Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, Vbase, SourceBus, reg_bus, reg_phase):
        # The Voltage base
        self.Vbase = Vbase  # V
        self.SourceBus = SourceBus
        # Voltage regulator nodes
        self.reg_bus = reg_bus
        self.reg_Phase = reg_phase

        # (1) get the bus dict
        (self.bus_dict, self.N_bus, self.threePbus) = Bus.Bus_gen()

        # (2) get the Z and C bus
        (self.Zbus, self.Cbus) = ZandC.gen_ZC(self.Vbase)

        # (3) the bus -> phase dict
        self.bus_phase_dict = dict()
        self.bus_phase_dict[SourceBus] = [1, 2, 3]

        # (4) the bus -> downstream bus dictionary
        self.downstream_dict = dict()

        # (5) transistion bus, having both abc and 012 variables
        self.transistion_bus = set()

        # (6) line data, read from file
        self.line_data = pd.read_csv("data/line data.csv", header=None)
        self.N_lines = len(self.line_data.index)

        # open the file
        self.fd = open('ieee123_yalmip.m', 'w')
        # first line, MATLAB function declare
        self.fd.write('close all;\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
def bus_phase(SourceBus):
    # get bus_dict from external 
    (bus_dict, N_bus, threePbus) = Bus.Bus_gen()
    bus_phase_dict = dict()
    bus_phase_dict[SourceBus] = [1,2,3]
    # iterate over lines
    line_data = pd.read_csv("data/line data.csv", header=None)
    N_lines = len(line_data.index)  
    for l in range(N_lines):
        to_bus = str(line_data.iloc[l, 1])
        phase = []
        to_PhaseA = str(to_bus) + '.1'
        to_PhaseB = str(to_bus) + '.2'
        to_PhaseC = str(to_bus) + '.3'
        # init the no. of phases
        phase = []
        if to_PhaseA in bus_dict:
        if to_PhaseB in bus_dict:
        if to_PhaseC in bus_dict:
        bus_phase_dict[to_bus] = phase
    return bus_phase_dict
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Ybus.py Projeto: JUNE1912/DMS
def gen_Y(Vbase):
    # call bus_gen function
    # get the bus dict , N_bus and 3-phase bus
    (bus_dict, N_bus, threePbus) = Bus.Bus_gen()

    ## init the Zbus and Cbus matrix
    Zbus = np.zeros((N_bus, N_bus), dtype=complex)
    Cbus = np.zeros((N_bus, N_bus), dtype=complex)

    # add line data to Zbus and Cbus
    (Zbus, Cbus) = ZC_line(bus_dict, Vbase, threePbus, Zbus, Cbus)
    # add transformer data to Zbus and Cbus
    (Zbus, Cbus) = ZC_transformer(bus_dict, Vbase, threePbus, Zbus, Cbus)
    # add capacitor data to Zbus and Cbus
    (Zbus, Cbus) = ZC_capacitor(bus_dict, Vbase, threePbus, Zbus, Cbus)

    # convert to Ybus from Zbus and Cbus
    Ybus = np.linalg.inv(Zbus) + Cbus

    sio.savemat('data/Ybus.mat', {"Ybus": Ybus})
    return (Ybus)
Exemplo n.º 4
def loadApproximate():
    # Voltage base
    Vbase = 4160 / np.sqrt(3)

    # get bus dict
    (bus_dict, Nbus, threePbus) = Bus.Bus_gen()

    # init the constant Z loads
    Yloads = np.zeros((Nbus, Nbus), dtype=complex)

    # init the constant PQ loads
    PQloads = np.zeros((Nbus), dtype=complex)

    # read load data from file
    loads = pd.read_csv('data/loads data.csv')
    N_loads = len(loads.index)

    # delta to wye
    alpha = np.cos(np.pi / 6) + 1j * np.sin(np.pi / 6)
    beta = np.cos(-np.pi / 6) + 1j * np.sin(-np.pi / 6)
    M = np.array([[beta, 0, alpha], [alpha, beta, 0], [0, alpha, beta]
                  ]) / np.sqrt(3)

    # iterate over loads
    for i in range(N_loads):
        bus = str(loads.iloc[i, 0])
        load_type = str(loads.iloc[i, 1])

        # three phase load in W (convert from kW)
        load_A = 1000 * (float(loads.iloc[i, 2]) +
                         1j * float(loads.iloc[i, 3]))
        load_B = 1000 * (float(loads.iloc[i, 4]) +
                         1j * float(loads.iloc[i, 5]))
        load_C = 1000 * (float(loads.iloc[i, 6]) +
                         1j * float(loads.iloc[i, 7]))

        # three phase node
        node_A = bus + '.1'
        node_B = bus + '.2'
        node_C = bus + '.3'

        # Wye connection
        # constant PQ
        if load_type == 'Y-PQ':
            if node_A in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = load_A
            if node_B in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = load_B
            if node_C in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = load_C

        # constant I
        elif load_type == 'Y-I':
            # split half to PQ and other half to Z
            if node_A in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = load_A / 2
            if node_B in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = load_B / 2
            if node_C in bus_dict:
                PQloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = load_C / 2

            Y_A = load_A / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
            Y_B = load_B / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
            Y_C = load_C / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
            if node_A in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1, bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = Y_A
            if node_B in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1, bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = Y_B
            if node_C in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1, bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = Y_C

        # constant Z
        elif load_type == 'Y-Z':
            Y_A = load_A / (Vbase * Vbase)
            Y_B = load_B / (Vbase * Vbase)
            Y_C = load_C / (Vbase * Vbase)
            if node_A in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1, bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = Y_A
            if node_B in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1, bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = Y_B
            if node_C in bus_dict:
                Yloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1, bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = Y_C

        # Delta connection
            delta_load = np.array([load_A, load_B, load_C])
            delta_load = np.dot(M, delta_load)

            # constant PQ
            if load_type == 'D-PQ':
                if node_A in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = delta_load[0]
                if node_B in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = delta_load[1]
                if node_C in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = delta_load[2]

            # constant Z
            elif load_type == 'D-Z':
                Y_A = delta_load[0] / (Vbase * Vbase)
                Y_B = delta_load[1] / (Vbase * Vbase)
                Y_C = delta_load[2] / (Vbase * Vbase)
                if node_A in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1, bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = Y_A
                if node_B in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1, bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = Y_B
                if node_C in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1, bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = Y_C

            # constant I
            elif load_type == 'D-I':
                # split half to PQ and other half to Z
                if node_A in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = delta_load[0] / 2
                if node_B in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = delta_load[1] / 2
                if node_C in bus_dict:
                    PQloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = delta_load[2] / 2

                Y_A = delta_load[0] / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
                Y_B = delta_load[1] / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
                Y_C = delta_load[2] / (Vbase * Vbase * 2)
                if node_A in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_A] - 1, bus_dict[node_A] - 1] = Y_A
                if node_B in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_B] - 1, bus_dict[node_B] - 1] = Y_B
                if node_C in bus_dict:
                    Yloads[bus_dict[node_C] - 1, bus_dict[node_C] - 1] = Y_C

    sio.savemat('data/Yloads.mat', {"Yloads": Yloads})
    sio.savemat('data/PQloads.mat', {"PQloads": PQloads})
Exemplo n.º 5
def v_DER_sensivity(der_list, f):
    # downstream and upstream dict
    (downstream_dict, upstream_dict) = bus_trace(SourceBus)
    # get bus_dict
    busnames = Bus.getBus()
    (bus_dict, N_bus, threePbus) = Bus.Bus_gen()
    # impedance between bus and DER
    for bus in busnames:
        # check if any DER is downstream of the bus
        hasDER = False
        for der in der_list:
            if bus in upstream_dict[der]:
                hasDER = True
        # hasDER is true, the bus has downstream DER
        if hasDER:
            for der in der_list:
                if bus in upstream_dict[der]:
                    f.write('Ze' + bus + der + ' = ')
                    length = len(upstream_dict[der])
                    for i in range(length-1):
                        bus_f = upstream_dict[der][i]
                        bus_t = upstream_dict[der][i+1]
                        f.write('Ze' + bus_f + bus_t + ' + ')
                    # last line segment, connected to DER
                    bus_f = upstream_dict[der][-1]
                    f.write('Ze' + bus_f + der + ' + ')
            # delta V
            nodeA = bus + '.1'
            nodeB = bus + '.2'
            nodeC = bus + '.3'
            if nodeA in bus_dict.keys():
                f.write('Cons = [Cons, DeltaV(' + str(bus_dict[nodeA]) + ') == ')
                for der in der_list:
                    if bus in upstream_dict[der]:
                        f.write('DER' + der + '(1) * Ze' + bus + der + "(1, 1)' + Ze" + bus + der + '(1, 1) * DER' + der + "(1)' + ")
            if nodeB in bus_dict.keys():
                f.write('Cons = [Cons, DeltaV(' + str(bus_dict[nodeB]) + ') == ')
                for der in der_list:
                    if bus in upstream_dict[der]:
                        f.write('DER' + der + '(2) * Ze' + bus + der + "(2, 2)' + Ze" + bus + der + '(2, 2) * DER' + der + "(2)' + ")
            if nodeC in bus_dict.keys():
                f.write('Cons = [Cons, DeltaV(' + str(bus_dict[nodeC]) + ') ==')
                for der in der_list:
                    if bus in upstream_dict[der]:
                        f.write('DER' + der + '(3) * Ze' + bus + der + "(3, 3)' + Ze" + bus + der + '(3, 3) * DER' + der + "(3)' + ")

    # finally the voltage constraint
    f.write('Cons = [Cons, v_lb <= vPF + DeltaV <= v_ub];\n')