Exemplo n.º 1
    def _storeFile(self, request, filekey, reqKu, nodeID):
        # [XXX: memory management is not happy here.  might want to look at
        # request.registerProducer().  Otherwise, might have to scrap
        # using the STORE(ROOT(RESOURCE)) deal in favor of
        # producer/consumer model for STORE ops
        # (http://itamarst.org/writings/OSCON03/twisted_internet-108.html).
        # Another option might include subclassing web.resource.Resource
        # and making this derive from that...  Or might be web.Site that
        # needs to be subclassed... Or maybe web.site.Request -
        # web.site.Request.process()?  Request seems doubly-bad: perhaps a
        # copy is made somewhere, because memory mushrooms to 2x big
        # upload, then goes back down to around 1x.
        # [update: This should be fixable in twisted.web2, but I am informed
        # that in the current version, there is no workaround]

        # get the data to a tmp file
        loggerstor.debug("writing store data to tmpfile")
        tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.config.storedir)

        tarball = os.path.join(self.config.storedir,reqKu.id()+".tar")

        # rename and/or prepend the data appropriately
        tmpTarMode = None
        if filekey[-4:] == ".tar":
            tmpfile = tmpfile+".tar"
            tmpTarMode = 'r'
            targetTar = tarball
        elif filekey[-7:] == ".tar.gz":
            tmpfile = tmpfile+".tar.gz"
            tmpTarMode = 'r:gz'
            targetTar = tarball+".gz"
        loggerstor.debug("tmpfile is %s" % tmpfile)

        # XXX: if the server supports both .tar and tar.gz, this is wrong; we'd
        # need to check *both* for already existing dudes instead of just
        # choosing one
        if os.path.exists(tarball+'.gz'):
            tarball = (tarball+'.gz', 'r:gz')
        elif os.path.exists(tarball):
            tarball = (tarball, 'r')
            tarball = None
        loggerstor.debug("tarball is %s" % str(tarball))

        data = request.args.get('filename')[0]  # XXX: file in mem! need web2.
        # XXX: bad blocking stuff here
        f = open(tmpfile, 'wb')
        ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tmpfile)
        loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tmpfile, ftype.read()))

        if tmpTarMode:
            # client sent a tarball
            loggerstor.debug("about to chksum %s" % tmpfile)
            digests = TarfileUtils.verifyHashes(tmpfile, '.meta')
            loggerstor.debug("chksum returned %s" % digests)
            ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tmpfile)
            loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tmpfile, ftype.read()))
            if not digests:
                msg = "Attempted to use non-CAS storage key(s) for" \
                        " STORE tarball"
                request.setResponseCode(http.CONFLICT, msg) 
                return msg
            # XXX: add digests to a db of already stored files (for quick 
            # lookup)
            if tarball:
                tarname, tarnameMode = tarball
                loggerstor.debug("concatenating tarfiles %s and %s" 
                        % (tarname, tmpfile))
                f1 = tarfile.open(tarname, tarnameMode)
                f2 = tarfile.open(tmpfile, tmpTarMode)
                f1names = f1.getnames()
                f2names = f2.getnames()
                dupes = [f for f in f1names if f in f2names]
                TarfileUtils.delete(tmpfile, dupes)
                ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tarname)
                loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tarname, ftype.read()))
                TarfileUtils.concatenate(tarname, tmpfile)
                ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tarname)
                loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tarname, ftype.read()))
                loggerstor.debug("saving %s as tarfile %s" % (tmpfile, 
                os.rename(tmpfile, targetTar)
            # client sent regular file
            h = hashfile(tmpfile)
            if request.args.has_key('meta') and request.args.has_key('metakey'):
                metakey = request.args.get('metakey')[0]
                meta = request.args.get('meta')[0]  # XXX: file in mem! 
                metakey = None
                meta = None
            if fencode(long(h, 16)) != filekey:
                msg = "Attempted to use non-CAS storage key for STORE data "
                msg += "(%s != %s)" % (filekey, fencode(long(h, 16)))
                request.setResponseCode(http.CONFLICT, msg) 
                return msg
            fname = os.path.join(self.config.storedir, filekey)
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                loggerstor.debug("adding metadata to %s" % fname)
                f = BlockFile.open(fname,'rb+')
                if not f.hasNode(nodeID):
                    f.addNode(int(nodeID,16), {metakey: meta})
                if os.path.exists(nodeID+".tar"):
                    # XXX: need to do something with metadata!
                    print "XXX: need to do something with metadata for tar!"
                    tarball = tarfile.open(tarname, 'r')
                    if fname in tarball.getnames():
                        loggerstor.debug("%s already stored in tarball" % fname)
                        # if the file is already in the corresponding tarball,
                        # update its timestamp and return success.
                        loggerstor.debug("%s already stored" % filekey)
                        # XXX: update timestamp for filekey in tarball
                        return "Successful STORE"
                        loggerstor.debug("tarball for %s, but %s not in tarball"
                                % (nodeID,fname))
                if len(data) < 8192 and fname != tarname: #XXX: magic # (blk sz)
                    # If the file is small, move it into the appropriate
                    # tarball.  Note that this code is unlikely to ever be
                    # executed if the client is an official flud client, as
                    # they do the tarball aggregation thing already, and all
                    # tarballs will be > 8192.  This is, then, really just
                    # defensive coding -- clients aren't required to implement
                    # that tarball aggregation strategy.  And it is really only
                    # useful for filesystems with inefficient small file 
                    # storage.
                    loggerstor.debug("moving small file '%s' into tarball" 
                            % fname)
                    if not os.path.exists(tarname):
                        tarball = tarfile.open(tarname, 'w')
                        tarball = tarfile.open(tarname, 'a')
                    # XXX: more bad blocking stuff
                    tarball.add(tmpfile, os.path.basename(fname))
                    if meta:
                        metafilename = "%s.%s.meta" % (os.path.basename(fname), 
                        loggerstor.debug("adding metadata file to tarball %s" 
                                % metafilename)
                        metaio = StringIO(meta)
                        tinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(metafilename)
                        tinfo.size = len(meta)
                        tarball.addfile(tinfo, metaio)
                    # store the file 
                    loggerstor.debug("storing %s" % fname)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, fname)
                    BlockFile.convert(fname, (int(nodeID,16), {metakey: meta}))

        loggerstor.debug("successful STORE for %s" % filekey)
        return "Successful STORE"