def __init__(self, categoryId, name=""):
     self.categoryId = categoryId
     threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
     self.dao = DAO.Dao()
     self.dLP = dlp()
     query_sql = " SELECT b.`shopType`,b.`categoryId` ,a.`city_name`,shopId,defaultPic, POSTER_PATH  FROM shop_bean a ,categorytoshengchan b " \
                 "WHERE a.`categoryId` = b.`categoryId` AND POSTER_PATH IS NULL AND defaultPic IS NOT NULL AND defaultPic <> '' and  b.`categoryId`  ='{}' ".format(
     self.result = dao.execute_query(query_sql)
     query_sql = "SELECT cityname,cityenname FROM dianping_cities  WHERE STATUS=0"
     self.cityNames = dao.execute_query(query_sql)
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_communities_location():
    dao = DAO.Dao()
    query_sql = "SELECT  location,  LONGITUDE,  LATITUDE FROM  ehdc.shenzhen_jigou         "
    result = dao.execute_query(query_sql)
    for location, LONGITUDE, LATITUDE in result:
        bm = xBaiduMap()
        zuobiao = bm.getLocation(location, '深圳')
        if zuobiao is not None:
            update_sql = "update ehdc.shenzhen_jigou  set LATITUDE = {} , LONGITUDE = {}   where location = '{}' ".format(
                zuobiao['lat'], zuobiao['lng'], location)
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_communities_location(source_id, city):
    dao = DAO.Dao()
    query_sql = "SELECT ORIGINAL_URL,IFNULL(IF(address = 'null',NAME,address),  NAME) FROM communities WHERE source_id = {} ".format(
    # query_sql = "SELECT ORIGINAL_URL,NAME  FROM communities_temp"
    result = dao.execute_query(query_sql)
    for ORIGINAL_URL, name in result:
        bm = xBaiduMap()
        zuobiao = bm.getLocation(name, city)
        if zuobiao is not None:
            update_sql = "update communities set BAIDU_LATI = {} , BAIDU_LONG = {} ,modify_time ='{}' where ORIGINAL_URL = '{}' AND source_id = '{}' ".format(
                zuobiao[1], zuobiao[0],
                time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                              time.localtime(time.time())), ORIGINAL_URL,
        for dbcityname, dbcityenname in self.cityNames:
            if (dbcityname == cityName):
                return dbcityenname
        return "error"

    def downloadPic(self, result):
        for shopType, categoryId, cityName, shopId, picUrl, posterPath in result:
            cityEnName = self.cityNameToEn(cityName)
            if cityEnName == "error":
                return None
            # /poster/ 是从磁盘根目录开始, poster/ 是从项目根目录开始
            posterPath = '/poster/' + cityEnName + '/' + shopType + '/' + categoryId + '/' + shopId + '/' + '1.jpg'
            key = self.dLP.download_pic_from_url(picUrl, posterPath)
            update_query = "update shop_bean set POSTER_PATH = '{}' where shopId='{}' and city_name = '{}'  ".format(
                posterPath, shopId, cityName)
            if key == True:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    querysql = " SELECT DISTINCT a.categoryId FROM shop_bean a ,categorytoshengchan b WHERE a.`categoryId` = b.`categoryId`  "
    dao = DAO.Dao()
    cateIds = dao.execute_query(querysql)
    threads = []
    files = range(len(cateIds))
    for categoryId in cateIds:
        thread = DianpingDownloadPic(categoryId[0])
    for i in files: