Exemplo n.º 1
 def _load_row(self, r):
     self.number = r['CollectNum']
     self.id = r['CollectID']
     self.parent = r['ParentCollectNum']
     self.comment = r['CollectComment']
     self.owner = r['CollectOwner']
     if r.has_key('DefaultKeywordGroup'):
         self.keyword_group = r['DefaultKeywordGroup']
     # If we're in Unicode mode, we need to encode the data from the database appropriately.
     # (unicode(var, TransanaGlobal.encoding) doesn't work, as the strings are already unicode, yet aren't decoded.)
     if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
         self.id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.id)
         self.comment = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.owner = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.owner)
         self.keyword_group = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
Exemplo n.º 2
 def load_additional_vids(self):
     """Load additional media file names from the database."""
     # Get a database connection
     db = DBInterface.get_db()
     # Create a database cursor
     c = db.cursor()
     # Define the DB Query
     query = "SELECT MediaFile, VidLength, Offset, Audio FROM AdditionalVids2 WHERE EpisodeNum = %s ORDER BY AddVidNum"
     # Adjust the query for sqlite if needed
     query = DBInterface.FixQuery(query)
     # Execute the query
     c.execute(query, (self.number, ))
     # For each video in the query results ...
     for (vidFilename, vidLength, vidOffset, audio) in c.fetchall():
         # Detection of the use of the Video Root Path is platform-dependent and must be done for EACH filename!
         if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
             # On Windows, check for a colon in the position, which signals the presence or absence of a drive letter
             useVideoRoot = (vidFilename[1] != ':') and (vidFilename[:2] !=
             # On Mac OS-X and *nix, check for a slash in the first position for the root folder designation
             useVideoRoot = (vidFilename[0] != '/')
         # If we are using the Video Root Path, add it to the Filename
         if useVideoRoot:
             video = TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath.replace(
                 '\\', '/') + DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
             video = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(vidFilename)
         # Add the video to the additional media files list
         self.additional_media_files = {
             'filename': video,
             'length': vidLength,
             'offset': vidOffset,
             'audio': audio
         # If the video offset is less than 0 and is smaller than the current smallest (most negative) offset ...
         if (vidOffset < 0) and (vidOffset < -self.offset):
             # ... then use this video offset as the global offset
             self.offset = abs(vidOffset)
     # Close the database cursor
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _load_row(self, r):
     self.keywordGroup = r['KeywordGroup']
     self.keyword = r['Keyword']
     self.definition = r['Definition']
     if self.definition == None:
         self.definition = ''
     self.lineColorName = r['LineColorName']
     self.lineColorDef = r['LineColorDef']
     self.drawMode = r['DrawMode']
     self.lineWidth = r['LineWidth']
     self.lineStyle = r['LineStyle']
     # If we're in Unicode mode, we need to encode the data from the database appropriately.
     # (unicode(var, TransanaGlobal.encoding) doesn't work, as the strings are already unicode, yet aren't decoded.)
     if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
         self.keywordGroup = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.keyword = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.definition = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.lineColorName = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _load_row(self, r):
        self.number = r['EpisodeNum']
        self.id = r['EpisodeID']
        self.comment = r['EpComment']
        self.media_filename = r['MediaFile']
        self.tape_length = r['EpLength']
        self.tape_date = r['TapingDate']

        # These come from the Library record
        self.series_id = r['SeriesID']
        self.series_num = r['SeriesNum']

        # If we're in Unicode mode, we need to encode the data from the database appropriately.
        # (unicode(var, TransanaGlobal.encoding) doesn't work, as the strings are already unicode, yet aren't decoded.)
        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
            self.id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.id)
            self.comment = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
            self.media_filename = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
            self.series_id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(

        # Remember whether the MediaFile uses the VideoRoot Folder or not.
        # Detection of the use of the Video Root Path is platform-dependent.
        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
            # On Windows, check for a colon in the position, which signals the presence or absence of a drive letter
            self.useVideoRoot = (self.media_filename[1] !=
                                 ':') and (self.media_filename[:2] != '\\\\')
            # On Mac OS-X and *nix, check for a slash in the first position for the root folder designation
            self.useVideoRoot = (self.media_filename[0] != '/')
        # If we are using the Video Root Path, add it to the Filename
        if self.useVideoRoot:
            self.media_filename = TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath.replace(
                '\\', '/') + self.media_filename
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialize the ProcessSearch class.  The dbTree parameter accepts a wxTreeCtrl as the Database Tree where
            Search Results should be displayed.  The searchCount parameter accepts the number that should be included
            in the Default Search Title. Optional kwg (Keyword Group) and kw (Keyword) parameters implement Quick Search
            for the keyword specified. """

        # Note the Database Tree that accepts Search Results
        self.dbTree = dbTree
        self.collectionList = []
        # If kwg and kw are None, we are doing a regular (full) search.
        if ((kwg == None) or (kw == None)) and (searchTerms == None):
            # Create the Search Dialog Box
            dlg = SearchDialog.SearchDialog(_("Search") + " %s" % searchCount)
            # Display the Search Dialog Box and record the Result
            result = dlg.ShowModal()
            # If the user selects OK ...
            if result == wx.ID_OK:
                # ... get the search name from the dialog
                searchName = dlg.searchName.GetValue().strip()
                # Search Name is required.  If it was eliminated, put it back!
                if searchName == '':
                    searchName = _("Search") + " %s" % searchCount

                # Get the Collections Tree from the Search Form
                collTree = dlg.ctcCollections
                # Get the Collections Tree's Root Node
                collNode = collTree.GetRootItem()
                # Get a list of all the Checked Collections in the Collections Tree
                self.collectionList = dlg.GetCollectionList(
                    collTree, collNode, True)
                # ... and get the search terms from the dialog
                searchTerms = dlg.searchQuery.GetValue().split('\n')
                # Get the includeDocuments info
                includeDocuments = dlg.includeDocuments.IsChecked()
                # Get the includeEpisodes info
                includeEpisodes = dlg.includeEpisodes.IsChecked()
                # Get the includeQuotes info
                includeQuotes = dlg.includeQuotes.IsChecked()
                # Get the includeClips info
                includeClips = dlg.includeClips.IsChecked()
                # Get the includeSnapshots info
                includeSnapshots = dlg.includeSnapshots.IsChecked()
            # Destroy the Search Dialog Box
        elif (searchTerms != None):
            # There's no dialog.  Just say the user said OK.
            result = wx.ID_OK
            # Include Clips.  Do not include Documents or Episodes
            includeDocuments = False
            includeEpisodes = False
            includeClips = True
            # If Pro, Lab, or MU, include Quotes and Snapshots.
            if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                includeQuotes = True
                includeSnapshots = True
                includeQuotes = False
                includeSnapshots = False
        # if kwg and kw are passed in, we're doing a Quick Search
            # There's no dialog.  Just say the user said OK.
            result = wx.ID_OK
            # The Search Name is built from the kwg : kw combination
            searchName = "%s : %s" % (kwg, kw)
            # The Search Terms are just the keyword group and keyword passed in
            searchTerms = ["%s:%s" % (kwg, kw)]
            # Include Clips.  Do not include Documents or Episodes
            includeDocuments = False
            includeEpisodes = False
            includeClips = True
            # If Pro, Lab, or MU, include Quotes and Snapshots.
            if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                includeQuotes = True
                includeSnapshots = True
                includeQuotes = False
                includeSnapshots = False

        # If OK is pressed (or Quick Search), process the requested Search
        if result == wx.ID_OK:
            # Increment the Search Counter
            self.searchCount = searchCount + 1
            # The "Search" node itself is always item 0 in the node list
            searchNode = self.dbTree.select_Node((_("Search"), ),
            # We need to collect a list of the named searches already done.
            namedSearches = []
            # Get the first child node from the Search root node
            (childNode, cookieVal) = self.dbTree.GetFirstChild(searchNode)
            # As long as there are child nodes ...
            while childNode.IsOk():
                # Add the node name to the named searches list ...
                # ... and get the next child node
                 cookieVal) = self.dbTree.GetNextChild(childNode, cookieVal)
            # We need to give each search result a unique name.  So note the search count number
            nameIncrementValue = searchCount
            # As long as there's already a named search with the name we want to use ...
            while (searchName in namedSearches):
                # ... if this is our FIRST attempt ...
                if nameIncrementValue == searchCount:
                    # ... append the appropriate number on the end of the search name
                    searchName += unicode(_(' - Search %d'),
                                          'utf8') % nameIncrementValue
                # ... if this is NOT our first attempt ...
                    # ... remove the previous number and add the appropriate next number to try
                    searchName = searchName[:searchName.rfind(
                        ' ')] + ' %d' % nameIncrementValue
                # Increment our counter by one.  We'll keep trying new numbers until we find one that works.
                nameIncrementValue += 1
            # As long as there's a search name (and there's no longer a way to eliminate it!
            if searchName != '':
                # Add a Search Results Node to the Database Tree
                nodeListBase = [_("Search"), searchName]

                # Build the appropriate Queries based on the Search Query specified in the Search Dialog.
                # (This method parses the Natural Language Search Terms into queries for Episode Search
                #  Terms, for Clip Search Terms, and for Snapshot Search Terms, and includes the appropriate
                #  Parameters to be used with the queries.  Parameters are not integrated into the queries
                #  in order to allow for automatic processing of apostrophes and other text that could
                #  otherwise interfere with the SQL execution.)
                (documentQuery, episodeQuery, quoteQuery, clipQuery, wholeSnapshotQuery, snapshotCodingQuery, params) = \

                # Get a Database Cursor
                dbCursor = DBInterface.get_db().cursor()

                if includeEpisodes:
                    # Adjust query for sqlite, if needed
                    episodeQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(episodeQuery)
                    # Execute the Library/Episode query
                    dbCursor.execute(episodeQuery, tuple(params))

                    # Process the results of the Library/Episode query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # Add the new Transcript(s) to the Database Tree Tab.
                        # To add a Transcript, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                        # We need to add the Library, Episode, and Transcripts to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                        # the current Library and Episode
                        tempLibrary = Library.Library(line['SeriesNum'])
                        tempEpisode = Episode.Episode(line['EpisodeNum'])
                        # Add the Search Root Node, the Search Name, and the current Library and Episode Names.
                        nodeList = (_('Search'), searchName, tempLibrary.id,
                        # Find out what Transcripts exist for each Episode
                        transcriptList = DBInterface.list_transcripts(
                            tempLibrary.id, tempEpisode.id)
                        # If the Episode HAS defined transcripts ...
                        if len(transcriptList) > 0:
                            # Add each Transcript to the Database Tree
                            for (transcriptNum, transcriptID,
                                 episodeNum) in transcriptList:
                                # Add the Transcript Node to the Tree.
                                    nodeList + (transcriptID, ), transcriptNum,
                        # If the Episode has no transcripts, it still has the keywords and SHOULD be displayed!
                            # Add the Transcript-less Episode Node to the Tree.
                            self.dbTree.add_Node('SearchEpisodeNode', nodeList,

                if includeDocuments:
                    # Adjust query for sqlite, if needed
                    documentQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(documentQuery)
                    # Execute the Library/Document query
                    dbCursor.execute(documentQuery, tuple(params))

                    # Process the results of the Library/Document query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # Add the new Document(s) to the Database Tree Tab.
                        # To add a Document, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                        # We need to add the Library and Documents to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                        # the current Library
                        tempLibraryName = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
                        tempDocument = Document.Document(line['DocumentNum'])
                        # Add the Search Root Node, the Search Name, and the current Library Name.
                        nodeList = (_('Search'), searchName, tempLibraryName)
                        # Add the Document Node to the Tree.
                                             nodeList + (tempDocument.id, ),

                if includeQuotes:
                    # Adjust query for sqlite, if needed
                    quoteQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(quoteQuery)
                    # Execute the Collection/Quote query
                    dbCursor.execute(quoteQuery, params)

                    # Process all results of the Collection/Quote query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # Add the new Quote to the Database Tree Tab.
                        # To add a Quote, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                        # We need to add all of the Collection Parents to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                        # the current Collection
                        tempCollection = Collection.Collection(

                        # Add the current Collection Node Data
                        nodeList = tempCollection.GetNodeData()
                        # Get the DB Values
                        tempID = line['QuoteID']
                        # If we're in Unicode mode, format the strings appropriately
                        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                            tempID = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
                        # Now add the Search Root Node and the Search Name to the front of the Node List and the
                        # Quote Name to the back of the Node List
                        nodeList = (_('Search'),
                                    searchName) + nodeList + (tempID, )

                        # Add the Node to the Tree

                if includeClips:
                    # Adjust query for sqlite, if needed
                    clipQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(clipQuery)
                    # Execute the Collection/Clip query
                    dbCursor.execute(clipQuery, params)

                    # Process all results of the Collection/Clip query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # Add the new Clip to the Database Tree Tab.
                        # To add a Clip, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                        # We need to add all of the Collection Parents to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                        # the current Collection
                        tempCollection = Collection.Collection(

                        # Add the current Collection Node Data
                        nodeList = tempCollection.GetNodeData()
                        # Get the DB Values
                        tempID = line['ClipID']
                        # If we're in Unicode mode, format the strings appropriately
                        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                            tempID = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
                        # Now add the Search Root Node and the Search Name to the front of the Node List and the
                        # Clip Name to the back of the Node List
                        nodeList = (_('Search'),
                                    searchName) + nodeList + (tempID, )

                        # Add the Node to the Tree

                if includeSnapshots:
                    # Adjust query for sqlite, if needed
                    wholeSnapshotQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(
                    # Execute the Whole Snapshot query
                    dbCursor.execute(wholeSnapshotQuery, params)

                    # Since we have two sources of Snapshots that get included, we need to track what we've already
                    # added so we don't add the same Snapshot twice
                    addedSnapshots = []

                    # Process all results of the Whole Snapshot query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # Add the new Snapshot to the Database Tree Tab.
                        # To add a Snapshot, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                        # We need to add all of the Collection Parents to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                        # the current Collection
                        tempCollection = Collection.Collection(

                        # Add the current Collection Node Data
                        nodeList = tempCollection.GetNodeData()
                        # Get the DB Values
                        tempID = line['SnapshotID']
                        # If we're in Unicode mode, format the strings appropriately
                        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                            tempID = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
                        # Now add the Search Root Node and the Search Name to the front of the Node List and the
                        # Clip Name to the back of the Node List
                        nodeList = (_('Search'),
                                    searchName) + nodeList + (tempID, )

                        # Add the Node to the Tree
                        # Add the Snapshot to the list of Snapshots added to the Search Result

                        tmpNode = self.dbTree.select_Node(
                    # Adjust query for sqlite if needed
                    snapshotCodingQuery = DBInterface.FixQuery(
                    # Execute the Snapshot Coding query
                    dbCursor.execute(snapshotCodingQuery, params)

                    # Process all results of the Snapshot Coding query
                    for line in DBInterface.fetchall_named(dbCursor):
                        # If the Snapshot is NOT already in the Search Results ...
                        if not (line['SnapshotNum'] in addedSnapshots):
                            # Add the new Snapshot to the Database Tree Tab.
                            # To add a Snapshot, we need to build the node list for the tree's add_Node method to climb.
                            # We need to add all of the Collection Parents to our Node List, so we'll start by loading
                            # the current Collection
                            tempCollection = Collection.Collection(

                            # Add the current Collection Node Data
                            nodeList = tempCollection.GetNodeData()
                            # Get the DB Values
                            tempID = line['SnapshotID']
                            # If we're in Unicode mode, format the strings appropriately
                            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                tempID = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
                            # Now add the Search Root Node and the Search Name to the front of the Node List and the
                            # Clip Name to the back of the Node List
                            nodeList = (_('Search'),
                                        searchName) + nodeList + (tempID, )

                            # Add the Node to the Tree
                            # Add the Snapshot to the list of Snapshots added to the Search Result

                            tmpNode = self.dbTree.select_Node(

                self.searchCount = searchCount

        # If the Search Dialog is cancelled, do NOT increment the Search Number
            self.searchCount = searchCount
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _load_row(self, row):
     """ Load the row of data returned from the database into the Core Data Object's properties """
     self.number = row['CoreDataNum']
     self.id = row['Identifier']
     self.title = row['Title']
     self.creator = row['Creator']
     self.subject = row['Subject']
     self.description = row['Description']
     self.publisher = row['Publisher']
     self.contributor = row['Contributor']
     self.dc_date = row['DCDate']
     self.dc_type = row['DCType']
     self.format = row['Format']
     self.source = row['Source']
     self.language = row['Language']
     self.relation = row['Relation']
     self.coverage = row['Coverage']
     self.rights = row['Rights']
     # If we're in Unicode mode, we need to encode the data from the database appropriately.
     # (unicode(var, TransanaGlobal.encoding) doesn't work, as the strings are already unicode, yet aren't decoded.)
     if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
         self.id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.id)
         self.title = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.title)
         self.creator = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.subject = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.description = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.publisher = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.contributor = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.dc_type = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.format = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.format)
         self.source = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.source)
         self.language = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.relation = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.coverage = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
         self.rights = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.rights)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _load_row(self, row):
        self.number = row['QuoteNum']
        self.id = row['QuoteID']
        self.collection_num = row['CollectNum']
        self.collection_id = row['CollectID']
        self.source_document_num = row['SourceDocumentNum']
        self.start_char = row['StartChar']
        self.end_char = row['EndChar']
        self.sort_order = row['SortOrder']
        self.comment = row['Comment']
        # If we're NOT skipping the XML Text ...
        if not self.skipText:
            # Can I get away with assuming Unicode?
            # Here's the plan:
            #   test for rtf in here, if you find rtf, process normally
            #   if you don't find it, pass data off to some weirdo method in TranscriptEditor.py

            # 1 - Determine encoding, adjust if needed
            # 2 - enact the plan above

            # determine encoding, fix if needed
            if type(row['XMLText']).__name__ == 'array':

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Document._load_row(): 2", row['XMLText'].typecode

                if row['XMLText'].typecode == 'u':
                    self.text = row['XMLText'].tounicode()
                    self.text = row['XMLText'].tostring()
                self.text = row['XMLText']

            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                if type(self.text).__name__ == 'str':
                    temp = self.text[2:5]

                    # check to see if we're working with RTF
                        if temp.encode('utf8') == u'rtf':
                            # convert the data to unicode just to be safe.
                            self.text = unicode(self.text, 'utf-8')

                    except UnicodeDecodeError:
                        # This would sometimes get called while I was using cPickle instead of Pickle.
                        # You could probably remove the exception handling stuff and be okay, but it's
                        # not hurting anything like it is.
                        # self.dlg.editor.load_transcript(transcriptObj, 'pickle')

                        # NOPE.  There is no self.dlg.editor here!

            # self.text gets set to be our data
            # then load_transcript is called, from transcriptionui.LoadTranscript()

            self.plaintext = row['PlainText']

    # If we ARE skipping the text ...
            # set the text to None
            self.text = None
            self.plaintext = None

        self.lastsavetime = row['LastSaveTime']
        self.changed = False

        # If we're in Unicode mode, we need to encode the data from the database appropriately.
        # (unicode(var, TransanaGlobal.encoding) doesn't work, as the strings are already unicode, yet aren't decoded.)
        if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
            self.id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(self.id)
            self.collection_id = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
            self.comment = DBInterface.ProcessDBDataForUTF8Encoding(
            if self.plaintext != None:
                self.plaintext = self.plaintext.decode(TransanaGlobal.encoding)