Exemplo n.º 1
    def index(self, **dummy_kwargs):
        """ Output the start page. """

        os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch()


        os.search_terms = ''
        os.title = {
            'mobile': _('PG Mobile'),
            'opds': _('Project Gutenberg'),
            'stanza': _('Project Gutenberg')
        }.get(os.format, _('Search Project Gutenberg'))

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.header = _(
            'Welcome to Project Gutenberg. Use the search box to find your book or pick a link.'
        cat.title = _('Popular')
        cat.subtitle = _('Our most popular books.')
        cat.url = os.url('search', sort_order='downloads')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink'
        cat.icon = 'popular'
        cat.order = 2

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.title = _('Latest')
        cat.subtitle = _('Our latest releases.')
        cat.url = os.url('search', sort_order='release_date')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink'
        cat.icon = 'date'
        cat.order = 3

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.title = _('Random')
        cat.subtitle = _('Random books.')
        cat.url = os.url('search', sort_order='random')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink'
        cat.icon = 'random'
        cat.order = 4

        os.total_results = 0
        os.template = 'results'
        os.page = 'start'

        os.url_share = os.url('/', host=os.file_host)
        os.twit = os.tagline


        return self.format(os)
    def fix_dc(self, dc, os):
        """ Add some info to dc for easier templating.

        Also make sure that dc `walks like a cat´. """

        super(MobileFormatter, self).fix_dc(dc, os)

        for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
            if len(file_.mediatypes) == 1:
                type_ = six.text_type(file_.mediatypes[0])
                m = type_.partition(';')[0]
                if m in MOBILE_TYPES:
                    cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                    cat.type = file_.mediatypes[0]
                    cat.header = _('Download')
                    cat.title = file_.hr_filetype
                    cat.extra = file_.hr_extent

                    cat.charset = file_.encoding
                    cat.url = file_.url
                    cat.icon = dc.icon
                    cat.icon2 = 'download'
                    cat.class_ += 'filelink'
                    cat.order = 20
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fixup (self, os):

        if (os.start_index == 1 and len (os.entries) > 0):

            # browse-by-author page for maintainers
            if 'is-catalog-maintainer' in cherrypy.request.cookie:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
                cat.type = mt.html
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.title = _('Browse by Author')
                cat.url = "/browse/authors/%s#a%d" % (os.author[:1].lower (), os.id)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'internal'
                cat.order = 9
                os.entries.insert (0, cat)

            # wikipedia links etc.
            rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (
                """SELECT url, description AS title FROM author_urls
                   WHERE fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s""",
                { 'fk_authors': os.id } )
            for row in rows:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
                cat.type = mt.html
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.title = _('See also: {title}').format (title = row.title)
                cat.url = row.url
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'external'
                cat.order = 8
                os.entries.insert (0, cat)

            # author aliases
            if os.format  == 'html':
                rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (
                    """SELECT alias AS title FROM aliases
                       WHERE fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s AND alias_heading = 1""",
                    { 'fk_authors': os.id }

                for row in rows:
                    cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
                    cat.title = _('Alias {alias}').format (alias = row.title)
                    cat.class_ += 'grayed'
                    cat.icon = 'alias'
                    cat.order = 7
                    os.entries.insert (0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def did_you_mean(os, corr, corrected_query):
        """ Message. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = '__didyoumean__'
        cat.title = _('Did you mean: {correction}').format(correction=corr)
        cat.url = os.url('search', query=corrected_query)
        cat.class_ += 'navlink'
        cat.icon = 'suggestion'
        cat.order = 12
        return cat
Exemplo n.º 5
    def no_records_found(os):
        """ Message. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = '__notfound__'
        cat.title = _('No records found.')
        cat.url = os.url('start')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
        cat.icon = 'bibrec'
        cat.order = 11
        return cat
Exemplo n.º 6
    def sort_by_release_date(os):
        """ Append the sort by release date link. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = 'new'
        cat.title = _('Sort by Release Date')
        cat.url = os.url_carry(sort_order='release_date')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
        cat.icon = 'date'
        cat.order = 4.3
        os.entries.insert(0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def sort_by_quantity(os):
        """ Append the sort by quantity link. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = 'numerous'
        cat.title = _('Sort by Quantity')
        cat.url = os.url_carry(sort_order='quantity')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
        cat.icon = 'quantity'
        cat.order = 4.2
        os.entries.insert(0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def sort_by_title(os):
        """ Append the sort alphabetically link. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = 'alphabethical'
        cat.title = _('Sort Alphabetically')
        cat.url = os.url_carry(sort_order='title')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
        cat.icon = 'alpha'
        cat.order = 4.1
        os.entries.insert(0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def sort_by_downloads(os):
        """ Append the sort by downloads link. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = 'popular'
        cat.title = _('Sort by Popularity')
        cat.url = os.url_carry(sort_order='downloads')
        cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
        cat.icon = 'popular'
        cat.order = 4.0
        os.entries.insert(0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def status_line(os):
        """ Placeholder for status line. """

        cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
        cat.rel = '__statusline__'
        cat.class_ += 'grayed'
        cat.icon = 'bibrec'
        cat.order = 10
        cat.header = os.title
        cat.title = _(u"Displaying results {from_}–{to}").format(
            from_=os.start_index, to=os.end_index)
        return cat
Exemplo n.º 11
    def fixup(self, os):
        """ strip marc subfields, add social media hints and facet links """

        for e in os.entries:
            if '$' in e.title:
                e.title = DublinCore.strip_marc_subfields(e.title)

        if (os.sort_order == 'release_date' and os.total_results > 0
                and os.start_index == 1):
            cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
            cat.title = _('Follow new books on Twitter')
            cat.subtitle = _("Follow our new books on Twitter.")
            cat.url = 'https://twitter.com/gutenberg_new'
            cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
            cat.icon = 'twitter'
            cat.order = 5
            os.entries.insert(0, cat)

            cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
            cat.title = _('Follow new books on Facebook')
            cat.subtitle = _(
                "Follow the link and like the page to have us post new books to your wall."
            cat.url = 'https://www.facebook.com/gutenberg.new'
            cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
            cat.icon = 'facebook'
            cat.order = 5
            os.entries.insert(0, cat)

        if (len(os.query) and os.start_index == 1):
            sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement()
            sql2.query = "select count (*) from bookshelves"
            sql2.fulltext('bookshelves.tsvec', os.query)
            rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute(*sql2.build())
            if rows[0][0] > 0:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.title = _('Bookshelves')
                cat.subtitle = __('One bookshelf matches your query.',
                                  '{count} bookshelves match your search.',
                cat.url = os.url('bookshelf_search', query=os.query)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'bookshelf'
                cat.order = 3
                os.entries.insert(0, cat)

            sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement()
            sql2.query = "select count (*) from subjects"
            sql2.fulltext('subjects.tsvec', os.query)
            rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute(*sql2.build())
            if rows[0][0] > 0:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.title = _('Subjects')
                cat.subtitle = __(
                    'One subject heading matches your search.',
                    '{count} subject headings match your search.',
                cat.url = os.url('subject_search', query=os.query)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'subject'
                cat.order = 3
                os.entries.insert(0, cat)

            sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement()
            sql2.query = "select count (*) from authors"
            sql2.fulltext('authors.tsvec', os.query)
            rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute(*sql2.build())
            if rows[0][0] > 0:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.title = _('Authors')
                cat.subtitle = __('One author name matches your search.',
                                  '{count} author names match your search.',
                cat.url = os.url('author_search', query=os.query)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'author'
                cat.order = 3
                os.entries.insert(0, cat)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def index(self, **dummy_kwargs):
        """ A bibrec page. """

        os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch()


        dc = BaseSearcher.DC(cherrypy.engine.pool)

        # the bulk of the work is done here
        if not dc.files:
            # NOTE: Error message
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, _('No ebook by that number.'))

        # add these fields so we won't have to test for their existence later
        dc.extra_info = None
        dc.url = None

        dc.header = gg.cut_at_newline(dc.title)
        os.title = dc.make_pretty_title()
        dc.extra_info = ''
        dc.class_ = BaseSearcher.ClassAttr()
        dc.order = 10
        dc.icon = 'book'
        if 'Sound' in dc.categories:
            dc.icon = 'audiobook'
        os.title_icon = dc.icon
        os.twit = os.title
        os.qrcode_url = '//%s/cache/epub/%d/pg%d.qrcode.png' % (os.file_host,
                                                                os.id, os.id)


        s = cherrypy.session
        last_visited = s.get('last_visited', [])
        s['last_visited'] = last_visited

        # can we find some meaningful breadcrumbs ?
        for a in dc.authors:
            if a.marcrel in ('aut', 'cre'):
                book_cnt = BaseSearcher.sql_get(
                    "select count (*) from mn_books_authors where fk_authors = %(aid)s",
                if book_cnt > 1:
                        (__('One by {author}', '{count} by {author}',
                         _('Find more ebooks by the same author.'),
                         os.url('author', id=a.id)))

        if os.format in ('html', 'mobile'):
            cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
            cat.header = _('Similar Books')
            cat.title = _('Readers also downloaded…')
            cat.rel = 'related'
            cat.url = os.url('also', id=os.id)
            cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed noprint'
            cat.icon = 'suggestion'
            cat.order = 30

            for bookshelf in dc.bookshelves:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.title = _('In {bookshelf}').format(
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.url = os.url('bookshelf', id=bookshelf.id)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'bookshelf'
                cat.order = 33

        if os.format in ('mobile', ):
            for author in dc.authors:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.title = _('By {author}').format(
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.url = os.url('author', id=author.id)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'author'
                cat.order = 31

            for subject in dc.subjects:
                cat = BaseSearcher.Cat()
                cat.title = _('On {subject}').format(subject=subject.subject)
                cat.rel = 'related'
                cat.url = os.url('subject', id=subject.id)
                cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
                cat.icon = 'subject'
                cat.order = 32

        os.total_results = 1

        os.template = 'results' if os.format == 'mobile' else 'bibrec'
        os.page = 'bibrec'
        os.og_type = 'book'

        return self.format(os)