Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, OBfile, synchan_activation_correction,
        tweaks, mpirank, uniquestr, granfilebase, resptuned=False, spiketable=False):
        self.mpirank = mpirank
        self.uniquestr = uniquestr
        self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext()
        self.granfilebase = granfilebase
        self.spiketable = spiketable
        ## netseed is between 'seed' and '_' / '.xml' in OBfile
        ## ensure there is an _ before .xml, to consider both endings.
        OBfile_underscored = OBfile.replace('.xml','_.xml')
        self.netseed = float((OBfile_underscored.split('seed')[1]).split('_')[0])
        ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT,
        ## hence passed all the way down to
        ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level
        self.cellSegmentDict = load_cells()
        filename = OBfile
        NML = NetworkML({'temperature':CELSIUS})
        ## Below returns populationDict = { 'populationname1':(cellname,{instanceid1:moosecell, ... }) , ... }
        ## and projectionDict = { 'projectionname1':(source,target,[(syn_name1,pre_seg_path,post_seg_path),...]) , ... }
        (self.populationDict,self.projectionDict) = \

        if VARY_GRANS_RMP:
        if VARY_PGS_RMP:
            self.set_pgs_rmp(PG_RMP_SD) # let PGs vary also
            self.set_different_pgs() # set cells as PG_LTS or PG
            ## Vary synapse/channel Gbar-s only after setting them as PG_LTS or PG above
            self.set_pgs_input_conductances() # set input conductance based on PG type
            #self.set_pgs_tca_var() # changes TCa for all PGs
            ## for PG_LTS, varying ELeak or TCa doesn't change RMP, varying KCa does
            self.set_pgs_kca_var() # changes KCa for PG_LTSs

        #### Granule baseline synapses and connected timetables are created
        #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file.
        #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables.

        #### mitral baseline synapses and connected timetables are created
        #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file.
        #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables.
        #print "Connecting 10000 files per mit"
        ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at lateral dendrites
        ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at tuft dendrites

        # unordered dictionary self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] is
        # renamed to a more friendly self.mitralTable
        self.mitralTable = self.populationDict['mitrals'][1]
        print "OB Network from",OBfile,"loaded!"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        self.mpirank = mpirank
        self.uniquestr = uniquestr
        self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext()
        self.granfilebase = granfilebase
        self.spiketable = spiketable
        ## netseed is between 'seed' and '_' / '.xml' in OBfile
        ## ensure there is an _ before .xml, to consider both endings.
        OBfile_underscored = OBfile.replace('.xml', '_.xml')
        self.netseed = float(
        ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT,
        ## hence passed all the way down to
        ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level
        self.cellSegmentDict = load_cells()

        filename = OBfile
        NML = NetworkML({'temperature': CELSIUS})
        ## Below returns populationDict = { 'populationname1':(cellname,{instanceid1:moosecell, ... }) , ... }
        ## and projectionDict = { 'projectionname1':(source,target,[(syn_name1,pre_seg_path,post_seg_path),...]) , ... }
        (self.populationDict,self.projectionDict) = \

        if VARY_GRANS_RMP:
        if VARY_PGS_RMP:
            self.set_pgs_rmp(PG_RMP_SD)  # let PGs vary also
            self.set_different_pgs()  # set cells as PG_LTS or PG
            ## Vary synapse/channel Gbar-s only after setting them as PG_LTS or PG above
            )  # set input conductance based on PG type
            #self.set_pgs_tca_var() # changes TCa for all PGs
            ## for PG_LTS, varying ELeak or TCa doesn't change RMP, varying KCa does
            self.set_pgs_kca_var()  # changes KCa for PG_LTSs

        #### Granule baseline synapses and connected timetables are created
        #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file.
        #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables.

        #### mitral baseline synapses and connected timetables are created
        #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file.
        #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables.
        #print "Connecting 10000 files per mit"
        ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at lateral dendrites
        ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at tuft dendrites

        # unordered dictionary self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] is
        # renamed to a more friendly self.mitralTable
        self.mitralTable = self.populationDict['mitrals'][1]

        print "OB Network from", OBfile, "loaded!"
from neuroml_utils import *
from sim_utils import * # has build_tweaks()
from networkConstants import *
## these are needed to load mitral cell and get segids and synapse locations
from load_channels import *
from load_synapses import *
from load_cells import *
from simset_odor import * # has synchan_activation_correction
## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT,
## hence passed all the way down to
## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level
## cellSegmentDict[<cellname>] = { segid1 : [ segname,(proximalx,proximaly,proximalz),
##     (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ] , ... }
cellSegmentDict = load_cells()

from pylab import *

## python2.6 plot_mitral_connectivity_NetworkML.py <networkmlfile.xml>
## OR
## python2.6 plot_mitral_connectivity_NetworkML.py SYN_DECAY
## The plots are for weights and numbers of all exc/inh synapses on the central/lateral mitrals.
## The printing on the terminal gives weights located proximally vs distally from central mits.

TWOGLOMS = False#True # whether to check for mits 0,2 (True) or 0,1 (False)
INCLUDEMULTIS = True # whether to include multi-s in joint connectivity

class NetworkML():