Exemplo n.º 1
    def display(self, dst, corner, radius):
        white = (255, 255, 255)
        self.draw_bounds(dst, white, corner, radius)

        if self.num_items() == 0:

        # draw the items
        item_skip = 3 * radius
        row = col = 0
        num_cols = self.num_cols
        for (i, item) in enumerate(self.items):
            center = corner + item_skip * vector(col, row)
            item.display(dst, center, radius)
            col += 1
            if col >= num_cols:
                col = 0
                row += 1

        # draw a box around the currently selected item
        if not self.selecting:
        loc = self.selection
        center = corner + item_skip * loc
        skip = item_skip * vector(1, 1)
        corner = center - 0.5 * item_skip * vector(1, 1)
        dims = corner.list() + skip.list()
        pygame.draw.rect(dst, white, dims, 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def kbdraw(self, event):

        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_w:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(0, -5)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_up
            if event.key == K_s:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(0, 5)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_down
            if event.key == K_d:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(5, 0)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_right
            if event.key == K_a:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(-5, 0)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_left
            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
        if event.type == KEYUP and event.key == self.hist_key:
            self.move_vec = vector(0, 0)

        self.pos += self.move_vec

        sprite_pos = self.pos.tupleit()
        sprite_pos = (sprite_pos[0] - self.player_sprite.get_width() / 2,
                      sprite_pos[1] - self.player_sprite.get_height() / 2)
        screen.blit(background, (sprite_pos[0] - 5, sprite_pos[1] - 5),
                    pygame.Rect(sprite_pos[0] - 5, sprite_pos[1] - 5, 60, 60))
        screen.blit(self.player_sprite, sprite_pos)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def normalupdate(self, entities):
        #if timetodie was specified during initialization, kill the projectile when the frame timer hits 0
        if self.timetodie != None:
            if self.timetodie.update():

        #friendly bullet
        if self.id == 1:
            #self.image = bullet image
            self.image = self.images[0]
            #when the image is drawn it'll face in the direction it's travelling
            self.imagerotation = -self.rotation
            if self.speed != 0:
                #move using it's constant velocity, change it's position
                self.velocity = vector(self.speed, 0)
                self.pos = vector(self.pos) + self.velocity

        #enemy bubble
        if self.id == 2:
            #loops the animation for the bubble bouncing
            self.image = self.images[0]
            #when the timer is up, reset it and cycle the list of images
            if self.imagetimer.update():
            #unless it's stationary, update it's position based on velocity
            if self.speed != 0:
                self.velocity = vector(self.speed, 0)
                self.pos = vector(self.pos) + self.velocity
Exemplo n.º 4
 def key_released(self, key):
     if not self.selecting:
     mapping = {
         pygame.K_UP: [0, -1],
         pygame.K_DOWN: [0, 1],
         pygame.K_LEFT: [-1, 0],
         pygame.K_RIGHT: [1, 0]
     if key in mapping and self.num_items() > 0:
         vel = vector(mapping[key])
         loc = self.selection + vel
         num_items = self.num_items()
         num_cols = self.num_cols
         num_rows = self.num_rows()
         loc += vector(num_cols, num_rows)
         loc[0] %= num_cols
         loc[1] %= num_rows
         if loc[0] >= num_items % num_cols and \
            loc[1] == num_rows - 1:
             if vel[1] < 0:
                 loc[1] = num_rows - 2
             elif vel[0] != 0:
                 if vel[0] < 0 and self.selection[0] == 0:
                     loc[0] = num_items % num_cols - 1
                     loc[0] %= num_items % num_cols
                 loc[1] = 0
         self.selection = loc
Exemplo n.º 5
    def key_released(self, key):
        if not self.selecting:

        mapping = {
            pygame.K_UP: [0, -1],
            pygame.K_DOWN: [0, 1],
            pygame.K_LEFT: [-1, 0],
            pygame.K_RIGHT: [1, 0]
        if key in mapping and self.num_items() > 0:
            vel = vector(mapping[key])
            loc = self.selection + vel
            num_items = self.num_items()
            num_cols = self.num_cols
            num_rows = self.num_rows()
            loc += vector(num_cols, num_rows)
            loc[0] %= num_cols
            loc[1] %= num_rows
            if loc[0] >= num_items % num_cols and \
               loc[1] == num_rows - 1:
                if vel[1] < 0:
                    loc[1] = num_rows - 2
                elif vel[0] != 0:
                    if vel[0] < 0 and self.selection[0] == 0:
                        loc[0] = num_items % num_cols - 1
                        loc[0] %= num_items % num_cols
                    loc[1] = 0
            self.selection = loc
Exemplo n.º 6
    def display(self, dst, center, radius):
        color = (255, 255, 255)

        # Compute six different corners for the central hexagon
        vels = {'N': 90, 'NE': 30, 'SE': -30, 'S': -90, 'SW': -150, 'NW': 150}
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        dir_vel = {
            k: vector(math.cos(t * d2r), math.sin(t * d2r))
            for (k, t) in vels.iteritems()

        # Now add in extra points for each outer hexagon.  Uses an
        # ordering to only compute each unique corner point once.
        dirs = ['N', 'NE', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'NW']
        points = [[x] for x in range(6)]
        for x in range(6):
            points += [[x, x], [x, x, (x + 1) % 6],
                       [(x + 1) % 6, (x + 1) % 6, x]]
        zero = vector(0, 0)
        points = [sum([dir_vel[dirs[dir]] for dir in p], zero) for p in points]

        # Build up the list of edges we want to actually draw between points.
        # Separated out so we generate each segment via rotational symmetry.
        segments = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]]
        for x in range(6):
            y = 3 * x
            vals = [y, y + 1, y + 2, y + 3]
            vals = [x] + [6 + v % 18 for v in vals]
            segments += [vals]

        # Now actually draw line segments between each point in our hex grid icon.
        for line in segments:
            plist = [center + 0.5 * radius * points[p] for p in line]
            plist = [p.list() for p in plist]
            pygame.draw.lines(dst, color, False, plist)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def updateLoop(self):
        TATA = 0xffaaffbb
        TATA = TATA.to_bytes(4, 'little')

        while not self.die:
                v = self.serialConnection.read(4)

                if v != TATA or self.die:

                # read 3 float vectors: gravity, orientation, acceleration
                # 3 vectors = 9 floats = 36 bytes
                data = self.serialConnection.read(36)
                data = struct.unpack('f' * 9, data)

                self.gravity = vector(*data[0:3])
                self.orientation = vector(*data[3:6])
                self.acceleration = vector(*data[6:9])

                self.lastUpdate = time.time()
                self.updateCount += 1
            except BaseException as e:
Exemplo n.º 8
 def applyForce1(self,point,mag,direction):
     # create a new zero vector
     temp = vector((0,0,0),(0,0,0))
     # copying the direction vector to the temprary vector 
     temp.x,temp.y,temp.z = direction.x,direction.y,direction.z
     # multiplying the vector to the magnitude
     # checking the line execution of the focre
     k = self.pos.get()
     r = vector(k,point)
     rx,ry,rz = makeVector(r.x,r),makeVector(r.y,r),makeVector(r.z,r)
     # calculating the rotational effect of that force
     phi = getAngle(r,temp) # get angle b/w r,F
     torque = r.magCal()*temp.magCal() *math.sin(phi) # T = |r|*|F|*sin(phi)* n^
     _dir_ = cross(r,temp) # n^
     print r.get(),point
     v = makeVector(torque,_dir_)
     # calculating the angular acc
     # calculating the force 
     if temp.isAlong(rx):
     if temp.isAlong(ry):
     if temp.isAlong(rz):
     # copying the temp force to the force
     # updating the acc
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update(self,screen,player,entities,inencounter):
        if not inencounter and self.cango:
            location = player.pos
            self.pos = vector(self.pos).slerp(location,self.slip)
            location = self.spawnpos
            self.pos = vector(self.pos).slerp(location,0.5)

        imagerect = COINIMAGE_NOOUT.get_rect()
        imagerect.center = self.pos

        glitterprob = uniform(0,1)
        if glitterprob < 0.01:
            randomangle = randint(0,360)
            inplace = vector(0,randint(0,3))
            glitterpos = self.pos+inplace
            length = randint(1,2)
            for angle in range(0,270+1,90):
        if player.rect.collidepoint(self.pos):
            self.delete = True
            self.collected = True
        if inttuple(self.pos) == inttuple(self.spawnpos):
            self.cango = True
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, baud=115200, port=None, timeout=1):
        if port == None:
            ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
            assert len(ports) > 0, "No ports found, please provide a port"
            port = str(ports[0]).split(" ")[0]

        self.port = port
        self.baud = baud
        self.timeout = timeout
            self.serialConnection = serial.Serial(self.port,
            raise BaseException("Couldnt open serial port '%s'" % self.port)

        self.gravity = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.orientation = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.acceleration = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.lastUpdate = 0
        self.updateCount = 0

        self.die = False

        self.updateThread = threading.Thread(target=self.updateLoop)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.dims = vector(width, height)

        self.points = []   # List of where each location is in the world
        self.edges = []    # List of which pairs of locations are connected

        # Begin world generation by selecting points in a rectangular region
        print 'Generating nodes...'
        self.bridson(width / 12)

        # Now we want to connect up some of the points (add roads between locations)
        n = len(self.points)
        print 'Connecting ' + str(n) + ' nodes...'
        self.edges = self.build_edges(self.euclid)

        # Place some actual trees and content within each of the locations
        self.generator = ForestGenerator()
        level_dims = vector(12, 17)
        print 'Building levels...'
        self.levels = [Level(level_dims) for i in range(n)]
        for i in range(n):

        # Add in connections so that when players reach the edge of a location they
        # will be taken to the corresponding location
        print 'Connecting levels...'
        print 'World generation done!'
Exemplo n.º 12
def getdictfromimage():
    spritesheet = pygame.image.load(
    dims = vector(13, 26)
    spritelist = []
    for x in range(int(spritesheet.get_width() // dims[0])):
        newimage = pygame.Surface(dims, pygame.SRCALPHA)
        newimage.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
        newimage.blit(spritesheet, (-(x * dims[0]), 0))
        imgoutline = outline(newimage)

        finalimage = pygame.Surface(
            vector(imgoutline.get_size()) - vector(0, 1), pygame.SRCALPHA)
        finalimage.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
        finalimage.blit(imgoutline, (0, 0))
        finalimage.blit(newimage, (1, 1))
    imagedict = {"idle": [], "walk": []}
    imagedict["idle"] = spritelist[0:4]
    imagedict["walk"] = spritelist[4:8]
    imagedict["jumpup"] = [spritelist[8]]
    imagedict["jumpdown"] = [spritelist[9]]
    return imagedict
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.dims = vector(width, height)

        self.points = []  # List of where each location is in the world
        self.edges = []  # List of which pairs of locations are connected

        # Begin world generation by selecting points in a rectangular region
        print 'Generating nodes...'
        self.bridson(width / 12)

        # Now we want to connect up some of the points (add roads between locations)
        n = len(self.points)
        print 'Connecting ' + str(n) + ' nodes...'
        self.edges = self.build_edges(self.euclid)

        # Place some actual trees and content within each of the locations
        self.generator = ForestGenerator()
        level_dims = vector(12, 17)
        print 'Building levels...'
        self.levels = [Level(level_dims) for i in range(n)]
        for i in range(n):

        # Add in connections so that when players reach the edge of a location they
        # will be taken to the corresponding location
        print 'Connecting levels...'
        print 'World generation done!'
Exemplo n.º 14
def outline(image):
    poss = [[0,1],[1,0],[2,1],[1,2],[1,1]]
    mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(image)
    #create blank image with alpha 0 (transparent)
    newimage = pygame.Surface(vector(image.get_size())+vector(2,2),pygame.SRCALPHA)
    #use a mask to get the positions for the outline of an image
    #outlining a mask only gives the inside pixels and gives coordinates, not another mask
    outlinelist = mask.outline()
    outlinemask = pygame.Mask(image.get_size())
    surf = pygame.Surface(vector(image.get_size()),pygame.SRCALPHA)
    #create an outline mask out of the outline coordinates
    for coord in outlinelist:
    #turn the outline mask into a surface
    #surf = outlinemask.to_surface(unsetcolor=(0,0,0,0),setcolor=(0,0,0,255))

    #blits the mask one pixel from the original picture's center for every cardinal direction
    #this is done because the current outline is only on the inside of the image
    for pos in poss:
    return newimage
Exemplo n.º 15
def spritesheettolist(spritesheet,framenum,fulloutline=False,dooutline=True):
    #create blank list to store surfaces
    imagelist = []
    #works out the width of each frame in the spritesheet
    xtravel = spritesheet.get_width()//framenum
    #loops through the x positions for the top right of each frame int the spritesheet
    for x in range(0,spritesheet.get_width()+1-xtravel,xtravel):
        #create new transparent surface(alpha 0)
        newsurf = pygame.Surface(vector(xtravel,spritesheet.get_height()),pygame.SRCALPHA)
        #blit the image from the spritesheet onto the transparent image
        #get the surface for an outline
        outlinesurf = outline(newsurf)
        #there is a parameter for if the bottom part of the outline should be cut off
        #this is because if there is a sprite on the ground,the extra outline on the bottom
        #will make the sprite look like it is floating one pixel on the ground
        if not fulloutline:
            extra = vector(2,1)
            extra = vector(2,2)
        #apply the outline to the frame that has just been retrieved from the spritesheet
        newsurf2 = pygame.Surface(vector(xtravel,spritesheet.get_height())+extra,pygame.SRCALPHA)
        #appends an outlined or non outlined image to the list of images
        if dooutline:
    return imagelist
Exemplo n.º 16
    def display(self, dst, corner, radius):
        white = (255, 255, 255)
        self.draw_bounds(dst, white, corner, radius)
        if self.num_items() == 0:

        # draw the items
        item_skip = 3 * radius
        row = col = 0
        num_cols = self.num_cols
        for (i, item) in enumerate(self.items):
            center = corner + item_skip * vector(col, row)
            item.display(dst, center, radius)
            col += 1
            if col >= num_cols:
                col = 0
                row += 1

        # draw a box around the currently selected item
        if not self.selecting:
        loc = self.selection
        center = corner + item_skip * loc
        skip = item_skip * vector(1, 1)
        corner = center - 0.5 * item_skip * vector(1, 1)
        dims = corner.list() + skip.list()
        pygame.draw.rect(dst, white, dims, 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, name, position):
     self.name = name
     self.position = position
     self.mass = knowMass
     self.radius = knowRadius
     self.velocity = vector(0,0)
     self.acceleration = vector(0,0)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def from_yaml(cls, obj) -> 'AreaLight':
     return cls(corner=point(*obj['corner']),
Exemplo n.º 19
 def draw_bounds(self, dst, color, corner, radius, shrink=0):
     item_skip = 3 * radius
     corner = corner - 0.5 * item_skip * vector(1, 1)
     corner += shrink * vector(1, 1)
     dims = item_skip * vector(self.num_cols, self.visible_rows())
     dims -= 2 * shrink * vector(1, 1)
     rect = corner.list() + dims.list()
     pygame.draw.rect(dst, color, rect, 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_v(self):
     self.assertEqual(v(), vector())
     self.assertEqual(v(1), vector([1]))
     self.assertEqual(v(1,2), vector([1,2]))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         v(1, z=3)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def draw_bounds(self, dst, color, corner, radius, shrink=0):
     item_skip = 3 * radius
     corner = corner - 0.5 * item_skip * vector(1, 1)
     corner += shrink * vector(1, 1)
     dims = item_skip * vector(self.num_cols, self.visible_rows())
     dims -= 2 * shrink * vector(1, 1)
     rect = corner.list() + dims.list()
     pygame.draw.rect(dst, color, rect, 1)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def update(self,specialdict,keys,screen,tree,explored,currentroom,pos=(0,0)):
        adjacent = m.getunexplored(tree,explored)
        notinclude = m.getnotincluded(tree,explored)
        surface = pygame.Surface((100,70))
        surfacedims = surface.get_size()
        surfacemag = max(surfacedims[1],surfacedims[0])
        #determines how many times the pure image for the minimap is enlarged by
        magnification = 2
        surfacedims = vector(surfacemag*magnification,surfacemag*magnification)
        #if tab is pressed, expand the minimap
        if K_TAB in keys:
            self.bigmode = True
            self.bigmode = False

        #if the player moves between rooms
        if self.currentroom != currentroom or self.previousexplored != explored:
            #update the surface for the minimap
            self.surf = pygame.Surface(surfacedims)
            self.surf = m.generatemapsurface(tree,specialdict,self.surf,adjacent,True,notinclude,currentroom)
            self.currentroom = currentroom
            self.previousexplored = explored.copy()
        #if the tree changes, change the coordinate dictionary
        if self.previoustree != tree:
            self.previoustree = tree
            self.coordict = m.generatecoorddict(tree)

        #if the minimap isn't expanded
        if not self.bigmode:
            #scroll the camera to the current room
            aimpos = self.coordict[currentroom]
            aimpos = vector(aimpos)* m.mapsurfacemultiplier(self.surf)

            self.actualscroll = lerp(self.actualscroll,aimpos,0.7)
            if (self.actualscroll-aimpos).magnitude()<=2:
                self.actualscroll = aimpos
            #draw the map surface onto minimap surface, applying camera movement
            self.surfrect = self.surf.get_rect()
            self.surfrect.center = -self.actualscroll + (vector(surface.get_size())/2)
            #draw minimap onto the screen
            self.surfacerect = surface.get_rect()
            self.surfacerect.topright = screen.get_rect().topright
            #darken the screen and draw the enlarged map to the middle of the screen
            shade = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
            bigrect = self.bigmap.get_rect()
            bigrect.center = vector(screen.get_size())/2
Exemplo n.º 23
 def calcForce(self):
     displacement = self.object2.position.sub(self.object1.position)
     springDisplacement = displacement.unit().mult(displacement.magnitude() - self.eqLength)
     force = springDisplacement.mult(self.strength)
     if self.eqLength == displacement.magnitude():
         force1, force2 = vector(0,0), vector(0,0)
         force1, force2 = force, force.mult(-1)
     return {1: force1, 2: force2}
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, file):
     self.objects = []
     self.materials = []
     self.textures = []
     self.camera = None
     if (file != ""): self.loadscene(file)
         self.camera = camera(vector(0, 0, 0), vector(0, 0, -1),
                              vector(0, 1, 0), 90, YA.WIDTH / YA.HEIGHT)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def normalupdate(self, screen):
        if self.id == 1:
            #decrease it's speed as it travels
            self.speed = lerp(self.speed, 0, 0.9)
            self.velocity = vector(self.speed, 0)

            #apply gravity acceleration
            self.pos = vector(self.pos) + self.velocity + vector(
                0, self.gravity)
            self.gravity = min(self.gravity + (GRAVITY / 5), MAXY)

            #add positions onto a list, limit the size of that list based on "traillength"
            if len(self.previouslist) > self.traillength:
            previouspos = self.previouslist[0]

            #draw a line from previous positions, creating a trail
            pygame.draw.lines(screen, self.colour, False, self.previouslist,

            #after the timer ends, decrease it's size and make it's colour darker
            if self.deletetimer.update():
                self.colour = (90, 90, 90)
                self.traillength -= 2
                self.linesize -= 1
                if self.linesize == 0:
                    self.delete = True

        if self.id == 2 or self.id == 3:
            #decrease it's speed as it travels
            self.velocity = vector(self.speed, 0)
            self.pos = vector(self.pos) + self.velocity
            self.speed = lerp(self.speed, 0, self.slip)

            #add positions onto a list, limit the size of that list based on "traillength"
            if len(self.previouslist) > self.traillength:
            previouspos = self.previouslist[0]

            #draw a line from previous positions, creating a trail
            pygame.draw.lines(screen, self.colour, False, self.previouslist,

            #if the dust is stationary
            if self.speed <= 0.1:
                #decrease it's size every time the timer is finished
                if self.deletetimer.update():
                    self.linesize -= 1
                if self.linesize <= 0:
                    self.delete = True
Exemplo n.º 26
 def getVertexDistance(self, vertexlist, center, distance):
     # finds the vertex with longest distance from center
     vertex = None
     tol_min = distance - distance * 0.01
     tol_max = distance + distance * 0.01
     for v in range(len(vertexlist)):
         length = vlength(vector(vertexlist[v]) - vector(center))
         if length >= tol_min and length <= tol_max:
             vertex = vertexlist[v]
     return vertex
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_isub(self):
     x = vector([1,2])
     x -= vector([3,4])
     self.assertEqual(x, vector([-2, -2]))
     x = vector([4,5,6])
     x -= (1,2,3)
     self.assertEqual(x, (3, 3, 3))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         x = vector([0,-1])
         x -= 1
Exemplo n.º 28
def resizemenu(pixelperfect,screensurf,mousepos2,menu,scale):
    screenscale = (min(screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())/GAMESIZE[0])
    if pixelperfect:
        screensurf = getscreensurf(screen,scale)
        mousepos2 = (vector(pygame.mouse.get_pos()))/scale
        screensurf = getscreensurf(screen,scale)
        mousepos2 = (vector(pygame.mouse.get_pos()))/scale
    return pixelperfect,screensurf,mousepos2,menu,scale
Exemplo n.º 29
 def random_empty(self):
     done = False
     loc = vector(0, 0)
     while not done:
         loc = [random.randint(0, self.dims[0] - 1),
                random.randint(0, self.dims[1] - 1)]
         loc = vector(loc)
         if not self.is_blocked(loc):
             done = True
     return loc
Exemplo n.º 30
 def getVertexLongest(self, vertexlist, center):
 # finds the vertex with longest distance from center
   distance = 0
   vertex = None
   for v in range(len(vertexlist)):
     length = vlength(vector(vertexlist[v])-vector(center))
     if length>distance:
       distance = length
       vertex = vertexlist[v]
   return vertex
Exemplo n.º 31
 def getVertexLongest(self, vertexlist, center):
     # finds the vertex with longest distance from center
     distance = 0
     vertex = None
     for v in range(len(vertexlist)):
         length = vlength(vector(vertexlist[v]) - vector(center))
         if length > distance:
             distance = length
             vertex = vertexlist[v]
     return vertex
Exemplo n.º 32
 def getVertexDistance(self, vertexlist, center, distance):
 # finds the vertex with longest distance from center
   vertex = None
   tol_min = distance-distance*0.01
   tol_max = distance+distance*0.01
   for v in range(len(vertexlist)):
     length = vlength(vector(vertexlist[v])-vector(center))
     if length>=tol_min and length<=tol_max:
       vertex = vertexlist[v]
   return vertex
Exemplo n.º 33
    def __init__(self):
        self.spritesheet = pygame.image.load(TEXTSHEET)
        self.tiledictsmall = {}
        self.tilesizesmall = {}
        self.tiledictbig = {}
        self.tilesizebig = {}
        self.bigalpha = list(capitalalpha)
        ypointer = 0
        bigletters = ["M","W"]
        for x in range(len(capitalalpha)):
            dimensions = (11,12)
            char = capitalalpha[x]

            if char not in bigletters:
                actualdimensions = (6,12)
                actualdimensions = (10,12)
            xpointer = x*dimensions[0]
            charsurf = pygame.Surface(actualdimensions)
            self.tiledictbig[char] = charsurf
            self.tilesizebig[char] = actualdimensions
        alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-,:+'!?0123456789()/_=\\[]*\"<>"
        self.smallalpha = list(alpha)
        ypointer = 12
        dimensions = (6,7)
        small1 = ["!",".","i","'",":"]
        small2 = [",","j","r"]
        big = ["m","w","M","W"]
        for x in range(len(alpha)):
            char = alpha[x]
            actualsize = tuple(dimensions)
            if char not in big+small2+small1:
                actualsize = (3,8)
            if char in small2:
                actualsize = (2,8)
            if char in small1:
                actualsize = (1,8)
            if char in big:
                actualsize = (5,8)
            xpointer = x*dimensions[0]
            charsurf = pygame.Surface(actualsize)
            self.tiledictsmall[char] = charsurf
            self.tilesizesmall[char] = actualsize
Exemplo n.º 34
def get_output(classid):
    from pythonrc import *
    from vector import *
    # call demo program

    # specify arguments
    demofile = "./de1_demo"
    classidx_int = classid
    noise_float = 0.1

    # convert argument to string
    classidx = "-class=" + str(classidx_int)
    noise = "-noise=" + str(noise_float)

    # put all arguments to a list
    arglist = [demofile, classidx, noise]

    # call the arm demo program, comment out when debug
    # the program may return a value, it's not used now
    # each time the program is called, it will execute once and create two file in
    # same folder as the program: 'input_spike_record.txt' and 'output_spike_record.txt'
    ret = subprocess.call(arglist)

    # plot the input spike
    # window size is 100, there are 128 axons
    inp = rasterplot(100, 128)
    # return a well formatted string
    # inpplot = inp.plot_raster()

    # plot output spikes
    # window is 100, 50 neurons
    outp = rasterplot(100, 50)
    # you can specify the symbol which represent the pixel
    # outplot = outp.plot_raster(pixel_symbol_off = ' ', pixel_symbol_on = '*')
    # outplot = outp.plot_raster()

    )  ## uncomment to preserve the raster plot when another class is entered

    # need to convert neuron index and spike times to 'vector'
    plot(vector(outp.spiketimes[1]), vector(outp.spiketimes[0]), '.')


    # print(inpplot)
    # print(outplot)

    plot(vector(inp.spiketimes[1]), vector(inp.spiketimes[0]), '.')

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 35
 def random_empty(self):
     done = False
     loc = vector(0, 0)
     while not done:
         loc = [
             random.randint(0, self.dims[0] - 1),
             random.randint(0, self.dims[1] - 1)
         loc = vector(loc)
         if not self.is_blocked(loc):
             done = True
     return loc
Exemplo n.º 36
    def update(self, surf, player, keys, completed, entities):
        #some of the parameters will be equal to None, this is because in some cases (such as the tile editor)
        #where I can't pass in the player or entities objects and just want the image

        toreturn = False
        #only draw the door when the room is completed
        if completed:
            #check this is the first time the door is drawn
            if self.washidden and entities != None:
                #effects for the door appearing
                for _ in range(randint(5, 10)):
                    angle = randint(0, 360)
                    v1 = vector(15, 0)
                            vector(self.bottomrect.center) + v1, 3, (0, 0),
                            angle, randint(2, 3)))
            self.washidden = False

            imagerect = SURFACES[self.image].get_rect()
            imagerect.bottom = self.bottomrect.bottom
            imagerect.left = self.bottomrect.left
            surf.blit(SURFACES[self.image], imagerect)

            if player != None:
                #if the player is touching the door
                if imagerect.colliderect(player.getrect()):
                    #put a text prompt above the player
                    textimage = generatetext("press R to go to the next stage",
                                             None, "small", (0, 0),
                                             (192, 192, 192))
                    textback = pygame.Surface(textimage.get_size())
                    textback.blit(textimage, (0, 0))
                    textrect = textback.get_rect()
                    textrect.centerx = imagerect.centerx
                    textrect.bottom = imagerect.top + -5
                    surf.blit(textback, textrect)

            #if the player presses the key in the prompt
            if K_r in keys:
                toreturn = True

            #if the room isn't completed, use a variable to keep track of this for the effects
            #that happen when the door first appears
            self.washidden = True

        #returns true if the player pressed the key that the prompt was asking for
        #this is used elsewhere in the code to change stages
        return toreturn
Exemplo n.º 37
 def changetext(self, text):
     self.textcolour = (192, 192, 192)
     self.textimage = generatetext(text)
     self.textimage = changecolour(self.textimage, (0, 0, 0),
     pos = self.rect.topleft
     centerx = self.rect.centerx
     self.buttonsurface = pygame.Surface(
         (vector(self.textimage.get_size()) + vector(1, 1)))
     self.rect = self.buttonsurface.get_rect()
     self.rect.topleft = pos
     if self.center:
         self.rect.centerx = centerx
Exemplo n.º 38
class player(object):
    pos = vector(0, 0)
    move_vec = vector(0, 0)
    speed = 5
    hist_key = K_1
    player_img = "player1.png"
    player_sprite_right = pygame.image.load(player_img).convert_alpha()
    player_sprite_up = pygame.transform.rotate(player_sprite_right, 90)
    player_sprite_down = pygame.transform.rotate(player_sprite_right, -90)
    player_sprite_left = pygame.transform.rotate(player_sprite_right, 180)
    player_sprite = player_sprite_right

    def click_draw(self, destination):
        direction = destination - self.pos
        self.pos += direction * self.speed
        pos = self.pos.tupleit()
        screen.blit(self.player_sprite, pos)

    def kbdraw(self, event):

        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_w:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(0, -5)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_up
            if event.key == K_s:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(0, 5)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_down
            if event.key == K_d:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(5, 0)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_right
            if event.key == K_a:
                self.hist_key = event.key
                self.move_vec = vector(-5, 0)
                self.player_sprite = self.player_sprite_left
            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
        if event.type == KEYUP and event.key == self.hist_key:
            self.move_vec = vector(0, 0)

        self.pos += self.move_vec

        sprite_pos = self.pos.tupleit()
        sprite_pos = (sprite_pos[0] - self.player_sprite.get_width() / 2,
                      sprite_pos[1] - self.player_sprite.get_height() / 2)
        screen.blit(background, (sprite_pos[0] - 5, sprite_pos[1] - 5),
                    pygame.Rect(sprite_pos[0] - 5, sprite_pos[1] - 5, 60, 60))
        screen.blit(self.player_sprite, sprite_pos)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def getObjDistanceShortest(self, vertexlist):
 # finds the shortest distance between two vertices
 # and returns both vertices
   distance = vector(vertexlist[0])
   vertices = None
   for v1 in range(len(vertexlist)):
     for v2 in range(v1+1,len(vertexlist)):
       #print "From-To", v1, v2
       #print "From-To", vertexlist[v1], vertexlist[v2]
       length = vlength(vector(vertexlist[v2])-vector(vertexlist[v1]))
       if length<distance:
         distance = length
         vertices = [vertexlist[v1], vertexlist[v2]]
   return vertices
 def kepler(self):
     n_new = int(input('Number of bodies: '))
     self.n += n_new
     cent_mass = float(input('Central body mass: '))
     other_mass = float(input('Other masses: '))
     mean_r = float(input('Mean radius: '))
     self.index += 1
     for i in range(0,n_new - 1):
         r = vector(1,0,0) * expovariate(1./mean_r)
         r = rotate(r, uniform(0, 2*pi), vector(0,0,1))
             'vel':cross(r/mag(r),vector(0,0,1))*pow(self.G*(cent_mass + n_new*other_mass*(1-exp(-mag(r)/mean_r)))/mag(r),0.5),
         self.index += 1
Exemplo n.º 41
 def __init__(self,pos,value):
     self.slip = uniform(0.04,0.05)
     self.pos = vector(pos)
     self.previousposlist = []
     randomangle = randint(0,360)
     inplace = vector(0,randint(0,10))
     self.spawnpos = self.pos+inplace
     for _ in range(4):
     self.collected = False
     self.delete = False
     self.value = value
     self.cango = False
Exemplo n.º 42
 def getObjDistanceShortest(self, vertexlist):
     # finds the shortest distance between two vertices
     # and returns both vertices
     distance = vector(vertexlist[0])
     vertices = None
     for v1 in range(len(vertexlist)):
         for v2 in range(v1 + 1, len(vertexlist)):
             #print "From-To", v1, v2
             #print "From-To", vertexlist[v1], vertexlist[v2]
             length = vlength(
                 vector(vertexlist[v2]) - vector(vertexlist[v1]))
             if length < distance:
                 distance = length
                 vertices = [vertexlist[v1], vertexlist[v2]]
     return vertices
Exemplo n.º 43
def pnt2line(pnt, start, end):
    line_vec = vector(start, end)
    pnt_vec = vector(start, pnt)
    line_len = length(line_vec)
    line_unitvec = unit(line_vec)
    pnt_vec_scaled = scale(pnt_vec, 1.0 / line_len)
    t = dot(line_unitvec, pnt_vec_scaled)
    if t < 0.0:
        t = 0.0
    elif t > 1.0:
        t = 1.0
    nearest = scale(line_vec, t)
    dist = distance(nearest, pnt_vec)
    nearest = add(nearest, start)
    return dist, int(nearest[0]), int(nearest[1])
Exemplo n.º 44
 def getHelperUp(self, object):
 # gets the center of the predefined helper object
   vertices = self.getObjectVertices(object)
   center = self.getHelperCenter(object)
   up = vnormal(vector(self.getVertexMedium(vertices, center))-center)
   #up = vnormal(vector(self.getVertexDistance(vertices, center, distance))-center)
   return up
Exemplo n.º 45
 def getHelperForward(self, object):
 # gets the center of the predefined helper object
   vertices = self.getObjectVertices(object)
   center = self.getHelperCenter(object)
   forward = vnormal(vector(self.getVertexLongest(vertices, center))-center)
   #print "Forward = ", forward
   return forward 
Exemplo n.º 46
 def dir_vel(self, dir, loc):
     mid = self.size - 1
     upper = {
         HEX_NW: [-1, -1],
         HEX_NE: [-1, 0],
         HEX_E: [0, 1],
         HEX_SE: [1, 1],
         HEX_SW: [1, 0],
         HEX_W: [0, -1]
     lower = {
         HEX_NW: [-1, 0],
         HEX_NE: [-1, 1],
         HEX_E: [0, 1],
         HEX_SE: [1, 0],
         HEX_SW: [1, -1],
         HEX_W: [0, -1]
     middle = {
         HEX_NW: [-1, -1],
         HEX_NE: [-1, 0],
         HEX_E: [0, 1],
         HEX_SE: [1, 0],
         HEX_SW: [1, -1],
         HEX_W: [0, -1]
     if loc[0] < mid:
         ret = upper[dir]
     elif loc[0] > mid:
         ret = lower[dir]
         ret = middle[dir]
     return vector(ret)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def collide(self, other):
        # Bodies bounce off each other, conserving momentum and energy
        # Radial unit vector
        ur = (other.pos - self.pos)/(other.pos - self.pos).mag()

        # Tangential unit vector
        ut = vector(-ur.y, ur.x)
        # Break velocities into radial and tangential components
        vel_r_self = self.vel.dot(ur)
        vel_t_self = self.vel.dot(ut)
        vel_r_other = other.vel.dot(ur)
        vel_t_other = other.vel.dot(ut)
        # Tangential components are not affected by collision
        # New radial velocities are given by
        new_vel_r_self = (vel_r_self * (self.mass - other.mass) + \
                            2 * other.mass * vel_r_other)/ \
                            (self.mass + other.mass)
        new_vel_r_other = (vel_r_other * (other.mass - self.mass) + \
                            2 * self.mass * vel_r_self)/ \
                            (self.mass + other.mass)
        # Combine to get the new total velocities
        self.vel = ur*new_vel_r_self + ut*vel_t_self
        other.vel = ur*new_vel_r_other + ut*vel_t_other
Exemplo n.º 48
	def __init__(self, vectors):
		self.vectors = []
		self.n = len(vectors[0])
		for v in vectors:
			if len(v) != self.n: raise Exception("Multiple Dimensions Exception")
		self.centroid = mean(self.vectors)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def calcCenter(self):
     centerOfMass = vector(0,0)
     totalMass = 0
     for obj in self.objects:
         centerOfMass = centerOfMass.add(obj.position.mult(obj.mass))
         totalMass += obj.mass
     return centerOfMass.div(totalMass)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def display(self, dst, center, radius):
        # get rgb tuple for rendering
        color = self.color.tuple(255)
        # draw the crystal core
        num_sides = 8
        points = []
        for i in range(num_sides):
            theta = i * 2.0 * math.pi / num_sides
            t = vector(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta))
            p = center + radius * t
        pygame.draw.polygon(dst, color, points, 1)

        # draw corruption
        if 'Corruption' in self.atts and self.atts['Corruption']:
            n2 = num_sides / 2
            for i in range(num_sides / 2):
                pygame.draw.line(dst, color, points[i], points[i + n2])

        # draw the pipes
        for (i, pipe) in enumerate(self.pipes):
            if pipe is None:
            # draw the pipe segment
            offset = i - 2
            theta = offset * 2.0 * math.pi / len(self.pipes)
            t = vector(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta))
            r = 1.7 * radius
            p0 = center
            p1 = center + r * t
            pygame.draw.line(dst, color,
                             p0.list(), p1.list())
            # draw the arrowhead
            r1 = 0.7 * r
            r2 = 0.8 * r
            if pipe == 'Out':
                r1, r2 = r2, r1
            phi = 10
            p0 = center + r1 * t
            p1 = center + (r2 * t).rotate(-phi)
            p2 = center + (r2 * t).rotate(phi)
            pygame.draw.line(dst, color,
                             p0.list(), p1.list())
            pygame.draw.line(dst, color,
                             p0.list(), p2.list())
Exemplo n.º 51
def main():
    global font
    black = (0, 0, 0)
    red = (255, 0, 0)
    blue = (0, 0, 255)
    white = (255, 255, 255)
    size = width, height = 800, 600

    screen = init(size)

    settings = Settings()
    global_font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), FONT_SIZE)
    running = True
    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False


        pygame.draw.line(screen, blue, (0, 0), (width, height))
        pygame.draw.line(screen, blue, (0, height), (width, 0))
        pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        vec = vector(pos) - vector(size) / 2
        dir = get_dir(size, vec)
        intersection = get_intersection(size, vec)

        dims = vector(10, 10)
        rect = intersection - dims / 2
        rect = rect.list() + dims.list()
        center = (width / 2, height / 2)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, rect, 1)
        pygame.draw.line(screen, red, center, intersection.list())

        draw_string(screen, dir, (10, 10), white)

Exemplo n.º 52
 def get_bfs(self, start):
     grid = self.grid
     # Make sure there is actually a crystal at start
     if grid.cells[start[0]][start[1]] is None:
         return [], False
     dirs = [HEX_NW, HEX_NE, HEX_E, HEX_SE, HEX_SW, HEX_W]
     q = [vector(start)] # Our queue of current nodes
     edges = []
     visited = []
     cycle = False
     # Standard BFS loop
     while len(q) > 0:
         # Get the next location
         cur = q.pop(0)
         row1, col1 = cur.tuple()
         # Check if we've already visited
         if cur.list() in visited:
             cycle = True
         # Obtain the actual contents of the cell
         c1 = grid.cells[row1][col1]
         # Visit each of the neighboring cells
         neighbors = []
         for dir in dirs:
             loc = grid.move_loc(dir, cur)
             # Make sure we're still in bounds
             if grid.out_of_bounds(loc):
             # Check to see if there is a crystal in the neighboring cell
             row2, col2 = loc.tuple()
             c2 = grid.cells[row2][col2]
             if c2 is None:
             # Make sure colors match up.  We use <= as opposed to == since
             # some crystal can take more than one color as input.  Yellow
             # can take Red or Green, but output would have to be sent to a
             # crystal which can take both Red and Green.  In this case, these
             # would be Yellow and White crystals.
             if not c1.color <= c2.color:
             # Make there is an actual pipe going between the two crystals
             if c1.pipes[dir] == 'Out' and \
                c2.pipes[(dir + 3) % 6] == 'In':
                     edges.append((cur, loc))
     return edges, cycle
Exemplo n.º 53
def get_dir(dims, vec):
    w, h = map(float, dims)
    center = vector(w, h) / 2
    w2, h2 = center.list()
    new_vec = vector(vec.x / w2, vec.y / h2).norm()

    rot_vec = vector(new_vec)

    if rot_vec.x < 0:
        if rot_vec.y < 0:
            return 'NORTH'
            return 'WEST'
        if rot_vec.y < 0:
            return 'EAST'
            return 'SOUTH'
Exemplo n.º 54
 def __init__(self, parent, items):
     self.parent = parent
     self.items = items
     self.selecting = True
     self.selection = vector(0, 0)
     self.num_cols = 10
     self.max_size = None
     self.max_rows = None
     self.allowed_types = []
Exemplo n.º 55
    def display(self, dst, corner, dims):
        grid_viewer = self.grid_viewer

        row0, col0 = corner.tuple()
        offset = vector(0, 0)
        grid = self.level.grid
        for row in range(dims[0]):
            for col in range(dims[1]):
                tile = grid.cells[row + row0][col + col0]
                tile_bounds = (self.tile_size % tile).list()
                tile_bounds += self.tile_size.list()
                pos = offset + self.tile_size % vector(col, row)
                dst.blit(self.tile_sheet, pos.list(), tile_bounds)

                for crystal in self.level.items.cells[row][col]:
                    center = grid_viewer.get_center((row - row0, col - col0))
                    radius = 0.25 * grid_viewer.cell_w
                    crystal.display(dst, center, radius)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def find_components(self):
     grid = self.component
     for row in range(grid.num_rows()):
         for col in range(grid.num_cols()):
             grid.cells[row][col] = -1
     cur_component = 0
     for row in range(grid.num_rows()):
         for col in range(grid.num_cols()):
             loc = vector(row, col)
             self.component_dfs(loc, cur_component)
             cur_component += 1
Exemplo n.º 57
    def display(self, dst, center, radius):
        color = (255, 255, 255)

        # Compute six different corners for the central hexagon
        vels = {
            'N': 90,
            'NE': 30,
            'SE': -30,
            'S': -90,
            'SW': -150,
            'NW': 150
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        dir_vel = {k: vector(math.cos(t * d2r), math.sin(t * d2r))
                   for (k, t) in vels.iteritems()}
        # Now add in extra points for each outer hexagon.  Uses an
        # ordering to only compute each unique corner point once.
        dirs = ['N', 'NE', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'NW']
        points = [[x] for x in range(6)]
        for x in range(6):
            points += [[x, x], [x, x, (x + 1) % 6], 
                       [(x + 1) % 6, (x + 1) % 6, x]]
        zero = vector(0, 0)
        points = [sum([dir_vel[dirs[dir]] for dir in p], zero) for p in points]

        # Build up the list of edges we want to actually draw between points.
        # Separated out so we generate each segment via rotational symmetry.
        segments = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]]
        for x in range(6):
            y = 3 * x
            vals = [y, y + 1, y + 2, y + 3]
            vals = [x] + [6 + v % 18 for v in vals]
            segments += [vals]

        # Now actually draw line segments between each point in our hex grid icon.
        for line in segments:
            plist = [center + 0.5 * radius * points[p] for p in line]
            plist = [p.list() for p in plist]
            pygame.draw.lines(dst, color, False, plist)
Exemplo n.º 58
def get_intersection(dims, vec):
    w, h = map(float, dims)
    center = vector(w, h) / 2
    w2, h2 = center.list()
    new_vec = vector(vec.x / w2, vec.y / h2).norm()

    dir = get_dir(dims, vec)
    scale = None
    if dir == 'NORTH':
        scale = -1 / new_vec.y
    elif dir == 'SOUTH':
        scale = 1 / new_vec.y
    elif dir == 'WEST':
        scale = -1 / new_vec.x
    elif dir == 'EAST':
        scale = 1 / new_vec.x

    intersection = scale * new_vec
    #intersection = vector(new_vec)
    intersection %= center
    intersection += center
    return intersection
Exemplo n.º 59
 def test_iadd(self):
     x = vector([1,2])
     x += vector([3,4])
     self.assertEqual(x, vector([4,6]))
     x = vector([1,2])
     x += (3,4)
     self.assertEqual(x, vector([4,6]))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         x = vector([0,-1])
         x += 1
Exemplo n.º 60
def drawpipe(rs,xx=q,draw=True):
    assert sum(rs)==840
    prev = None
    for i,r in enumerate(rs):
        x = xx-R+r
        if i%2:x=xx+R-r
        p = vector(x,q-2*h-r)
        while prev:
            if abs(satisfy(prev[0],p,r+prev[1]))<.000001: break
        if draw:circle(p,r)
        prev = (p,r)
    H = p.y-r
    return H