Exemplo n.º 1
def getSoftwareEnviron(package, environ=None):
    Check shared and local Area for the given package and return 
    the new environ dictionary
    if environ == None:
        environ = dict(os.environ)
    elif type(environ) == DictType:
        environ = dict(environ)
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('environ argument must be a dictionary')

    gLogger.notice('Getting environment for', package)

    for area in [workingArea(), sharedArea(), localArea()]:
        if area:
            if not checkSoftwarePackage(package, area)['OK']:
            fileName = _getEnvFileName(package, area)
            base = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]
            gLogger.info('Sourcing file to get environment:', fileName)
            result = DIRAC.sourceEnv(TIMEOUT, [base], environ)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            if result['stdout']:
            return DIRAC.S_OK(result['outputEnv'])

    # If we get here it means the package has not been found
    return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Failed to get Environment')
def getMatchingFiles(args):
    """ simple wrapper to download data files matching a pattern
    Keyword arguments:
    args -- a list of arguments in order []
    # check command line
    if len(args)!=1:
        res['Message'] = 'just give the function you wish to use: sub5, sub2sub5, HB9SCT'
        return res

    # now do something
    funcName = args[0] 

    # What shall we verify ?
    if funcName == "sub5":
    elif funcName == "sub2sub5":
    elif funcName == "HB9SCT":
        res['Message'] = 'Function "%s" not known'% funcName
    return res
Exemplo n.º 3
def verifyMerging(nbFiles=10, minSize=5000.):
    """ Verify a PROD3 simtel merging step
    Keyword arguments:
    nbFiles -- number of output files expected
    minSize -- minimum file size
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying Merging step')
    # get list of output files
    # check the number of output files --- could be done by telescope type
    if N != nbFiles :
        DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Wrong number of Simtel Merged files : %s instead of %s' % ( N, nbFiles ) )
        cleanFiles( outputFiles )
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    # check the file size --- could be done by telescope type
    for afile in outputFiles:
        if sizekb < minSize:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error( '%s\n File size too small : %s < %s kb' % ( afile, sizekb, minSize ) )
            cleanFiles( outputFiles )
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    DIRAC.gLogger.info( 'Good files found:\n%s'%'\n'.join(outputFiles) )            
    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def execute(self):
      The method called by the Workflow framework
        from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import systemCall
        from CTADIRAC.Core.Utilities.SoftwareInstallation import getSoftwareEnviron
        ret = self.__checkInputs()
        if not ret['OK']:
            return ret

        ret = getSoftwareEnviron(self.softwarePackage)
        if not ret['OK']:
            error = ret['Message']
            self.log.error(error, self.softwarePackage)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(' '.join([error, str(self.softwarePackage)]))

        envdispEnviron = ret['Value']

        cmdTuple = [self.edExe]

        self.log.notice('Executing command tuple:', cmdTuple)

        ret = systemCall(0, cmdTuple, self.sendOutput, env=envdispEnviron)

        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to execute evndisp:', ret['Message'])
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Can not execute evndisp')

        status, stdout, stderr = ret['Value']

        self.log.notice('evndisp status is:', status)

        return status
Exemplo n.º 5
def verify_corsika():
    """ Verify a generic Corsika log file
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying Corsika log file')

    # get list of output files
    log_file = glob.glob('Data/corsika/run*/run*.log')
    if len(log_file) != 1:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('no log file found!')
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    # check EOR tag
    tag = '=== END OF RUN ==='
    content = open(log_file[0]).read()
    if content.find(tag) < 0:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('"%s" tag not found!' % tag)
        corsika_files = list(os.popen('find . -iname "*corsika.*z*"'))
        if len(corsika_files) > 0:
        simtel_files = list(os.popen('find . -iname "*simtel.*z*"'))
        if len(simtel_files) > 0:
        log_gz_files = list(os.popen('find . -iname "*log.*z*"'))
        if len(log_gz_files) > 0:
        log_hist_files = list(os.popen('find . -iname "*log_hist.tar"'))
        if len(log_hist_files) > 0:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __addInstanceHistory(self,
    Insert a History Record
            load = float(load)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR("Load has to be a float value")
            jobs = int(jobs)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR("Jobs has to be an integer value")
            transferredFiles = int(transferredFiles)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(
                "Transferred files has to be an integer value")

        self._insert('vm_History', [
            'VMInstanceID', 'Status', 'Load', 'Update', 'Jobs',
            'TransferredFiles', 'TransferredBytes'
        ], [
            instanceID, status, load,
            DIRAC.Time.toString(), jobs, transferredFiles, transferredBytes
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __getStatus(self, object, id):
    Check and return status of Images and Instances by ID
      S_OK(Status) if Status is valid and not Error 
      S_ERROR(ErrorMessage) otherwise
        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple(object)
        if not tableName:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Unknown DB object: %s' % object)

        ret = self._getFields(tableName, ['Status', 'ErrorMessage'], [idName],
        if not ret['OK']:
            return ret

        if not ret['Value']:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Unknown %s = %s' % (idName, id))

        (status, msg) = ret['Value'][0]
        if not status in validStates:
            return self.__setError(object, id, 'Invalid Status: %s' % status)
        if status == validStates[-1]:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(msg)

        return DIRAC.S_OK(status)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __getSubmittedInstanceID(self, imageName):
    Retrieve and InstanceID associated to a submitted Instance for a given Image
        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple('Image')
        imageID = self._getFields(tableName, [idName], ['Name'], [imageName])
        if not imageID['OK']:
            return imageID

        if not imageID['Value']:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Unknown Image = %s' % imageName)

        if len(imageID['Value']) <> 1:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Image name "%s" is not unique' % imageName)

        imageID = imageID['Value'][0][0]
        imageIDName = idName

        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple('Instance')

        instanceID = self._getFields(tableName, [idName],
                                     [imageIDName, 'Status'],
                                     [imageID, 'Submitted'])
        if not instanceID['OK']:
            return instanceID

        if not instanceID['Value']:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('No Submitted instance of "%s" found' %

        return DIRAC.S_OK(instanceID['Value'][0][0])
Exemplo n.º 9
def getImageDict(imageName):
  Return from CS a Dictionary with Image definition
    imagesCSPath = '/Resources/VirtualMachines/Images'
    definedImages = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections(imagesCSPath)
    if not definedImages['OK']:
        return definedImages

    if imageName not in definedImages['Value']:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Image "%s" not defined' % imageName)

    imageCSPath = '%s/%s' % (imagesCSPath, imageName)

    imageDict = {}
    flavor = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue('%s/Flavor' % imageCSPath, '')
    if not flavor:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Missing Flavor for image "%s"' % imageName)
    for option, value in DIRAC.gConfig.getOptionsDict(
        imageDict[option] = value
    imageRequirementsDict = DIRAC.gConfig.getOptionsDict('%s/Requirements' %
    if not imageRequirementsDict['OK']:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Missing Requirements for image "%s"' % imageName)
    if 'CPUTime' in imageRequirementsDict['Value']:
        imageRequirementsDict['Value']['CPUTime'] = int(
    imageDict['Requirements'] = imageRequirementsDict['Value']

    return DIRAC.S_OK(imageDict)
Exemplo n.º 10
def verify(args):
    """ simple wrapper to put and register all PROD3 files
    Keyword arguments:
    args -- a list of arguments in order []
    # check command line
    if len(args) < 3 :
        res['Message'] = 'verify requires at least nbFiles and fileSize as arguments'
        return res

    # now do something
    stepType = args[0]
    nbFiles  = int(args[1])
    fileSize = float(args[2])
    if len(args)==4 :
      path = args[3]

    # What shall we verify ?
    if stepType == "corsika":
        res=verifyCorsika(nbFiles, fileSize)
    elif stepType == "simtel":
        res=verifySimtel(nbFiles, fileSize)
    elif stepType == "merging":
        res=verifyMerging(nbFiles, fileSize)
    elif stepType == "analysisinputs":
        res = verifyAnalysisInputs( fileSize )
    elif stepType == "generic":
        res = verifyGeneric( nbFiles, fileSize, path )
        res['Message'] = 'Do not know how to verify "%s"'% stepType
    return res
def verify_corsika():
    """ Verify a generic Corsika log file
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying Corsika log file')

    # get list of output files
    log_file = glob.glob('Data/corsika/run*/run*.log')
    if len(log_file) != 1:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('"=== END OF RUN ===" not found!')
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    # check EOR tag
    tag = '=== END OF RUN ==='
    content = open(log_file[0]).read()
    if content.find(tag) < 0:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('"%s" tag not found!' % tag)
        corsika_files = glob.glob('Data/corsika/run*/*corsika.*z*')
        if len(corsika_files) > 0:
        simtel_files = glob.glob('Data/sim_telarray/*/*/Data/*simtel.*z*')
        if len(simtel_files) > 0:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 12
def testMultiThreading(tries):
    import random
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Testing MySQL MultiThreading')
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('First adding 10 K records')
    if not DB.checktable()['OK']:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    if not DB.filltable(10000)['OK']:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    i = 0
    # overthread = 0
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Now querying 100 K in MultiThread mode')
    while i < tries:
        if not i % 1000:
            DIRAC.gLogger.info('Query:', i)
            overthread = 0
        i += 1
        id = int(random.uniform(0, 10000)) + 1
        t = threading.Thread(target=testRetrieve, args=(id, ))
    n = threading.activeCount()
    while n > 1:
        DIRAC.gLogger.info('Waiting for Treads to end:', n)
        n = threading.activeCount()

    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Total retrieved values', Success)
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Total Errors', Error)
    return DIRAC.S_OK((Success, Error))
Exemplo n.º 13
def verifyCorsika( nbFiles = 6, minSize = 50. ):
    """ Verify a PROD3 corsika step
    Keyword arguments:
    nbFiles -- number of output files expected
    minSize -- minimum file size
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying Corsika step')

    # get list of output files
    # check the number of output files
    if N != nbFiles :
        DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Wrong number of Corsika files : %s instead of %s' % ( N, nbFiles ) )
        cleanFiles( outputFiles )
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    # check the file size
    for afile in outputFiles:
        if sizekb < minSize:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error( '%s\n File size too small : %s < %s kb' % ( afile, sizekb, minSize ) )
            cleanFiles( outputFiles )
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    DIRAC.gLogger.info( 'Good files found:\n%s'%'\n'.join(outputFiles) )
    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 14
def verifySimtel(nbFiles=31, minSize=50.):
    """ Verify a PROD3 simtel step
    Keyword arguments:
    nbFiles -- number of output files expected
    minSize -- minimum file size
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying Simtel step')
    # get list of output files
    outputFiles = glob.glob('Data/simtel_tmp/Data/*simtel.gz')

    # check the number of output files --- could be done by telescope type
    N = len(outputFiles)
    if N != nbFiles:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('Wrong number of Simtel files : %s instead of %s' %
                            (N, nbFiles))
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    # check the file size --- could be done by telescope type
    for afile in outputFiles:
        sizekb = os.path.getsize(afile) / 1024.
        if sizekb < minSize:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error('%s\n File size too small : %s < %s kb' %
                                (afile, sizekb, minSize))
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 15
def createDstFileSystAndMD():
    # Creating INDEXES in DFC DB
    dstDirMDFields = {}
    dstDirMDFields['dstProdVersion'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'

    # Adding Directory level metadata Values to DFC
    dstDirMD = {}
    dstDirMD['dstProdVersion'] = dstProdVersion

    res = createDirAndInsertMD(dstDirPath, dstDirMD)
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('MD Error: Problem creating Dst Directory MD ')

    dstDataDirPath = os.path.join(dstDirPath, 'Data')
    dstDataDirMD = {}
    dstDataDirMD['outputType'] = 'dstData'
    res = createDirAndInsertMD(dstDataDirPath, dstDataDirMD)
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Problem creating Dst Data Directory MD ')

    dstHistoDirPath = os.path.join(dstDirPath, 'Histograms')
    dstHistoDirMD = {}
    dstHistoDirMD['outputType'] = 'dstHisto'
    res = createDirAndInsertMD(dstHistoDirPath, dstHistoDirMD)
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Problem creating Dst Histo Directory MD ')

    return DIRAC.S_OK('Dst Directory MD successfully created')
def verifyGeneric(nbFiles=1, minSize=50., path='Data/*'):
    """ Verify a PROD3 generic step

    Keyword arguments:
    nbFiles -- number of output files expected
    minSize -- minimum file size
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Verifying generic step output')

    # get list of output files
    outputFiles = glob.glob(path)

    # check the number of output files
    N = len(outputFiles)
    if N != nbFiles:
        DIRAC.gLogger.error('Wrong number of output files : %s instead of %s' %
                            (N, nbFiles))
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR()

    # check the file size
    for afile in outputFiles:
        sizekb = os.path.getsize(afile) / 1024.
        if sizekb < minSize:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error('%s\n File size too small : %s < %s kb' %
                                (afile, sizekb, minSize))
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
    DIRAC.gLogger.info('Good files found:\n%s' % '\n'.join(outputFiles))
    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 17
def createCorsikaFileSystAndMD():
    # before creating indexes, it would be fine to know what are those that already exist in the DB
    # Creating INDEXES in DFC DB
    corsikaDirMDFields = {}
    corsikaDirMDFields['prodName'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'
    corsikaDirMDFields['thetaP'] = 'float'
    corsikaDirMDFields['phiP'] = 'float'
    corsikaDirMDFields['altitude'] = 'float'
    corsikaDirMDFields['particle'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'
    corsikaDirMDFields['energyInfo'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'
    corsikaDirMDFields['viewCone'] = 'float'
    corsikaDirMDFields['corsikaProdVersion'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'
    corsikaDirMDFields['nbShowers'] = 'int'
    corsikaDirMDFields['outputType'] = 'VARCHAR(128)'
    corsikaDirMDFields['runNumSeries'] = 'int'


    # Adding Directory level metadata Values to DFC
    corsikaDirMD = {}
    corsikaDirMD['thetaP'] = thetaP
    corsikaDirMD['phiP'] = phiP
    corsikaDirMD['altitude'] = obslev
    corsikaDirMD['energyInfo'] = energyInfo
    corsikaDirMD['corsikaProdVersion'] = corsikaProdVersion

    res = createDirAndInsertMD(corsikaDirPath, corsikaDirMD)
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Problem creating Corsika Directory MD ')

    corsikaParticleDirMD = {}
    corsikaParticleDirMD['particle'] = particle
    corsikaParticleDirMD['viewCone'] = viewCone

    res = createDirAndInsertMD(corsikaParticleDirPath, corsikaParticleDirMD)
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Problem creating Corsika Particle Directory MD ')

    corsikaParticleDataDirPath = os.path.join(corsikaParticleDirPath, 'Data')
    corsikaParticleDataDirMD = {}
    corsikaParticleDataDirMD['outputType'] = 'corsikaData'
    res = createDirAndInsertMD(corsikaParticleDataDirPath,
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR(
            'Problem creating Corsika Particle Data Directory MD ')

    corsikaParticleLogDirPath = os.path.join(corsikaParticleDirPath, 'Log')
    corsikaParticleLogDirMD = {}
    corsikaParticleLogDirMD['outputType'] = 'corsikaLog'
    res = createDirAndInsertMD(corsikaParticleLogDirPath,
    if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR(
            'Problem creating Corsika Particle Log Directory MD ')

    return DIRAC.S_OK('Corsika Directory MD successfully created')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def execute(self):
      The method called by the Workflow framework
        from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import systemCall
        from CTADIRAC.Core.Utilities.SoftwareInstallation import getSoftwareEnviron
        from CTADIRAC.Core.Utilities.SoftwareInstallation import localArea

        ret = self.__checkInputs()
        if not ret['OK']:
            return ret

        ret = getSoftwareEnviron(self.softwarePackage)
        if not ret['OK']:
            error = ret['Message']
            self.log.error(error, self.softwarePackage)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(' '.join([error, str(self.softwarePackage)]))

        hapEnviron = ret['Value']
        hessroot = hapEnviron['HESSROOT']

        rootlogon_file = hessroot + '/rootlogon.C'
        cp_cmd = 'cp ' + rootlogon_file + ' .'

        fileName = hessroot + self.rootMacro

        if fileName[-1] == '+':
            # If the macro has to be compiled there is an extra "+" at the end of its name
            fileName = fileName[:-1]

        if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
            error = 'Hap Root macro file does not exist:'
            self.log.error(error, fileName)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(' '.join([error, fileName]))

        fileName = hessroot + self.rootMacro

        cmdTuple = ['root', '-b', '-q']

        cmdTuple += [
            '%s( %s )' %
            (fileName, ', '.join(self.rootArguments).replace("'", '"'))

        self.log.notice('Executing command tuple:', cmdTuple)

        ret = systemCall(0, cmdTuple, self.sendOutput, env=hapEnviron)

        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to execute Root:', ret['Message'])
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Can not execute Hap root macro')

        return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __setError(self, object, id, reason):
        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple(object)
        if not tableName:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Unknown DB object: %s' % object)

        cmd = 'UPDATE `%s` SET Status = "%s", ErrorMessage = "%s", LastUpdate = UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE %s = %s' % (
            tableName, validStates[-1], reason, idName, id)
        ret = self._update(cmd)
        if not ret['OK']:
            return ret

        return DIRAC.S_ERROR(reason)
Exemplo n.º 20
  def execute( self ):
      The method called by the Workflow framework
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import systemCall
    from CTADIRAC.Core.Utilities.SoftwareInstallation import getSoftwareEnviron
    ret = self.__checkInputs()
    if not ret['OK']:
      return ret

    ret = getSoftwareEnviron( self.softwarePackage )
    if not ret['OK']:
      error = ret['Message']
      self.log.error( error, self.softwarePackage )
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( ' '.join( [ error, str( self.softwarePackage ) ] ) )

    rootEnviron = ret['Value']

    fileName = self.rootMacro
    if fileName[-1] == '+':
      # If the macro has to be compiled there is an extra "+" at the end of its name
      fileName = fileName[:-1]
    if not os.path.isfile( fileName ):
      error = 'Root macro file does not exist:'
      self.log.error( error, fileName )
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( ' '.join( [ error, fileName ] ) )

    cmdTuple = ['root', '-b', '-q']
    cmdTuple += ['%s( %s )' % ( self.rootMacro, ', '.join( self.rootArguments ).replace( "'", '"' ) ) ]

    self.log.info( 'Executing command tuple:', cmdTuple )

    ret = systemCall( 0, cmdTuple, env = rootEnviron )

    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to execute Root:', ret['Message'] )
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Can not execute root' )

    status, stdout, stderr = ret['Value']
    if status:
      self.log.error( 'Root execution reports Error:', status )
      self.log.error( stdout )
      self.log.error( stderr )
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Failed root Execution' )

    self.log.info( 'Root stdout:' )
    self.log.info( stdout )

    return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 21
    def putAndRegister(self,
        """ put and register one file and set metadata
        # ## Get the list of Production SE
        res = self._getSEList('ProductionOutputs', DataType)
        if res['OK']:
            ProductionSEList = res['Value']
            return res

        # ## Get the list of Failover SE
        res = self._getSEList('ProductionOutputsFailover', DataType)
        if res['OK']:
            FailoverSEList = res['Value']
            return res

        # ## Upload file to a Production SE
        res = self._putAndRegisterToSEList(lfn, localfile, ProductionSEList)
        if not res['OK']:
                'Failed to upload file to any Production SE: %s' %
            # ## Upload file to a Failover SE
            res = self._putAndRegisterToSEList(lfn, localfile, FailoverSEList)
            if not res['OK']:
                return DIRAC.S_ERROR(
                    'Failed to upload file to any Failover SE: %s' %

        # ## Set file metadata: jobID, subarray, sct
        if res['OK']:
            fmd = json.loads(filemetadata)
            if os.environ.has_key('JOBID'):
                fmd.update({'jobID': os.environ['JOBID']})
            filename = os.path.basename(localfile)
            # set subarray and sct md from filename
            p = re.compile('subarray-\d+')
            if p.search(filename) != None:
                subarray = p.search(filename).group()
                fmd.update({'subarray': subarray})
            sct = 'False'
            p = re.compile('nosct')
            psct = re.compile('sct')
            if p.search(filename) == None and psct.search(filename) != None:
                sct = 'True'
            # ## Set sct flag only for production data
            res = self.fcc.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
            if DataType == 'SimtelProd' and res['Value'][
                    'outputType'] == 'Data':
                fmd.update({'sct': sct})
            res = self.fc.setMetadata(lfn, fmd)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res

            return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 22
    def install_software(self, tar_lfn, target_dir='.'):
        """ install software package in the current directory
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Installing package at %s'%tar_lfn)

        # Download the tar file
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Trying to download package:', tar_lfn)
        res = self.dm.getFile(tar_lfn)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        if tar_lfn in res['Value']['Successful']:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice(' Package downloaded successfully:', tar_lfn)
            error = 'Failed to download package:', tar_lfn
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR(error)

        # Extract the tar file to the target directory
        tar_mode = "r|*"
        tar = tarfile.open(tar_lfn, tar_mode)
        for tarInfo in tar:
            tar.extract(tarInfo, target_dir)
        # Done
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Package %s installed successfully at:\n%s'
                             %(tar_lfn, target_dir))

        return DIRAC.S_OK(target_dir)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _search_software(self, package, version, compiler, use_cvmfs):
        ''' Look for sotfware package
        # software package category
        category = self.SOFT_CATEGORY_DICT[package]
        # look for software on cvmfs
        if use_cvmfs:
            package_dir = os.path.join(self.CVMFS_DIR, 'centos7',
                                       compiler, category, package, version)
            if os.path.isdir(package_dir):
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Found package %s version %s at:\n%s' %
                                     (package, version, package_dir))
                return DIRAC.S_OK({'Source':'cvmfs', 'Path':package_dir})
                DIRAC.gLogger.warn('%s\n not found on cvmfs'%package_dir)
        # look for tarball in the Dirac file catalog
            package_dir = os.path.join(self.LFN_ROOT, 'centos7',
                                       compiler, category, package, version)
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Looking for tarball in %s'%package_dir)
            results = self.dm.getFilesFromDirectory(package_dir)
                first_file_path = results['Value'][0]
                if first_file_path[-7:] == '.tar.gz':
                    results = self.dm.getActiveReplicas(first_file_path)
                    if results['OK']:
                        return DIRAC.S_OK({'Source':'tarball', 'Path':package_dir})
                DIRAC.gLogger.warn('No usual tarball found in the directory')

        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Could not find package %s / %s / %s in any location'
                             % (package, version, compiler))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def checkSoftwarePackage(self,
        """ check if the software package is installed in any software area
      Keyword arguments:
      package -- package name as the directory name
      version -- software version as the directory name
      arch -- architecture as the directory name

        # if area is specified, just get the shared area
        if area:
            areaList = self._getSharedArea()
            areaList = self._getSoftwareAreas()

        if len(areaList) == 0:
            DIRAC.gLogger.warn('No software area is available')

        # ## look for the package directory in the software areas
        for area in areaList:
            package_dir = os.path.join(area, arch,
                                       package, version)
            if os.path.isdir(package_dir):
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Found package %s version %s at:\n%s' %
                                     (package, version, area))
                return DIRAC.S_OK(package_dir)

        return DIRAC.S_ERROR(
            'Could not find package %s version %s in any location' %
            (package, version))
Exemplo n.º 25
  def _getSEList( self, SEType = 'ProductionOutputs', DataType = 'SimtelProd' ):
    """ get from CS the list of available SE for data upload
    opsHelper = Operations()
    optionName = os.path.join( SEType, DataType )
    SEList = opsHelper.getValue( optionName , [] )
    SEList = List.randomize( SEList )
    DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'List of %s SE: %s ' % ( SEType, SEList ) )

    # # Check if the local SE is in the list. If yes try it first by reversing list order
    localSEList = []
    res = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )
    if res['OK']:
      localSEList = res['Value']

    retainedlocalSEList = []
    for localSE in localSEList:
      if localSE in SEList:
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'The local Storage Element is an available SE: ', localSE )
        retainedlocalSEList.append( localSE )
        SEList.remove( localSE )

    SEList = retainedlocalSEList + SEList
    if len( SEList ) == 0:
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Error in building SEList' )

    return DIRAC.S_OK( SEList )
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _putAndRegisterToSEList( self, lfn, localfile, SEList ):
   """ put and register one file to one SE in the SEList
   # ## Try to upload file to a SE in the list
   for SE in SEList:
     msg = 'Try to upload local file: %s \nwith LFN: %s \nto %s' % ( localfile, lfn, SE )
     DIRAC.gLogger.notice( msg )
     res = self.dm.putAndRegister( lfn, localfile, SE )
     # ##  check if failed
     if not res['OK']:
       DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Failed to putAndRegister %s \nto %s \nwith message: %s' % ( lfn, SE, res['Message'] ) )
       DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Trying to clean up %s' % lfn)
       res = self.dm.removeFile(lfn)
       if res['OK']:
         DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Successfully removed %s \n that was not supposed to have been uploaded successfully' % lfn)
     elif res['Value']['Failed'].has_key( lfn ):
       DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Failed to putAndRegister %s to %s' % ( lfn, SE ) )
       DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Trying to clean up %s' % lfn)
       res = self.dm.removeFile(lfn)
       if res['OK']:
         DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Successfully removed %s \n that was not supposed to have been uploaded successfully' % lfn)
       return DIRAC.S_OK()
   return DIRAC.S_ERROR()
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __insertInstance(self, imageName, instanceName):
    Attempts to insert a new Instance for the given Image
        image = self.__getImageID(imageName)
        if not image['OK']:
            return image
        imageID = image['Value']

        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple('Instance')

        fields = ['Name', 'VMImageID', 'Status', 'LastUpdate']
        values = [instanceName, imageID, validStates[0], DIRAC.Time.toString()]
        result = getImageDict(imageName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        imgDict = result['Value']
        if 'MaxAllowedPrice' in imgDict:

        instance = self._insert(tableName, fields, values)

        if instance['OK'] and 'lastRowId' in instance:
            self.__addInstanceHistory(instance['lastRowId'], validStates[0])
            return DIRAC.S_OK(instance['lastRowId'])

        if not instance['OK']:
            return instance

        return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Failed to insert new Instance')
Exemplo n.º 28
 def setProxyStrength(self, arg):
         self.proxyStrength = int(arg)
         print "Can't parse %s bits! Is it a number?" % arg
         return DIRAC.S_ERROR("Can't parse strength argument")
     return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 29
    def execute(self):
      Check if requested packages are available in shared Area
      otherwise install them locally
        # For the moment CTA does not use any kind if "platform" only slc5 64bit is supported ???
        if not self.packs:
            # There is nothing to do
            return DIRAC.S_OK()
        if self.sharedArea:
            gLogger.notice('Using Shared Area at:', self.sharedArea)
        if self.localArea:
            gLogger.notice('Using Local Area at:', self.localArea)

        for package in self.packs:
            gLogger.notice('Checking:', package)
            if self.sharedArea:
                if checkSoftwarePackage(package, self.sharedArea)['OK']:
                    gLogger.notice('Package found in Shared Area:', package)
            if self.localArea:
                if checkSoftwarePackage(package, self.localArea)['OK']:
                    gLogger.notice('Package found in Local Area:', package)
                if installSoftwarePackage(package, self.localArea)['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Check Failed for software package:', package)
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('%s not available' % package)

        return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 30
    def getInstancesByStatus(self, status):
    Get dictionary of Image Names with InstanceIDs in given status 
        if status not in self.validInstanceStates:
            return DIRAC.S_ERROR('Status %s is not known' % status)

        (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple('Instance')

        runningInstances = self._getFields(tableName,
                                           ['VMImageID', 'UniqueID'],
                                           ['Status'], [status])
        if not runningInstances['OK']:
            return runningInstances
        runningInstances = runningInstances['Value']
        instancesDict = {}
        imagesDict = {}
        for imageID, uniqueID in runningInstances:
            if not imageID in imagesDict:
                (tableName, validStates, idName) = self.__getTypeTuple('Image')
                imageName = self._getFields(tableName, ['Name'], [idName],
                if not imageName['OK']:
                imagesDict[imageID] = imageName['Value'][0][0]
            if not imagesDict[imageID] in instancesDict:
                instancesDict[imagesDict[imageID]] = []

        return DIRAC.S_OK(instancesDict)