Exemplo n.º 1
def FirstPlot():
    algo_name = "DFS search"
    input_data = []
    exec_time = []
    for n in range(100, 1100, 100):
        graphList = []
        graph = DFS.Graph(g=graphList)
        vertexList = []
        DFS.createGraph(graph, vertexList, n)
        vertexNum = random.randint(0, n - 1)
        start_time = time.clock()
        end_time = time.clock()
        exec_time.append((end_time - start_time) * 1000)

    CreatePlot(input_data, exec_time, algo_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
import unittest
import DFS

location = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/SCC.txt'
x = DFS.Graph(location)

class TestDFS(unittest.TestCase):

    ##    def setUp(self):
    ##        self.location_DRone = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRone.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRtwo = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRtwo.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRthree = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRthree.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRfour = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRfour.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRfive = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRfive.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRsix = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRsix.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRseven = '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRseven.txt'
    ##        self.location_DReight= '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DReight.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRnine= '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
    ##              +'make_ money/programming/Design and Analysis of Algorithms I/DRnine.txt'
    ##        self.location_DRten= '/Users/faiyamrahman/Desktop/personal improvement/' \
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_DFS(self):
        """! Testing of DFS Method """
        g1 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g1.add_edge((0, 1))
        g1.add_edge((0, 2))
        g1.add_edge((1, 2))
        g1.add_edge((2, 0))
        g1.add_edge((2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(g1.DFS(0), [0, 1, 2, 3])

        g2 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g2.add_edge((0, 1))
        g2.add_edge((1, 2))
        g2.add_edge((2, 3))
        g2.add_edge((3, 4))
        g2.add_edge((4, 0))
        self.assertEqual(g2.DFS(0), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

        g3 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g3.add_edge((0, 1))
        g3.add_edge((1, 0))
        g3.add_edge((0, 2))
        g3.add_edge((2, 0))
        g3.add_edge((1, 2))
        g3.add_edge((2, 1))
        g3.add_edge((2, 3))
        g3.add_edge((3, 2))
        self.assertEqual(g3.DFS(0), [0, 1, 2, 3])

        g4 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g4.add_edge((0, 1))
        g4.add_edge((0, 2))
        g4.add_edge((0, 3))
        g4.add_edge((0, 4))
        g4.add_edge((1, 3))
        g4.add_edge((2, 5))
        self.assertEqual(g4.DFS(0), [0, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4])

        g5 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g5.add_edge((0, 2))
        g5.add_edge((6, 3))
        g5.add_edge((6, 2))
        g5.add_edge((4, 5))
        g5.add_edge((6, 5))
        g5.add_edge((4, 1))
        self.assertEqual(g5.DFS(0), [0, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 1])

        g6 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g6.add_edge((0, 1))
        g6.add_edge((0, 2))
        g6.add_edge((0, 3))
        g6.add_edge((0, 4))
        g6.add_edge((0, 5))
        g6.add_edge((0, 6))
        g6.add_edge((1, 6))
        g6.add_edge((6, 5))
        g6.add_edge((5, 4))
        g6.add_edge((4, 3))
        g6.add_edge((3, 2))
        g6.add_edge((2, 1))
        self.assertEqual(g6.DFS(0), [0, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_eq(self):
        """! Testing of __eq__ Method """
        g1 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g1.add_edge((0, 1))
        g1.add_edge((0, 2))
        g1.add_edge((1, 2))
        g1.add_edge((2, 0))
        g1.add_edge((2, 3))

        g2 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g2.add_edge((0, 1))
        g2.add_edge((0, 2))
        g2.add_edge((1, 2))
        g2.add_edge((2, 0))
        g2.add_edge((2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(True, g1 == g2)

        g3 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g3.add_edge((0, 1))
        g3.add_edge((1, 2))
        g3.add_edge((2, 3))
        g3.add_edge((3, 4))
        g3.add_edge((4, 0))

        g4 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g4.add_edge((0, 1))
        g4.add_edge((1, 2))
        g4.add_edge((2, 3))
        g4.add_edge((3, 4))
        g4.add_edge((4, 0))
        self.assertEqual(True, g3 == g4)

        g5 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g5.add_edge((0, 1))
        g5.add_edge((1, 0))
        g5.add_edge((0, 2))
        g5.add_edge((2, 0))
        g5.add_edge((1, 2))
        g5.add_edge((2, 1))
        g5.add_edge((2, 3))
        g5.add_edge((3, 2))

        g6 = DFS.Graph(True)
        g6.add_edge((0, 1))
        g6.add_edge((1, 0))
        g6.add_edge((0, 2))
        g6.add_edge((2, 0))
        g6.add_edge((1, 2))
        g6.add_edge((2, 1))
        g6.add_edge((2, 3))
        g6.add_edge((3, 2))
        self.assertEqual(True, g5 == g6)

        g7 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g7.add_edge((0, 1))
        g7.add_edge((0, 2))
        g7.add_edge((0, 3))
        g7.add_edge((0, 4))
        g7.add_edge((1, 3))
        g7.add_edge((2, 5))

        g8 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g8.add_edge((0, 1))
        g8.add_edge((0, 2))
        g8.add_edge((0, 3))
        g8.add_edge((0, 4))
        g8.add_edge((1, 3))
        g8.add_edge((2, 5))
        self.assertEqual(True, g7 == g8)

        g9 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g9.add_edge((0, 2))
        g9.add_edge((6, 3))
        g9.add_edge((6, 2))
        g9.add_edge((4, 5))
        g9.add_edge((6, 5))
        g9.add_edge((4, 1))

        g10 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g10.add_edge((0, 2))
        g10.add_edge((6, 3))
        g10.add_edge((6, 2))
        g10.add_edge((4, 5))
        g10.add_edge((6, 5))
        g10.add_edge((4, 1))
        self.assertEqual(True, g9 == g10)

        g11 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g11.add_edge((0, 1))
        g11.add_edge((0, 2))
        g11.add_edge((0, 3))
        g11.add_edge((0, 4))
        g11.add_edge((0, 5))
        g11.add_edge((0, 6))
        g11.add_edge((1, 6))
        g11.add_edge((6, 5))
        g11.add_edge((5, 4))
        g11.add_edge((4, 3))
        g11.add_edge((3, 2))
        g11.add_edge((2, 1))

        g12 = DFS.Graph(False)
        g12.add_edge((0, 1))
        g12.add_edge((0, 2))
        g12.add_edge((0, 3))
        g12.add_edge((0, 4))
        g12.add_edge((0, 5))
        g12.add_edge((0, 6))
        g12.add_edge((1, 6))
        g12.add_edge((6, 5))
        g12.add_edge((5, 4))
        g12.add_edge((4, 3))
        g12.add_edge((3, 2))
        g12.add_edge((2, 1))
        self.assertEqual(True, g11 == g12)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    files = []

    if len(sys.argv) < 3:


        datainputfile = sys.argv[1]
        traversaltype = sys.argv[2]

        # datainputfile = '11PointDFSBFS.tsp'
        # traversaltype = 'BFS'

        totalpoints, coordlist = load(datainputfile)

        if (traversaltype == 'BFS'):

                "Using Traversal type : Breadth First Search Algorithm to find the shortest path"
                "Below are the list of all possible traversal paths and we are going to find shortest route among them"

            # Creating a BFScl object and storing the graph data in the object property

            g = BFScl.Graphbfscl(11)
            g.addEdge(1, 2)
            g.addEdge(1, 3)
            g.addEdge(1, 4)
            g.addEdge(2, 3)
            g.addEdge(3, 4)
            g.addEdge(3, 5)
            g.addEdge(4, 5)
            g.addEdge(4, 6)
            g.addEdge(4, 7)
            g.addEdge(5, 7)
            g.addEdge(5, 8)
            g.addEdge(6, 8)
            g.addEdge(7, 9)
            g.addEdge(7, 10)
            g.addEdge(8, 9)
            g.addEdge(8, 10)
            g.addEdge(8, 11)
            g.addEdge(9, 11)

            # Generating all possible paths by invoking the object member function

            g.generatePaths(1, 11)

            # reusing project1 code to calculate distance for list of paths and find shortest of all

            shortroute = modlist(g.finalpaths, totalpoints, coordlist)
            print("Shortest path using BFS Algorithm: ", shortroute)

        if (traversaltype == 'DFS'):
                "Using Traversal type : Depth First Search Algorithm to find the shortest path"
                "Below are the list of all possible traversal paths and we are going to find shortest route among them"

            # Creating a DFS object and storing the graph data in the object property

            g = DFS.Graph(11)
            g.addEdge(1, 2)
            g.addEdge(1, 3)
            g.addEdge(1, 4)
            g.addEdge(2, 3)
            g.addEdge(3, 4)
            g.addEdge(3, 5)
            g.addEdge(4, 5)
            g.addEdge(4, 6)
            g.addEdge(4, 7)
            g.addEdge(5, 7)
            g.addEdge(5, 8)
            g.addEdge(6, 8)
            g.addEdge(7, 9)
            g.addEdge(7, 10)
            g.addEdge(8, 9)
            g.addEdge(8, 10)
            g.addEdge(8, 11)
            g.addEdge(9, 11)

            graphdata = [[2, 3, 4], [3], [4, 5], [5, 6, 7], [7, 8], [8],
                         [9, 10], [9, 10, 11], [11]]
            # Generating all possible paths by invoking the object member function
            g.getAllPaths(1, 11)

            # reusing project1 code to calculate distance for list of paths and find the shortest of all

            shortroute = modlist(g.finalpaths, totalpoints, coordlist)
            print("Shortest path using DFS Algorithm: ", shortroute)

            plotgraph(totalpoints, coordlist, shortroute[0])