Exemplo n.º 1
    def _update_transform(self):
        bounds = self._graph.bounds
        range = vec2_sub(bounds.hi, bounds.lo)
        pad = vec2(range.x * 0.2,
                   range.x * 0.1)  # pad more on x because of labels
        lo = vec2_sub(bounds.lo, pad)  # move lo down by pad
        range = vec2_add(range, pad)  #increase range by 2*pad
        range = vec2_add(range, pad)  # hehe laziness
        size = vec2(self.allocation.width, self.allocation.height)
        if range.x == 0 or range.y == 0:
            scale = vec2(1, 1)
            scale = vec2_piecewise_div(size, range)

        def to_screen(v):
            return ivec2(vec2_piecewise_mul(vec2_sub(v, lo), scale))

        def from_screen(in_s):
            s = vec2(in_s)
            return vec2_add(vec2_piecewise_div(s, scale), lo)

        def from_screen_size(in_s):
            s = vec2(in_s)
            return vec2_piecewise_div(s, scale)

        self._to_screen = to_screen
        self._from_screen = from_screen
        self._from_screen_size = from_screen_size
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize the Graph """
        self.nodes = []  # Set of nodes
        self.obstacles = []  # Set of obstacles - used for collision detection

        # Initialize the size of the graph based on the world size
        self.gridWidth = int(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH / Constants.GRID_SIZE)
        self.gridHeight = int(Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT / Constants.GRID_SIZE)

        # Create grid of nodes
        for i in range(self.gridHeight):
            row = []
            for j in range(self.gridWidth):
                node = Node(
                    i, j, vec2(Constants.GRID_SIZE * j,
                               Constants.GRID_SIZE * i),
                    vec2(Constants.GRID_SIZE, Constants.GRID_SIZE))

        ## Connect to Neighbors
        for i in range(self.gridHeight):
            for j in range(self.gridWidth):
                # Add the top row of neighbors
                if i - 1 >= 0:
                    # Add the upper left
                    if j - 1 >= 0:
                        self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [
                            self.nodes[i - 1][j - 1]
                    # Add the upper center
                    self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [self.nodes[i - 1][j]]
                    # Add the upper right
                    if j + 1 < self.gridWidth:
                        self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [
                            self.nodes[i - 1][j + 1]

                # Add the center row of neighbors
                # Add the left center
                if j - 1 >= 0:
                    self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [self.nodes[i][j - 1]]
                # Add the right center
                if j + 1 < self.gridWidth:
                    self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [self.nodes[i][j + 1]]

                # Add the bottom row of neighbors
                if i + 1 < self.gridHeight:
                    # Add the lower left
                    if j - 1 >= 0:
                        self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [
                            self.nodes[i + 1][j - 1]
                    # Add the lower center
                    self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [self.nodes[i + 1][j]]
                    # Add the lower right
                    if j + 1 < self.gridWidth:
                        self.nodes[i][j].neighbors += [
                            self.nodes[i + 1][j + 1]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init_common__(self):
   # innards
   self._graph = None
   self._cur_force = vec2(0,0)
   self._last_drawn_size = vec2(0,0)
   self._mouse_enter = Event()
   self._mouse_leave = Event()
   self._clicked = Event()
Exemplo n.º 4
  def get_bounds(self):
    if self._bounds_dirty:
      b = DynObject()
      b.lo = vec2()
      b.hi = vec2()
      if len(self._nodes):
        b.lo.x = min([n._position.x for n in self._nodes])
        b.lo.y = min([n._position.y for n in self._nodes])
        b.hi.x = max([n._position.x for n in self._nodes])
        b.hi.y = max([n._position.y for n in self._nodes])
      self._bounds = b
      self._bounds_dirty = False
#      print "Computed bounds: %s - %s" % (str(b.lo),str(b.hi))
    return self._bounds
Exemplo n.º 5
def buildObstacles(graph):
    # Random Obstacles
    for i in range(Constants.NBR_RANDOM_OBSTACLES):
        start = vec2(randrange(0, Constants.WORLD_WIDTH),
                     randrange(0, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT))
        graph.placeObstacle(start, (0, 0, 0))
        for j in range(randrange(Constants.NBR_RANDOM_OBSTACLES)):
            start += vec2((randrange(3) - 1) * Constants.GRID_SIZE,
                          (randrange(3) - 1) * Constants.GRID_SIZE)
            while (start.x >= Constants.WORLD_WIDTH - Constants.GRID_SIZE
                   or start.y >= Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT - Constants.GRID_SIZE):
                start += vec2((randrange(3) - 1) * Constants.GRID_SIZE,
                              (randrange(3) - 1) * Constants.GRID_SIZE)
            graph.placeObstacle(start, (0, 0, 0))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def handleCollision(self, collision_type, brick=None):
        v = self.velocity.clone()
        if collision_type in (collision.NO_COLLISION, collision.INSIDE):
        elif collision_type == collision.X_AXIS_COLLISION:
            self.velocity.x = -self.velocity.x
        elif collision_type == collision.Y_AXIS_COLLISION:
            self.velocity.y = -self.velocity.y
        elif collision_type == collision.BOUNCE_BACK:
            self.velocity = -self.velocity
            # Oo-wee, here comes corner collision.
            # Things are going to get... physical.
            # S - center of ball. C - corner of the brick.
            v = self.velocity.normalized()
            S = self.position + vec2(Ball.RADIUS, Ball.RADIUS)
            bpos = vec2(
                brick[0].position.x * Constants.BRICKSIZE.x +
                brick[0].position.y * Constants.BRICKSIZE.y +
            C = {
                collision.LT_CORNER: bpos,
                collision.RT_CORNER: bpos + vec2(Constants.BRICKSIZE.x, 0),
                collision.LB_CORNER: bpos + vec2(0, Constants.BRICKSIZE.y),
                collision.RB_CORNER: bpos + Constants.BRICKSIZE

            # Unit vector, pointing toward the corner that had been hit.
            unit_i = (C - S).normalized()
            # Unit vector, perpendicular to 'i'.
            unit_j = vec2(unit_i.y, -unit_i.x)

            # Ball's velocity can be written as: v0 = ai + bj
            # The goal is to turn it into v1 = -ai + bj
            a = unit_i.x * v.x + unit_i.y * v.y
            b = unit_i.y * v.x - unit_i.x * v.y

            self.velocity = -a * unit_i + b * unit_j

            # ddd = 0
            # if abs(self.velocity.x) > abs(self.velocity.y):
            #self.position.y += Ball.RADIUS - S.y + C.y
            # print("Y move by {}".format(Ball.RADIUS - S.y + C.y))
            # else:
            #self.position.x += Ball.RADIUS + S.x - C.x
            # print("X move by {}".format(Ball.RADIUS + S.x - C.x))

        dev.report('wbcoll', collision_type, v, self.velocity)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, position, bonus_type=None):
        """Create new bonus. Initial velocity angle is randomly generated."""
        self.position = position - vec2(Constants.BONUS_SIZE // 2,
                                        Constants.BONUS_SIZE // 2)

        # Randomly select the bonus type.
        if not bonus_type:
            #bonus_type = randomDict(self.types)
            bonus_type = randomWithWeights(list(
                self.types.keys()), [x.weight for x in self.types.values()])

        self.type = bonus_type

        phi = random.random() * math.pi
        self.velocity = self.START_SPEED * vec2(math.cos(phi), -math.sin(phi))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, position, velocity, binding=None):
     super().__init__(position, self.SPEED * velocity.normalized())
     self.binding = binding  # If a ball lies upon a palette, binding represents
     # the palette. If ball flies, binding=None.
     if binding:
         self.offset = 20
         position = binding.position + vec2(self.offset, -2 * self.RADIUS)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def update(self):
     if not self.binding:
         self.position += self.velocity.normalized(
         ) * self.SPEED * Constants.DELTA_T
         self.position = self.binding.position + vec2(
             self.offset, -2 * self.RADIUS)
Exemplo n.º 10
class Palette(GameObject):
    """Palette representation."""
    TEXTURE = None
    SIZE = vec2(140, 20)
    SPEED = 20

    def __init__(self):
            vec2(self.SIZE.x // 2, Constants.WINDOW_SIZE.y - self.SIZE.y - 10))
        self.width = self.SIZE.x

    def move(self, offset):
        """Used to control palette using a keyboard. Deprecated."""
        new_x = self.position.x + offset * self.SPEED

    def setPosition(self, x):
        if x == self.position.x:
        if x < Constants.SIDE_MARGIN:
            x = Constants.SIDE_MARGIN
        elif x >= Constants.WINDOW_SIZE.x - self.width - Constants.SIDE_MARGIN:
            x = Constants.WINDOW_SIZE.x - self.width - Constants.SIDE_MARGIN
        self.position.x = x
        dev.report('pmov', self.position.x)

    def render(self, renderer):
        if self.TEXTURE is not None:
            renderer.copy(self.TEXTURE, None,
                          tuple(self.position) + (self.width, self.SIZE.y))

    def rect(self):
        return tuple(self.position) + (self.width, self.SIZE.y)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self,name):
   self._name = name
   self._label = "%s" % name
   self._position = vec2(0,0)
   self._border_color = "black"
   self._background_color = "white"
   self._text_color = "black"
Exemplo n.º 12
	def renderTechSupport(self, renderer):
		"""Make bonus named Tech Support useful."""
		origin = self.ball.position + vec2(Ball.RADIUS, Ball.RADIUS)
		versor = self.ball.velocity.normalized()
		for i in range(20):
			pos = origin + versor * i*i * 4
			pos = int(pos.x), int(pos.y)
			renderer.draw_point([*pos], colour.Colour.greyscale(0.77))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _on_expose(self, a, b):
        style = self.get_style()
        gdk = gtk.gdk

        black = gdk.color_parse("black")
        yellow = gdk.color_parse("yellow")
        white = gdk.color_parse("white")

        g = self.window
        gc = g.new_gc()
        colormap = self.get_colormap()
        colors = {}

        def get_color(c):
            if colors.has_key(c) == False:
                colors[c] = colormap.alloc_color(c, False, False)
            return colors[c]

        # draw edges
        gc.foreground = yellow
        for e in self._graph.edges:
            n1p = self._to_screen(e.node1._position)
            n2p = self._to_screen(e.node2._position)
            gc.line_width = e._weight
            gc.foreground = get_color(e._color)
            g.draw_line(gc, n1p.x, n1p.y, n2p.x, n2p.y)

        # now draw nodes... :( i'm tired!
        max_w = 100
        layout = self.create_pango_layout("")
        gc.line_width = 1
        for n in self._graph.nodes:
            np = self._to_screen(n._position)

            layout_size = layout.get_pixel_size()

            w = layout_size[0] + 4
            lo_x = int(np.x - w / 2)
            h = layout_size[1]
            lo_y = np.y - h / 2
            n._last_drawn_size = self._from_screen_size(vec2(w, h))

            gc.foreground = get_color(n._background_color)
            g.draw_rectangle(gc, True, lo_x, lo_y, w, h)

            gc.foreground = get_color(n._border_color)
            g.draw_rectangle(gc, False, lo_x, lo_y, w, h)

            x = np.x - layout_size[0] / 2
            y = np.y - layout_size[1] / 2
            gc.foreground = get_color(n._text_color)
            g.draw_layout(gc, x, y, layout)
Exemplo n.º 14
	def __init__(self, bricks):
		self.endgame = False
		self.score = 0
		self.lives = 3
		self.bonuses = []		
		self.palette = Palette()
		self.bricks  = bricks
		self.ball    = Ball(vec2(0, 0), vec2(0, 1), self.palette)
		self.break_reason = None

		self.spawner = self.Spawner()

		mx, my = misc.getMousePos()

		# Bonus-related flags.
		self.catch_n_hold = False
		self.skyfall = False
		self.fireball = False
		self.tech_support = True #False
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __call__(self, t):
     """ Evaluate curve at t """
     m_t = 1.0 - t
     b = m_t * m_t
     c = t * t
     d = c * t
     a = b * m_t
     b *= 3. * t
     c *= 3. * m_t
     return vec2(a * self.x0 + b * self.x1 + c * self.x2 + d * self.x3,
                 a * self.y0 + b * self.y1 + c * self.y2 + d * self.y3)
Exemplo n.º 16
  def _on_expose(self,a,b):
    style = self.get_style()
    gdk = gtk.gdk

    black = gdk.color_parse("black")
    yellow = gdk.color_parse("yellow")
    white = gdk.color_parse("white")

    g = self.window
    gc = g.new_gc()
    colormap = self.get_colormap()
    colors = {}
    def get_color(c):
      if colors.has_key(c) == False:
        colors[c] = colormap.alloc_color(c, False,False)
      return colors[c]

    # draw edges
    gc.foreground = yellow
    for e in self._graph.edges:
      n1p = self._to_screen(e.node1._position)
      n2p = self._to_screen(e.node2._position)
      gc.line_width = e._weight
      gc.foreground = get_color(e._color)
      g.draw_line(gc, n1p.x, n1p.y, n2p.x, n2p.y)

    # now draw nodes... :( i'm tired!
    max_w = 100
    layout = self.create_pango_layout("")
    gc.line_width = 1
    for n in self._graph.nodes:
      np = self._to_screen(n._position)

      layout_size = layout.get_pixel_size()

      w = layout_size[0] + 4
      lo_x = int(np.x - w/2)
      h = layout_size[1]
      lo_y = np.y - h/2
      n._last_drawn_size = self._from_screen_size(vec2(w,h))

      gc.foreground = get_color(n._background_color)
      g.draw_rectangle(gc, True, lo_x, lo_y, w, h)

      gc.foreground = get_color(n._border_color)
      g.draw_rectangle(gc, False, lo_x, lo_y, w, h)

      x = np.x - layout_size[0] / 2
      y = np.y - layout_size[1] / 2
      gc.foreground = get_color(n._text_color)
      g.draw_layout(gc, x, y, layout)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __call__(self, t):
     """ Evaluate curve at t """
     m_t = 1.0 - t
     b = m_t * m_t
     c = t * t
     d = c * t
     a = b * m_t
     b *= 3. * t
     c *= 3. * m_t
     return vec2(a*self.x0 + b*self.x1 + c*self.x2 + d*self.x3,
                 a*self.y0 + b*self.y1 + c*self.y2 + d*self.y3)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def handlePaletteCollision(self, collision_type, palette):
        if self.binding or collision_type == collision.NO_COLLISION:

        if collision_type == collision.Y_AXIS_COLLISION:
            v = self.velocity.clone()
            a = self.position.x + self.RADIUS - palette.position.x
            w = palette.width
            eta_prim = -math.pi / 3.0 * math.cos(a * math.pi / w)
            self.velocity = vec2(math.sin(eta_prim), -math.cos(eta_prim))
            dev.report('pcoll', collision_type, v, self.velocity)
        elif collision_type == collision.X_AXIS_COLLISION:
Exemplo n.º 19
def circleBoxCollision(circle_pos, circle_radius, box):
    """Check whether a circle collides with a box."""
    r = circle_radius
    center = circle_pos + vec2(circle_radius, circle_radius)

    if (box[0] - r <= center.x <= box[0] + box[2] + r) and (
            box[1] - r <= center.y <= box[1] + box[3] + r):
        # The circle does collide. This we know.
        if center.y < box[1]:
            # LTZ, TZ or RTZ
            if center.x < box[0]:
                if (vec2(box[0], box[1]) - center).length() <= r:
                    return LT_CORNER  #LTZ
            elif center.x < box[0] + box[2]:
                return Y_AXIS_COLLISION  #TZ
                if (vec2(box[0] + box[2], box[1]) - center).length() <= r:
                    return RT_CORNER  #RTZ
        elif center.y < box[1] + box[3]:
            # LZ, RZ or inside the box
            if center.x < box[0]:
                return X_AXIS_COLLISION  #LZ
            elif center.x < box[0] + box[2]:
                return INSIDE
                return X_AXIS_COLLISION  #RZ
            # LBZ, BZ, RBZ
            if center.x < box[0]:
                if (vec2(box[0], box[1] + box[3]) - center).length() <= r:
                    return LB_CORNER  #LBZ
            elif center.x < box[0] + box[2]:
                return Y_AXIS_COLLISION  #BZ
                if (vec2(box[0] + box[2], box[1] + box[3]) -
                        center).length() <= r:
                    return RB_CORNER  #RBZ

    return NO_COLLISION
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _update_transform(self):
   bounds = self._graph.bounds
   range = vec2_sub(bounds.hi, bounds.lo)
   pad = vec2(range.x * 0.2, range.x * 0.1) # pad more on x because of labels
   lo = vec2_sub(bounds.lo,pad) # move lo down by pad
   range = vec2_add(range,pad) #increase range by 2*pad
   range = vec2_add(range,pad) # hehe laziness
   size = vec2(self.allocation.width,self.allocation.height)
   if range.x == 0 or range.y == 0:
     scale= vec2(1,1)
     scale = vec2_piecewise_div(size,range)
   def to_screen(v):
     return ivec2(vec2_piecewise_mul(vec2_sub(v,lo),scale))
   def from_screen(in_s):
     s = vec2(in_s)
     return vec2_add(vec2_piecewise_div(s,scale),lo)
   def from_screen_size(in_s):
     s = vec2(in_s)
     return vec2_piecewise_div(s,scale)
   self._to_screen = to_screen
   self._from_screen = from_screen
   self._from_screen_size = from_screen_size
Exemplo n.º 21
    def flatten_forward_iterative(self, n=50):
        """ Dumb segmentation """

        h = 1.0 / n;
        fph = 3 * (self.p1 - self.p0) * h
        fpphh = (6 * self.p0 - 12 * self.p1 + 6 * self.p2) * h * h
        fppphhh = (-6 * self.p0 + 18 * self.p1 - 18 * self.p2 + 6 * self.p3) * h * h * h
        P = [(self.x0,self.y0)]
        p = vec2(self.x0,self.y0)
        for i in range(1,n-1):
            p += fph + fpphh/2. + fppphhh/6.
            fph = fph + fpphh + fppphhh/2.
            fpphh = fpphh + fppphhh
        return P
Exemplo n.º 22
    def flatten_forward_iterative(self, n=50):
        """ Dumb segmentation """

        h = 1.0 / n
        fph = 3 * (self.p1 - self.p0) * h
        fpphh = (6 * self.p0 - 12 * self.p1 + 6 * self.p2) * h * h
        fppphhh = (-6 * self.p0 + 18 * self.p1 - 18 * self.p2 +
                   6 * self.p3) * h * h * h
        P = [(self.x0, self.y0)]
        p = vec2(self.x0, self.y0)
        for i in range(1, n - 1):
            p += fph + fpphh / 2. + fppphhh / 6.
            P.append((p.x, p.y))
            fph = fph + fpphh + fppphhh / 2.
            fpphh = fpphh + fppphhh
        P.append((self.x3, self.y3))
        return P
Exemplo n.º 23
def buildGates(graph):
    X = 0
    Y = 1
    # Add the gates to the game
    # pick one end, then pick the second end about 50 spaces away (pick a direction, generate the far end
    for gate in Constants.GATES:
        graph.placeObstacle(vec2(gate[0][X], gate[0][Y]), (0, 255, 0))
        graph.placeObstacle(vec2(gate[1][X], gate[1][Y]), (255, 0, 0))
        print("Placing Obstacles: " + str(gate[0]) + " " + str(gate[1]))

    # Add the final pen based on the final gate
    finalGate = gate[-2:]
    # If the gate is horizontally arranged
    if finalGate[0][Y] == finalGate[1][Y]:
        # If the green gate (the first gate) is on the right, paddock goes "up"
        if finalGate[0][X] > finalGate[1][X]:
            direction = -1
            direction = 1
        for y in range(finalGate[0][Y] + direction * 16,
                       finalGate[0][Y] + direction * 112, direction * 16):
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(finalGate[0][X], y), (0, 0, 0))
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(finalGate[1][X], y), (0, 0, 0))
        for x in range(finalGate[0][X] + direction * 16, finalGate[1][X],
                       direction * 16):
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(x, finalGate[0][Y] + direction * 96),
                                (0, 0, 0))
    # If the gate is vertically arranged
        # If the green gate (the first gate) is on the bottom, paddock goes "right"
        if finalGate[0][Y] < finalGate[1][Y]:
            direction = -1
            direction = 1
        for x in range(finalGate[0][X] + direction * 16,
                       finalGate[1][X] + direction * 112, direction * 16):
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(x, finalGate[0][Y]), (0, 0, 0))
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(x, finalGate[1][Y]), (0, 0, 0))
        for y in range(finalGate[0][Y] - direction * 16, finalGate[1][Y],
                       -direction * 16):
            graph.placeObstacle(vec2(finalGate[0][X] + direction * 96, y),
                                (0, 0, 0))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def from_screen_size(in_s):
     s = vec2(in_s)
     return vec2_piecewise_div(s, scale)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def p3(self):
     return vec2(self.x3, self.y3)
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: Enemy.py Projeto: ckim89/EVE
    def update(self, playerlocation, world_objs):
        projectile = None
        self.awareness = self.rect.copy()
        self.awareness = self.awareness.inflate(500, 500)
        dpos = vec2(self.x, self.y)
        dir = 'down'
        direction = self.intelligence(playerlocation)
        if direction[0] > 75:
            dir = 'left'
        elif direction[0] < -75:
            dir = 'right'
        if direction[1] < -75:
            dir = 'down'
        elif direction[1] > 75:
            dir = 'up'

        self.angle = self.angle_lookup.get(dir)
        if self.state != gameobj.ATTACKING:
            if self.type == 'melee':
            elif self.type == 'projectile':

        if self.state == gameobj.ATTACKING and self.type == 'projectile':
            if self.attack_timer == 0:
                projectile = projectileobj((self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery), (10, 10), direction)

        if not self.modal:
            if self.awareness.collidepoint(playerlocation.center):
                egameobj.Gameobj.update(self, dpos, world_objs, self.type, False)
                direction = self.intelligence(playerlocation)
                if direction[0] < 0:
                    self.x = 1
                elif direction[0] > 0:
                    self.x = -1
                    self.x = 0
                if direction[1] < 0:
                    self.y = 1
                elif direction[1] > 0:
                    self.y = -1
                    self.y = 0
                check = egameobj.Gameobj.update(self, dpos, world_objs, self.type)
                if check == True:
                    if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
                        self.x = -1 * self.x
                        self.x = 1 * self.x
                    if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
                        self.y = -1 * self.y
                        self.y = 1 * self.y

            egameobj.Gameobj.update(self,dpos,world_objs, self.type)

        if self.lock == True:
            self.image.blit(self.lockarrow, (50, 0))

        return projectile
Exemplo n.º 27
 def from_screen(in_s):
     s = vec2(in_s)
     return vec2_add(vec2_piecewise_div(s, scale), lo)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self,
        #Initialize members
        self.node = node
        num_args = len(node.get_arguments())

        #Create the frame, name, and delete buttons
        self.pos = vec2(x, y)
        self.frame = ttk.Frame(parent, relief="solid", borderwidth=2)
        self.name_label = ttk.Label(self.frame, text=node.get_name())
        self.name_label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, S))
        self.name_label.bind("<B1-Motion>", lambda e: self.place(e.x, e.y))
        delete_button = ttk.Button(self.frame,
        delete_button.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(N, E, S))
        self.frame.place(x=self.pos.x, y=self.pos.y, anchor=NW)
        self.frame.bind("<B1-Motion>", lambda e: self.place(e.x, e.y))
        self.frame.bind("<1>", lambda e: skip())
        self.name_label.bind("<1>", lambda e: skip())

        #Set callbacks
        self.manage_function = manage_function
        self.delete_function = delete_function

        #Display arguments
        self.vars = []
        for i in range(len(node.get_arguments())):
            arg = node.get_arguments()[i]
            label = ttk.Label(self.frame, text=arg)
            label.grid(row=i + 1, column=0, sticky=(E, W))
            entry = ttk.Entry(self.frame,
                              width=18 - len(arg),
                lambda e, n=i: self.node.argument(n, self.vars[n].get()))
                lambda e, n=i: self.node.argument(n, self.vars[n].get()))
            entry.grid(row=i + 1, column=1, sticky=(E, W))

        #Display return value
        if node.has_return():
            self.return_val = StringVar()
            label = ttk.Label(self.frame, text="return").grid(row=num_args + 1,
                                                              sticky=(E, W))
            entry = ttk.Entry(self.frame,
                       lambda e: self.node.return_value(self.return_val.get()))
                       lambda e: self.node.return_value(self.return_val.get()))
            entry.grid(row=num_args + 1, column=1, sticky=(E, W))

        ttk.Button(self.frame, text="True",
                   command=lambda: self.manage(True)).grid(column=0,
                                                           row=num_args + 2,
                                                           sticky=(E, W))
                   command=lambda: self.manage(False)).grid(column=1,
                                                            row=num_args + 2,
                                                            sticky=(E, W))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def p2(self):
     return vec2(self.x2, self.y2)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def p1(self):
     return vec2(self.x1,self.y1)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def from_screen_size(in_s):
   s = vec2(in_s)
   return vec2_piecewise_div(s,scale)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def update(self):
     self.position += vec2(
         self.velocity.x * Constants.DELTA_T,
         self.velocity.y * Constants.DELTA_T +
         Constants.G_ACCEL * Constants.DELTA_T * Constants.DELTA_T)
     self.velocity.y += Constants.G_ACCEL * Constants.DELTA_T
Exemplo n.º 33
                              (randrange(3) - 1) * Constants.GRID_SIZE)
            graph.placeObstacle(start, (0, 0, 0))

# Main Functionality


screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
    (Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
sheepImage = pygame.image.load('sheep.png')
dogImage = pygame.image.load('dog.png')
bounds = vec2(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)

# Setup the graph
graph = Graph()

# Setup the dog
# dog = player(dogImage, vec2(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH * .5, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT * .5),
# 			 vec2(Constants.DOG_WIDTH, Constants.DOG_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0),
# 			 Constants.DOG_SPEED, Constants.DOG_ANGULAR_SPEED)
dog = player(cm.screen_size / 2, cm.player_spd, cm.wolf_spr, graph)

# Setup the sheep (only 1 for now...)
herd = []
# sheep = Sheep(sheepImage, vec2(randrange(int(bounds.x * .4), int(bounds.x * .6)),
# 								  randrange(int(bounds.y * .6), int(bounds.y * .8))),
# 			   vec2(Constants.DOG_WIDTH, Constants.DOG_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0), Constants.SHEEP_SPEED, Constants.SHEEP_ANGULAR_SPEED)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self, spritesheet, size, location):
        Parent class for all game objects. Inherits from pygame's Sprite
        Class and the States class.
        :type self: pygame.sprite.Sprite
        :param spritesheet: path to the spritesheet for the gameobj
        :param size: size of the object
        :param spritesheet_dim: size of each sprite on the spritesheet
               (in pixels)
        :param location: where to place the object
        # Parent constructor call

        assert isinstance(spritesheet, str)
        assert isinstance(size, tuple)

        # Animation controls:
        # anim_delay: controls animation speed
        #anim_pos: controls which image in the animation string to display
        #anim_images: dictionary containing all animations
        #anim_delay: Controls how fast the current animation plays
        #angle: angle to rotate the current image so things make sense
        #current_anim: list of the frames for the current animation
        #image: the image that is currently being drawn
        self.anim_images = defaultdict(list)
        self.extract_sprites(spritesheet, size)
        self.anim_delay = .1
        self.type = None
        self.anim_pos = 0
        self.angle = 0
        self.angle_lookup = {}
        self.image = None
        directions = ['', 'up', 'right', 'left', 'down', 'upleft', 'upright', 'downleft', 'downright']
        angle = [0, 0, -90, 90, 180, 45, -45, 135, -135]
        for i in range(0, len(directions)):
            self.angle_lookup.update({directions[i]: angle[i]})
        self.current_anim = self.anim_images.get('IDLE')

        #External game control:
        #rect: bounding rectangle for detection
        #state: current state of the object can take on:
        #   IDLE: Default
        #   RUNNING
        #   ATTACKING
        #   DAMAGED
        #   STUNNED
        #pending_IDLE: used for movement control (maybe deleted?)
        #state_change: a boolean that allows the update loop to know
        #              if the state was changed and do appropriate updates
        #vel: a vec2 that determines how fast the object moves
        #accel: how fast the vel is accelerating
        #decel: how fast the vel decelerating
        #walk_speed: how fast the object can move when state = WALKING
        #run_speed: how fast the object can move when state = RUNNING
        #max_speed: a generic variable that is set to walk_speed or run_speed
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(location, size)
        self.previous_position = (self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery)
        self.attack_timer = 0
        self.swordflag = False
        self.state = IDLE
        self.state_mod = None
        self.pending_IDLE = False
        self.state_change = False
        self.speed = 0
        self.vel = vec2(0.0, 0.0)
        self.accel = .5
        self.decel = .2
        self.walk_speed = 3
        self.run_speed = 7
        self.max_speed = 0
        self.modal = False
        self.damagetimer = 0
        self.tick = 0
        self.attacked = False
        self.bump = GAME_GLOBALS.BUMP
        self.can_sound = True
        self.attackbuffer = 0
        self.attackpos = 1
        self.freeze = False
        self.currentattack =''
Exemplo n.º 35
	def restart(self):
		self.ball = Ball(vec2(0, 0), vec2(0, 1), self.palette)
		pos = self.palette.position
		self.palette = Palette()
		self.palette.position = pos
Exemplo n.º 36
 def __init__(self):
         vec2(self.SIZE.x // 2, Constants.WINDOW_SIZE.y - self.SIZE.y - 10))
     self.width = self.SIZE.x
Exemplo n.º 37
  weight = property(lambda self: self._weight, set_weight)
  # innards
  def _set_graph(self,g):
    self._graph = g

  def _on_changed(self,needsLayout=False):
    if self._graph:

# Graph
_KK = 0.1
                vec2(_INIT_ITER+100, _INITIAL_TEMPERATURE * 0.5),
                vec2(_INIT_ITER+125,_INITIAL_TEMPERATURE * 0.00),

class Graph(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self._nodes = NamedItemList()
    self._edges = NamedItemList()
    self._bounds = None
Exemplo n.º 38
 def p2(self):
     return vec2(self.x2,self.y2)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def from_screen(in_s):
   s = vec2(in_s)
   return vec2_add(vec2_piecewise_div(s,scale),lo)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def p3(self):
     return vec2(self.x3,self.y3)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def p0(self):
     return vec2(self.x0,self.y0)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def center(self):
     sp = self.screenPos()
     return vec2(sp[0] + Constants.BRICKSIZE.x // 2,
                 sp[1] + Constants.BRICKSIZE.y // 2)