Exemplo n.º 1
def direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,f,number = -1):
    number = int(number)
    if do=="" and number==-1:
        if len(com.recentItems)==0:
            return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
    space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
    if space=="WallErr":
        return "There's a wall there."
    if space=="LockedErr":
        return "There's a locked door in your way."
    if space=="ItemErr":
        return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
    if space=="PrepErr":
        return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
    if isPlural(do) and number==-1:
        number = 1000
    if number>1:
        if do=="" and location=="":
            space = pc.location
        x = 0
        done = None
        final = ""
        while x<number:
            if not "other" in doMod:
            #print pc,do,doMod,space
            new= f(pc,do,doMod,space)
            #print "test",new
            if "don't see" in new:
                if final=="":
                    return new
                    return final
            #print done,com.recentItems[len(com.recentItems)-x:len(com.recentItems)]
            if done==com.recentItems[-1]:
            done = com.recentItems[-1]
            #print x,len(com.recentItems[len(com.recentItems)-x:len(com.recentItems)])
            if not repeats(com.recentItems[len(com.recentItems)-x:len(com.recentItems)]):
            if not final=="":
        return final
    return f(pc,do,doMod,space)
Exemplo n.º 2
def interpret(command,pc):
    if command["verb"]=="save":
        if ti.loadingGame():
            return "Save attempted."
        return saveGame(command["directObject"])
    if command["verb"]=="load":
        if ti.loadingGame():
            return "Load attempted."
        return loadGame(command["directObject"])
    if not com.addTime(1,pc)==None:
        return com.addTime(1,pc)
    verb = command["verb"]
    adverb = command["adverb"]
    if not adverb == "":
        adverb = " very " + adverb
    do = command["directObject"]
    doMod = command["directObjectMod"]
    ido = command["indirectObject"]
    idoMod = command["indirectObjectMod"]
    location = command["location"]
    locationPrep = command["locationPrep"]
    locationMod = command["locationMod"]
    number = command["number"]
    directions = ["north","east","south","west","northern","eastern","southern","western"]
    compass = False
    doMod = reorder(doMod)
    idoMod = reorder(idoMod)
    locationMod = reorder(locationMod)
    if len(locationMod)==1 and location=="":
        location = locationMod[0]
        locationMod = []
    for x in pc.inventory.items:
        if isinstance(x,Compass):
            compass = True
    if not compass:
        for x in directions:
            if x in doMod or x in idoMod or x in locationMod or x==location:
                return "You can't find North without a compass or clear stars."
    if location=="me":
        if " of" in locationPrep:
            locationPrep = locationPrep[0:locationPrep.index(" of")]
        locationPrep = ""
    if number=="everything":
        number = "1000"
    if number=="all" or number=="every" or number=="each":
        number = "1000"
    if number=="many":
        number = "10"
    if number=="some" or number=="few" or number=="several":
        number = "3"
    if number=="couple":
        number = "2"
    while "" in locationMod:
    while "" in doMod:
    while "" in idoMod:
    if location==do and "other" in locationMod and not "other" in do:
    if location==ido and "other" in locationMod and not "other" in ido:
    if number.isdigit() and int(number)==0:
        return "You ponder this philosophical dilemma."
#     if "my" in doMod and location=="" and not verb in directVerbs["put down"] and not verb in directVerbs["take"]:
#         doMod.remove("my")
#         location="inventory"
#     elif "my" in doMod:
#         doMod.remove("my")
    if verb=="" or verb=="don't":
        verb = "wait"
    Game.lastVerb = verb
    clothingList = ["clothes","clothing","shirt","pants","pair of pants","shoe","jeans","pair of jeans","hat","glove","tie","dress","skirt","shorts","sock","scarf","jacket","coat","sneaker","sweater","pair of dress pants"]
    y = len(clothingList)
    for x in range(y):
    exList = ["sit","stand"]
    if location in clothingList and not verb in exList:
        verb+=" " + locationPrep
        do = location
        doMod = locationMod
        location = ""
        locationMod = []
        locationPrep = ""
    if do in clothingList and (locationPrep=="off" or locationPrep =="on") and location=="":
        verb +=" " + locationPrep
        locationPrep = ""
    if verb=="search" and locationPrep=="":
        if location=="room" or location==pc.location.name:
            verb = "look"
            do = ""
            location = ""
            verb = "open"
            do = location
            location = ""
    if verb=="swear" or verb in locationVerbs["swear"]:
        if com.search("bar of soap",[],pc.inventory,pc)[0]==-1:
            meh =pc.inventory.addItems([Item("bar of soap",(1/3.0,1/4.0,1/6.0),.2,[Space("bar of soap","on the",(1/2.5,1/3.5,1/5.5),3)])],pc)
            if meh==None:
                return "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.\nA bar of soap has been added to your inventory."
        return "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that."
    if verb=="eldritch blast":
        verb = "cast"
        ido = "eldritch"
        do = "blast"
    if verb=="move" and locationPrep=="" and not location=="" and not location in locations:
        verb = "push"
        do = location
    elif verb=="move" and not do == "":
        verb = "push"
    if verb=="use":
        #ALL THE USING
        if do=="":
            return "You must specify an item to use."
        if do=="key":
            verb = "unlock"
            do = location
            doMod = locationMod
            location = ""
            locationMod = []
            locationPrep = ""
        elif do=="toilet":
            space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
            if space=="WallErr":
                return "There's a wall there."
            if space=="LockedErr":
                return "There's a locked door in your way."
            if space=="ItemErr":
                return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
            if space=="PrepErr":
                return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
            if space=="":
                space = pc.location
            t = com.searchMany("toilet",doMod,space,pc)
            if len(t.keys())>0:
                return "You use the toilet."
            return "You can't find a" + makeListSpaces(doMod) + "toilet " + space.prep + " " + space.name + "."
        elif do in ["sink","shower","bath","bathtub"]:
            verb = "wash"
            location = do
            do = ""
            locationMod = doMod
            doMod = []
            locationPrep = "in"
        elif do in ["soap","bar of soap"]:
            verb = "wash"
            ido = do
            idoMod = doMod
            do= location
            doMod = locationMod
            location = ""
            locationMod = []
            locationPrep = ""
        elif do=="mirror" or do=="glass":
            verb = "look"
            location = "mirror"
            locationMod = doMod
            do = ""
            doMod = []
            return "You aren't sure how to use a " + do + "."
    if verb=="think" or verb in selfVerbs["think"]:
        return com.think(pc,verb,adverb)
    if verb=="scream" or verb in talkVerbs["scream"]:
        return "Your blood-curdling shriek fills the air."
    if verb=="laugh" or verb in selfVerbs["laugh"]:
        if "evilly" in adverb or "maniacally" in adverb or "creepily" in adverb:
            return "Evil, maniacal pleasure emanates from your very soul, chilling the air around you."
        return "Joyous laughter bursts forth from your very being, lifting the spirits of those around you. Except Jim. There's no hope for Jim."
    if verb=="climb":
        if "on" in locationPrep:
            verb = "climb on"
            verb = "go"
    if verb=="climb on" or verb in locationVerbs["climb on"]:
        if not do=="":
    if verb=="enter" or verb in locationVerbs["enter"]:
        verb = "move"
        if location=="" and not do=="":
            locationPrep = "in"
    if verb=="hide" or verb in locationVerbs["hide"]:
        if do=="":
            verb = "move"
            verb = "put"
    if verb=="push" and not location=="":
        verb = "put"
    if verb=="turn" or verb in locationVerbs["turn"]:
        return com.turn(pc,location,locationMod,locationPrep)
    if verb=="wash" or verb in directVerbs["wash"]:
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        if isPlural(do) and number==-1:
            number = 1000
        if number>1:
                x = 0
                done = None
                final = ""
                while x<number:
                    if not "other" in doMod:
                    new= com.wash(pc,do,doMod,ido,idoMod,space)
                    #print "test",new
                    if "don't see" in new:
                        return new
                    if done==com.recentItems[-1]:
                    done = com.recentItems[-1]
                    if not repeats(com.recentItems[len(com.recentItems)-x:len(com.recentItems)]):
                    if not x==1:
                return final
        return com.wash(pc,do,doMod,ido,idoMod,space)
    if verb=="stack" or verb in directVerbs["stack"]:
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        number = int(number)
        if isPlural(do) and number==-1:
            number = 1000
        return com.stack(pc,do,doMod,space,number)
    if verb=="take off" or verb in directVerbs["take off"]:
        if isPlural(do) and int(number)==-1:
            number = 1000
        if int(number)>1:
                x = 0
                final = ""
                while x<number:
                    new= com.takeOff(pc,do,doMod)
                    if "aren't wearing" in new:
                        if x==0:
                            return new
                    if not x==1:
                return final
        return com.takeOff(pc,do,doMod)
    if verb=="put down" or verb in directVerbs["put down"]:
        if do==""and number.isdigit() and number<1000:
            return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        if isPlural(do) and int(number)==-1:
            number = "1000"
        if number.isdigit() and abs(int(number))>1:
            return com.dropMany(pc,verb,adverb,do,doMod,abs(int(number)),space)
        return com.drop(pc,verb,adverb,do,doMod,space)
    if verb=="take" or verb in directVerbs["take"]:
        if do=="" and number.isdigit() and number<1000:
            return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        if isPlural(do) and int(number)==-1:
            number = "1000"
        if number.isdigit() and abs(int(number))>1:
            return com.takeMany(pc,verb,adverb,do,doMod,abs(int(number)),space)
        return com.take(pc,verb,adverb,do,doMod,space)
    if verb=="die" or verb in selfVerbs["die"]:
        return com.die()
    if verb=="cheat" or verb in selfVerbs["cheat"]:
        return Game.rant
    if verb=="live" or verb in selfVerbs["live"]:
        return "Good job. You deserve a medal or something."
    if verb=="wait":
        return com.wait(pc,number,do)
    if verb=="leave" or verb in selfVerbs["leave"]:
        return com.escape(pc)
    if verb=="cry" or verb in selfVerbs["cry"]:
        return com.cry(verb,adverb)
    if verb=="cast":
        if do=="blast" and ido=="eldritch":
            st = pc.strength
            pc.strength = 50
            r = "You shout and wave your arms, and a surge of force attacks everything in front of you!"
            for y in range(10):
                if not "can't reach" in r:
                r =  com.damage(pc,"thing",["other"],pc.location,"blast","")
            pc.strength = st
            return r
        return "What do you think you are, a mage?"
    if verb=="dance" or verb in selfVerbs["dance"]:
        return com.dance(verb,adverb)
    if verb=="go" or verb in locationVerbs["go"]:
        if location=="" and not locationMod==[]:
            space = com.findLocation(pc,locationMod[0],locationPrep,[],True)
            space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,True)
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.move(pc,space)
    if verb=="sing" or verb in selfVerbs["sing"]:
        return com.sing(verb,adverb)
    if verb=="sleep" or verb in locationVerbs["sleep"]:
        timekeeps = ["minute","hour","second","century","eon","millenia","milleniums","decade","week"]
        for x in timekeeps[0:9]:
        if location in timekeeps and do=="":
            do = location
            location = ""
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.sleep(pc,number,do,space)
    if verb=="jump" or verb in locationVerbs["jump"]:
        return com.jump(verb,adverb)
    if verb=="find" or verb in directVerbs["find"]:
        return com.find(pc,do,doMod)
    if verb=="push" or verb in directVerbs["push"]:
        return com.push(pc,do,doMod)
    if verb=="throw" or verb in directVerbs["throw"]:
        if do=="":
            return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.throw(pc,do,doMod,space,ido,idoMod)
    if verb=="examine" or verb in directVerbs["examine"]:
        if do=="" and int(number)<=1:
            if not location=="":
                return "You must specify something to examine."
        elif int(number)<=1 and not (isPlural(do) and int(number)==-1):
            return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.examine,number)
            return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.examineGeneral,number)
    if verb=="write" or verb in directVerbs["write"]:
        if location=="":
            return "You must specify something to " + verb + " on."
        return com.write(pc,ido,idoMod,location,locationMod,do)
    if verb=="draw" or verb in directVerbs["draw"]:
        if location=="":
            return "You must specify something to " + verb + " on."
        return com.draw(pc,ido,idoMod,location,locationMod,do,doMod)
    if verb=="look" or verb in locationVerbs["look"]:
        if locationPrep=="in" and location=="mirror":
            return direct(pc,"","",[],location,locationMod,"look at",com.examine,number)
        if do=="around":
        if location=="around":
            location = ""
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        if space==pc.location:
            space = ""
        if not space=="" and not space==pc.location and isinstance(space,Room):
            return "Peering in, " + com.look(pc,space,True) + "."
        return com.look(pc,space)
    if verb=="touch" or verb in directVerbs["touch"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.touch,number)
    if verb=="read" or verb in directVerbs["read"]:
        if do=="writing" or do=="words":
            do = location
            doMod = locationMod
            location = ""
            locationMod = []
            if do=="":
                do ="it"
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.read,number)
    if verb=="eat" or verb in directVerbs["eat"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.eat,number)
    if verb=="smell" or verb in directVerbs["smell"]:
        if do=="":
            return "You don't smell much of anything."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.smell(pc,do,doMod,space)
    if verb=="taste" or verb in directVerbs["taste"]:
        if do=="":
            return "The air tastes stale."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.taste(pc,do,doMod,space)
    if verb=="break" or verb in directVerbs["break"] or verb=="attack" or verb in directVerbs["attack"]:
        if do=="":
            return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.damage(pc,do,doMod,space,verb,adverb,ido,idoMod)
    if verb=="open" or verb in directVerbs["open"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.openSesame,number)
    if verb=="close" or verb in directVerbs["close"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.close,number)
    if verb=="lock" or verb in directVerbs["lock"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.lock,number)
    if verb=="unlock" or verb in directVerbs["unlock"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.unlock,number)
    if verb=="listen to" or verb in directVerbs["listen to"]:
        return direct(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod,do,doMod,verb,com.listenTo,number)
    if verb=="wear" or verb in directVerbs["wear"]:
        if do=="":
            if len(com.recentItems)==0:
                return "You must specify an object to " + verb + "."
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            return "You can't " + verb + " anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        if isPlural(do) and int(number)==-1:
            number = 1000
        if int(number)>1:
                x = 0
                final = ""
                while x<number:
                    new= com.wear(pc,do,doMod)
                    if "don't see" in new:
                    if "already wearing" in new:
                    if not x==1:
                if final=="":
                    return com.wear(pc,do,doMod)
                return final
        return com.wear(pc,do,doMod,space)
    if verb=="sit" or verb in locationVerbs["sit"]:
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            if locationPrep in preps["on"]:
                oldLocation = ""
                k = com.findSearch(location,[],pc)
                oldLocation = k[1]
                space = oldLocation
                return "You can't fit anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.sit(pc,space)
    if verb=="stand" or verb in locationVerbs["stand"]:
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            if locationPrep in preps["on"]:
                oldLocation = ""
                k = com.findSearch(location,[],pc)
                oldLocation = k[1]
                space = oldLocation
                return "You can't fit anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.stand(pc,space)
    if verb=="lay" or verb in locationVerbs["lay"]:
        space = com.findLocation(pc,location,locationPrep,locationMod)
        if space=="WallErr":
            return "There's a wall there."
        if space=="LockedErr":
            return "There's a locked door in your way."
        if space=="ItemErr":
            return "You can't find " + aan(location) + "."
        if space=="PrepErr":
            if locationPrep in preps["on"]:
                oldLocation = ""
                k = com.findSearch(location,[],pc)
                oldLocation = k[1]
                space = oldLocation
                return "You can't fit anything " + locationPrep + " the " + location + "."
        return com.layDown(pc,space)
    if verb=="inventory" or verb in selfVerbs["inventory"]:
        return com.inventory(pc)
    return "You aren't sure how to " + verb + "."