def classify_images(net, transformer, img_test_names, img_test_labels, settings):
    pb = ProgressBar(len(img_test_names))
    cm = ConfusionMatrix(li.labels)

    pred_hit = np.zeros(len(img_test_names))
    class_preds = []

    for i, (id_, true_class) in enumerate(zip(img_test_names, img_test_labels)):

        if (settings["bulk"]):
            settings["test_dir"] = settings["bulk_dir"]
            pred_class = classify_from_bulk(net, transformer, id_, true_class, settings)
            pred_class = classify_image(net, transformer, id_, settings)[0]


        if (pred_class == true_class):
            pred_hit[i] = 1

        cm.actualize(true_class, pred_class)

    submission_file = print_submission(img_test_names, class_preds, settings)

    accuracy = compute_accuracy(pred_hit)

    return submission_file, cm.get_confusion_matrix(), accuracy
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __update__(self):
     '''Updates self.CONFS to new ACTUAL or PREDS values'''
     for model in self.PREDS:
         assert len(self.ACTUAL)==len(self.PREDS[model]),"Predicted and actual data must be of equal length"
         if len(set(self.PREDS[model]))>2:
             self.CONFS.update( {model: ConfusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(actual=self.ACTUAL,pred=self.PREDS[model],bins=1000).getConfs()} )
             self.CONFS.update( {model: ConfusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(actual=self.ACTUAL,pred=self.PREDS[model])} )
Exemplo n.º 3
 def evaluate(self, test_data):
     #forward_res = [self.feedforward(x) for (x,y) in test_data]
     #print('forward_res \t',forward_res)
     test_results = [(np.amax(self.feedforward(x)), (y))
                     for (x, y) in test_data]
     test_results1 = [((1 if x > 0.5 else 0), y) for (x, y) in test_results]
     total = sum(int(x == y) for (x, y) in test_results1)
     tp, fp, tn, fn = cm.ComputeConfusionMatrix(test_results1)
     print('True Positive:', tp)
     print('False Positive:', fp)
     print('True Negative:', tn)
     print('False Negative:', fn)
     return total
Exemplo n.º 4
# dataset.print_label()

optimalParameter = True  #determine if the optimal value for gamma and cost are used (True)
#or if personnalized values are used (False)

#-------PARAMETERS TO MODIFY (works only if optimalParameter = False-------
cost = 10  #optimal value: 10
gamma = 0.5  #optimal value: 0.5

#--- MAIN
print("Problem D")
if SVM:
    print("Number of input data: " + str(NBR_POINT))
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(dataset.input,
    if optimalParameter:
        svc = svm.run_svm_nonlinear(X_train, y_train, kernel="rbf")
        svc = svm.run_svm_nonlinear(X_train,
    svm.plot_svc(svc, X_test, y_test)

    cm = ConfusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(svc, X_test, y_test)
    print("Support Vector Machine: ")
Exemplo n.º 5
import matplotlib as mpl
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

SVM = True
dataset = data.data1

#--- MAIN
print("Problem A")
	print("Perceptron learning rule: ")
	(W, b) = per.train_nn_perceptron(dataset.inputON, dataset.inputOFF, NBR_EPOCH_MAX, "hardlims", 1)
	W = np.append(W, b)
	print("W = ")
	per.plot_perceptron(dataset, W)

if SVM:
	# tuned_parameters = [{'C': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 100]}]
	# clf = GridSearchCV(SVC(kernel='linear'), tuned_parameters, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
	#, dataset.label)
	# print("Best param: ")
	# print(clf.best_params_)

	svc = svm.run_svm(dataset, cost=1, kernel="linear") #cost value doesn't have any impact here
	svm.plot_svc(svc, dataset.input,dataset.label)
	cm = ConfusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(svc, dataset)
Exemplo n.º 6
def evaluate_filelist(matchedfilenames, excludedhtidlist):
	global consensus, groundtruthdir, filewordcounts

	smoothederrors = dict()
	unsmoothederrors = dict()
	smoothedcorrect = dict()
	unsmoothedcorrect = dict()
	coalescederrors = dict()
	coalescedcorrect = dict()
	totalgt = dict()
	roughaccurate = 0
	roughnotaccurate = 0
	smoothaccurate = 0
	smoothnotaccurate = 0
	coalescedaccurate = 0
	coalescednotaccurate = 0

	# The correct dictionaries pair a genre code (in the original) to a number of times it was correctly
	# identified

	# The error dictionaries map a tuple of (correct code, error code) to a number of times it occurred.

	truesequences = dict()
	predictedsequences = dict()
	accuracies = dict()
	metadatatable = dict()

	symptoms = ["weakconfirmation", "weakdenial", "strongconfirmation", "strongdenial", "modelagrees", "modeldisagrees"]
	for symptom in symptoms:
		metadatatable[symptom] = dict()
	metadatatable["numberofchunks"] = dict()
	# metadatatable["fictonon"] = dict()
	# metadatatable["bio"] = dict()

	for pfile, gtfile in matchedfilenames.items():
		htid = gtfile[0:-4]
		if htid in excludedhtidlist:

		# The predictionfile has three columns, of which the second
		# is an unsmoothed prediction and the third is smoothed

		smoothlist = consensus[pfile]

		# roughlist = list()
		# detailedprobabilities = list()

		# pfilepath = os.path.join(predictdir, pfile)
		# with open(pfilepath,encoding = "utf-8") as f:
		# 	filelines = f.readlines()

		# for line in filelines:
		# 	line = line.rstrip()
		# 	fields = line.split('\t')
		# 	roughlist.append(fields[1])
		# 	smoothlist.append(fields[2])
		# 	if len(fields) > 5:
		# 		detailedprobabilities.append("\t".join(fields[5:]))

		# 	# The prediction file has this format:
		# 	# pagenumber roughgenre smoothgenre many ... detailed predictions
		# 	# fields 3 and 4 will be predictions for dummy genres "begin" and "end"

		correctlist = list()

		gtfilepath = os.path.join(groundtruthdir, gtfile)
		with open(gtfilepath,encoding = "utf-8") as f:
			filelines = f.readlines()

		for line in filelines:
			line = line.rstrip()
			fields = line.split('\t')

		assert len(correctlist) == len(smoothlist)

		if countwords:
			tuplelist = filewordcounts[htid]
			wordsperpage = [x[1] for x in tuplelist]
			wordsperpage = list()

		# Experiment.
		oldgenre = ""
		transitioncount = 0
		biocount = 0
		for agenre in smoothlist:
			if agenre == "bio":
				biocount += 1
			if oldgenre == "fic" and (agenre == "non" or agenre =="bio"):
				transitioncount += 1
			oldgenre = agenre

		# fictionfilepath = os.path.join(thefictiondir, pfile)
		# poetryfilepath = os.path.join(thepoedir, pfile)

		# mainmodel = cascades.read_probabilities(detailedprobabilities)

		mostlydrapoe, probablybiography, probablyfiction, notdrama, notfiction = cascades.choose_cascade(htid, smoothlist)
		# # This function returns three boolean values which will help us choose a specialized model
		# # to correct current predictions. This scheme is called "cascading classification," thus
		# # we are "choosing a cascade."

		# Make defensive copy
		adjustedlist = [x for x in smoothlist]

		if notdrama:
			adjustedlist = nix_a_genre(adjustedlist, "dra", secondthoughts[pfile])

		if notfiction:
			adjustedlist = nix_a_genre(adjustedlist, "fic", secondthoughts[pfile])

		# if thepoedir != "n" and thefictiondir != "n":

		# 	numberoftrues = sum([mostlydrapoe, probablybiography, probablyfiction])

		# 	if numberoftrues == 1:
		# 		if mostlydrapoe and thepoedir != "n":
		# 			adjustedlist, mainmodel = cascades.drapoe_cascade(adjustedlist, mainmodel, poetryfilepath)
		# 		elif probablybiography:
		# 			adjustedlist = cascades.biography_cascade(adjustedlist)
		# 		elif probablyfiction and thefictiondir != "n":
		# 			adjustedlist, mainmodel = cascades.fiction_cascade(adjustedlist, mainmodel, fictionfilepath)

		if tocoalesce:
			coalescedlist, numberofdistinctsequences = Coalescer.coalesce(adjustedlist)
			# This function simplifies our prediction by looking for cases where a small
			# number of pages in genre X are surrounded by larger numbers of pages in
			# genre Y. This is often an error, and in cases where it's not technically
			# an error it's a scale of variation we usually want to ignore. However,
			# we will also record detailed probabilities for users who *don't* want to
			# ignore these
			coalescedlist = adjustedlist
			dummy, numberofdistinctsequences = Coalescer.coalesce(adjustedlist)

		metadataconfirmation = cascades.metadata_check(htid, coalescedlist)
		#  Now that we have adjusted

		for key, value in metadataconfirmation.items():
			metadatatable[key][htid] = value
		metadatatable["numberofchunks"][htid] = log(numberofdistinctsequences + 1)
		# metadatatable["fictonon"][htid] = transitioncount
		# metadatatable["bio"][htid] = biocount / len(roughlist)
		# This is significant. We don't want to overpenalize long books, but there is
		# a correlation between the number of predicted genre shifts and inaccuracy.
		# So we take the log.

		totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(correctlist, smoothlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
		add_dictionary(smoothederrors, errorsbygenre)
		add_dictionary(smoothedcorrect, correctbygenre)
		add_dictionary(totalgt, totaltruegenre)
		# Only do this for one comparison
		smoothaccurate += accurate
		smoothnotaccurate += inaccurate

		if ("index", "non") in errorsbygenre:
			if errorsbygenre[("index", "non")] > 2:
				print("Index fail: " + htid + " " + str(errorsbygenre[("index", "non")]))

		# totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(correctlist, roughlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
		# add_dictionary(unsmoothederrors, errorsbygenre)
		# add_dictionary(unsmoothedcorrect, correctbygenre)
		# roughaccurate += accurate
		# roughnotaccurate += inaccurate

		totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(correctlist, coalescedlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
		add_dictionary(coalescederrors, errorsbygenre)
		add_dictionary(coalescedcorrect, correctbygenre)
		coalescedaccurate += accurate
		coalescednotaccurate += inaccurate

		truesequences[gtfile] = correctlist
		predictedsequences[gtfile] = coalescedlist
		thisaccuracy = accurate / (accurate + inaccurate)
		accuracies[htid] = thisaccuracy

	# Now we need to interpret the dictionaries.

	for genre, count in totalgt.items():

		print(genre.upper() + " : " + str(count))

		if count < 1:

		print("SMOOTHED PREDICTION, " + str(count) + " | " + genre)

		print("Correctly identified: " + str(smoothedcorrect.get(genre, 0) / count))
		print("Errors: ")

		for key, errorcount in smoothederrors.items():
			gt, predict = key
			if gt == genre:
				print(predict + ": " + str(errorcount) + "   " + str (errorcount/count))

		print("COALESCED PREDICTION, " + str(count) + " | " + genre)

		print("Correctly identified: " + str(coalescedcorrect.get(genre, 0) / count))
		print("Errors: ")

		for key, errorcount in coalescederrors.items():
			gt, smoothed = key
			if gt == genre:
				print(smoothed + ": " + str(errorcount) + "   " + str (errorcount/count))

	# roughaccuracy = roughaccurate / (roughaccurate + roughnotaccurate)
	smoothaccuracy = smoothaccurate / (smoothaccurate + smoothnotaccurate)
	coalaccuracy = coalescedaccurate / (coalescedaccurate + coalescednotaccurate)

	confusion = ConfusionMatrix.confusion_matrix(coalescedcorrect, coalescederrors)

	return metadatatable, accuracies, smoothaccuracy, coalaccuracy
Exemplo n.º 7
def Test_Dataset(TaskID, datasetBase, datasetConfig, ModelFileName, testData, true_labels, modelInLogDir = False):
    #ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()
    ROOT_DIR = datasetBase + "/LOGS"
    LOG_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/logs"
        MODEL_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/Models"
    LOG_DIR_FOLDER = LOG_DIR + "/Test_" + TaskID
    print("Test_" + TaskID)
    HistDumpFile = "History_" + TaskID + ".txt"
    ConfusionMatrixImg = "Confusion_" + TaskID + ".png"
    ResultFile = "Result_" + TaskID + ".csv"
    ReportFile = "Report" + TaskID + ".csv"
    model = load_model(MODEL_DIR + "/" + ModelFileName)
    testData = np.asarray(testData)
    if(len(testData.shape) == 3):
        testData = np.expand_dims(testData, -1) 

    total_result = []
    total_result_label = []
    total_true_label = []

    num_classes = datasetConfig.NUM_CLASS
    classes = datasetConfig.CLASSES
    if(not os.path.isdir(LOG_DIR_FOLDER)):

    preds = model.predict(testData) 
    pred_result = preds.argmax(axis = 1)
    result = np.zeros(pred_result.shape)
    for i in range(len(result)):
        result[i] = true_labels[i][pred_result[i]]
    true_labels = np.asarray(true_labels)
    true_labels_binary = true_labels.argmax(axis = 1)
    accuracy = result.sum() / len(result)

    # accuracy = get_Accucary(total_result.flatten())
    con_matrix = confusion_matrix(true_labels_binary, pred_result)
    ConfusionMatrix.plot_confusion_matrix(con_matrix, classes, saveImgFile = True, ImgFilename =LOG_DIR_FOLDER + "/" +ConfusionMatrixImg)           
    report = classification_report(true_labels_binary, pred_result, target_names=classes)

    save_TestHistoryLog(TaskID, ROOT_DIR, ModelFileName, accuracy, datasetConfig)
    save_TestResultLog(TaskID, ROOT_DIR, result, ModelFileName,datasetConfig.DATASET)

    f = open(LOG_DIR_FOLDER + "/" + ReportFile, 'w')
    del model

    print("Test Done ! ")
    return accuracy
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    spam_dataset = extract_full_dataset()
    # print(spam_dataset.shape)

    trainingSet, testingSet = train_test_split(spam_dataset, test_size=0.2)

    dataset_k_split = kfold_split(5)
    spam_accuracy = []
    train_accuracy = []

    #trainingSet, testingSet = get_training_testing_split(spam_dataset, dataset_k_split, i)
    trainingSet = trainingSet.values
    testingSet = testingSet.values

    # print(trainingSet.shape, testingSet.shape)
    y_test = testingSet[:, -1]
    y_test = y_test[:, None]
    x_test = testingSet[:, 0:len(testingSet[0]) - 1]

    y_train = trainingSet[:, -1]
    y_train = y_train[:, None]
    x_train = trainingSet[:, 0:len(trainingSet[0]) - 1]

    # print(x_train.shape, x_test.shape, y_test.shape, x_test.shape)
    scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    train = scaler.transform(x_train)

    scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    test = scaler.transform(x_test)

    # Training error

    best_w = gradient_descent(train, y_train)

    # training error section
    x_b_training = np.c_[np.ones(train.shape[0]), train]
    train_y_predict =
    train_y_sigmoid = sigmoid(train_y_predict)
    train_accu, train_normalized_prediction = evaluate_prediction_accuracy(
        train_y_sigmoid, y_train, 0.4)

    # testing error section

    # testing error section
    X_new_testing = np.c_[np.ones(test.shape[0]), test]
    test_y_predict =
    test_y_sigmoid = sigmoid(test_y_predict)
    # print(test_y_predict)
    test_accu, test_normalized_prediction = evaluate_prediction_accuracy(
        test_y_sigmoid, y_test, 0.4)

    #print(y_test.shape, test_y_sigmoid.shape)
    y_test_list = []
    test_y_sigmoid_list = []

    for val in y_test:

    for val in test_y_sigmoid:

    ConfusionMatrix.confusion_matrix(y_test_list, test_normalized_prediction,
                                     test_y_sigmoid, True)
    print("Training error is", np.mean(train_accuracy))
    print("Testing accuracy is", np.mean(spam_accuracy))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: Projeto: gacl97/Knn
import pandas as pd
import KnnClassifier as knn
import ConfusionMatrix as Cm
import RandomSubsampling as Rs

data = pd.read_csv("Iris.csv")
data = data.drop('Id', axis=1)
classifier = knn.KnnClassifier()
cm = Cm.ConfusionMatrix(len(data['Species'].unique()))
Random_Sub = Rs.Random_Subsampling()
X = data.drop('Species', axis=1)
y = data['Species']
error, accuracy = Random_Sub.Random_Subsampling(classifier, cm, X, y)
print("Accuracy: ", accuracy)
print("Error: ", error)
Exemplo n.º 10
SVM = True
dataset = data.data1

optimalParameter = True #determine if the optimal value for cost is used (True)
						#or if personnalized value is used (False)

#-------PARAMETERS TO MODIFY (works only if optimalParameter = False-------
cost = 1 #optimal value: 100

#--- MAIN
print("Problem A")
	print("Perceptron learning rule: ")
	(W, b) = per.train_nn_perceptron(dataset.inputON, dataset.inputOFF, NBR_EPOCH_MAX, "hardlims", 1)
	W = np.append(W, b)
	print("W = ")
	per.plot_perceptron(dataset, W)

if SVM:
	if (optimalParameter):
		svc = svm.run_svm_linear(dataset.input, dataset.label , kernel="linear")
		svc = svm.run_svm_linear(dataset.input, dataset.label , kernel="linear", cost=1)
	cm = ConfusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(svc, dataset.input,dataset.label)
	print("Support Vector Machine: ")
Exemplo n.º 11
    for forest_idx in range(NUM_CLASSES):
        choices = decision_forest_vote_weighted(forest[forest_idx],
                                                weights[:, forest_idx], x)
        vote_block[:, forest_idx] = choices

    prediction = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1))

    for vote_idx in range(vote_block.shape[0]):
        prediction[vote_idx] = int(np.argmax(vote_block[vote_idx])) + 1
    print "Testing Tree by Max Depth"
    prediction = TestTreesByDepth(trees, x, ambiguityHandlingStyle)
print "Test Done"
print ""

cm = ConfusionMatrix(prediction, y, NUM_CLASSES)
error = sampleError(prediction, y)
measures = MeasurePerFold(cm, NUM_CLASSES)

print "Confusion Matrix"
print ""

print "Recall = %.3f, Precision = %.3f, F1 = %.3f, CR = %.3f" % (
    np.sum(measures[0, :] / 6.0), np.sum(measures[1, :] / 6.0),
    np.sum(measures[2, :] / 6.0), np.sum(measures[3, :] / 6.0))
print ""

print "Error Rate: %.3f" % error
print ""
Exemplo n.º 12
	for reading in listoftuples:
		readera = reading[0]
		predictedgenres = reading[1]

		divergence = comparelists(predictedgenres, truegenres, genremistakes, correctbygenre, wordcounts)
		totaldivergence += divergence

	agreement = (potentialcomparisons - totaldivergence)
	agreementpercent = agreement / potentialcomparisons
	volumepercents[htid] = agreementpercent
	overallcomparisons += potentialcomparisons
	overallagreement += agreement

print("Average human agreement: " + str(overallagreement / overallcomparisons))

with open("/Users/tunder/Dropbox/pagedata/interrater/HumanDissensus.tsv", mode="w", encoding = "utf-8") as f:
	for key, value in volumepercents.items():
		outline = utils.pairtreelabel(key) + "\t" + str(value) + "\n"

import ConfusionMatrix
ConfusionMatrix.confusion_matrix(correctbygenre, genremistakes)

Exemplo n.º 13
    potentialcomparisons = nummaps * sum(wordcounts)
    totaldivergence = 0

    for reading in listoftuples:
        readera = reading[0]
        predictedgenres = reading[1]

        divergence = comparelists(predictedgenres, truegenres, genremistakes,
                                  correctbygenre, wordcounts)
        totaldivergence += divergence

    agreement = (potentialcomparisons - totaldivergence)
    agreementpercent = agreement / potentialcomparisons
    volumepercents[htid] = agreementpercent
    overallcomparisons += potentialcomparisons
    overallagreement += agreement

print("Average human agreement: " + str(overallagreement / overallcomparisons))

with open("/Users/tunder/Dropbox/pagedata/interrater/HumanDissensus.tsv",
          encoding="utf-8") as f:
    for key, value in volumepercents.items():
        outline = utils.pairtreelabel(key) + "\t" + str(value) + "\n"

import ConfusionMatrix
ConfusionMatrix.confusion_matrix(correctbygenre, genremistakes)
Exemplo n.º 14
            y_test_predictions = np.zeros((x_test.shape[0], 1))

            for vote_idx in range(vote_block.shape[0]):
                y_test_predictions[vote_idx] = int(
                    np.argmax(vote_block[vote_idx])) + 1

            depth_correct = 0
            for prediction_idx in range(0, y_test_predictions.shape[0]):
                if y_test_predictions[prediction_idx] == y_test[
                    depth_correct += 1

            depth_correct /= float(len(y_test_predictions))

            stacked_sample_error_depth += 1 - depth_correct
            stacked_confusion_matrices_depth += ConfusionMatrix(
                y_test_predictions, y_test, NUM_CLASSES)
                ConfusionMatrix(y_test_predictions, y_test, NUM_CLASSES))

            print 'Fold accuracy:', depth_correct

            forestList = []
            y_predictions = np.zeros((y_test.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int32)
            for class_idx in range(NUM_CLASSES):
                class_num = class_idx + 1
                for tree_idx in range(NUM_TREES_IN_FOREST):
                    x_sample, y_sample = sample(x_train, y_train,
                    train_targets = PreProcess(y_sample, class_num)
    #print "validation_set", len(validation_set), "and ","training_set", len(training_set)

    ### Training the Model
    ### We are using Naive Bayes Algorithms to Train the Model
    ### Now that we have our training set, we can train our classifier
    classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set)

    ## initialize the Confusion Matrix
    myConfusionMatrix = ConfusionMatrix()  #create a confusion matrix

    #Create a Confusion Matrix        
    for tweet,label in (validation_set):
        getLabel = classifier.classify((tweet))
        myConfusionMatrix.matrix[int(label)][int(getLabel)] += 1
    print "-----------------"
    #Calculate precision,recall, fscore
    Accuracy = nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, validation_set)
Exemplo n.º 16
def evaluate_filelist(matchedfilenames, excludedhtidlist):
    global consensus, groundtruthdir, filewordcounts

    smoothederrors = dict()
    unsmoothederrors = dict()
    smoothedcorrect = dict()
    unsmoothedcorrect = dict()
    coalescederrors = dict()
    coalescedcorrect = dict()
    totalgt = dict()
    roughaccurate = 0
    roughnotaccurate = 0
    smoothaccurate = 0
    smoothnotaccurate = 0
    coalescedaccurate = 0
    coalescednotaccurate = 0

    # The correct dictionaries pair a genre code (in the original) to a number of times it was correctly
    # identified

    # The error dictionaries map a tuple of (correct code, error code) to a number of times it occurred.

    truesequences = dict()
    predictedsequences = dict()
    accuracies = dict()
    metadatatable = dict()

    symptoms = [
        "weakconfirmation", "weakdenial", "strongconfirmation", "strongdenial",
        "modelagrees", "modeldisagrees"
    for symptom in symptoms:
        metadatatable[symptom] = dict()
    metadatatable["numberofchunks"] = dict()
    # metadatatable["fictonon"] = dict()
    # metadatatable["bio"] = dict()

    for pfile, gtfile in matchedfilenames.items():
        htid = gtfile[0:-4]
        if htid in excludedhtidlist:

        # The predictionfile has three columns, of which the second
        # is an unsmoothed prediction and the third is smoothed

        smoothlist = consensus[pfile]

        # roughlist = list()
        # detailedprobabilities = list()

        # pfilepath = os.path.join(predictdir, pfile)
        # with open(pfilepath,encoding = "utf-8") as f:
        # 	filelines = f.readlines()

        # for line in filelines:
        # 	line = line.rstrip()
        # 	fields = line.split('\t')
        # 	roughlist.append(fields[1])
        # 	smoothlist.append(fields[2])
        # 	if len(fields) > 5:
        # 		detailedprobabilities.append("\t".join(fields[5:]))

        # 	# The prediction file has this format:
        # 	# pagenumber roughgenre smoothgenre many ... detailed predictions
        # 	# fields 3 and 4 will be predictions for dummy genres "begin" and "end"

        correctlist = list()

        gtfilepath = os.path.join(groundtruthdir, gtfile)
        with open(gtfilepath, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            filelines = f.readlines()

        for line in filelines:
            line = line.rstrip()
            fields = line.split('\t')

        assert len(correctlist) == len(smoothlist)

        if countwords:
            tuplelist = filewordcounts[htid]
            wordsperpage = [x[1] for x in tuplelist]
            wordsperpage = list()

        # Experiment.
        oldgenre = ""
        transitioncount = 0
        biocount = 0
        for agenre in smoothlist:
            if agenre == "bio":
                biocount += 1
            if oldgenre == "fic" and (agenre == "non" or agenre == "bio"):
                transitioncount += 1
            oldgenre = agenre

        # fictionfilepath = os.path.join(thefictiondir, pfile)
        # poetryfilepath = os.path.join(thepoedir, pfile)

        # mainmodel = cascades.read_probabilities(detailedprobabilities)

        mostlydrapoe, probablybiography, probablyfiction, notdrama, notfiction = cascades.choose_cascade(
            htid, smoothlist)
        # # This function returns three boolean values which will help us choose a specialized model
        # # to correct current predictions. This scheme is called "cascading classification," thus
        # # we are "choosing a cascade."

        # Make defensive copy
        adjustedlist = [x for x in smoothlist]

        if notdrama:
            adjustedlist = nix_a_genre(adjustedlist, "dra",

        if notfiction:
            adjustedlist = nix_a_genre(adjustedlist, "fic",

        # if thepoedir != "n" and thefictiondir != "n":

        # 	numberoftrues = sum([mostlydrapoe, probablybiography, probablyfiction])

        # 	if numberoftrues == 1:
        # 		if mostlydrapoe and thepoedir != "n":
        # 			adjustedlist, mainmodel = cascades.drapoe_cascade(adjustedlist, mainmodel, poetryfilepath)
        # 		elif probablybiography:
        # 			adjustedlist = cascades.biography_cascade(adjustedlist)
        # 		elif probablyfiction and thefictiondir != "n":
        # 			adjustedlist, mainmodel = cascades.fiction_cascade(adjustedlist, mainmodel, fictionfilepath)

        if tocoalesce:
            coalescedlist, numberofdistinctsequences = Coalescer.coalesce(
            # This function simplifies our prediction by looking for cases where a small
            # number of pages in genre X are surrounded by larger numbers of pages in
            # genre Y. This is often an error, and in cases where it's not technically
            # an error it's a scale of variation we usually want to ignore. However,
            # we will also record detailed probabilities for users who *don't* want to
            # ignore these
            coalescedlist = adjustedlist
            dummy, numberofdistinctsequences = Coalescer.coalesce(adjustedlist)

        metadataconfirmation = cascades.metadata_check(htid, coalescedlist)
        #  Now that we have adjusted

        for key, value in metadataconfirmation.items():
            metadatatable[key][htid] = value
        metadatatable["numberofchunks"][htid] = log(numberofdistinctsequences +
        # metadatatable["fictonon"][htid] = transitioncount
        # metadatatable["bio"][htid] = biocount / len(roughlist)
        # This is significant. We don't want to overpenalize long books, but there is
        # a correlation between the number of predicted genre shifts and inaccuracy.
        # So we take the log.

        totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(
            correctlist, smoothlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
        add_dictionary(smoothederrors, errorsbygenre)
        add_dictionary(smoothedcorrect, correctbygenre)
        add_dictionary(totalgt, totaltruegenre)
        # Only do this for one comparison
        smoothaccurate += accurate
        smoothnotaccurate += inaccurate

        if ("index", "non") in errorsbygenre:
            if errorsbygenre[("index", "non")] > 2:
                print("Index fail: " + htid + " " +
                      str(errorsbygenre[("index", "non")]))

        # totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(correctlist, roughlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
        # add_dictionary(unsmoothederrors, errorsbygenre)
        # add_dictionary(unsmoothedcorrect, correctbygenre)
        # roughaccurate += accurate
        # roughnotaccurate += inaccurate

        totaltruegenre, correctbygenre, errorsbygenre, accurate, inaccurate = compare_two_lists(
            correctlist, coalescedlist, wordsperpage, countwords)
        add_dictionary(coalescederrors, errorsbygenre)
        add_dictionary(coalescedcorrect, correctbygenre)
        coalescedaccurate += accurate
        coalescednotaccurate += inaccurate

        truesequences[gtfile] = correctlist
        predictedsequences[gtfile] = coalescedlist
        thisaccuracy = accurate / (accurate + inaccurate)
        accuracies[htid] = thisaccuracy

    # Now we need to interpret the dictionaries.

    for genre, count in totalgt.items():

        print(genre.upper() + " : " + str(count))

        if count < 1:

        print("SMOOTHED PREDICTION, " + str(count) + " | " + genre)

        print("Correctly identified: " +
              str(smoothedcorrect.get(genre, 0) / count))
        print("Errors: ")

        for key, errorcount in smoothederrors.items():
            gt, predict = key
            if gt == genre:
                print(predict + ": " + str(errorcount) + "   " +
                      str(errorcount / count))

        print("COALESCED PREDICTION, " + str(count) + " | " + genre)

        print("Correctly identified: " +
              str(coalescedcorrect.get(genre, 0) / count))
        print("Errors: ")

        for key, errorcount in coalescederrors.items():
            gt, smoothed = key
            if gt == genre:
                print(smoothed + ": " + str(errorcount) + "   " +
                      str(errorcount / count))

    # roughaccuracy = roughaccurate / (roughaccurate + roughnotaccurate)
    smoothaccuracy = smoothaccurate / (smoothaccurate + smoothnotaccurate)
    coalaccuracy = coalescedaccurate / (coalescedaccurate +

    confusion = ConfusionMatrix.confusion_matrix(coalescedcorrect,

    return metadatatable, accuracies, smoothaccuracy, coalaccuracy
Exemplo n.º 17
    # print depth_cr
    stacked_sample_error_depth += 1 - (depth_cr)
    stacked_sample_error_depth_min += 1 - (depth_min_cr)
    stacked_sample_error_occ += 1 - (occ_correct)
    if depth_cr > best_depth_cr:
        best_depth_cr = depth_cr
        best_trees_depth = DeepCopyTreeList(treeList)
    if depth_min_cr > best_depth_min_cr:
        best_depth_min_cr = depth_min_cr
        best_trees_depth_min = DeepCopyTreeList(treeList)
    if occ_correct > best_occ_correct:
        best_occ_correct = occ_correct
        best_trees_occ = DeepCopyTreeList(treeList)

        ConfusionMatrix(predictions_by_depth, y_test, NUM_CLASSES))
        ConfusionMatrix(predictions_by_min_depth, y_test, NUM_CLASSES))
        ConfusionMatrix(predictions_by_occ, y_test, NUM_CLASSES))

    stacked_confusion_matrices_depth += ConfusionMatrix(
        predictions_by_depth, y_test, NUM_CLASSES)
    stacked_confusion_matrices_depth_min += ConfusionMatrix(
        predictions_by_min_depth, y_test, NUM_CLASSES)
    stacked_confusion_matrices_occ += ConfusionMatrix(predictions_by_occ,
                                                      y_test, NUM_CLASSES)

depth_parameters = [
    np.zeros(NUM_CLASSES, dtype=np.float64),
    np.zeros(NUM_CLASSES, dtype=np.float64),