Exemplo n.º 1
def calculate_merkle_link(hashes, index):
    # XXX optimize this

    hash_list = [(lambda _h=h: _h, i == index, [])
                 for i, h in enumerate(hashes)]

    while len(hash_list) > 1:
        hash_list = [(
            lambda _left=left, _right=right: sha3(
                merkle_record_type.pack(dict(left=_left(), right=_right()))),
            left_f or right_f,
            (left_l if left_f else right_l) +
            [dict(side=1, hash=right) if left_f else dict(side=0, hash=left)],
        ) for (left, left_f, left_l), (
            right, right_f,
            right_l) in zip(hash_list[::2], hash_list[1::2] +

    res = [x['hash']() for x in hash_list[0][2]]

    assert hash_list[0][1]
    if p2pool.DEBUG:
        new_hashes = [
            random.randrange(2**256) if x is None else x for x in hashes
        assert check_merkle_link(new_hashes[index],
                                      index=index)) == merkle_hash(new_hashes)
    assert index == sum(
        k * 2**i
        for i, k in enumerate([1 - x['side'] for x in hash_list[0][2]]))

    return dict(branch=res, index=index)
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_merkle_link(tip_hash, link):
    if link['index'] >= 2**len(link['branch']):
        raise ValueError('index too large')
    return reduce(lambda c, (i, h): sha3(merkle_record_type.pack(
        dict(left=h, right=c) if (link['index'] >> i) & 1 else
        dict(left=c, right=h)
    )), enumerate(link['branch']), tip_hash)
Exemplo n.º 3
def calculate_merkle_link(hashes, index):
    # XXX optimize this
    hash_list = [(lambda _h=h: _h, i == index, []) for i, h in enumerate(hashes)]
    while len(hash_list) > 1:
        hash_list = [
                lambda _left=left, _right=right: sha3(merkle_record_type.pack(dict(left=_left(), right=_right()))),
                left_f or right_f,
                (left_l if left_f else right_l) + [dict(side=1, hash=right) if left_f else dict(side=0, hash=left)],
            for (left, left_f, left_l), (right, right_f, right_l) in
                zip(hash_list[::2], hash_list[1::2] + [hash_list[::2][-1]])
    res = [x['hash']() for x in hash_list[0][2]]
    assert hash_list[0][1]
    if p2pool.DEBUG:
        new_hashes = [random.randrange(2**256) if x is None else x
            for x in hashes]
        assert check_merkle_link(new_hashes[index], dict(branch=res, index=index)) == merkle_hash(new_hashes)
    assert index == sum(k*2**i for i, k in enumerate([1-x['side'] for x in hash_list[0][2]]))
    return dict(branch=res, index=index)
Exemplo n.º 4
def merkle_hash(hashes):
    if not hashes:
        return 0
    hash_list = list(hashes)
    while len(hash_list) > 1:
        hash_list = [sha3(merkle_record_type.pack(dict(left=left, right=right)))
            for left, right in zip(hash_list[::2], hash_list[1::2] + [hash_list[::2][-1]])]
    return hash_list[0]
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_merkle_link(tip_hash, link):
    if link['index'] >= 2**len(link['branch']):
        raise ValueError('index too large')
    return reduce(
        lambda c, (i, h): sha3(
                dict(left=h, right=c)
                if (link['index'] >> i) & 1 else dict(left=c, right=h))),
        enumerate(link['branch']), tip_hash)
Exemplo n.º 6
def merkle_hash(hashes):
    if not hashes:
        return 0
    hash_list = list(hashes)
    while len(hash_list) > 1:
        hash_list = [
            sha3(merkle_record_type.pack(dict(left=left, right=right)))
            for left, right in zip(hash_list[::2], hash_list[1::2] +
    return hash_list[0]
def sign(message, privateKey):
    curve = Curve()
    r = 0
    s = 0
    while r == 0 or s == 0:
        k = random.randint(1, curve.n-1)
        R = multiply(curve.G, k)
        R.x = int(R.x)
        r = R.x % curve.n
        modResult = inverse_mod(k, curve.n)
        byteMessageDigest = bytearray(sha3(message))
        e = 0
        for byte in byteMessageDigest:
            e += byte
        s = (modResult * (e + privateKey * r)) % curve.n

    # Embed signature at the beginning of message
    signature = "\n--BEGIN SIGNATURE--\n" + str(hex(r)) + "\n" + str(hex(s)) + "\n--END SIGNATURE--\n"
    message = message + signature

    return message
def verify(messageEmbed):
    curve = Curve()
    inf = float('inf')
    # Extract signature from message
    # messageEmbed = messageEmbed.replace("\\n", "\n")
    messageArr = messageEmbed.split("\n--END SIGNATURE--\n")
    if (len(messageArr) < 2):
        return "Message not digitally signed"

    publicKeyString = messageArr[1].split(",")
    x_point = int(publicKeyString[0])
    y_point = int(publicKeyString[1])
    publicKey = Point(x_point, y_point)

    messageArr2 = messageArr[0].split("\n--BEGIN SIGNATURE--\n")
    signature = messageArr2[1].split("\n")
    message = messageArr2[0]
    r = int(signature[0], 16)
    s = int(signature[1], 16)

    if (r >= 1 and r <= curve.n-1 and s >= 1 and s <= curve.n-1):
        byteMessageDigest = bytearray(sha3(message))
        e = 0
        for byte in byteMessageDigest:
            e += byte
        w = inverse_mod(s, curve.n)
        u1 = ((e % curve.n) * w) % curve.n
        u2 = ((r % curve.n) * w) % curve.n
        X = add(multiply(curve.G, u1), multiply(publicKey, u2))
        if (X.x == inf):
            return False
        X.x = int(X.x)
        v = X.x % curve.n

        return v == r

        return False
	def __add_key_value_pair__(self,key_str,value):

		hash_object = sha3.keccak_256('b'key_str)
		[div, ind] = divmod(sha3(key_str),self.m)