def setUp(self): usescratch=False mosweight=False if (os.path.exists(self.msfile)): os.system('rm -rf ' + self.msfile) shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.msfile, self.msfile) self.imset = cleanhelper(im, self.msfile, (usescratch or mosweight)) self.imset.datsel(field=self.field, spw=self.spw, nchan=self.nchan, start=self.start, width=self.width, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='',intent='', usescratch=usescratch)
def clean(vis, imagename,outlierfile, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, observation, intent, mode, resmooth,gridmode, wprojplanes, facets, cfcache, rotpainc, painc, aterm, psterm, mterm, wbawp, conjbeams, epjtable, interpolation, niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, imagermode, ftmachine, mosweight, scaletype, multiscale, negcomponent, smallscalebias, interactive, mask, nchan, start, width, outframe, veltype, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, robust, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, modelimage, restoringbeam, pbcor, minpb, usescratch, noise, npixels, npercycle, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, nterms, reffreq, chaniter, flatnoise, allowchunk): #Python script casalog.origin('clean')'nchan='+str(nchan)+' start='+str(start)+' width='+str(width)) #If using new FT-Machines, do not use the on-the-fly model_data columns. # if (gridmode == 'advancedaprojection'): # raise Exception, 'This mode is not yet ready for use' if gridmode == 'advancedaprojection' and usescratch==False:'Forcing usescratch=True for new FTMs. This is temporary.', 'WARN') usescratch=True ####################################################################### # # start of the big cube treatment # ####################################################################### #paralist=[vis, imagename,outlierfile, field, spw, selectdata, \ # timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, observation, intent, mode, gridmode, \ # wprojplanes, facets, cfcache, painc, epjtable, \ # interpolation, niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, \ # imagermode, ftmachine, mosweight, scaletype, multiscale, \ # negcomponent, smallscalebias, interactive, mask, nchan, \ # start, width, outframe, veltype, imsize, cell, \ # phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, \ # robust, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, modelimage, \ # restoringbeam, pbcor, minpb, calready, noise, npixels, \ # npercycle, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, nterms, reffreq, \ # chaniter, flatnoise, allowchunk] #print paralist if (spw==''): spw='*'; if allowchunk and (mode=='velocity' or mode=='frequency' or mode=='channel') \ and not interactive:'analysing intended channalization...') imCln=imtool() imset=cleanhelper(imCln, vis, usescratch, casalog) (npage, localstart, localwidth)=imset.setChannelizeNonDefault(mode, spw, field,nchan,start,width,outframe,veltype,phasecenter, restfreq)'start='+str(localstart)+' width='+str(localwidth)+' nchan='+str(npage)) del imCln try: # estimate the size of the image import commands nstokes=len(stokes)'imsize='+str(imsize)+' nstokes='+str(nstokes)) if len(imsize)==1: npixel=imsize[0]*imsize[0] else: npixel=imsize[0]*imsize[1] volumn=4*nstokes*npage*npixel av=cu.hostinfo()['memory']['available']'mem available: '+str(int(av/1024))+'M') freemem=commands.getoutput("free") for line in freemem.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Mem'): av=float(line.split()[3])/1024 break'mem free: '+str(int(av))+'M') nd=volumn/1024./1024.*9'mem needed for single chunck clean: '+str(int(nd))+'M') chunk=1 tchan=npage fa=2.5 if not av/nd>fa: tchan=npage*av/nd/fa chunk=math.ceil(npage/tchan) tchan=int(math.floor(npage/chunk)) chunk=int(chunk) #print 'tchan', tchan, ' chunk', chunk if chunk>1 and tchan<npage:'will clean the cube in '+str(chunk)+' chunks') bigimg=imagename ta=qa.quantity(str(localstart)) wd=qa.quantity(str(localwidth)) subimg=[] for k in range(chunk): st=0 bg=k*tchan ed=bg+tchan-1 imname=bigimg+'_'+str(bg)+'-'+str(ed) if mode=='channel': st=localstart+k*tchan ed=st+tchan-1 if mode=='frequency': st=qa.convert(ta, 'Hz')['value'] ed=qa.convert(wd, 'Hz')['value'] st=str(st+k*tchan*ed)+'Hz' if mode=='velocity': st=qa.convert(ta, 'm/s')['value'] ed=qa.convert(wd, 'm/s')['value'] st=str(st+k*tchan*ed)+'m/s' #print imname, tchan, st, localwidth os.system('rm -rf '+imname+'*') try: clean(vis=vis,imagename=imname,outlierfile=outlierfile,field=field, spw=spw,selectdata=selectdata,timerange=timerange,uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna,scan=scan, observation=str(observation),intent=intent, mode=mode, resmooth=resmooth, gridmode=gridmode, wprojplanes=wprojplanes,facets=facets,cfcache=cfcache,rotpainc=rotpainc, painc=painc, psterm=psterm,aterm=aterm,mterm=mterm,wbawp=wbawp,conjbeams=conjbeams, epjtable=epjtable,interpolation=interpolation,niter=niter, gain=gain, threshold=threshold,psfmode=psfmode,imagermode=imagermode, ftmachine=ftmachine,mosweight=mosweight,scaletype=scaletype, multiscale=multiscale,negcomponent=negcomponent, smallscalebias=smallscalebias,interactive=interactive, mask=mask,nchan=tchan,start=st,width=localwidth,outframe=outframe, veltype=veltype,imsize=imsize,cell=cell,phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq,stokes=stokes,weighting=weighting, robust=robust,uvtaper=uvtaper,outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper,modelimage=modelimage, restoringbeam=restoringbeam,pbcor=pbcor,minpb=minpb, usescratch=usescratch,noise=noise,npixels=npixels,npercycle=npercycle, cyclefactor=cyclefactor,cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup,nterms=nterms, reffreq=reffreq,chaniter=chaniter,flatnoise=flatnoise, allowchunk=False) except Exception, instance: if(string.count(instance.message, 'PSFZero') >0): ia.fromimage(outfile=imname+'.image', infile=imname+'.residual', overwrite=True) ia.done() else: raise instance subimg.append(imname) for i in ['.image', '.flux', '.model', '.psf', '.residual', '.mask']: if((len(subimg) > 0) and os.path.exists(subimg[0]+i)):'concate '+bigimg+'_*'+i+' to '+bigimg+i) os.system('rm -rf '+bigimg+i) inf='' for j in range(len(subimg)): inf+=' '+subimg[j]+i bigim=ia.imageconcat(outfile=bigimg+i, infiles=inf, relax=True) bigim.done() ia.close() os.system('rm -rf '+inf) return else:'will clean the cube in a single chunk')
if (not selectdata): timerange='' uvrange='' antenna='' scan='' observation = '' intent='' try: # Create a new imager tool imCln=imtool(); ###if usescratch open ms with scratch column ###if mosweight use scratch columns as there in no ###mosweight available for no scratch column /readonly ms yet imset=cleanhelper(imCln, vis, usescratch, casalog) # multims input only (do sorting of vis list based on spw) if type(vis)==list: imset.sortvislist(spw,mode,width) # Check imagename if((len(imagename) == 0) or ((type(imagename) == str) and imagename.isspace())): raise Exception, 'Cannot proceed with blank imagename' opim=imset.checkimageusage(imagename) if(len(opim) != 0): raise Exception, 'image '+str(opim[0])+' is opened by another process' if(len(opim)==1) else 'images '+str(opim)+' are under use by other processes' multifield=False if (type(imagename)==list) & (len(imagename) > 1): multifield=True
def clean(vis, imagename, outlierfile, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, observation, intent, mode, resmooth, gridmode, wprojplanes, facets, cfcache, rotpainc, painc, aterm, psterm, mterm, wbawp, conjbeams, epjtable, interpolation, niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, imagermode, ftmachine, mosweight, scaletype, multiscale, negcomponent, smallscalebias, interactive, mask, nchan, start, width, outframe, veltype, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, robust, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, modelimage, restoringbeam, pbcor, minpb, usescratch, noise, npixels, npercycle, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, nterms, reffreq, chaniter, flatnoise, allowchunk): #Python script casalog.origin('clean')'nchan=' + str(nchan) + ' start=' + str(start) + ' width=' + str(width)) #If using new FT-Machines, do not use the on-the-fly model_data columns. # if (gridmode == 'advancedaprojection'): # raise Exception, 'This mode is not yet ready for use' if gridmode == 'advancedaprojection' and usescratch == False: 'Forcing usescratch=True for new FTMs. This is temporary.', 'WARN') usescratch = True ####################################################################### # # start of the big cube treatment # ####################################################################### #paralist=[vis, imagename,outlierfile, field, spw, selectdata, \ # timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, observation, intent, mode, gridmode, \ # wprojplanes, facets, cfcache, painc, epjtable, \ # interpolation, niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, \ # imagermode, ftmachine, mosweight, scaletype, multiscale, \ # negcomponent, smallscalebias, interactive, mask, nchan, \ # start, width, outframe, veltype, imsize, cell, \ # phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, \ # robust, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, modelimage, \ # restoringbeam, pbcor, minpb, calready, noise, npixels, \ # npercycle, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, nterms, reffreq, \ # chaniter, flatnoise, allowchunk] #print paralist if (spw == ''): spw = '*' if allowchunk and (mode=='velocity' or mode=='frequency' or mode=='channel') \ and not interactive:'analysing intended channalization...') imCln = imtool() imset = cleanhelper(imCln, vis, usescratch, casalog) (npage, localstart, localwidth) = imset.setChannelizeNonDefault( mode, spw, field, nchan, start, width, outframe, veltype, phasecenter, restfreq)'start=' + str(localstart) + ' width=' + str(localwidth) + ' nchan=' + str(npage)) del imCln try: # estimate the size of the image import commands nstokes = len(stokes)'imsize=' + str(imsize) + ' nstokes=' + str(nstokes)) if len(imsize) == 1: npixel = imsize[0] * imsize[0] else: npixel = imsize[0] * imsize[1] volumn = 4 * nstokes * npage * npixel av = cu.hostinfo()['memory']['available']'mem available: ' + str(int(av / 1024)) + 'M') freemem = commands.getoutput("free") for line in freemem.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Mem'): av = float(line.split()[3]) / 1024 break'mem free: ' + str(int(av)) + 'M') nd = volumn / 1024. / 1024. * 9'mem needed for single chunck clean: ' + str(int(nd)) + 'M') chunk = 1 tchan = npage fa = 2.5 if not av / nd > fa: tchan = npage * av / nd / fa chunk = math.ceil(npage / tchan) tchan = int(math.floor(npage / chunk)) chunk = int(chunk) #print 'tchan', tchan, ' chunk', chunk if chunk > 1 and tchan < npage:'will clean the cube in ' + str(chunk) + ' chunks') bigimg = imagename ta = qa.quantity(str(localstart)) wd = qa.quantity(str(localwidth)) subimg = [] for k in range(chunk): st = 0 bg = k * tchan ed = bg + tchan - 1 imname = bigimg + '_' + str(bg) + '-' + str(ed) if mode == 'channel': st = localstart + k * tchan ed = st + tchan - 1 if mode == 'frequency': st = qa.convert(ta, 'Hz')['value'] ed = qa.convert(wd, 'Hz')['value'] st = str(st + k * tchan * ed) + 'Hz' if mode == 'velocity': st = qa.convert(ta, 'm/s')['value'] ed = qa.convert(wd, 'm/s')['value'] st = str(st + k * tchan * ed) + 'm/s' #print imname, tchan, st, localwidth os.system('rm -rf ' + imname + '*') try: clean(vis=vis, imagename=imname, outlierfile=outlierfile, field=field, spw=spw, selectdata=selectdata, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, observation=str(observation), intent=intent, mode=mode, resmooth=resmooth, gridmode=gridmode, wprojplanes=wprojplanes, facets=facets, cfcache=cfcache, rotpainc=rotpainc, painc=painc, psterm=psterm, aterm=aterm, mterm=mterm, wbawp=wbawp, conjbeams=conjbeams, epjtable=epjtable, interpolation=interpolation, niter=niter, gain=gain, threshold=threshold, psfmode=psfmode, imagermode=imagermode, ftmachine=ftmachine, mosweight=mosweight, scaletype=scaletype, multiscale=multiscale, negcomponent=negcomponent, smallscalebias=smallscalebias, interactive=interactive, mask=mask, nchan=tchan, start=st, width=localwidth, outframe=outframe, veltype=veltype, imsize=imsize, cell=cell, phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq, stokes=stokes, weighting=weighting, robust=robust, uvtaper=uvtaper, outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper, modelimage=modelimage, restoringbeam=restoringbeam, pbcor=pbcor, minpb=minpb, usescratch=usescratch, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, npercycle=npercycle, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup, nterms=nterms, reffreq=reffreq, chaniter=chaniter, flatnoise=flatnoise, allowchunk=False) except Exception, instance: if (string.count(instance.message, 'PSFZero') > 0): ia.fromimage(outfile=imname + '.image', infile=imname + '.residual', overwrite=True) ia.done() else: raise instance subimg.append(imname) for i in [ '.image', '.flux', '.model', '.psf', '.residual', '.mask' ]: if ((len(subimg) > 0) and os.path.exists(subimg[0] + i)):'concate ' + bigimg + '_*' + i + ' to ' + bigimg + i) os.system('rm -rf ' + bigimg + i) inf = '' for j in range(len(subimg)): inf += ' ' + subimg[j] + i bigim = ia.imageconcat(outfile=bigimg + i, infiles=inf, relax=True) bigim.done() ia.close() os.system('rm -rf ' + inf) return else:'will clean the cube in a single chunk')
if (not selectdata): timerange = '' uvrange = '' antenna = '' scan = '' observation = '' intent = '' try: # Create a new imager tool imCln = imtool() ###if usescratch open ms with scratch column ###if mosweight use scratch columns as there in no ###mosweight available for no scratch column /readonly ms yet imset = cleanhelper(imCln, vis, usescratch, casalog) # multims input only (do sorting of vis list based on spw) if type(vis) == list: imset.sortvislist(spw, mode, width) # Check imagename if ((len(imagename) == 0) or ((type(imagename) == str) and imagename.isspace())): raise Exception, 'Cannot proceed with blank imagename' opim = imset.checkimageusage(imagename) if (len(opim) != 0): raise Exception, 'image ' + str( opim[0]) + ' is opened by another process' if ( len(opim) == 1) else 'images ' + str( opim) + ' are under use by other processes'
def autoclean(vis, imagename, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, mode, nchan, start, width, interpolation, doconcat, psfmode, imagermode, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, robust, noise, npixels, interactive, mask, modelimage, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, niter, npercycle, npercycle_speedup, gain, pbcor, minpb, clean_threshold, Nrms, eps_maxres, useabsresid, allow_maxres_inc, island_rms, diag, peak_rms, gain_threshold, Npeak, shape, boxstretch, irregsize): casalog.origin('autoclean') orig_npercycle = npercycle # set up initial mask values if input by user inputmask = None if (mask):'Using input mask from user.') imCln = imtool() imset = cleanhelper(imCln, vis) imset.defineimages(imsize=imsize, cell=cell, stokes=stokes, mode=mode, spw=spw, nchan=1, start=start, width=width, restfreq=restfreq, field=field, phasecenter=phasecenter) imset.datselweightfilter( field=field, spw=spw, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, wgttype=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, #mosweight=mosweight, innertaper=innertaper, outertaper=outertaper, calready=False) inputmask = '__temporary.mask' imset.makemaskimage(outputmask=inputmask, maskobject=mask) imCln.close() maskVals = ia.getchunk() ia.close() ia.removefile(inputmask) # begin loop over all channels for ichan in xrange(nchan): if imagermode != 'mfs':'***** Beginning channel %d of %d' % (ichan, nchan)) if (mode == 'mfs') or (nchan == 1): thisImage = imagename thisStart = start else: thisImage = imagename + '.channel.' + str(ichan) if mode == 'channel': thisStart = start + ichan * width else: thisStart = qa.add(start, qa.mul(width, qa.quantity(ichan))) # create dirty image from which to choose initial clean regions clean(vis=vis, imagename=thisImage, field=field, spw=spw, selectdata=selectdata, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, mode=mode, nchan=1, start=thisStart, width=width, interpolation=interpolation, psfmode=psfmode, imagermode=imagermode, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup, imsize=imsize, cell=cell, phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq, stokes=stokes, weighting=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, modelimage=modelimage, uvtaper=uvtaper, outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper, niter=0, gain=gain, minpb=minpb) casalog.origin('autoclean') # make the mask image ia_tool = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=thisImage + '.image', outfile=thisImage + '.mask', overwrite=True) if (mask): ia_tool.putchunk(pixels=maskVals) else: ia_tool.set(pixels=0.0) ia_tool.close() # keep track of changes in maximum residual over iterations maxres_increased = 0 post_max = 5000 # iterations variable stores number of clean internal iterations iterations = 0 # new_npercycle: number of minor cycles this iteration (can change) new_npercycle = orig_npercycle while iterations < niter: cleanmore, nregions = \ autowindow(imagename=thisImage, Npeak=Npeak, shape=shape, irregsize=irregsize, boxstretch=boxstretch, Nrms=Nrms, island_rms=island_rms, peak_rms=peak_rms, gain_threshold=gain_threshold, clean_threshold=clean_threshold, diag=diag, useabsresid=useabsresid, ichan=ichan) # if first iteration, make sure CLEAN is cleaning if not (cleanmore): if not (iterations):'Input parameters do not induce cleaning of ' 'channel %d.' % ichan) break # did autowindow make new clean regions? if (nregions): new_npercycle = orig_npercycle else: 'Will continue cleaning with current clean regions.') new_npercycle = int(round(new_npercycle * npercycle_speedup)) # maximum absolute residual before next clean iteration if (eps_maxres) or (allow_maxres_inc >= 0): pre_max = post_max # niter-iterations is the *total* number of iterations left, and might # be less than npercycle. Use the minimum of (npercycle, niter-iterations)'Starting clean at iteration %d' % iterations) #TMP# CAS-1623: an improvement will be made to CLEAN to allow it to # start from an existing residual image. The call to clean may need # to be changed to reflect this. clean(vis=vis, imagename=thisImage, field=field, spw=spw, selectdata=selectdata, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, mode=mode, nchan=1, width=width, start=thisStart, interpolation=interpolation, psfmode=psfmode, imagermode=imagermode, imsize=imsize, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup, cell=cell, phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq, stokes=stokes, weighting=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, modelimage=modelimage, uvtaper=uvtaper, outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper, niter=min(new_npercycle, niter - iterations), mask=thisImage + '.mask', gain=gain, minpb=minpb, npercycle=niter, interactive=bool(nregions and interactive)) casalog.origin('autoclean') iterations += new_npercycle # stop if we've reached maximum number of clean minor cycles if iterations >= niter:'Reached maximum number of CLEAN cycles (%d)' % niter) break # check maximum residual value if (eps_maxres) or (allow_maxres_inc >= 0): residualImage = thisImage + '.residual' stats = ia.statistics(list=False, verbose=True) ia.close() if (useabsresid): post_max = max([stats['max'][0], abs(stats['min'][0])]) else: post_max = stats['max'][0] # check fractional change of maximum residual if (eps_maxres): if abs(post_max - pre_max) / pre_max < eps_maxres:'Maximum residual has changed by less ' 'than %.3f; stopping' % eps_maxres) break if post_max >= pre_max: maxres_increased += 1 'Maximum residual has increased.') #, 'INFO1') if maxres_increased > allow_maxres_inc: 'Maximum residual has increased %d times; ' 'stopping.' % maxres_increased) break # finished with all channels: concatenate if there are multiple channels if (mode != 'mfs') and (nchan != 1) and (doconcat): concat_images(imagename, '.image', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.mask', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.flux', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.psf', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.model', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.residual', nchan) concat_regions(imagename, '.rgn', nchan) # The individual .channel. tables are no longer needed shutil.rmtree(imagename + '.channel.*') if (pbcor): # user wants primary beam corrected .image file and .residual file + '.image') ia.calc(imagename + '.image/' + imagename + '.flux') + '.residual') ia.calc(imagename + '.residual/' + imagename + '.flux') ia.close()
def widefield( vis, imagename, outlierfile, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, mode, niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, ftmachine, facets, wprojplanes, multiscale, negcomponent, interactive, mask, nchan, start, width, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, robust, npixels, noise, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, npercycle, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, restoringbeam, calready, ): """Calculate a wide-field deconvolved image with selected algorithm: """ ms1 = mstool() ### # Python script try: casalog.origin("widefield") multims = False if type(vis) == list: if len(vis) > 1: multims = True else: vis = vis[0] multifield = False if multims: print " multiple ms not handle for now" return if (type(imagename) == list) & (len(imagename) > 1): multifield = True else: if (type(phasecenter) == list) and (len(phasecenter) > 1): raise TypeError, "Number of phasecenters has be equal to number of images" ###Set image parameters casalog.origin("widefield") im1 = imtool() if multims: imset = cleanhelper() else: imset = cleanhelper(im1, vis, calready) # # if(multims): # visi=vis[len(vis)-1] # else: # visi=vis # if(multifield): # if(type(phasecenter) != list): # raise TypeError, 'Number of phasecenters has be equal to number of images' # for k in range(len(phasecenter)): # pc=phasecenter[k] # phasecenter[k]=test_phasecenter(pc, visi) # else: # phasecenter=test_phasecenter(phasecenter, visi) # # spwindex=-1; # spws=spw # if(multims & (type(spw)==list)): # spws=spw[0] # if( (spws==-1) or (spws=='-1') or (spws=='') or (spws==[-1])): # spwindex=-1 # spws='' # else: # thems=vis # if(multims): # thems=vis[0] # spwindex=ms1.msseltoindex(thems, spw=spws)['spw'].tolist() ##### imageids = [] imsizes = [] phasecenters = [] rootname = "" if len(outlierfile) != 0: imsizes, phasecenters, imageids = imset.readoutlier(outlierfile) if type(rootname) == list: rootname = imagename[0] else: rootname = imagename if len(imageids) > 1: multifield = True else: imsizes = imsize phasecenters = phasecenter imageids = imagename imset.definemultiimages( rootname, imsizes, cell, stokes, mode, spw, nchan, start, width, restfreq, field, phasecenters, imageids, facets, ) ############Data Selection if multims: if type(spw) == list: if len(spw) != len(vis): raise ValueError, "Number of spw selection should match number of data sets" if type(field) == list: if len(field) != len(vis): raise ValueError, "Number of field selection should match number of data sets" for k in range(len(vis)): spws = spw if type(spw) != list: spws = spw else: spws = spw[k] fields = field if type(field) != list: fields = field else: fields = field[k] if not os.path.exists(vis[k]): raise Exception, "Visibility data %s set not found - please verify the name" % vis[k] im1.selectvis(vis=vis[k], spw=spws, field=fields) elif (type(vis) == str) & (os.path.exists(vis)): imset.datselweightfilter( field=field, spw=spw, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, wgttype=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, mosweight=False, innertaper=innertaper, outertaper=outertaper, calready=calready, ) ############End of Data Selection else: raise Exception, "Visibility data set not found - please verify the name" ###deal with masks maskimage = "" if (mask == []) or (mask == ""): mask = [""] if interactive: if (mask == "") or (mask == [""]) or (mask == []): if type(imagename) == list: maskimage = [] for namoo in imagename: maskimage.append(namoo + ".mask") imset.maskimages[namoo] = namoo + ".mask" elif (type(imagename) == str) and (len(outlierfile) != 0): maskimage = imagename + ".mask" imset.maskimages[imagename] = imagename + ".mask" #### padd = 1.0 if facets > 1: padd = 1.2 im1.setoptions(ftmachine=ftmachine, padding=padd, wprojplanes=wprojplanes) # im1.setmfcontrol(scaletype=scaletype,minpb=minpb) im1.setmfcontrol(stoplargenegatives=negcomponent, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup) ##do themask if (maskimage == "") and (mask != [""]): maskimage = imset.imagelist[0] + ".mask" if not multifield: imset.makemaskimage(outputmask=maskimage, imagename=imagename, maskobject=mask) else: imset.makemultifieldmask(mask) maskimage = [] for k in range(len(imset.maskimages)): maskimage.append(imset.maskimages[imset.imagelist[k]]) imset.setrestoringbeam(restoringbeam) alg = "mfclark" ##### ###Determine algorithm to use if (psfmode == "clark") or (psfmode == "hogbom"): if facets > 1: alg = "wf" + psfmode else: alg = "mf" + psfmode if multiscale == [0]: multiscale = [] if (type(multiscale) == list) and (len(multiscale) > 0): if facets > 1: raise Exception, "multiscale with facets > 1 not allowed for now" alg = "mfmultiscale" im1.setscales(scalemethod="uservector", uservector=multiscale) modelimage = [] restoredimage = [] residualimage = [] for k in range(len(imset.imagelist)): modelimage.append(imset.imagelist[k]) restoredimage.append(imset.imagelist[k] + ".image") residualimage.append(imset.imagelist[k] + ".residual") ##will have to enable entropy later if alg == "mfentropy" or alg == "mfemptiness": im1.mem( algorithm=alg, niter=niter, sigma=sigma, targetflux=targetflux, constrainflux=constrainflux, keepfixed=[False], prior=prior, model=modelimage, residual=residualimage, image=restoredimage, mask=maskimage, ) else: im1.clean( algorithm=alg, niter=niter, gain=gain, threshold=qa.quantity(threshold, "mJy"), model=modelimage, residual=residualimage, image=restoredimage, mask=maskimage, interactive=interactive, npercycle=npercycle, ) im1.done() del im1 # del ms1 except Exception, instance: print "*** Error *** ", instance raise Exception, instance
'name': 'fr.3l', 'mode': 'frequency', 'shift': wid_ms / 3, 'int': 'linear', 'desc': 'freq start=%5.3fkHz lin' % (wid_ms / 3) } ] # a subset for the plot toplot = ['avel', 'fel', 'chan', 'freq', 'fr.5'] if pyonly: from cleanhelper import * imCln = imtool() vis = rt + '.ms' imset = cleanhelper(imCln, vis, False, casalog) outframe = '' else: # size of image to make n = 64 #debug: #tests=[tests[18]] j = 0 for te in tests: if te.has_key('spw'): spw = te['spw'] else: spw = '' if te.has_key('nchan'):
{'name':'frm', 'mode':'frequency','wid':"-%fkHz" % wid_ms,'sta':'%fkHz' % chn_ms, 'desc':'freq wid=-%6.1fKHz' % wid_ms}, {'name':'freq', 'mode':'frequency', 'desc':'freq default'}, {'name':'fr.3', 'mode':'frequency','shift':wid_ms/3, 'desc':'freq start=%5.3fkHz' % (wid_ms/3)}, {'name':'fr.5', 'mode':'frequency','shift':wid_ms/2, 'desc':'freq start=%5.3fkHz' % (wid_ms/2)}, {'name':'fr.7', 'mode':'frequency','shift':wid_ms/3*2, 'desc':'freq start=%5.3fkHz' % (wid_ms*2/3)}, {'name':'fr.3l','mode':'frequency','shift':wid_ms/3,'int':'linear','desc':'freq start=%5.3fkHz lin' % (wid_ms/3)}] # a subset for the plot toplot=['avel','fel','chan','freq','fr.5'] if pyonly: from cleanhelper import * imCln=imtool() vis=rt+'.ms' imset=cleanhelper(imCln, vis, False, casalog) outframe='' else: # size of image to make n=64 #debug: #tests=[tests[18]] j=0 for te in tests: if te.has_key('spw'): spw=te['spw'] else:
def autoclean(vis, imagename, field, spw, selectdata, timerange, uvrange, antenna, scan, mode, nchan, start, width, interpolation, doconcat, psfmode, imagermode, cyclefactor, cyclespeedup, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting, robust, noise, npixels, interactive, mask, modelimage, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, niter, npercycle, npercycle_speedup, gain, pbcor, minpb, clean_threshold, Nrms, eps_maxres, useabsresid, allow_maxres_inc, island_rms, diag, peak_rms, gain_threshold, Npeak, shape, boxstretch, irregsize): casalog.origin('autoclean') orig_npercycle = npercycle # set up initial mask values if input by user inputmask = None if(mask):'Using input mask from user.') imCln = imtool() imset = cleanhelper(imCln, vis) imset.defineimages(imsize=imsize, cell=cell, stokes=stokes, mode=mode, spw=spw, nchan=1, start=start, width=width, restfreq=restfreq, field=field, phasecenter=phasecenter) imset.datselweightfilter(field=field, spw=spw, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, wgttype=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, #mosweight=mosweight, innertaper=innertaper, outertaper=outertaper, calready=False) inputmask = '__temporary.mask' imset.makemaskimage(outputmask=inputmask, maskobject=mask) imCln.close() maskVals = ia.getchunk() ia.close() ia.removefile(inputmask) # begin loop over all channels for ichan in xrange(nchan): if imagermode!='mfs':'***** Beginning channel %d of %d' % (ichan, nchan)) if (mode=='mfs') or (nchan==1): thisImage = imagename thisStart = start else: thisImage = imagename + '.channel.' + str(ichan) if mode=='channel': thisStart = start + ichan*width else: thisStart = qa.add(start, qa.mul(width, qa.quantity(ichan))) # create dirty image from which to choose initial clean regions clean(vis=vis, imagename=thisImage, field=field, spw=spw, selectdata=selectdata, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, mode=mode, nchan=1, start=thisStart, width=width, interpolation=interpolation, psfmode=psfmode, imagermode=imagermode, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup, imsize=imsize, cell=cell, phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq, stokes=stokes, weighting=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, modelimage=modelimage, uvtaper=uvtaper, outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper, niter=0, gain=gain, minpb=minpb) casalog.origin('autoclean') # make the mask image ia_tool = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=thisImage+'.image', outfile=thisImage+'.mask', overwrite=True) if(mask): ia_tool.putchunk(pixels=maskVals) else: ia_tool.set(pixels=0.0) ia_tool.close() # keep track of changes in maximum residual over iterations maxres_increased = 0 post_max = 5000 # iterations variable stores number of clean internal iterations iterations = 0 # new_npercycle: number of minor cycles this iteration (can change) new_npercycle = orig_npercycle while iterations < niter: cleanmore, nregions = \ autowindow(imagename=thisImage, Npeak=Npeak, shape=shape, irregsize=irregsize, boxstretch=boxstretch, Nrms=Nrms, island_rms=island_rms, peak_rms=peak_rms, gain_threshold=gain_threshold, clean_threshold=clean_threshold, diag=diag, useabsresid=useabsresid, ichan=ichan) # if first iteration, make sure CLEAN is cleaning if not(cleanmore): if not(iterations):'Input parameters do not induce cleaning of ' 'channel %d.' % ichan) break # did autowindow make new clean regions? if(nregions): new_npercycle = orig_npercycle else:'Will continue cleaning with current clean regions.') new_npercycle = int(round(new_npercycle * npercycle_speedup)) # maximum absolute residual before next clean iteration if (eps_maxres) or (allow_maxres_inc >= 0): pre_max = post_max # niter-iterations is the *total* number of iterations left, and might # be less than npercycle. Use the minimum of (npercycle, niter-iterations)'Starting clean at iteration %d' % iterations) #TMP# CAS-1623: an improvement will be made to CLEAN to allow it to # start from an existing residual image. The call to clean may need # to be changed to reflect this. clean(vis=vis, imagename=thisImage, field=field, spw=spw, selectdata=selectdata, timerange=timerange, uvrange=uvrange, antenna=antenna, scan=scan, mode=mode, nchan=1, width=width, start=thisStart, interpolation=interpolation, psfmode=psfmode, imagermode=imagermode, imsize=imsize, cyclefactor=cyclefactor, cyclespeedup=cyclespeedup, cell=cell, phasecenter=phasecenter, restfreq=restfreq, stokes=stokes, weighting=weighting, robust=robust, noise=noise, npixels=npixels, modelimage=modelimage, uvtaper=uvtaper, outertaper=outertaper, innertaper=innertaper, niter=min(new_npercycle,niter-iterations), mask=thisImage+'.mask', gain=gain, minpb=minpb, npercycle=niter, interactive=bool(nregions and interactive)) casalog.origin('autoclean') iterations += new_npercycle # stop if we've reached maximum number of clean minor cycles if iterations >= niter:'Reached maximum number of CLEAN cycles (%d)' % niter) break # check maximum residual value if (eps_maxres) or (allow_maxres_inc >= 0): residualImage = thisImage+'.residual' stats = ia.statistics(list=False, verbose=True) ia.close() if(useabsresid): post_max = max([ stats['max'][0], abs(stats['min'][0]) ]) else: post_max = stats['max'][0] # check fractional change of maximum residual if(eps_maxres): if abs(post_max-pre_max)/pre_max < eps_maxres:'Maximum residual has changed by less ' 'than %.3f; stopping' % eps_maxres) break if post_max >= pre_max: maxres_increased += 1'Maximum residual has increased.')#, 'INFO1') if maxres_increased > allow_maxres_inc:'Maximum residual has increased %d times; ' 'stopping.' % maxres_increased) break # finished with all channels: concatenate if there are multiple channels if (mode!='mfs') and (nchan!=1) and (doconcat): concat_images(imagename, '.image', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.mask', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.flux', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.psf', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.model', nchan) concat_images(imagename, '.residual', nchan) concat_regions(imagename, '.rgn', nchan) # The individual .channel. tables are no longer needed shutil.rmtree(imagename + '.channel.*') if(pbcor): # user wants primary beam corrected .image file and .residual file'.image') ia.calc(imagename+'.image/'+imagename+'.flux')'.residual') ia.calc(imagename+'.residual/'+imagename+'.flux') ia.close()