent'

    if forecast_inst is not None:
        tag += '_forecast'
        if inst_flag is None:
            inst_flag = 'forecast'

    if len(all_inst) < 2:
        raise ValueError("need at two Kp Instrument objects to combine them")

    # If the start or stop times are not defined, get them from the Instruments
    if start is None:
        stimes = [inst.index.min() for inst in all_inst if len(inst.index) > 0]
        start = min(stimes) if len(stimes) > 0 else None

    if stop is None:
        stimes = [inst.index.max() for inst in all_inst if len(inst.index) > 0]
        stop = max(stimes) if len(stimes) > 0 else None
        stop += pds.DateOffset(days=1)

    if start is None or stop is None:
        raise ValueError(' '.join(("must either load in Instrument objects or",
                                   "provide starting and ending times")))

    # Initialize the output instrument
    kp_inst = pysat.Instrument(labels=all_inst[0].meta_labels)
    kp_inst.inst_module = pysat_sw.instruments.sw_kp
    kp_inst.tag = tag
    kp_inst.date = start
    kp_inst.doy = int(start.strftime("%j"))
    kp_inst.meta = pysat.Meta(labels=kp_inst.meta_labels)
    initialize_kp_metadata(kp_inst.meta, 'Kp', fill_val=fill_val)

    kp_times = list()
    kp_values = list()

    # Cycle through the desired time range
    itime = start
    while itime < stop and inst_flag is not None:
        # Load and save the standard data for as many times as possible
        if inst_flag == 'standard':

            if notes.find("standard") < 0:
                notes += " the {:} source ({:} to ".format(
                    inst_flag, itime.date())

            if len(standard_inst.index) == 0:
                inst_flag = 'forecast' if recent_inst is None else 'recent'
                notes += "{:})".format(itime.date())
                itime = kp_times[-1] + pds.DateOffset(hours=3)

        # Load and save the recent data for as many times as possible
        if inst_flag == 'recent':
            # Determine which files should be loaded
            if len(recent_inst.index) == 0:
                files = np.unique(recent_inst.files.files[itime:stop])
                files = [None]  # No load needed, if already initialized

            # Cycle through all possible files of interest, saving relevant
            # data
            for filename in files:
                if filename is not None:

                if notes.find("recent") < 0:
                    notes += " the {:} source ({:} to ".format(
                        inst_flag, itime.date())

                # Determine which times to save
                local_fill_val = recent_inst.meta[
                    'Kp', recent_inst.meta.labels.fill_val]
                good_times = ((recent_inst.index >= itime)
                              & (recent_inst.index < stop))
                good_vals = recent_inst['Kp'][good_times] != local_fill_val

                # Save output data and cycle time
                itime = kp_times[-1] + pds.DateOffset(hours=3)

            inst_flag = 'forecast' if forecast_inst is not None else None
            notes += "{:})".format(itime.date())

        # Load and save the forecast data for as many times as possible
        if inst_flag == "forecast":
            # Determine which files should be loaded
            if len(forecast_inst.index) == 0:
                files = np.unique(forecast_inst.files.files[itime:stop])
                files = [None]  # No load needed, if already initialized

            # Cycle through all possible files of interest, saving relevant
            # data
            for filename in files:
                if filename is not None:

                if notes.find("forecast") < 0:
                    notes += " the {:} source ({:} to ".format(
                        inst_flag, itime.date())

                # Determine which times to save
                local_fill_val = forecast_inst.meta[
                    'Kp', forecast_inst.meta.labels.fill_val]
                good_times = ((forecast_inst.index >= itime)
                              & (forecast_inst.index < stop))
                good_vals = forecast_inst['Kp'][good_times] != local_fill_val

                # Save desired data and cycle time
                new_times = list(forecast_inst.index[good_times][good_vals])
                new_vals = list(forecast_inst['Kp'][good_times][good_vals])
                itime = kp_times[-1] + pds.DateOffset(hours=3)
            notes += "{:})".format(itime.date())

            inst_flag = None

    if inst_flag is not None:
        notes += "{:})".format(itime.date())

    # Determine if the beginning or end of the time series needs to be padded

    freq = None if len(kp_times) < 2 else pysat.utils.time.calc_freq(kp_times)
    end_date = stop - pds.DateOffset(days=1)
    date_range = pds.date_range(start=start, end=end_date, freq=freq)

    if len(kp_times) == 0:
        kp_times = date_range

    if date_range[0] < kp_times[0]:
        # Extend the time and value arrays from their beginning with fill
        # values
        itime = abs(date_range - kp_times[0]).argmin()
        extend_times = list(date_range[:itime])
        kp_values.extend([fill_val for kk in extend_times])

    if date_range[-1] > kp_times[-1]:
        # Extend the time and value arrays from their end with fill values
        itime = abs(date_range - kp_times[-1]).argmin() + 1
        extend_times = list(date_range[itime:])
        kp_values.extend([fill_val for kk in extend_times])

    # Save output data
    kp_inst.data = pds.DataFrame(kp_values, columns=['Kp'], index=kp_times)

    # Resample the output data, filling missing values
    if (date_range.shape != kp_inst.index.shape
            or abs(date_range - kp_inst.index).max().total_seconds() > 0.0):
        kp_inst.data = kp_inst.data.resample(freq).fillna(method=None)
        if np.isfinite(fill_val):
            kp_inst.data[np.isnan(kp_inst.data)] = fill_val

    # Update the metadata notes for this custom procedure
    notes += ", in that order"
    kp_inst.meta['Kp', kp_inst.meta.labels.notes] = notes

    return kp_inst
Exemplo n.º 56
def build_matched_spec(search_results, identified_spectra, cluster_data):
    #if none identification data found
    if not identified_spectra or len(identified_spectra) < 1:
        return None

    matched_spec = list()
    # psm_dict = dict()
    logging.info("start to build matched spec details")
    for spec_title in search_results.keys():
        search_result = search_results.get(spec_title)
        dot = float(search_result.get('dot'))
        f_val = float(search_result.get('fval'))

        cluster_id = search_result.get('lib_spec_id')
        cluster = cluster_data.get(cluster_id)
        if cluster == None:
            logging.debug("Null cluster for: %s, which may small than 5"%(cluster_id))
        cluster_ratio = float(cluster.get('ratio'))
        cluster_size = int(cluster.get('size'))
        cluster_conf_sc_str = json_stand(cluster.get('conf_sc'))
        seqs_ratios_str = json_stand(cluster.get('seqs_ratios'))
        seqs_mods_str = cluster.get('seqs_mods')

        conf_sc_dict = None
        seqs_ratios_dict = None
        mods_dict = None
        if cluster_conf_sc_str:
            conf_sc_dict = json.loads(cluster_conf_sc_str)
        if seqs_ratios_str:
            seqs_ratios_dict = json.loads(seqs_ratios_str)
        if seqs_mods_str:
            mods_dict = json.loads(seqs_mods_str)

        max_sc = 0.0
        max_sc_seq = ''
        if conf_sc_dict == None:
            logging.info("cluster %s do not has confidence score str" % (cluster_id))
        for each_seq in conf_sc_dict.keys():
            if float(conf_sc_dict.get(each_seq)) > max_sc:
                max_sc = float(conf_sc_dict.get(each_seq))
                max_sc_seq = each_seq

        identification = identified_spectra.get(spec_title)
        recomm_seq = ""
        recomm_mods = ""
        conf_sc = 0.0
        recomm_seq_sc = 0.0
        if identification:
            # pre_seq = identification.get('id_seq')
            # pre_mods = identification.get('id_mods')
            pre_seq = identification.get('peptideSequence')
            if pre_seq == None:
                pre_seq = identification.get('id_seq')

            pre_mods = identification.get('modifications')
            if pre_mods == None:
                pre_mods = identification.get('id_mods')

            # il_seq = pre_seq.replace('I', 'L')

            seq_ratio = float(seqs_ratios_dict.get(pre_seq, -1))

            if abs(seq_ratio - cluster_ratio) <= 0.001:  # this seq matches to the highest score seq
                recomm_seq = "PRE_"
                recomm_mods = ""
                conf_sc = float(conf_sc_dict.get(pre_seq, -1))
                if abs(conf_sc + 1) <=0.001:  #pre_seq has matched seq_ratio but not in conf_sc_dict, error
                    logging.error("Found no conf_sc for pre_seq %s" %(pre_seq))
                    logging.error("From conf_sc_dict %s" %(conf_sc_dict))
                recomm_seq_sc = conf_sc
            elif pre_seq in conf_sc_dict.keys():  # this seq matches to the lower score seq
                recomm_seq = "R_Better_" + max_sc_seq
                if mods_dict:
                    recomm_mods = mods_dict.get(max_sc_seq)
                    recomm_mods = ""
                conf_sc = float(conf_sc_dict.get(pre_seq))
                recomm_seq_sc = max_sc

        else:  # this seq matches non seq in the cluster
            pre_seq = ''
            pre_mods = ''
            recomm_seq = "R_NEW_" + max_sc_seq
            if mods_dict:
                recomm_mods = mods_dict.get(max_sc_seq)
                recomm_mods = ""
            conf_sc = 0
            recomm_seq_sc = max_sc
        matched_spec.append((spec_title, dot, f_val, cluster_id, cluster_size, cluster_ratio, pre_seq, pre_mods,
                            recomm_seq, recomm_mods, conf_sc, recomm_seq_sc))
    logging.info("Done build_matched_spec, build %d matched spec from %d search results and %d identified spectra."%(len(matched_spec), len(search_results), len(identified_spectra)))
    return matched_spec
Exemplo n.º 57
 def fitness_MD(self, list_of_x: np.ndarray):
     value = 0.0
     for el in self.T:
         # value += abs(list_of_x[0] * el[0] ** list_of_x[1] - el[1])
         value += abs(el[1] - list_of_x[0] * el[0]**list_of_x[1])
     return value
Exemplo n.º 58
def place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None)

    Required Parameters
    A : 2D array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2D array
        Input matrix
    p : 1D list
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    Optional Parameters
    dtime : bool
        False for continuous time pole placement or True for discrete time.
        The default is dtime=False.

    alpha : double scalar
        If `dtime` is false then place_varga will leave the eigenvalues with
        real part less than alpha untouched.  If `dtime` is true then
        place_varga will leave eigenvalues with modulus less than alpha

        By default (alpha=None), place_varga computes alpha such that all
        poles will be placed.

    K : 2D array (or matrix)
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p.

    This function is a wrapper for the slycot function sb01bd, which
    implements the pole placement algorithm of Varga [1]. In contrast to the
    algorithm used by place(), the Varga algorithm can place multiple poles at
    the same location. The placement, however, may not be as robust.

    [1] Varga A. "A Schur method for pole assignment."  IEEE Trans. Automatic
        Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 517-519, 1981.

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place_varga(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also:
    place, acker


    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A)
    B_mat = np.array(B)
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p)

    # Need a character parameter for SB01BD
    if dtime:
        DICO = 'D'
        DICO = 'C'

    if alpha is None:
        # SB01BD ignores eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
        # (if DICO='C') or with modulus less than alpha
        # (if DICO = 'D').
        if dtime:
            # For discrete time, slycot only cares about modulus, so just make
            # alpha the smallest it can be.
            alpha = 0.0
            # Choosing alpha=min_eig is insufficient and can lead to an
            # error or not having all the eigenvalues placed that we wanted.
            # Evidently, what python thinks are the eigs is not precisely
            # the same as what slicot thinks are the eigs. So we need some
            # numerical breathing room. The following is pretty heuristic,
            # but does the trick
            alpha = -2 * abs(min(system_eigs.real))
    elif dtime and alpha < 0.0:
        raise ValueError("Discrete time systems require alpha > 0")

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z, w, nfp, nap, nup, F, Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, DICO)

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return _ssmatrix(-F)
Exemplo n.º 59
    def match_request_time_in_orderbook_entry(control_db: str, target_db: str,
                                              col_name: str, start_time: int,
                                              end_time: int):
        db_client = SharedMongoClient.instance()
        control_col = db_client[control_db][col_name]
        target_col = db_client[target_db][col_name]

        ctrl_data_set: Cursor = control_col.find({
            "requestTime": {
                "$gte": start_time,
                "$lte": end_time
        }).sort([("requestTime", 1)])

        # get first nearest request time from control db
        first_ctrl_rq = ctrl_data_set[0]["requestTime"]

        # get first and second request time from target db
        trgt_data_set = list(
                "requestTime": {
                    "$gte": start_time,
                    "$lte": end_time
            }).sort([("requestTime", 1)])[:2])

        # first target requestTime
        first_trgt_rq = trgt_data_set[0]["requestTime"]
        # second target requestTime
        second_trgt_rq = trgt_data_set[1]["requestTime"]

        # calc difference between control reqTime and target reqTimes
        ctrl_first_trgt_first_diff = abs(first_ctrl_rq - first_trgt_rq)
        ctrl_first_trgt_second_diff = abs(first_ctrl_rq - second_trgt_rq)

        # if first in target is nearer to first in control, set first in target as starting point
        if ctrl_first_trgt_first_diff < ctrl_first_trgt_second_diff:
            trgt_start_rq = first_trgt_rq
        # if second in target is nearer to first in control, set second in target as starting point
        elif ctrl_first_trgt_first_diff > ctrl_first_trgt_second_diff:
            trgt_start_rq = second_trgt_rq
            raise Exception(
                "Difference is same, please Manually check the database and fix!!"

        # get count of data from control db
        ctrl_data_count = ctrl_data_set.count()

        # get same count of data from target db with the starting point as start time and without end time
        trgt_data_set: Cursor = target_col.find({
            "requestTime": {
                "$gte": trgt_start_rq
        }).sort([("requestTime", 1)]).limit(ctrl_data_count)
        trgt_data_count = trgt_data_set.count(with_limit_and_skip=True)

        logging.info("ctrl count count: %d, trgt: %d" %
                     (ctrl_data_count, trgt_data_count))
        assert (ctrl_data_count == trgt_data_count)

        last_index = ctrl_data_count - 1
        ctrl_last_rq = ctrl_data_set[last_index]["requestTime"]
        trgt_last_rq = trgt_data_set[last_index]["requestTime"]
        assert (abs(ctrl_last_rq - trgt_last_rq) < 3)

        # loop through both
        # update target's request time with control's request
        for ctrl_data, trgt_data in zip(ctrl_data_set, trgt_data_set):
            ctrl_rq = ctrl_data["requestTime"]
            trgt_rq = trgt_data["requestTime"]
            logging.info("ctrl_rqt: %d, trgt_rqt: %d" % (ctrl_rq, trgt_rq))
            if trgt_rq == ctrl_rq:
                                            {"requestTime": trgt_rq},
                                            {"$set": {
                                                "requestTime": ctrl_rq
Exemplo n.º 60
                                  volatilityList, riskFreeRateList,
                                  timeToMaturityList, dividendYieldList,
                                  optionPriceList, deltaList, gammaList,
                                  vegaList, thetaList, rhoList,
                                  OptionType.Call, numAssets)
runtime = CFBlackScholesMerton.lastruntime()

#Format output to match the example in C++, simply to aid comparison of results
    "| Index | Price     |     Delta      |     Gamma    |     Vega      |     Theta     |     Rho       |"
for loop in range(0, numAssets):
    print(loop, "\t%9.5f" % optionPriceList[loop], "\t%9.5f" % deltaList[loop],
          "\t%9.5f" % gammaList[loop], "\t%9.5f" % vegaList[loop],
          "\t%9.5f" % thetaList[loop], "\t%9.5f" % rhoList[loop])
    if (abs(expectedResultList[loop] - optionPriceList[loop])) > tolerance:
        print("Comparison failure - expected", expectedResultList[loop],
              "returned %9.5f" % optionPriceList[loop])

print("\nThis run took", str(runtime), "microseconds")

#Relinquish ownership of the card