Exemplo n.º 1
def geneticAlgorithm(populationSize, maxCost, nbFights, **kwargs):
    if 'initChampions' in kwargs:
        population = kwargs['initChampions']
        population += [createRandomShip(maxCost) for _ in range(populationSize-len(kwargs['initChampions']))]
        population = [createRandomShip(maxCost) for _ in range(populationSize)]
    tournamentResult = tournament(population, nbFights)
    nbChampions = 2
    if 'nbChampions' in kwargs:
        nbChampions = kwargs['nbChampions']
    nbGeneration = 2
    if 'nbGeneration' in kwargs:
        nbChampions = kwargs['nbGeneration']
    nbMutations = 2
    if 'nbMutations' in kwargs:
        nbChampions = kwargs['nbMutations']
    for nbG in range(nbGeneration):
        # Determine the parents
        champions = [(population[i], tournamentResult[population[i]]) for i in range(len(population[:nbChampions]))]
        for shipResult in tournamentResult:
            mini = min([result[1] for result in champions])
            if tournamentResult[shipResult] > mini:
                for indexR in range(len(champions)):
                    if champions[indexR] == mini:
                        champions[indexR] = (shipResult, tournamentResult[shipResult])
        # Create new population with crossovers of the parents
        for shipD in population:
            if shipD not in [champ[0] for champ in champions]:
        population = [shipC[0] for shipC in champions]
        for cantFindName in range(populationSize-len(champions)):
            parent1 = randrange(nbChampions)
            # We'll assume that there's at least 2 champions
            parent2 = randrange(nbChampions)
            while parent2 == parent1:
                parent2 = randrange(nbChampions)
            population += [crossover(population[parent1], population[parent2], maxCost)]
        # Mutation
        for nbM in range(nbMutations):
            population[randrange(len(population))] = mutation(population[randrange(len(population))], maxCost)
        # Determine the fitness of the population
        tournamentResult = tournament(population, nbFights)
    bestIndividual = population[0]
    for key in tournamentResult:
        if tournamentResult[key] > tournamentResult[bestIndividual]:
            bestIndividual = key
    return bestIndividual
Exemplo n.º 2
async def tournament(ctx, *args):
    global currentTournaments
    if len(args) == 0:
        if len(currentTournaments) == 0:
            currentTournaments = tournament()
            ctx.send("There is always a game night")
        if args[0] == "clear":
            if int(args[1]).isDigit():
                    currentTournaments.remove(int(args[1]) - 1)
                except IndexError:
                    ctx.send("Index out of bounds")
            elif args[1] == "all":
                currentTournaments = None
                ctx.send(f"Cannot clear {args[1]}")
        elif len(args) > 4:
            del args[4:]  #truncate args
            newTournament = tournament.tournament(args)
            newGamesNight = gamesnight.gamesnight(args)
Exemplo n.º 3
def autoStopGeneticAlgorithm(populationSize, maxCost, nbFights, **kwargs):
    Stops when then champions aren't really differents from the rest of the population.
    champions = []
    oldChampions = []
    minGenerations = 5

    if keepMemoryOfShipsGAlgo:
        ls = os.listdir()
        nameF = 'shipsGAlgo'
        while nameF in ls:
            nameF += '2'
        resMemory = ''

    def handler(signum, _):
        if signum == signal.SIGTERM:

    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)

    def muchDifferences(championsL):
        victoriesPoints = [ch[1] for ch in championsL]
        for x in victoriesPoints:
            if x > (populationSize-1) * (2/3):
                return True
        return False

    if 'initChampions' in kwargs:
        population = kwargs['initChampions']
        population += [createRandomShip(maxCost) for _ in range(populationSize-len(kwargs['initChampions']))]
        population = [createRandomShip(maxCost) for _ in range(populationSize)]
    tournamentResult = tournament(population, nbFights)
    nbChampions = 2
    if 'nbChampions' in kwargs:
        nbChampions = kwargs['nbChampions']
    nbMutations = 2
    if 'nbMutations' in kwargs:
        nbChampions = kwargs['nbMutations']
    nbGenerations = 0

    if keepMemoryOfShipsGAlgo:
        for shipM in population:
            resMemory += shipM + ' '
        resMemory += '\n'

    while (minGenerations > nbGenerations or muchDifferences(champions)) and nbGenerations < 30:
        # Determine the parents
        champions = [(population[i], tournamentResult[population[i]]) for i in range(len(population[:nbChampions]))]
        for shipResult in tournamentResult:
            mini = min([result[1] for result in champions])
            if tournamentResult[shipResult] > mini:
                for indexR in range(len(champions)):
                    if champions[indexR] == mini:
                        champions[indexR] = (shipResult, tournamentResult[shipResult])
        oldChampions += [c[0] for c in champions if c[0] not in oldChampions]

        # Create new population with crossovers of the parents
        # for shipD in population:
        #     if shipD not in [champ[0] for champ in champions]:
        #         deleteShip(shipD)
        population = [shipC[0] for shipC in champions]
        for cantFindName in range(populationSize-len(champions)):
            parent1 = randrange(nbChampions)
            # We'll assume that there's at least 2 champions
            parent2 = randrange(nbChampions)
            while parent2 == parent1:
                parent2 = randrange(nbChampions)
            population += [crossover(population[parent1], population[parent2], maxCost)]
        # Mutation
        for nbM in range(nbMutations):
            population[randrange(len(population)-nbChampions)+nbChampions] = mutation(population[randrange(len(population))], maxCost)
        # Determine the fitness of the population
        tournamentResult = tournament(population, nbFights)

        nbGenerations += 1

        if keepMemoryOfShipsGAlgo:
            for shipM in population:
                resMemory += shipM + ' '
            resMemory += '\n'

    if keepMemoryOfShipsGAlgo:
        with open(nameF, 'w') as keepMemory:

    bestIndividual = population[0]
    for key in tournamentResult:
        if tournamentResult[key] > tournamentResult[bestIndividual]:
            bestIndividual = key
    print('\033[32m'+'Best individual  :   '+bestIndividual+'\033[0m')
    champions = [(population[i], tournamentResult[population[i]]) for i in range(len(population[:nbChampions]))]
    for shipResult in tournamentResult:
        mini = min([result[1] for result in champions])
        if tournamentResult[shipResult] > mini:
            for indexR in range(len(champions)):
                if champions[indexR][1] == mini:
                    champions[indexR] = (shipResult, tournamentResult[shipResult])
    oldChampions += [c[0] for c in champions if c[0] not in oldChampions]
    resChamps = [bestIndividual] + [champs[0] for champs in champions if champs != bestIndividual]
    return resChamps, [badShip for badShip in population if badShip not in resChamps], oldChampions