Exemplo n.º 1
def findFactorialDigitSum(List_Of_Factorials):
	result = []
	for number in range(10,1819441):
		sum_digit_factorials = sum([List_Of_Factorials[x] for x in Common.getDigits(number)]) # calculate the sum of factorial of all digits of the number
		if (number == sum_digit_factorials):
	return	sum(result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def findDigitFifthPowers():
	DigitfifthPowers = []
	for number in range(2,354295): 
		numberDigits = Common.getDigits(number) # find the individual digits of the number
		sumOfFifthpowers = sum([x**5 for x  in numberDigits]) # compute fifth power of each digit of the number and sum them.
		if number == sumOfFifthpowers: # if number equals the sum
			DigitfifthPowers.append(number) # add the number to the list.
	return sum(DigitfifthPowers) # sum all the numbers in the list to get the result.		
Exemplo n.º 3
def findDigitCancellingFractions():
	digit_cancelling_fractions = []

	for numerator in range(10,100): # since we are interested only in fractions having 2 digits in numerator and denominator.
		for denominator in range(10,100):
			# if value of fraction > 1 or if the units place of numerator or denominator has a 0, skip and go to next number.
			if (   (numerator/denominator >= 1) or (Common.getDigits(numerator)[1] == 0) or (Common.getDigits(denominator)[1] == 0)):
				if (Common.getDigits(numerator)[1] == Common.getDigits(denominator)[0]):	# Units digit of numerator equals the tens digit of denominator

					# After digit cancelling, if value of incorrect fraction equals value of correct fraction, we have a winner.  
					if (float(Common.getDigits(numerator)[0]) / float(Common.getDigits(denominator)[1]) == float(numerator)/float(denominator)):

	# find the product of all 4 digit cancelling fractions
	product_numerator = 1
	product_denominator = 1
	# calculate the product of all numerators and denominators separately.
	for fract in digit_cancelling_fractions:
		product_numerator = product_numerator*fract[0] 
		product_denominator = product_denominator*fract[1]
	# reduce the fraction to its lowest Common term
	reducedform = Common.reduceFractionToLowestCommonTerms((product_numerator,product_denominator)) 			
	return	reducedform		
Exemplo n.º 4
def findMaximumDigitalSumBruteForce():
	maxSum = 0
	for a in range(2,100):
		for b in range(2,100):
			value = a**b
			if value < 10:
				digitalSum = sum(Common.getDigits(value))
				if digitalSum > maxSum:
					maxSum = digitalSum	 	
	return maxSum
Exemplo n.º 5
def isLychrel(number):
	iterations = 1
	while (iterations <= 50 ): # for 50 iterations or less
		reversed_number = ""
		# Reverse the given number
		for digit in reversed(Common.getDigits(number)): 
			reversed_number = reversed_number+str(digit)

		# sum number and its reverse 	
		number_added_to_reverse = number+int(reversed_number)

		#  if sum is a palindrome, tell that the given number is not lychrel by returning False.
		if Common.isPalindrome(str(number_added_to_reverse)):
			return False
		iterations +=1 
		number = number_added_to_reverse
	return True		
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
	start_time = time.time()
	print "The sum of the digits in the number 100!: ", sum(Common.getDigits(computeFactorial(100)))
	print "Problem solved in %s seconds " % (time.time()-start_time)