Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: wal613/peach
    def __init__(self,
        Initializes the optimizer.

        To create an optimizer of this type, instantiate the class with the
        parameters given below:

            A multivariable function to be optimized. The function should have
            only one parameter, a multidimensional line-vector, and return the
            function value, a scalar.

            First estimate of the minimum. Estimates can be given in any format,
            but internally they are converted to a one-dimension vector, where
            each component corresponds to the estimate of that particular
            variable. The vector is computed by flattening the array.

            A range of values might be passed to the algorithm, but it is not
            necessary. If supplied, this parameter should be a list of ranges
            for each variable of the objective function. It is specified as a
            list of tuples of two values, ``(x0, x1)``, where ``x0`` is the
            start of the interval, and ``x1`` its end. Obviously, ``x0`` should
            be smaller than ``x1``. It can also be given as a list with a simple
            tuple in the same format. In that case, the same range will be
            applied for every variable in the optimization.

            Neighbor function. This is a function used to compute the neighbor
            of the present estimate. You can use the ones defined in the
            ``neighbor`` module, or you can implement your own. In any case, the
            ``neighbor`` parameter must be an instance of ``ContinuousNeighbor``
            or of a subclass. Please, see the documentation on the ``neighbor``
            module for more information. The default is ``GaussianNeighbor``,
            which computes the new estimate based on a gaussian distribution
            around the present estimate.

            A standard optimizer such as gradient or Newton. This is used in
            case the estimate is not accepted by the algorithm -- in this case,
            a new estimate is computed in a standard way, providing a little
            improvement in any case. It defaults to None; in that case, no
            standard optimizatiion will be used. Notice that, if you want to use
            a standard optimizer, you must create it before you instantiate this
            class. By doing it this way, you can configure the optimizer in any
            way you want. Please, consult the documentation in ``Gradient``,
            ``Newton`` and others.

            Initial temperature of the system. The temperature is, of course, an
            analogy. Defaults to 1000.

            Temperature decreasing rate. The temperature must slowly decrease in
            simulated annealing algorithms. In this implementation, this is
            controlled by this parameter. At each step, the temperature is
            multiplied by this value, so it is necessary that ``0 < rt < 1``.
            Defaults to 0.95, smaller values make the temperature decay faster,
            while larger values make the temperature decay slower.

            Convergence step. In the case that the neighbor estimate is not
            accepted, a simple gradient step is executed. This parameter is the
            convergence step to the gradient step.

            Maximum allowed error. The algorithm stops as soon as the error is
            below this level. The error is absolute.

            Maximum number of iterations, the algorithm stops as soon this
            number of iterations are executed, no matter what the error is at
            the moment.
        self.__f = f
        self.__x = array(x0).ravel()
        self.__fx = f(self.__x)

        # Determine ranges of the variables
        if ranges is not None:
            ranges = list(ranges)
            if len(ranges) == 1:
                ranges = array(ranges * len(x0[0]))
                ranges = array(ranges)
        self.ranges = ranges
        '''Holds the ranges for every variable. Although it is a writable
        property, care should be taken in changing parameters before ending the

        # Verifies the validity of the neighbor method
            issubclass(neighbor, ContinuousNeighbor)
            neighbor = neighbor()
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(neighbor, types.FunctionType):
            neighbor = ContinuousNeighbor(neighbor)
        if not isinstance(neighbor, ContinuousNeighbor):
            raise TypeError, 'not a valid neighbor function'
            self.__nb = neighbor

        self.__optm = optm
        self.__t = float(T0)
        self.__r = float(rt)
        self.__emax = float(emax)
        self.__imax = int(imax)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, f, x0, ranges=None, neighbor=GaussianNeighbor, optm=None,
                 T0=1000., rt=0.95, emax=1e-8, imax=1000):
        Initializes the optimizer.

        To create an optimizer of this type, instantiate the class with the
        parameters given below:

            A multivariable function to be optimized. The function should have
            only one parameter, a multidimensional line-vector, and return the
            function value, a scalar.

            First estimate of the minimum. Estimates can be given in any format,
            but internally they are converted to a one-dimension vector, where
            each component corresponds to the estimate of that particular
            variable. The vector is computed by flattening the array.

            A range of values might be passed to the algorithm, but it is not
            necessary. If supplied, this parameter should be a list of ranges
            for each variable of the objective function. It is specified as a
            list of tuples of two values, ``(x0, x1)``, where ``x0`` is the
            start of the interval, and ``x1`` its end. Obviously, ``x0`` should
            be smaller than ``x1``. It can also be given as a list with a simple
            tuple in the same format. In that case, the same range will be
            applied for every variable in the optimization.

            Neighbor function. This is a function used to compute the neighbor
            of the present estimate. You can use the ones defined in the
            ``neighbor`` module, or you can implement your own. In any case, the
            ``neighbor`` parameter must be an instance of ``ContinuousNeighbor``
            or of a subclass. Please, see the documentation on the ``neighbor``
            module for more information. The default is ``GaussianNeighbor``,
            which computes the new estimate based on a gaussian distribution
            around the present estimate.

            A standard optimizer such as gradient or Newton. This is used in
            case the estimate is not accepted by the algorithm -- in this case,
            a new estimate is computed in a standard way, providing a little
            improvement in any case. It defaults to None; in that case, no
            standard optimizatiion will be used. Notice that, if you want to use
            a standard optimizer, you must create it before you instantiate this
            class. By doing it this way, you can configure the optimizer in any
            way you want. Please, consult the documentation in ``Gradient``,
            ``Newton`` and others.

            Initial temperature of the system. The temperature is, of course, an
            analogy. Defaults to 1000.

            Temperature decreasing rate. The temperature must slowly decrease in
            simulated annealing algorithms. In this implementation, this is
            controlled by this parameter. At each step, the temperature is
            multiplied by this value, so it is necessary that ``0 < rt < 1``.
            Defaults to 0.95, smaller values make the temperature decay faster,
            while larger values make the temperature decay slower.

            Convergence step. In the case that the neighbor estimate is not
            accepted, a simple gradient step is executed. This parameter is the
            convergence step to the gradient step.

            Maximum allowed error. The algorithm stops as soon as the error is
            below this level. The error is absolute.

            Maximum number of iterations, the algorithm stops as soon this
            number of iterations are executed, no matter what the error is at
            the moment.
        self.__f = f
        self.__x = array(x0).ravel()
        self.__fx = f(self.__x)

        # Determine ranges of the variables
        if ranges is not None:
            ranges = list(ranges)
            if len(ranges) == 1:
                ranges = array(ranges * len(x0[0]))
                ranges = array(ranges)
        self.ranges = ranges
        '''Holds the ranges for every variable. Although it is a writable
        property, care should be taken in changing parameters before ending the

        # Verifies the validity of the neighbor method
            issubclass(neighbor, ContinuousNeighbor)
            neighbor = neighbor()
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(neighbor, types.FunctionType):
            neighbor = ContinuousNeighbor(neighbor)
        if not isinstance(neighbor, ContinuousNeighbor):
            raise TypeError, 'not a valid neighbor function'
            self.__nb = neighbor

        self.__optm = optm
        self.__t = float(T0)
        self.__r = float(rt)
        self.__emax = float(emax)
        self.__imax = int(imax)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: wal613/peach
    def __init__(self,
        Initializes the optimizer.

        To create an optimizer of this type, instantiate the class with the
        parameters given below:

            A multivariable function to be optimized. The function should have
            only one parameter, a multidimensional line-vector, and return the
            function value, a scalar.

            First estimate of the minimum. Estimates can be given in any format,
            but internally they are converted to a one-dimension vector, where
            each component corresponds to the estimate of that particular
            variable. The vector is computed by flattening the array.

            Ranges of values allowed for each component of the input vector. If
            given, ranges are checked and a new estimate is generated in case
            any of the components fall beyond the value. ``range`` can be a
            tuple containing the inferior and superior limits of the interval;
            in that case, the same range is used for every variable in the input
            vector. ``range`` can also be a list of tuples of the same format,
            inferior and superior limits; in that case, the first tuple is
            assumed as the range allowed for the first variable, the second
            tuple is assumed as the range allowed for the second variable and so

            A ``struct``-module string with the format of the data used. Please,
            consult the ``struct`` documentation, since what is explained there
            is exactly what is used here. For example, if you are going to use
            the optimizer to deal with three-dimensional vectors of continuous
            variables, the format would be something like::

              fmt = 'fff'

            Default value is an empty string. Notice that this is implemented as
            a ``bitarray``, so this module must be present.

            It is strongly recommended that integer numbers are used! Floating
            point numbers can be simulated with long integers. The reason for
            this is that random bit sequences can have no representation as
            floating point numbers, and that can make the algorithm not perform

            The default value for this parameter is ``None``, meaning that a
            default format is not supplied. If a format is not supplied, then
            the estimate will be passed as a bitarray to the objective function.
            This means that your function must take care to decode the bit
            stream to extract meaning from it.

            Neighbor function. This is a function used to compute the neighbor
            of the present estimate. You can use the ones defined in the
            ``neighbor`` module, or you can implement your own. In any case, the
            ``neighbor`` parameter must be an instance of ``BinaryNeighbor`` or
            of a subclass. Please, see the documentation on the ``neighbor``
            module for more information. The default is ``InvertBitsNeighbor``,
            which computes the new estimate by inverting some bits in the
            present estimate.

            Initial temperature of the system. The temperature is, of course, an
            analogy. Defaults to 1000.

            Temperature decreasing rate. The temperature must slowly decrease in
            simulated annealing algorithms. In this implementation, this is
            controlled by this parameter. At each step, the temperature is
            multiplied by this value, so it is necessary that ``0 < rt < 1``.
            Defaults to 0.95, smaller values make the temperature decay faster,
            while larger values make the temperature decay slower.

            Maximum allowed error. The algorithm stops as soon as the error is
            below this level. The error is absolute.

            Maximum number of iterations, the algorithm stops as soon this
            number of iterations are executed, no matter what the error is at
            the moment.
        self.__f = f
        self.format = fmt

        # Determine ranges
        if ranges is None:
            self.ranges = None
        elif len(ranges) == 1:
            self.ranges = array(ranges * len(fmt))
            self.ranges = array(ranges)

        # Verifies the validity of the neighbor method
            issubclass(neighbor, BinaryNeighbor)
            neighbor = neighbor()
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(neighbor, types.FunctionType):
            neighbor = BinaryNeighbor(neighbor)
        if not isinstance(neighbor, BinaryNeighbor):
            raise TypeError, 'not a valid neighbor function'
            self.__nb = neighbor

        self.__t = float(T0)
        self.__r = float(rt)
        self.__xbest = self.__x[:]  # Holds the best estimate so far and
        self.__fbest = f(
            self.__get_x())  # its value on the objective function.
        self.__emax = float(emax)
        self.__imax = int(imax)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, f, x0, ranges=[ ], fmt=None, neighbor=InvertBitsNeighbor,
                 T0=1000., rt=0.95, emax=1e-8, imax=1000):
        Initializes the optimizer.

        To create an optimizer of this type, instantiate the class with the
        parameters given below:

            A multivariable function to be optimized. The function should have
            only one parameter, a multidimensional line-vector, and return the
            function value, a scalar.

            First estimate of the minimum. Estimates can be given in any format,
            but internally they are converted to a one-dimension vector, where
            each component corresponds to the estimate of that particular
            variable. The vector is computed by flattening the array.

            Ranges of values allowed for each component of the input vector. If
            given, ranges are checked and a new estimate is generated in case
            any of the components fall beyond the value. ``range`` can be a
            tuple containing the inferior and superior limits of the interval;
            in that case, the same range is used for every variable in the input
            vector. ``range`` can also be a list of tuples of the same format,
            inferior and superior limits; in that case, the first tuple is
            assumed as the range allowed for the first variable, the second
            tuple is assumed as the range allowed for the second variable and so

            A ``struct``-module string with the format of the data used. Please,
            consult the ``struct`` documentation, since what is explained there
            is exactly what is used here. For example, if you are going to use
            the optimizer to deal with three-dimensional vectors of continuous
            variables, the format would be something like::

              fmt = 'fff'

            Default value is an empty string. Notice that this is implemented as
            a ``bitarray``, so this module must be present.

            It is strongly recommended that integer numbers are used! Floating
            point numbers can be simulated with long integers. The reason for
            this is that random bit sequences can have no representation as
            floating point numbers, and that can make the algorithm not perform

            The default value for this parameter is ``None``, meaning that a
            default format is not supplied. If a format is not supplied, then
            the estimate will be passed as a bitarray to the objective function.
            This means that your function must take care to decode the bit
            stream to extract meaning from it.

            Neighbor function. This is a function used to compute the neighbor
            of the present estimate. You can use the ones defined in the
            ``neighbor`` module, or you can implement your own. In any case, the
            ``neighbor`` parameter must be an instance of ``BinaryNeighbor`` or
            of a subclass. Please, see the documentation on the ``neighbor``
            module for more information. The default is ``InvertBitsNeighbor``,
            which computes the new estimate by inverting some bits in the
            present estimate.

            Initial temperature of the system. The temperature is, of course, an
            analogy. Defaults to 1000.

            Temperature decreasing rate. The temperature must slowly decrease in
            simulated annealing algorithms. In this implementation, this is
            controlled by this parameter. At each step, the temperature is
            multiplied by this value, so it is necessary that ``0 < rt < 1``.
            Defaults to 0.95, smaller values make the temperature decay faster,
            while larger values make the temperature decay slower.

            Maximum allowed error. The algorithm stops as soon as the error is
            below this level. The error is absolute.

            Maximum number of iterations, the algorithm stops as soon this
            number of iterations are executed, no matter what the error is at
            the moment.
        self.__f = f
        self.format = fmt

        # Determine ranges
        if ranges is None:
            self.ranges = None
        elif len(ranges) == 1:
            self.ranges = array(ranges * len(fmt))
            self.ranges = array(ranges)

        # Verifies the validity of the neighbor method
            issubclass(neighbor, BinaryNeighbor)
            neighbor = neighbor()
        except TypeError:
        if isinstance(neighbor, types.FunctionType):
            neighbor = BinaryNeighbor(neighbor)
        if not isinstance(neighbor, BinaryNeighbor):
            raise TypeError, 'not a valid neighbor function'
            self.__nb = neighbor

        self.__t = float(T0)
        self.__r = float(rt)
        self.__xbest = self.__x[:]        # Holds the best estimate so far and
        self.__fbest = f(self.__get_x())  # its value on the objective function.
        self.__emax = float(emax)
        self.__imax = int(imax)