Exemplo n.º 1
def GetWalkables(party, charid):

    # get the current tile
    tile = Character.Coords(party, charid)
    # recursively add walkables tiles to the list
    walkables = [tile]
    for i in range(1, party['chars'][charid]['move'] + 1):
        walkables.extend(getadjacentwalkables(party, charid, walkables))

    # remove current tile from the list
    filtered_walkables = []
    for walkable in walkables:
        if not walkable == tile:
    walkables = filtered_walkables

    # remove tiles containing characters from the list
    filtered_walkables = []
    for walkable in walkables:
        x, y, z = walkable
        if not party['map']['tiles'][x][y][z].has_key('char'):
    walkables = filtered_walkables

    return walkables
Exemplo n.º 2
def execute(server, iterator, source):
    charid = iterator.getString()
    x2 = iterator.getUint8()
    y2 = iterator.getUint8()
    z2 = iterator.getUint8()

    party = server.parties[server.sessions[source]['party']]

    orig = Character.Coords(party, charid)
    x1 = orig[0]
    y1 = orig[1]
    z1 = orig[2]

    path = Move.GetPath(party, charid, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
    walkables = Move.GetWalkables(party, charid)

    del party['map']['tiles'][x1][y1][z1]['char']
    party['map']['tiles'][x2][y2][z2]['char'] = charid

    party['chars'][charid]['direction'] = Move.GetNewDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    party['chars'][charid]['canmove'] = False

    server.send.MOVED(charid, x2, y2, z2, source)

    for playerid, playerlogin in enumerate(party['players']):
        if playerid != server.sessions[source]['player']:
            server.send.MOVED_PASSIVE(charid, walkables, path,
Exemplo n.º 3
def execute(server, iterator, source):
    charid = iterator.getString()
    x2 = iterator.getUint8()
    y2 = iterator.getUint8()
    z2 = iterator.getUint8()

    party = server.parties[server.sessions[source]['party']]

    orig = Character.Coords(party, charid)
    x1 = orig[0]
    y1 = orig[1]
    z1 = orig[2]

    path = Move.GetPath(party, charid, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)

    server.send.PATH(charid, orig, party['chars'][charid]['direction'],
                     (x2, y2, z2), path, source)
Exemplo n.º 4
def GetAttackables(party, charid):

    x1, y1, z1 = Character.Coords(party, charid)

    attackables = []
    for x2, y2 in ((x1 - 1, y1), (x1 + 1, y1), (x1, y1 - 1), (x1, y1 + 1)):

            t2 = party['map']['tiles'][x2][y2]
            if t2 and x2 >= 0 and y2 >= 0:
                for z2, t3 in enumerate(t2):
                    if t3 and t3['walkable'] and t3[
                            'selectable'] and math.fabs(z2 - z1) <= 4:
                        attackables.append((x2, y2, z2))

    return attackables
Exemplo n.º 5
def IsAttackable(party, charid1, charid2):

    return Character.Coords(party, charid2) in GetAttackables(party, charid1)