Exemplo n.º 1
    def makeping(self, rname, rnd):
        tank = self.tanks[rname]
        body = tank.turret

        segmentLength = 65.0

        blocalpos = box2d.b2Vec2(1.12, 0)

        segment = box2d.b2Segment()
        laserStart = (1.12, 0)
        laserDir = (segmentLength, 0.0)
        segment.p1 = body.GetWorldPoint(laserStart)
        segment.p2 = body.GetWorldVector(laserDir)

        lambda_, normal, shape = self.w.RaycastOne(segment, False, None)
        hitp = (1 - lambda_) * segment.p1 + lambda_ * segment.p2
        angle = tank.get_turretangle()
        dist = box2d.b2Distance(segment.p1, hitp)

        if shape is not None:
            hitbody = shape.GetBody()
            kind = hitbody.userData['kind']
            if kind == 'tank':
                actor = hitbody.userData['actor']
                if actor._pinged != rnd - 1:
                    actor._pinged = rnd
            return kind, angle, dist
            return 'w', angle, 0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def makeping(self, rname, rnd):
        robot = self.robots[rname]
        body = robot.turret

        segmentLength = 65.0

        blocalpos = box2d.b2Vec2(1.12, 0)

        segment = box2d.b2Segment()
        laserStart = (1.12, 0)
        laserDir = (segmentLength, 0.0)
        segment.p1 = body.GetWorldPoint(laserStart)
        segment.p2 = body.GetWorldVector(laserDir)
        segment.p2 += segment.p1

        lambda_, normal, shape = self.w.RaycastOne(segment, False, None)
        hitp = (1 - lambda_) * segment.p1 + lambda_ * segment.p2
        angle = robot.get_turretangle()
        dist = box2d.b2Distance(segment.p1, hitp)

        if shape is not None:
            hitbody = shape.GetBody()
            kind = hitbody.userData['kind']
            if kind == 'robot':
                actor = hitbody.userData['actor']
                if actor._pinged != rnd - 1:
                    actor._pinged = rnd
            return kind, angle, dist
            # Not sure why shape returns None here. Seems to be when the
            #   robot is pressed right up against a wall, though.
            return 'w', angle, 0
Exemplo n.º 3
    def makeping(self, rname, rnd):
        robot = self.robots[rname]
        body = robot.turret

        segmentLength = 65.0

        blocalpos = box2d.b2Vec2(1.12, 0)

        segment = box2d.b2Segment()
        laserStart = (1.12, 0)
        laserDir = (segmentLength, 0.0)
        segment.p1 = body.GetWorldPoint(laserStart)
        segment.p2 = body.GetWorldVector(laserDir)

        lambda_, normal, shape = self.w.RaycastOne(segment, False, None)
        hitp = (1 - lambda_) * segment.p1 + lambda_ * segment.p2
        angle = robot.get_turretangle()
        dist = box2d.b2Distance(segment.p1, hitp)

        if shape is not None:
            hitbody = shape.GetBody()
            kind = hitbody.userData['kind']
            if kind == 'robot':
                actor = hitbody.userData['actor']
                if actor._pinged != rnd - 1:
                    actor._pinged = rnd
            return kind, angle, dist
            # Not sure why shape returns None here. Seems to be when the
            #   robot is pressed right up against a wall, though.
            return 'w', angle, 0
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Push(self):
        power = ((globals.game_view.mode.power_box.power_level)**
                 2) * self.push_strength

        self.push_start = None
        if not self.IsGrabbed():
        obj = self.other_obj
        #Push on another object. Equal and opposite forces and what not
        #Fire a ray from my player to the object. Where it meets is where the force should be applied
        centre = self.body.GetWorldPoint([0, self.midpoint[1] * 1.01])
        front = self.body.GetWorldPoint([0, self.midpoint[1] * 100])

        cast_segment = box2d.b2Segment()
        cast_segment.p1 = centre
        cast_segment.p2 = front

        #This is a hack. My contact filtering messes up with rays, so turn it off for the duration of the ray cast
        self.physics.contact_filter.collide = True
            lam, normal, shape = self.physics.world.RaycastOne(
                cast_segment, True, None)
            self.physics.contact_filter.collide = False
        if shape == self.shapeI:
        if shape != obj.shapeI:
        if abs(normal[0]) < 0.5 and abs(normal[1]) < 0.5:
            #print 'updating normal!',normal
            normal = Point(*(centre - front))
            normal /= normal.length()
            normal = normal.to_vec()

        #self.physics.contact_filter.pushed = (self,obj,globals.time+500)
        self.body.ApplyForce(normal * power, centre)
        intersection_point = self.body.GetWorldPoint((front - centre) * lam)
        shape.userData.body.ApplyForce(-normal * power, intersection_point)