Exemplo n.º 1
def algomixerAppend (algos, return_count, algoname='NewAlgo') : 
    # myAlgos = [ search_RGB, search_SIFT_BF ]
    # algomixerFunnel (myAlgos)
    start = time.time()

    algoResults = []
    algoTimes = []
    for algo in algos: 
        thisResult, thisTime = algo_selector (algo, return_count=return_count)
    # generate algo uniques: apply threshold for each Result (imagematches)     
    unique_final_list = []
    for result in algoResults : 

    # algo uniques + final algo detections results 

    toplist = unique_final_list.copy()

    # retaining all the individual results as well (P.S: note difference from algomixerFunnel)
    for result in algoResults :    

    # merge lists of algo results and remove duplicates order[[commons], [algo1], [algo2]...]
    toplist = Thresholding.merge_results( toplist, False)

    t = time.time() - start

    # find accuracy and append to dict 
    a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 )
    print ('index F_'+algoname+': ', ind)

    row_dict['acc_'+ algoname] = a
    row_dict['index_'+ algoname] = ind
    row_dict['Count_'+ algoname] = cnt
    row_dict['quality_'+ algoname] = d
    row_dict['time_'+ algoname] = t
Exemplo n.º 2
def algomixerFunnel (algos, return_count, finalalgo, finalalgoDataframe, algoname='NewAlgo', write=False) : 
    algos [list]: list of candidare algos
    return_count (int) : number of candidates to be generated 
    finalalgo (str) : list of candidare algos
    finalalgoDataframe (pd.Dataframe): dataframe of the finalAlgo to be filtered and used 
    algoname (str)  : 'column name of datframe for the final reported accuracy, time etc.
    write (bool): True / False -> whether to report funnel accurracy, time before merge with thresholded candidates 

    # myAlgos = [ search_RGB, search_SIFT_BF ]
    # algomixerFunnel (myAlgos)
    start = time.time()

    algoResults = []
    algoTimes = []
    for algo in algos: 
        algoResult, algoTime = algo_selector (algo, return_count=return_count)

    # generate candidates (short listing)
    filteredFeatureData = Thresholding.filter_candidates( algoResults, finalalgoDataframe)
    # run Final Algo (detection) 
    imagepredictions,searchtimesift = algo_selector_final(finalalgo,filteredFeatureData,return_count=return_count)
    if write: 
        # find accuracy and append to dict 
        a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagepredictions, 20)
        t = time.time() - start
        row_dict['acc_'+ algoname + '_BM'] = a
        row_dict['index_'+ algoname + '_BM'] = ind
        row_dict['Count_'+ algoname + '_BM'] = cnt
        row_dict['quality_'+ algoname + '_BM'] = d
        row_dict['time_'+ algoname + '_BM'] = t

    # generate algo uniques: apply threshold for each Result (imagematches)     
    unique_final_list = []
    for Result in algoResults : 

    # print (unique_final_list)
    # algo uniques + final algo detections results 
    final_algo_List = Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list(imagepredictions)
    toplist = unique_final_list.copy()
    # copy all commons from candidates threshold list to front (2 lists)
    toplist = [Thresholding.merge_results( toplist, False)]

    # Add final algo derivatives to toplist 
    # merge lists of algo results: HSV Thresh, RGB Thresh, SIFT
    toplist = Thresholding.merge_results( toplist, False)

    t = time.time() - start

    # find accuracy and append to dict 
    a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 )
    print ('index F_'+algoname+': ', ind)
    row_dict['acc_'+ algoname] = a
    row_dict['index_'+ algoname] = ind
    row_dict['Count_'+ algoname] = cnt
    row_dict['quality_'+ algoname] = d
    row_dict['time_'+ algoname] = t
Exemplo n.º 3
def search_AlgoA ( candidates=100, verbose=False ): 
    toplist = []
    start = time.time()
    # run RGB
    imagematchesrgb , searchtimergb = ImageSearch_Algo_RGB.RGB_SEARCH_TREE (myRGBtree, mydataRGB, q_path, returnCount=candidates)
    # run HSV
    imagematcheshsv , searchtimehsv = ImageSearch_Algo_HSV.HSV_SEARCH_TREE ( myHSVtree, mydataHSV, q_path, returnCount=candidates)
    # create shortlist for SIFT 
    filteredSIFTData = Thresholding.filter_sift_candidates( [imagematcheshsv, imagematchesrgb], mydataSIFT)
    # run SIFT 
    imagepredictions , searchtimesift = ImageSearch_Algo_SIFT.SIFT_SEARCH_BF(filteredSIFTData, q_path, sift_features_limit=100 , lowe_ratio=LOWE_RATIO, predictions_count=SIFT_PREDICTIONS_COUNT)

    # threshold RGB 
    final_RGB_List = Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(imagematchesrgb)

    # thresold HSV 
    final_HSV_List = Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(imagematcheshsv)

    # SIFT LIST 
    final_SIFT_List = Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list(imagepredictions)
    # merge lists of algo results: HSV Thresh, RGB Thresh, SIFT
    toplist = Thresholding.merge_results([final_HSV_List, final_RGB_List, final_SIFT_List], False)
    # find accuracy and append to dict 
    a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 )
    t = time.time() - start
    row_dict['acc_algo_A'] = a
    row_dict['index_algo_A'] = ind
    row_dict['Count_algo_A'] = cnt
    row_dict['quality_algo_A'] = d
    row_dict['time_algo_A'] = t

    # run if verbose enabled; DEBUGGING
    if verbose: 

        print ('index FINAL AlgoA: ', ind)
        # append SIFT Results 
        a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagepredictions, 20 )
        print ('SIFT-A Accuracy =',  a, '%', '| Quality:', d )
        print ('SIFT-A Count', cnt, ' | position', ind)
        row_dict['acc_Algo_A_SIFT'] = a
        row_dict['index_Algo_A_SIFT'] = ind
        row_dict['Count_Algo_A_SIFT'] = cnt
        row_dict['quality_Algo_A_SIFT'] = d
        # row_dict['time_Algo_A_SIFT'] = searchtime
        # get current accurracy of RGB     
        a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagematchesrgb, 20)
        print ('index RGB   : ', ind)
        # get thresholded accurracy of RGB     
        a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, final_RGB_List, 20 )
        print ('index RGB Th:', ind)
        # update candidates RGB
        row_dict['index_Algo_A_cRGB'] = ind
        # get current accurracy for HSV
        a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagematcheshsv, 20)
        print ('index HSV   : ', ind)
        # get thresholded accurracy for HSV 
        a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, final_HSV_List, 20 )
        print ('index HSV Th: ', ind)
        # update candidates 
        row_dict['index_Algo_A_cHSV'] = ind

    return imagepredictions, t
Exemplo n.º 4
    row_dict['totaltime'] = t
    print ('total processing time = ', t, 'seconds')
    # print( toplist)

    # append top 20 results from SIFT to end of TOPLIST 
    for myitem in imagepredictions[:20]:
        x, y = myitem

    # print( toplist)

    # print sanitize_List(toplist))
    toplist = sanitize_List(toplist)

    a ,d, i_toplist, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 )
    print (q_paths.index(q_path), q_path)
    print ('Final Accuracy =',  a, '%', '| Quality:', d )
    print ('Final Count', cnt, ' | position', i_toplist)

    row_dict['toplistmerge_acc'] = a
    row_dict['toplistmerge_matchindex'] = i_toplist
    row_dict['toplistmerge_Count'] = cnt
    row_dict['toplistmerge_quality'] = d
    # row_dict['toplistmerge_time'] = searchtimetoplist
    # print ("toplistmerge processing time", searchtimetoplist, 'sec')

    print ("-------------------------------------------")