Exemplo n.º 1
    def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
        if ircmsgs.isCtcp(msg) and not ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
        channel = msg.args[0]
        if irc.isChannel(channel):
            if ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
                text = ircmsgs.unAction(msg)
                text = msg.args[1]
            for url in utils.web.urlRe.findall(text):
                m = re.search("battle.net/d3/en/calculator/([\\w-]+)#([\\w\\.]+)!([\\w\\.]+)!([\\w\\.]+)", url)
                if m:
                    sk = [self.skilldata[m.group(1)]["skills"][f] for f in self._hash_decode(m.group(2))]
                    out = self.classes[m.group(1)] + ": " #classname
                    out += ", ".join(["%s (%s)" % (sk[n]["name"], ("none" if f < 0 else sk[n]["runes"][f]["name"])) for (n, f) in enumerate(self._hash_decode(m.group(4)))]) #skills
                    out += " / "
                    out += ", ".join([self.skilldata[m.group(1)]["traits"][f]["name"] for f in self._hash_decode(m.group(3))]) #traits
                    irc.reply(out, prefixNick=False)
                    return  #no need no check the other url formats.
                m = re.search("twitter.com/(?:#!/)?.+/status(?:es)?/(\d+)", url)
                if m:
                    resp, j = self._h.request("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show/%s.json" % m.group(1), "GET")
                    tjson = json.loads(j)
                    irc.reply("%s (%s): %s" % (tjson["user"]["screen_name"], tjson["user"]["name"], tjson["text"]), prefixNick=False)
                m = re.search("redd.it/(.+)", url)
                if m:
                    url = "http://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/.json" % m.group(1)
                    # don't return because we want to go through the next block
                if url.find("reddit.com/") != -1:
                    resp, j = self._h.request(url + ".json?limit=1", "GET")
                        f = json.loads(j)[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"]
                    except KeyError:
                        return    #it probably was a link to a subreddit or something, so don't sweat it

                    if f["is_self"]:
                        irc.reply("Reddit: (+%d) %s (%s) by %s %s ago. %d comment%s." % (f["score"], f["title"], f["domain"], f["author"], DiabloCommon.timeago(time.time() - f["created_utc"]), f["num_comments"], "s" if f["num_comments"] != 1 else ""), prefixNick=False)
                        irc.reply("Reddit: (+%d) %s (%s) by %s %s ago. %d comment%s." % (f["score"], f["title"], f["url"], f["author"], DiabloCommon.timeago(time.time() - f["created_utc"]), f["num_comments"], "s" if f["num_comments"] != 1 else ""), prefixNick=False)