Exemplo n.º 1
def Check() :
    global Distance
    global Command_Running, Current_Command, Command_Start
    global Delay_Time
    global Turn_Delta_Angle, delta_angle_current, turn_active
    global Turn_To_Angle, Turn_To_Direction, have_direction
    global HEADING_DELTA, heading_direction, adjusting_heading
    global Speed_Setting, accel_setting, SPEED_DELTA, SPEED_UNIT, _adjust_speed, cur_time, prev_time, prev_error
    global _course_set

    if _course_set : # a course can be set without command_Running being true
        cur_dir = GPS.Direction
        turn_direction = ''
        if cur_dir == GPS.invalid_Direction : # wait for valid direction
        if cur_dir + HEADING_DELTA < heading_direction or cur_dir - HEADING_DELTA > heading_direction :
            # Find the direction the golf cart should turnto ( 360 - 0 condition checking )
            if cur_dir + HEADING_DELTA < heading_direction and heading_direction - cur_dir < 180 :
                turn_direction = 'right'
            elif cur_dir + HEADING_DELTA < heading_direction and heading_direction - cur_dir > 180 :
                turn_direction = 'left'
            elif cur_dir - HEADING_DELTA > heading_direction and cur_dir - heading_direction < 180 :
                turn_direction = 'left'
            elif cur_dir - HEADING_DELTA > heading_direction and cur_dir - heading_direction > 180 :
                turn_direction = 'right'
            writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Command course is executing a turnto," + str(heading_direction) + "," + turn_direction + ";")
        else :
            _course_set = False
            writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Command course is executing a heading," + str(Distance) + ";")

    if not Command_Running :

    '''if _adjust_speed :
        cur_speed = GPS.Speed
        prev_time = cur_time
        cur_time = time.time()
        dt = cur_time - prev_time
        error = Speed_Setting - cur_speed
        integral = integral + error * dt
        derivative = (error - prev_error) / dt
        manipulated_value = PROPORTIONAL_GAIN * error + INTEGRAL_GAIN * integral + DERIVATIVE_GAIN * derivative
        prev_error = error
        Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], manipulated_value)
        writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Current Speed : " + repr(cur_speed) + " with an Accel value of : " + repr(accel_setting))'''

    if Current_Command == 'sstop' :
        if GPS.Connected and GPS.Speed == 0.0 :
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["brake"], 0) # releases the brake
        if Command_Start + Delay_Time < time.time() :
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["brake"], 0) # releases the brake
    elif Current_Command == 'hstop' :
        # I don't know if I have the correct brake status here
        if GPS.Connected and GPS.Speed == 0.0 and Arduino.Brake == 3:
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["brake"], 0) # releases the brake
        if Command_Start + Delay_Time < time.time() :
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["brake"], 0) # releases the brake
    elif Current_Command == 'turnto' :
        cur_dir = GPS.Direction
        if have_direction == True :
            if Turn_To_Angle - HEADING_DELTA < cur_dir and cur_dir < Turn_To_Angle + HEADING_DELTA :
                Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], 0)
                if turn_active :
                    Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
                    turn_active = False
                Command_Running = False
        else :
            if GPS.Direction != GPS.invalid_Direction :
                have_direction = True
    elif Current_Command == 'forward' :
        distance = GPS.haversine(Start_Lat, Start_Long, GPS.Latitude, GPS.Longitude)
        if distance > Distance :
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
    elif Current_Command == 'heading' :
        if not have_direction :
            if GPS.Direction != GPS.invalid_Direction :
                have_direction = True
                heading_direction = GPS.Direction
            else :
        distance = GPS.haversine(Start_Lat, Start_Long, GPS.Latitude, GPS.Longitude)
        cur_dir = GPS.Direction
        if distance > Distance :
            Command_Running = False
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], 0)
        if cur_dir - heading_direction > HEADING_DELTA and not adjusting_heading : # veering right
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], -_degrees)
            adjusting_heading = True
        elif -cur_dir + heading_direction > HEADING_DELTA and not adjusting_heading: # veering left
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], _degrees)
            adjusting_heading = True
        # assumes check() is often enough to stop turn before veering opposite way
        elif -cur_dir + heading_direction < HEADING_DELTA and cur_dir - heading_direction < HEADING_DELTA : 
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], 0)
            adjusting_heading = False
    elif Current_Command == 'course' :
    elif Current_Command == 'delay' :
        if Command_Start + Delay_Time < time.time() :
            Command_Running = False
    else :
        writeLog(LOG_ERROR, 'Unrecognized command')
        Command_Running = False
Exemplo n.º 2
def Execute(command) :
    global Command_Running, Current_Command, Command_Start
    global Delay_Time
    global Distance
    global Start_Lat, Start_Long
    global Turn_Delta_Angle, _degrees, turn_active
    global Turn_To_Angle, Turn_To_Direction
    global have_direction
    global heading_direction
    global Speed_Setting, accel_setting, SPEED_TERMINATE, _adjust_speed
    global _course_set

    command = command.strip();
    command = command.rstrip(';')
    parm = command.split(',')
    writeLog(LOG_NEW_COMMAND, parm)

    if not parm[0] in _Commands :
        writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown Command... Skipping");
    Current_Command = parm[0]
    Command_Running = True
    Command_Start = time.time()

    if parm[0] == 'sstop' :
        Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
        Delay_Time = 5
    # hstop with arg of 1 applys brake, 0 release brakes
    elif parm[0] == 'hstop' :
        Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
        Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["brake"], parm[1])
        Delay_Time = 10
    #A turnto command can not be called as the first command or after a delay
    #as the GPS.Direction has to be set before the commands execute stage.
    elif parm[0] == 'turnto' : #format "turnto,compass_heading,turning_left_or_right;"
        try :
            if GPS.Direction == GPS.invalid_Direction :
                writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command turnto failed... must have a valid direction")
                Command_Running = False
            Turn_To_Angle = int(parm[1])
            if parm[2] == 'right' :
                writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Turning Right")
                Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], _degrees*1.825)
            elif parm[2] == 'left' :
                writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Turning Left")
                Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], -_degrees*1.825)
            else :
                writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown turnto Direction... Skipping");
                Turn_To_Angle = 0
                Command_Running = False
            if Arduino.Speed == 0 :
                Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], accel_setting)
                turn_active = True
            if GPS.Direction != 0 :
                have_direction = True
            Turn_To_Direction = parm[2]
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], accel_setting)
        except ValueError :
            Turn_To_Angle = 0
            Command_Running = False
            writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command turnto failed... Conversion fail");
    #A turndelta command can not be called as the first command or after a delay
    #as the GPS.Direction has to be set before the commands execute stage.
    #Formats turndelta parmaters into a turnto call and calls execute again
    elif parm[0] == 'turndelta' :
        try :
            if GPS.Direction == GPS.invalid_Direction :
                writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command turndelta failed... must have a valid direction")
                Command_Running = False
            turn_direction = ''
            Turn_Delta_Angle = int(parm[1])
            delta_heading = GPS.Direction + Turn_Delta_Angle
            delta_heading = int(delta_heading)
            if delta_heading < 0 :
                delta_heading = 360 + delta_heading
            if delta_heading > 360 :
                delta_heading = delta_heading - 360
            if Turn_Delta_Angle > 0 :
                turn_direction = 'right'
            elif Turn_Delta_Angle < 0 :
                turn_direction = 'left'
        except ValueError :
            Turn_Delta_Angle = 0
            Command_Running = False
            writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command turndelta failed... Conversion fail");
    elif parm[0] == 'forward' :
        try :
            Distance = int(parm[1])
            Start_Lat = GPS.Latitude
            Start_Long = GPS.Longitude
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], accel_setting) #starts the golf cart moving
        except ValueError :
            Distance = 0
            Command_Running = False
            logWrite(LOG_ERROR, "Command forward failed... Conversion fail");
    elif parm[0] == 'heading' :
        try :
            Distance = int(parm[1])
            '''if GPS.Direction != GPS.invalid_Direction :
                have_direction = True
                heading_direction = GPS.Direction'''
            Start_Lat = GPS.Latitude
            Start_Long = GPS.Longitude
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], accel_setting) #starts the golf cart moving
        except ValueError :
            Distance = 0
            Command_Running = False
            writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command heading failed... Conversion fail")
    elif parm[0] == 'course' :
        try :
            Distance = int(parm[1])
            heading_direction = int(parm[2])
            if heading_direction > 360 or heading_direction < 0 :
                writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command course failed... direction not between 0 and 360")
            _course_set = True
            Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], accel_setting) #starts the golf cart moving
        except ValueError :
            Distance = 0
            Command_Running = False
            _course_set = False
            logWrite(LOG_ERROR, "Command course failed... Conversion fail")
    elif parm[0] == 'speed' :
        try :
            Speed_Setting = float(parm[1])
            if Speed_Setting == SPEED_TERMINATE : #terminate control speed command
                _adjust_speed = False
                accel_setting = 1700
                Speed_Setting = 0
            _adjust_speed = True
            #Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], Speed_Setting) #starts the golf cart moving
            accel_setting = Speed_Setting
            writeLog(LOG_DETAILS, "Set Speed to : " + repr(Speed_Setting))
            Speed_Setting = 0
            _adjust_speed = False
            writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "Command speed failed... Conversion fail")
    elif parm[0] == 'delay' :
        Delay_Time = int(parm[1])
    else :
        writeLog(LOG_ERROR, 'Unrecognized command')
        Command_Running = False
Exemplo n.º 3
def stop_it() :    
    Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["speed"], 0)
    Arduino._serial_cmd(Arduino._Commands["steer"], 0)