Exemplo n.º 1
            AngleSum += np.arctan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
            NumberOfLines += 1
            Lines.append([x2, y1, x2, y2])

    # get the mean angle
    AngleSum /= NumberOfLines
    # convert to degrees
    AngleSum = (AngleSum / (np.pi * 2)) * 360

    RotationArray.append([ImageName, AngleSum])

for Object in RotationArray:
    print "rotate", Object[0], "by", Object[1], "degrees"

    ToRotate = Image.open("Processed/" + Object[0])

    # draw some lines on it
    # Drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(ToRotate)
    # for points in Lines:
    # 	Drawing.line((points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]), fill=128)

    # rotate it
    ToRotate = ToRotate.convert('RGBA').rotate(-Object[1] + 90, expand=1)

    Final = Image.new('RGBA', ToRotate.size, (255, 255, 255, 255))
    Final = Image.composite(ToRotate, Final, ToRotate)

    # crop the image so that there's no white space showing at the edges
    Final = Array.CropImageAroundBlack(Final)

    Final.convert('L').save('Rotated/' + Object[0])
Exemplo n.º 2
def CropImage():
	global Positions, OriginalImagePixels, OriginalImage, Multiplier, root, UnprocessedImagePixels

	# multiply all of the positions by the scale that we used to resize the image
	for i in range(0, len(Positions)):
		for p in [0, 1]:
			Positions[i][p] = math.floor(Positions[i][p] / Multiplier)

	# create a new image of the proper size
	PartiallyCroppedImage = Image.new('L', OriginalImage.size, 255)
	PartiallyCroppedImagePixels = PartiallyCroppedImage.load()

	CroppedImage = Image.new('L', OriginalImage.size, 255)
	CroppedImagePixels = CroppedImage.load()

	def YBounding():
		SlopeOne = (Positions[0][1] - Positions[1][1]) / (Positions[0][0] - Positions[1][0])
		YIntOne = Positions[0][1] - Positions[0][0] * SlopeOne

		SlopeTwo = (Positions[2][1] - Positions[3][1]) / (Positions[2][0] - Positions[3][0])
		YIntTwo = Positions[3][1] - Positions[3][0] * SlopeTwo

		XLower = sorted(Positions, key = itemgetter(0))[0][0]
		XUpper = sorted(Positions, key = itemgetter(0), reverse = True)[0][0]

		for x in range(int(XLower), int(XUpper)):
			YLower = SlopeOne * x + YIntOne
			YUpper = SlopeTwo * x + YIntTwo

			for y in range(int(YLower), int(YUpper)):
				PartiallyCroppedImagePixels[x, y] = UnprocessedImagePixels[x, y]

	def XBounding():
		# initialize all of the varaibles
		SlopeOne, SlopeTwo, YIntOne, YIntTwo, XUpper, XLower = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
		OneVertical, TwoVertical = False, False

		# if the slope is undefined, bound differently
			SlopeOne = (Positions[1][1] - Positions[2][1]) / (Positions[1][0] - Positions[2][0])
			YIntOne = Positions[1][1] - Positions[1][0] * SlopeOne
		except ZeroDivisionError:
			OneVertical = True

			SlopeTwo = (Positions[0][1] - Positions[3][1]) / (Positions[0][0] - Positions[3][0])
			YIntTwo = Positions[3][1] - Positions[3][0] * SlopeTwo
		except ZeroDivisionError:
			TwoVertical = True

		YLower = sorted(Positions, key = itemgetter(1))[0][1]
		YUpper = sorted(Positions, key = itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[0][1]

		for y in range(int(YLower), int(YUpper)):
			# if the special vertical bound is enabled
			if OneVertical:
				XUpper = Positions[1][0]
				XUpper  = (y - YIntOne) / SlopeOne

			# if the special vertical bound is enabled
			if TwoVertical:
				XLower = Positions[0][0]
				XLower = (y - YIntTwo) / SlopeTwo

			for x in range(int(XLower), int(XUpper)):
				CroppedImagePixels[x, y] = PartiallyCroppedImagePixels[x, y]

	print Positions

	# these need to happen in this order

	# crop the image so that there isn't extra white space
	CroppedImage = Array.CropImageAroundBlack(CroppedImage)
	CroppedImage.save("Processed/" + FullFilename)

	print "Image successfully cropped and saved."
