Exemplo n.º 1
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([L_TiO2, L_SiO2], 8, 0, 1)

# To reduce the number of printed characters in the numbers:
# numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
Kx = 0.0

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Calculation
(lbda1, lbda2) = (1.1e-6, 2.5e-6)
lbda_list = numpy.linspace(lbda1, lbda2, 200)

data = numpy.array([s.getJones(Kx, 2*pi/lbda) for lbda in lbda_list])

r = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_ss')
R = abs(r)**2
t = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 't_ss')
T = s.getPowerTransmissionCorrection(Kx) * abs(t)**2

# Plotting 
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot("111")
ax.plot(lbda_list, R, label="$R$")
ax.plot(lbda_list, T, label="$T$")

ax.legend(loc='center right')
ax.set_xlabel(r"Wavelength $\lambda$ (m)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"Power reflection $R$ or transmission $T$")
ax.set_title(r"Bragg mirror: Air/{TiO$_2$/SiO$_2$}x8/TiO$_2$/Glass")
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotTransmission(label):
    """Plots power transmission vs. wavenumber."""
    data = numpy.array([s.getJones(Kx,k0) for k0 in k0_list])
    t_pp = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 't_pp')
    T = abs(t_pp)**2    # valid if back and front media are identical
    ax.plot(k0_list, T, 'x', label=label)
      "'Spectroscopic Ellipsometry',\nby H. Fujiwara.\n")
print("*** Air / anisotropic sample ***")
print("We reproduce figure 6.16, p. 238...")

# Orientations of the anisotropic substrate
Φ_E = pi/2                      # 1st Euler angle
θ_E_list = [0, pi/4, pi/2]      # 2nd Eulet angle

# Incidence angles
Φ_i_list = numpy.linspace(0, 0.999*pi/2, 300)   # array of Φ_i values
Φ_i_deg = Φ_i_list*180/pi
Kx_list = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(Φ_i_list)       # array of Kx values

data = Berreman4x4.DataList()
for θ_E in θ_E_list:
    R = Berreman4x4.rotation_Euler((Φ_E, θ_E, 0))
    data.append([s.evaluate(Kx) for Kx in Kx_list])

Psi = data.get('Ψ')

fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(Φ_i_deg, Psi.T)


# We reproduce figure 6.17
Exemplo n.º 4
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi, e_y, C, D, invC, invD
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

# Structure

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.6)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.7)
Dn = ne-no
n_med = (ne + no)/2
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)  # ne along z
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi/2)         # rotation round y
LC = LC.rotated(R)              # apply rotation from z to x
# Cholesteric pitch:
p = 0.65e-6
# One half turn of a right-handed helix:
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, p/2, angle=+pi, div=25)

# Inhomogeneous layer, repeated layer, and structure
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)
N = 5 # number half pitch repetitions
h = N * p/2
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([IL], N)
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 5
# encoding: utf-8

# Berreman4x4 example
# Author: O. Castany

# Simple example: reflection on an air/glass interface, at normal indicence.

print("*** Air / glass interface ***\n")

import numpy, Berreman4x4
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi

# Materials:
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.0)
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.5)

# Half-spaces:
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)
back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Structure:
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [], back)

# Incidence angle (Kx = n sin(Φ):
Kx = 0.0

print("When the basis is the linear polarizations ('p','s')...")
J = s.getJones(Kx, k0=1e6)
(Jr, Jt) = J
print("Jones matrix for reflection (Jr):")
Exemplo n.º 6
      "'Spectroscopic Ellipsometry',\nby H. Fujiwara.\n")
print("*** Air / anisotropic sample ***")
print("We reproduce figure 6.16, p. 238...")

# Orientations of the anisotropic substrate
Phi_E = pi/2                        # 1st Euler angle
Theta_E_list = [0, pi/4, pi/2]      # 2nd Eulet angle

# Incidence angles
Phi_i_list = numpy.linspace(0, 0.999*pi/2, 37)  # array of Phi_i values
Phi_i_deg = Phi_i_list*180/pi
Kx_list = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(Phi_i_list)     # array of Kx values

data = []
for Theta_E in Theta_E_list:
    R = Berreman4x4.rotation_Euler((Phi_E, Theta_E, 0))
    l = []
    for Kx in Kx_list:
        Jr = s.getJones(Kx)[0]
data = numpy.array(data)

fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(Phi_i_deg, data[:,:,0,0].T)

Exemplo n.º 7
We consider a birefringence Δn = 0.10 and a thickness d = 4.33 µm. The first
minimum should be at λ = 500 nm, or k0 = 1.257e7 m⁻¹.

Note: Gooch-Tarry law does not take into account interferences between the two
glass substrates. A glass with n = 1.55 minimizes the interferences.

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.6)
Dn = ne-no
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi/2)
LC = LC.rotated(R)
d = 4.33e-6
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, d)

# Inhomogeneous layer
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [IL], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0

# Calculation parameters
(lbda_min, lbda_max) = (200e-9, 1)   # (m)
Exemplo n.º 8
We consider a birefringence Δn = 0.10 and a thickness d = 4.33 µm. The first
minimum should be at λ = 500 nm, or k0 = 1.257e7 m⁻¹.

Note: Gooch-Tarry law does not take into account interferences between the two
glass substrates. A glass with n = 1.55 minimizes the interferences.

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.6)
Dn = ne-no
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta([0,1,0], pi/2)
LC = LC.rotated(R)
d = 4.33e-6
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, d)

# Inhomogeneous layer
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)
# IL.setMethod("symplectic","Padé",3)

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [IL], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0

# Calculation
Exemplo n.º 9
import numpy, Berreman4x4
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
from numpy import exp, cos, arcsin, real, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

print("\n*** Glass / Air ***\n")

# Structure definition

# Refractive indices
n_f = 1.5
n_b = 1.0

# Materials:
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_f)
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_b)

# Layer and half-spaces:
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)
back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)

# Structure:
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [], back)

# Wavelength and wavenumber:
lbda = 1e-6
k0 = 2 * pi / lbda

# Variation of incidence angle
Phi_list = numpy.linspace(0, pi / 2 * 0.999)
Exemplo n.º 10
- liquid crystal aligned along x at z=0.
- input and output polarizers aligned parallel to x

Gooch-Tarry law gives: T_pp = sin²(pi/2·√(1+u²)) / (1+u²),
with u = 2dΔn/λ. 
The transmission minima are given by u = ((2m)²-1)^{-1/2} = √(3),√(15),√(35),…

We consider a birefringence Δn = 0.10 and a thickness d = 4.33 µm. The first
minimum should be at λ = 500 nm, or k0 = 1.257e7 m⁻¹.

Note: Gooch-Tarry law does not take into account interferences between the two
glass substrates. A glass with n = 1.55 minimizes the interferences.

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.6)
Dn = ne - no
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi / 2)
LC = LC.rotated(R)
d = 4.33e-6
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, d)

# Inhomogeneous layer
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)

# Structure
Exemplo n.º 11
def plotTransmission(label):
    """Plots power transmission vs. wavenumber."""
    data = Berreman4x4.DataList([s.evaluate(Kx, k0) for k0 in k0_list])
    T = data.get('T_pp')
    ax.plot(k0_list, T, 'x', label=label)
Exemplo n.º 12
# encoding: utf-8

# Berreman4x4 example
# Author: O. Castany

# The simplest example: a homogeneous glass layer in air

import numpy, Berreman4x4
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

print("\n*** Air / glass / air ***\n")

# Materials:
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.0)
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.5)

# Layer and half-spaces:
layer = Berreman4x4.HomogeneousIsotropicLayer(glass)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)

# Structure:
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [layer], back)

# Wavelength and wavenumber:
lbda = 1e-6
k0 = 2*pi/lbda

# Incidence angle (Kx = n sin(Φ):
Kx = 0.5
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4)

n_i = 1.0       # incident medium is air
n_o = 2.0       # ordinary index of thin layer
n_e = 2.5       # extraordinary index of thin layer
w = 3.04e15	# pulsation (rad/s)
Phi_i = 70*pi/180   # 70° indicence angle (rad)
d = 0.1e-6      # thin layer thickness (m)
# Orientation of the anisotropy of the thin layer
Phi_E = pi/4    # 1st Euler angle
Theta_E = pi/4  # 2nd Eulet angle

print("\n*** Air / anisotropic film / silicon substrate ***")

filmMaterialRef = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(n_o,n_e)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_Euler((Phi_E, Theta_E, 0))
filmMaterial = filmMaterialRef.rotated(R)
print("\nPermittivity tensor of the anisotropic film (eq 6.63, p. 241):")
matrix([[ 4.5625, -0.5625,  0.7955],
        [-0.5625,  4.5625, -0.7955],
        [ 0.7955, -0.7955,  5.125 ]])

air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_i)
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)     # Front half-space
Kx = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(Phi_i)
print("\nValue of Kx: {:.4f}".format(Kx))
Kx = 0.9397
Exemplo n.º 14
# Berreman4x4 example
# Author: O. Castany, C. Molinaro

# Example of a cholesteric liquid crystal 

import numpy, Berreman4x4
from numpy import sin, sqrt, abs, exp
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi, e_y
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

# Structure

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.6)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.7)
Dn = ne-no
n_med = (ne + no)/2
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)  # ne along z
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi/2)         # rotation round y
LC = LC.rotated(R)              # apply rotation from z to x
# Cholesteric pitch:
p = 0.65e-6
# One half turn of a right-handed helix:
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, p/2, angle=+pi, div=25)

# Inhomogeneous layer, repeated layer, and structure
Exemplo n.º 15
Kx = 0.0

print("When the basis is the linear polarizations ('p','s')...")
J = s.getJones(Kx, k0=1e6)
(Jr, Jt) = J
print("Jones matrix for reflection (Jr):")
print("Jones matrix for transmission (Jt):")
(matrix([[-0.2,  0. ],     matrix([[ 0.8,  0. ],
        [ 0. , -0.2]]),           [ 0. ,  0.8]]))

print("\nWhen the basis is the circular polarizations ('L','R')...")
Jc = Berreman4x4.circularJones(J)
(Jcr,Jct) = Jc
print("Jones matrix for reflection (Jcr):")
print("Jones matrix for transmission (Jct):")
array([[ 0.0+0.j, -0.2+0.j],      array([[ 0.8+0.j,  0.0+0.j],
       [-0.2+0.j,  0.0+0.j]])            [ 0.0+0.j,  0.8+0.j]])
In a reflexion, the handedness of an elliptic polarization is reversed, 
so the matrix 'Jcr' is anti-diagonal.
Exemplo n.º 16
import numpy, Berreman4x4
from numpy import sin, sqrt, abs
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi, e_y
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.7)
Dn = ne-no
n_med = (ne + no)/2
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)  # ne along z
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi/2) # rotation of pi/2 along y
LC = LC.rotated(R)                          # apply rotation from z to x
# Cholesteric pitch (m):
p = 0.65e-6
# One half turn of a right-handed helix:
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, p/2, angle=+pi, div=35)

# Inhomogeneous layer, repeated layer, and structure
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)
N = 15      # number half pitch repetitions
h = N * p/2
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([IL], N)
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 17
# Verification of the code against results presented in Fujiwara's book
# p. 237 (section 6.4.1). We reproduce figures 6.16 and 6.17.

import numpy, Berreman4x4
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

n_i = 1.0  # incident medium is air
n_o = 2.0  # ordinary index of thin layer
n_e = 2.5  # extraordinary index of thin layer

# Setting up the structure

# Front half-space (air)
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_i)
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)

# Anisotropic substrate
uniaxialMaterialRef = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(n_o, n_e)
back = Berreman4x4.HalfSpace()

s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [], back)

# We reproduce figure 6.16
print("\nWe reproduce results from section 6.4.1 in " +
      "'Spectroscopic Ellipsometry',\nby H. Fujiwara.\n")
print("*** Air / anisotropic sample ***")
print("We reproduce figure 6.16, p. 238...")
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and (sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '--help'):
    print("Usage: interface-reflection.py [-h, --help] n1 n2\n")

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    (n1, n2) = map(float, sys.argv[1:3])
    (n1, n2) = (1.0, 1.5)  # default values

print("\n*** Interface n1 = {:} / n2 = {:} ***\n".format(n1, n2))

# Structure definition

# Materials
medium1 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n1)
medium2 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n2)

# Half-spaces
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(medium1)
back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(medium2)

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [], back)

# Parameters for the calculation
lbda = 1e-6
k0 = 2 * pi / lbda
Phi_i = numpy.linspace(0, pi / 2 * 0.9999)  # range for the incidence angles

Exemplo n.º 19
t2_th_p= (abs((t_bs_p*t_sf_p*exp(1j*kz_s*d)) \

correction = real(n_b*cos(Phi_b)/(n_f*cos(Phi_list.astype(complex))))
# This is a correction term used in R +T*correction = 1

T_th_s = t2_th_s*correction
T_th_p = t2_th_p*correction

# Calculation with Berreman4x4
data = numpy.array([s.getJones(kx,k0) for kx in Kx])

data = abs(data)**2
R_p  = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_pp')
R_s  = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_ss')
t2_p = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 't_pp')
t2_s = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 't_ss')
T_s = t2_s*correction
T_p = t2_p*correction

# Plotting
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12., 6.))
pyplot.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = ['b','g','r','c','b','g']
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8])

y = numpy.vstack((R_s,R_p,t2_s,t2_p,T_s,T_p)).T
legend1 = ("R_s","R_p","t2_s","t2_p","T_s","T_p")
lines1 = ax.plot(Kx, y)
Exemplo n.º 20
import numpy, Berreman4x4
from numpy import sin, sqrt, abs
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.7)
Dn = ne-no
n_med = (ne + no)/2
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)  # ne along z
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta([0,1,0], pi/2) # rotation of pi/2 along y
LC = LC.rotated(R)                              # apply rotation from z to x
# Cholesteric pitch:
p = 0.65e-6
# One half turn of a right-handed helix:
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, p/2, angle=+pi, div=35)

# Inhomogeneous layer, repeated layer, and structure
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)
N = 15      # number half pitch repetitions
h = N * p/2
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([IL], N)
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 21
              / (1 + r_ab[p-1] * U(p)*exp(2j*kz[p]*d[p]))
        return res

    return U(0)

# Power reflexion coefficient for different incidence angles and polarisations
R_th_ss_0 = (abs(ReflectionCoeff(0, 's')))**2       # Phi_i = 0 
R_th_ss = (abs(ReflectionCoeff(pi/4, 's')))**2      # Phi_i = pi/4
R_th_pp = (abs(ReflectionCoeff(pi/4, 'p')))**2

# Calculation with Berreman4x4
# Incidence angle Phi_i = 0, 's' polarization
Kx = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(0)
data = numpy.array([s.getJones(Kx, 2*pi/lbda) for lbda in lbda_list])
r_ss = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_ss')
R_ss_0 = abs(r_ss)**2

# Incidence angle Phi_i = pi/4, 's' and 'p' polarizations
Kx = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(pi/4)
data = numpy.array([s.getJones(Kx, 2*pi/lbda) for lbda in lbda_list])
r_ss = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_ss')
r_pp = Berreman4x4.extractCoefficient(data, 'r_pp')
R_ss = abs(r_ss)**2
R_pp = abs(r_pp)**2

# Plotting
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12., 6.))
pyplot.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = ['b','g','r']
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8])
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
from numpy import exp, cos, arcsin, real, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

print("\n*** Glass1 / Air / Glass2 ***\n")

# Structure definition

# Refractive indices
n_f = 1.5
n_s = 1.0
n_b = 1.7

# Materials:
glass1 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_f)
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_s)
glass2 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_b)

# Layer and half-spaces:
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass1)
layer = Berreman4x4.HomogeneousIsotropicLayer(air)
back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass2)

# Structure:
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [layer], back)

# Wavelength and wavenumber:
lbda = 1e-6
k0 = 2 * pi / lbda
Phi_i = pi / 2 * 0.6  # Incidence angle (higher than the limit angle)
Exemplo n.º 23
import numpy, Berreman4x4
import scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
from numpy import newaxis, exp, sin

print("\n*** TiO2/SiO2 Bragg mirror ***\n")

# Structure definition

# Front and back materials
n_a = 1.0
n_g = 1.5
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_a)
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_g)

front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)
back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Materials for a SiO2/TiO2 Bragg mirror
lbda0 = 1.550e-6
k0 = 2 * pi / lbda0
nr_SiO2 = 1.47
nr_TiO2 = 2.23
alpha_SiO2 = 0e2  # (m⁻¹)
alpha_TiO2 = 42e2  # (m⁻¹)
ni_SiO2 = alpha_SiO2 * lbda0 / (4 * pi)
ni_TiO2 = alpha_TiO2 * lbda0 / (4 * pi)
n_SiO2 = nr_SiO2 + 1j * ni_SiO2
Exemplo n.º 24
# reduces the number of printed figures in numbers:
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4)

n_i = 1.0  # incident medium is air
n_o = 2.0  # ordinary index of thin layer
n_e = 2.5  # extraordinary index of thin layer
w = 3.04e15  # pulsation (rad/s)
Phi_i = 70 * pi / 180  # 70° indicence angle (rad)
d = 0.1e-6  # thin layer thickness (m)
# Orientation of the anisotropy of the thin layer
Phi_E = pi / 4  # 1st Euler angle
Theta_E = pi / 4  # 2nd Eulet angle

print("\n*** Air / anisotropic film / silicon substrate ***")

filmMaterialRef = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(n_o, n_e)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_Euler((Phi_E, Theta_E, 0))
filmMaterial = filmMaterialRef.rotated(R)
print("\nPermittivity tensor of the anisotropic film (eq 6.63, p. 241):")
matrix([[ 4.5625, -0.5625,  0.7955],
        [-0.5625,  4.5625, -0.7955],
        [ 0.7955, -0.7955,  5.125 ]])

air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_i)
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)  # Front half-space
Kx = front.get_Kx_from_Phi(Phi_i)
print("\nValue of Kx: {:.4f}".format(Kx))