Exemplo n.º 1
 def getPackageInstance(self, category, package):
     """return instance of class Package from package file"""
     fileName =  getFilename( category, package )
     pack = None
     mod = None
     if fileName.endswith(".py") and os.path.isfile(fileName):
         if not fileName in self._packageDict:
             EmergeDebug.debug("module to import: %s" % fileName, 2)
             if not os.path.isfile( fileName ):
                     mod = builtins.__import__( fileName )
                 except ImportError as e:
                     EmergeDebug.warning('import failed for module %s: %s' % (fileName, str(e)))
                     mod =  None
                 modulename = os.path.basename( fileName )[:-3].replace('.', '_')
                 loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(modulename, fileName)
                     mod = loader.load_module()
                 except Exception as e:
                     raise PortageException("Failed to load file %s" % fileName, category, package, e)
             if not mod is None:
                 subpackage, package = getSubPackage( category, package )
                 self._CURRENT_MODULE  = ( fileName, category,subpackage, package, mod )
                 pack = mod.Package( )
                 self._packageDict[ fileName ] = pack
                 raise PortageException("Failed to find package", category, package)
             pack = self._packageDict[ fileName ]
         return pack
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __readDependenciesForChildren(self, deps):
        children = []
        if deps:
            for line in deps:
                (category, package) = line.split("/")
                    "category: %s, name: %s" % (category, package), 2)
                    version = PortageInstance.getNewestVersion(
                        category, package)
                except PortageException as e:
                        "%s for %s/%s as a dependency of %s/%s" %
                        (e, e.category, e.package, self.category, self.name))

                if not line in self._dependencyList.keys():
                    p = DependencyPackage(category, package, False, self)
                        "adding package %s/%s-%s" %
                        (category, package, version), 2)
                    self._dependencyList[line] = p
                    p = self._dependencyList[line]
        return children
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getNightlyVersionsFromUrl(url, pattern, timeout = 10) -> [str]:
     Returns a list of possible version number matching the regular expression in pattern.
     :param url: The url to look for the nightly builds.
     :param pattern: A regular expression to match the version.
     :param timeout:
     :return: A list of matching strings or [None]
     if emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "WorkOffline"):
         EmergeDebug.info("Nightly builds unavailable for %s in offline mode." % url)
         return [None]
     if url in UtilsCache._NIGTHLY_URLS:
         return UtilsCache._NIGTHLY_URLS[url]
             with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout = timeout) as fh:
                 data = str(fh.read(), "UTF-8")
                 vers = re.findall( pattern , data)
                 if not vers:
                     raise Exception("Pattern %s does not match." % pattern)
                 UtilsCache._NIGTHLY_URLS[url] = vers
                 return vers
         except Exception as e:
             EmergeDebug.warning("Nightly builds unavailable for %s: %s" % (url, e))
             return [None]
Exemplo n.º 4
def doExec(package, action, continueFlag=False):
    with EmergeTimer.Timer("%s for %s" % (action, package), 1):
        EmergeDebug.info("Action: %s for %s" % (action, package))
        ret = package.execute(action)
        if not ret:
            EmergeDebug.warning("Action: %s for %s FAILED" % (action, package))
        return ret or continueFlag
Exemplo n.º 5
def applyPatch(sourceDir, f, patchLevel='0'):
    """apply single patch"""
    cmd = 'patch -d "%s" -p%s -i "%s"' % (sourceDir, patchLevel, f)
    EmergeDebug.debug("applying %s" % cmd)
    result = system( cmd )
    if not result:
        EmergeDebug.warning("applying %s failed!" % f)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
 def rm(path, force=False):
     EmergeDebug.debug("deleting file %s" % path, 3)
         return True
     except OSError as e:
         EmergeDebug.warning("could not delete file %s: %s" % (path, e))
         return False
Exemplo n.º 7
 def rmDir(path, force=False):
     EmergeDebug.debug("deleting directory %s" % path, 3)
         return True
     except OSError as e:
         EmergeDebug.warning("could not delete directory %s: %s" % (path, e))
         return False
     return False
Exemplo n.º 8
def moveDir( srcdir, destdir ):
    """ move directory from srcdir to destdir """
    EmergeDebug.debug("moveDir called. srcdir: %s, destdir: %s" % (srcdir, destdir), 1)
        shutil.move( srcdir, destdir )
    except Exception as e:
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def system( self, command, errorMessage="", debuglevel=1, **kw):
        """convencience function for running system commands.
        This method prints a debug message and then runs a system command.
        If the system command returns with errors the method prints an error
        message and exits if @ref self.subinfo.options.exitOnErrors  is true"""

        if utils.system( command, **kw):
            return True
        if self.subinfo.options.exitOnErrors:
            EmergeDebug.warning("while running %s cmd: %s" % (errorMessage, str(command)))
            EmergeDebug.warning("while running %s cmd: %s" % (errorMessage, str(command)))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 10
    def unmerge( self ):
        """unmergeing the files from the filesystem"""
        EmergeDebug.debug("Packagebase unmerge called", 2)

        ## \todo mergeDestinationDir() reads the real used merge dir from the
        ## package definition, which fails if this is changed
        ## a better solution will be to save the merge sub dir into
        ## /etc/portage/installed and to read from it on unmerge
        EmergeDebug.debug("unmerge package from %s" % self.mergeDestinationDir(), 2)
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            for prefix in [ "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "Debug" ]:
                packageList = installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ) )
                for package in packageList:
                    fileList = package.getFilesWithHashes()
                    utils.unmergeFileList( self.mergeDestinationDir(), fileList, self.forced )
            packageList = installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( ) )
            for package in packageList:
                fileList = package.getFilesWithHashes()
                utils.unmergeFileList( self.mergeDestinationDir(), fileList, self.forced )

        # only packages using a specific merge destination path are shared between build types
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "Release" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "RelWithDebInfo" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "Debug" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( ) )

        # run post-uninstall scripts
        if not emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_NO_POST_INSTALL", False ):
            for pkgtype in ['bin', 'lib', 'doc', 'src']:
                scriptName = "post-uninstall-%s-%s.cmd" % ( self.package, pkgtype )
                script = os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "manifest", scriptName )
                if os.path.exists( script ):
                    EmergeDebug.debug("run post uninstall script '%s'" % script, 2)
                    cmd = "cd /D %s && %s" % ( self.mergeDestinationDir(), script )
                    if not utils.system(cmd):
                        EmergeDebug.warning("%s failed!" % cmd)
                    EmergeDebug.debug("post uninstall script '%s' not found" % script, 2)
            EmergeDebug.debug("running of post uninstall scripts disabled!")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
    def unmerge( self ):
        """unmergeing the files from the filesystem"""
        EmergeDebug.debug("Packagebase unmerge called", 2)

        ## \todo mergeDestinationDir() reads the real used merge dir from the
        ## package definition, which fails if this is changed
        ## a better solution will be to save the merge sub dir into
        ## /etc/portage/installed and to read from it on unmerge
        EmergeDebug.debug("unmerge package from %s" % self.mergeDestinationDir(), 2)
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            for prefix in [ "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "Debug" ]:
                packageList = installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ) )
                for package in packageList:
                    fileList = package.getFilesWithHashes()
                    utils.unmergeFileList( self.mergeDestinationDir(), fileList, self.forced )
            packageList = installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( ) )
            for package in packageList:
                fileList = package.getFilesWithHashes()
                utils.unmergeFileList( self.mergeDestinationDir(), fileList, self.forced )

        # only packages using a specific merge destination path are shared between build types
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "Release" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "RelWithDebInfo" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( "Debug" ) )
            installdb.getInstalledPackages( self.category, self.package, self._installedDBPrefix( ) )

        # run post-uninstall scripts
        if not emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_NO_POST_INSTALL", False ):
            for pkgtype in ['bin', 'lib', 'doc', 'src']:
                scriptName = "post-uninstall-%s-%s.cmd" % ( self.package, pkgtype )
                script = os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "manifest", scriptName )
                if os.path.exists( script ):
                    EmergeDebug.debug("run post uninstall script '%s'" % script, 2)
                    cmd = "cd /D %s && %s" % ( self.mergeDestinationDir(), script )
                    if not utils.system(cmd):
                        EmergeDebug.warning("%s failed!" % cmd)
                    EmergeDebug.debug("post uninstall script '%s' not found" % script, 2)
            EmergeDebug.debug("running of post uninstall scripts disabled!")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
def applyPatch(sourceDir, f, patchLevel='0'):
    """apply single patch"""
    cmd = 'patch -d "%s" -p%s < "%s"' % (sourceDir, patchLevel, f)
    EmergeDebug.debug("applying %s" % cmd)
    if not isCrEol(f):
        p = subprocess.Popen([
            "patch", "-d", sourceDir, "-p", str(patchLevel)],
            stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
        result = p.wait() == 0
        result = system( cmd )
    if not result:
        EmergeDebug.warning("applying %s failed!" % f)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 13
    def system(self, command, errorMessage="", debuglevel=1, **kw):
        """convencience function for running system commands.
        This method prints a debug message and then runs a system command.
        If the system command returns with errors the method prints an error
        message and exits if @ref self.subinfo.options.exitOnErrors  is true"""

        if utils.system(command, **kw):
            return True
        if self.subinfo.options.exitOnErrors:
            EmergeDebug.warning("while running %s cmd: %s" %
                                (errorMessage, str(command)))
            EmergeDebug.warning("while running %s cmd: %s" %
                                (errorMessage, str(command)))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 14
    def install( self):
        if not CMakeBuildSystem.install(self):
            return False
        for root, _, svgs in os.walk(self.imageDir(), ):
            for svg in svgs:
                path = os.path.join( root, svg)
                if path.endswith(".svg") and os.path.isfile(path):
                    toReplace = self.resolveGitSymLink(path)
                    if not os.path.exists(toReplace):
                        EmergeDebug.warning("Resolving %s failed: %s does not exists." % (path, toReplace))
                    if toReplace != path:
                        utils.copyFile( toReplace, path)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 15
    def qmerge( self ):
        """mergeing the imagedirectory into the filesystem"""
        ## \todo is this the optimal place for creating the post install scripts ?
        ignoreInstalled = False

        prefixPath = self._installedDBPrefix( self.buildType() )
        if installdb.isInstalled( category=None, package=self.package, prefix=prefixPath ):
            ignoreInstalled = True

        EmergeDebug.debug("qmerge package to %s" % self.mergeDestinationDir(), 2)
        utils.mergeImageDirToRootDir( self.mergeSourceDir(), self.mergeDestinationDir() )

        # run post-install scripts
        if not emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_NO_POST_INSTALL", False ):
            for pkgtype in ['bin', 'lib', 'doc', 'src']:
                scriptName = "post-install-%s-%s.cmd" % ( self.package, pkgtype )
                script = os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "manifest", scriptName )
                if os.path.exists( script ):
                    EmergeDebug.debug("run post install script '%s'" % script, 2)
                    cmd = "cd /D %s && %s" % ( self.mergeDestinationDir(), script )
                    if not utils.system(cmd):
                        EmergeDebug.warning("%s failed!" % cmd)
                    EmergeDebug.debug("post install script '%s' not found" % script, 2)
            EmergeDebug.debug("running of post install scripts disabled!")

        # add package to installed database -> is this not the task of the manifest files ?

        # only packages using a specific merge destination path are shared between build types
        revision = self.sourceRevision()
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            for prefix in [ "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "Debug" ]:
                package = installdb.addInstalled( self.category, self.package, self.version, self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ), ignoreInstalled, revision = revision)
                package.addFiles( utils.getFileListFromDirectory(  self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ) ) )
            package = installdb.addInstalled( self.category, self.package, self.version, self._installedDBPrefix(), ignoreInstalled, revision = revision )
            package.addFiles( utils.getFileListFromDirectory( self.mergeSourceDir() ) )

        return True
Exemplo n.º 16
    def qmerge( self ):
        """mergeing the imagedirectory into the filesystem"""
        ## \todo is this the optimal place for creating the post install scripts ?
        ignoreInstalled = False

        prefixPath = self._installedDBPrefix( self.buildType() )
        if installdb.isInstalled( category=None, package=self.package, prefix=prefixPath ):
            ignoreInstalled = True


        EmergeDebug.debug("qmerge package to %s" % self.mergeDestinationDir(), 2)
        utils.mergeImageDirToRootDir( self.mergeSourceDir(), self.mergeDestinationDir() )

        # run post-install scripts
        if not emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_NO_POST_INSTALL", False ):
            for pkgtype in ['bin', 'lib', 'doc', 'src']:
                scriptName = "post-install-%s-%s.cmd" % ( self.package, pkgtype )
                script = os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "manifest", scriptName )
                if os.path.exists( script ):
                    EmergeDebug.debug("run post install script '%s'" % script, 2)
                    cmd = "cd /D %s && %s" % ( self.mergeDestinationDir(), script )
                    if not utils.system(cmd):
                        EmergeDebug.warning("%s failed!" % cmd)
                    EmergeDebug.debug("post install script '%s' not found" % script, 2)
            EmergeDebug.debug("running of post install scripts disabled!")

        # add package to installed database -> is this not the task of the manifest files ?

        # only packages using a specific merge destination path are shared between build types
        revision = self.sourceRevision()
        if self.useBuildTypeRelatedMergeRoot and self.subinfo.options.merge.ignoreBuildType \
                and self.subinfo.options.merge.destinationPath != None:
            for prefix in [ "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "Debug" ]:
                package = installdb.addInstalled( self.category, self.package, self.version, self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ), ignoreInstalled, revision = revision)
                package.addFiles( utils.getFileListFromDirectory(  self._installedDBPrefix( prefix ) ) )
            package = installdb.addInstalled( self.category, self.package, self.version, self._installedDBPrefix(), ignoreInstalled, revision = revision )
            package.addFiles( utils.getFileListFromDirectory( self.mergeSourceDir() ) )

        return True
Exemplo n.º 17
def copyFile(src, dest,linkOnly = emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "UseHardlinks", False)):
    """ copy file from src to dest"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("copy file from %s to %s" % (src, dest), 2)
    destDir = os.path.dirname( dest )
    if not os.path.exists( destDir ):
        os.makedirs( destDir )
    if os.path.exists( dest ):
        EmergeDebug.warning("Overriding %s" % dest)
        OsUtils.rm( dest, True )
    if linkOnly:
            os.link( src , dest )
            return True
            EmergeDebug.warning("Failed to create hardlink %s for %s" % (dest, src))
    return True
Exemplo n.º 18
    def install(self):
        if not CMakeBuildSystem.install(self):
            return False
        for root, _, svgs in os.walk(self.imageDir(), ):
            for svg in svgs:
                path = os.path.join(root, svg)
                if path.endswith(".svg") and os.path.isfile(path):
                    toReplace = self.resolveGitSymLink(path)
                    if not os.path.exists(toReplace):
                            "Resolving %s failed: %s does not exists." %
                            (path, toReplace))
                    if toReplace != path:
                        utils.copyFile(toReplace, path)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __readDependenciesForChildren( self, deps):
        children = []
        if deps:
            for line in deps:
                ( category, package ) = line.split( "/" )
                EmergeDebug.debug("category: %s, name: %s" % (category, package), 2)
                    version = PortageInstance.getNewestVersion( category, package )
                except PortageException as e:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("%s for %s/%s as a dependency of %s/%s" % (e, e.category, e.package, self.category , self.name))

                if not line in self._dependencyList.keys():
                    p = DependencyPackage( category, package, False, self )
                    EmergeDebug.debug("adding package %s/%s-%s" % (category, package, version), 2)
                    self._dependencyList[ line ] = p
                    p = self._dependencyList[ line ]
                children.append( p )
        return children
Exemplo n.º 20
def unmergeFileList(rootdir, fileList, forced=False):
    """ delete files in the fileList if has matches or forced is True """
    for filename, filehash in fileList:
        fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, os.path.normcase( filename))
        if os.path.isfile(fullPath):
            algorithm = EmergeHash.HashAlgorithm.getAlgorithmFromPrefix(filehash)
            if not algorithm:
                currentHash = EmergeHash.digestFile(fullPath, EmergeHash.HashAlgorithm.MD5)
                currentHash = algorithm.stringPrefix() + EmergeHash.digestFile(fullPath, algorithm)
            if currentHash == filehash or filehash == "":
                EmergeDebug.debug("deleting file %s" % fullPath, 2)
                except OSError:
                    system( "cmd /C \"attrib -R %s\"" % fullPath )
                if forced:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("file %s has different hash: %s %s, deleting anyway" % \
                            (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ))
                except OSError:
                    system( "cmd /C \"attrib -R %s\"" % fullPath )
                    EmergeDebug.warning("file %s has different hash: %s %s, run with option --force to delete it anyway" % \
                            (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ))
        elif not os.path.isdir(fullPath):
            EmergeDebug.warning("file %s does not exist" % fullPath)
Exemplo n.º 21
def unpackFile( downloaddir, filename, workdir ):
    """unpack file specified by 'filename' from 'downloaddir' into 'workdir'"""
    ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( filename )
    if ( ext == ".zip" ):
        return unZip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
    elif ( ext == ".7z" ):
        return un7zip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir, ext )
    elif ( ext == ".tgz" ):
        return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
    elif ( ext == ".gz" or ext == ".bz2" or ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" ):
        _, myext = os.path.splitext( shortname )
        if ( myext == ".tar" ):
            return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
            EmergeDebug.error("unpacking %s" % myext)
            return False
    elif ( ext == ".exe" ):
        EmergeDebug.warning("unpack ignoring exe file")
        return True
        EmergeDebug.error("dont know how to unpack this file: %s" % filename)
    return False
Exemplo n.º 22
def createImportLibs( dll_name, basepath ):
    """creating the import libraries for the other compiler(if ANSI-C libs)"""

    dst = os.path.join( basepath, "lib" )
    if( not os.path.exists( dst ) ):
        os.mkdir( dst )

    # check whether the required binary tools exist
    HAVE_GENDEF = UtilsCache.findApplication( "gendef" ) is not None
    HAVE_LIB = UtilsCache.findApplication( "lib" ) is not None
    HAVE_DLLTOOL = UtilsCache.findApplication( "dlltool" ) is not None
    if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1:
        print("gendef found:", HAVE_GENDEF)
        print("gendef used:", USE_GENDEF)
        print("lib found:", HAVE_LIB)
        print("dlltool found:", HAVE_DLLTOOL)

    dllpath = os.path.join( basepath, "bin", "%s.dll" % dll_name )
    defpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.def" % dll_name )
    exppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.exp" % dll_name )
    imppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.lib" % dll_name )
    gccpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.dll.a" % dll_name )

    if not HAVE_GENDEF and os.path.exists( defpath ):
        HAVE_GENDEF = True
        USE_GENDEF = False
    if not HAVE_GENDEF:
        EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have gendef.exe")
        return False
    if not HAVE_LIB  and not os.path.isfile( imppath ):
        EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have lib.exe (from msvc)")
    if not HAVE_DLLTOOL and not os.path.isfile( gccpath ):
        EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have dlltool.exe")

    # create .def
    if USE_GENDEF:
        cmd = "gendef - %s -a > %s " % ( dllpath, defpath )
        system( cmd )

    if( HAVE_LIB and not os.path.isfile( imppath ) ):
        # create .lib
        cmd = "lib /machine:x86 /def:%s /out:%s" % ( defpath, imppath )
        system( cmd )

    if( HAVE_DLLTOOL and not os.path.isfile( gccpath ) ):
        # create .dll.a
        cmd = "dlltool -d %s -l %s -k" % ( defpath, gccpath )
        system( cmd )

    if os.path.exists( defpath ):
        os.remove( defpath )
    if os.path.exists( exppath ):
        os.remove( exppath )
    return True
Exemplo n.º 23
def unTar( fileName, destdir ):
    """unpack tar file specified by 'file' into 'destdir'"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("unTar called. file: %s, destdir: %s" % (fileName, destdir), 1)
    ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( fileName )
    emerge_tmp = os.path.join(destdir,"emerge_tmp")

    mode = "r"
    if ( ext == ".gz" ):
        mode = "r:gz"
    #elif(ext == ".bz2"):
        #mode = "r:bz2"
    elif(ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" or ext == ".bz2"):
        un7zip( fileName, emerge_tmp )
        _, tarname = os.path.split( shortname )
        fileName = os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarname )

    if not os.path.exists( fileName ):
        EmergeDebug.error("couldn't find file %s" % fileName)
        return False

        with tarfile.open( fileName, mode ) as tar:
        # FIXME how to handle errors here ?
            for tarMember in tar:
                    if tarMember.issym():
                        tarDir = os.path.dirname(tarMember.name)
                        target = tarMember.linkname
                        if not target.startswith("/"):#abspath?
                            target = os.path.normpath("%s/%s"%(tarDir, target)).replace("\\","/")
                        if target in tar.getnames():
                            tar.extract(target, emerge_tmp )
                            shutil.move(os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarDir , tarMember.linkname ),os.path.join( destdir , tarMember.name ))
                            EmergeDebug.warning("Resolved symlink %s in tarfile %s to %s" % (tarMember.name, fileName , tarMember.linkname))
                            EmergeDebug.warning("link target %s for %s not included in tarfile" % (target , tarMember.name))
                        tar.extract(tarMember, destdir )
                except tarfile.TarError:
                    EmergeDebug.error("couldn't extract file %s to directory %s" % (fileName, destdir))
                    return False
                except IOError:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("Failed to extract %s to directory %s" % (tarMember.name, destdir))
        return True
    except tarfile.TarError as e:
        EmergeDebug.error("could not open existing tar archive: %s error: %s" % (fileName, e))
        return False
        if os.path.exists(emerge_tmp):
Exemplo n.º 24
def unmergeFileList(rootdir, fileList, forced=False):
    """ delete files in the fileList if has matches or forced is True """
    for filename, filehash in fileList:
        fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, os.path.normcase( filename))
        if os.path.isfile(fullPath):
            algorithm = EmergeHash.HashAlgorithm.getAlgorithmFromPrefix(filehash)
            if not algorithm:
                currentHash = EmergeHash.digestFile(fullPath, EmergeHash.HashAlgorithm.MD5)
                currentHash = algorithm.stringPrefix() + EmergeHash.digestFile(fullPath, algorithm)
            if currentHash == filehash or filehash == "":
                OsUtils.rm(fullPath, True)
                if forced:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("file %s has different hash: %s %s, deleting anyway" % \
                            (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ))
                    OsUtils.rm(fullPath, True)
                    EmergeDebug.warning("file %s has different hash: %s %s, run with option --force to delete it anyway" % \
                            (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ))
        elif not os.path.isdir(fullPath):
            EmergeDebug.warning("file %s does not exist" % fullPath)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def createPackage(self):
        """packaging according to the gnuwin32 packaging rules.
        This requires the kdewin-packager"""

        if not self.packagerExe:
            EmergeDebug.die("could not find kdewin-packager in your path!")

        if self.subinfo.options.package.packageName != None:
            pkgName = self.subinfo.options.package.packageName
            pkgName = self.package

        if pkgName.endswith('-src') or pkgName.endswith('-pkg'):
            pkgName = pkgName[:-4]

        pkgVersion, pkgNotesVersion = self.getPackageVersion()

        # kdewin packager creates his own manifest files, so there is no need to add
        # if self.subinfo.options.package.withDigests:
        #    utils.createManifestFiles(filesDir, filesDir, "", self.package, pkgVersion)

        # FIXME: add a test for the installer later
        dstpath = self.packageDestinationDir()

        if ( self.subinfo.options.package.packSources ) and os.path.exists( self.sourceDir() ):
            srcCmd = " -srcroot " + self.sourceDir()
            if not os.path.exists( self.sourceDir() ):
                EmergeDebug.warning("The source directory %s doesn't exist and can't be used for packaging." % self.sourceDir())
            srcCmd = ""

        # copy pdb/sym files to a temporary directory, because they can be scattered all over the build directory
        # plus, different build types copy files to different directories (could be buildDir(), buildDir()/bin, buildDir()/bin/Debug...),
        # so let's copy them to one precise location, package them, then delete that directory

        symCmd = ""
        if self.useDebugPackages:
            # directories to ignore: cmake temporary files, and dbg so it won't try to copy a file to itself
            dirsToIgnore = [ 'cmake', 'CMakeFiles', 'CMakeTmp', 'CMakeTmp2', 'CMakeTmp3', 'dbg' ]
            path = self.buildDir()
            # where to copy the debugging information files
            symRoot = os.path.join( self.buildDir(), "dbg" )
            symPath = os.path.join( symRoot, "bin" )
            if not os.path.exists( symPath ):
                utils.createDir( symPath )
            # shouldn't be needed, usually; but if files are present, that could lead to errors
            utils.cleanDirectory ( symRoot )

            EmergeDebug.debug("Copying debugging files to 'dbg'...")
            for path, _, files in os.walk( path ):
                found = 0
                for directory in range( 0, len( dirsToIgnore ) ):
                    if path.find( dirsToIgnore[directory] ) > 0:
                        found = 1
                if found == 1:
                EmergeDebug.debug("Checking: %s" % path, 3)
                for fileName in files:
                    if ( fileName.endswith( ".pdb" ) ):
                        utils.copyFile( os.path.join( path, fileName ), os.path.join( symPath, fileName ) )
                    elif not self.subinfo.options.package.disableStriping:
                        if ( fileName.endswith( ".exe" ) or fileName.endswith( ".dll" ) or fileName.endswith( ".obf" ) ):
                            if compiler.isMinGW():
                                symFilename = fileName[:-4] + ".sym"
                                utils.system( "strip --only-keep-debug " + " -o " + os.path.join( path, symFilename ) \
                                        + " " + os.path.join( path, fileName ) )
                                # utils.system( "strip --strip-all " + os.path.join( path, fileName ) )
                                utils.copyFile( os.path.join(path, symFilename), os.path.join( symPath, symFilename ) )

            if not self.subinfo.options.package.disableStriping and compiler.isMinGW() :
                symCmd += "-strip "
            symCmd += "-debug-package "
            symCmd += "-symroot " + symRoot
            EmergeDebug.debug(symCmd, 2)

        cmd = "-name %s -root %s -version %s -destdir %s %s %s -checksum sha1 " % \
                  ( pkgName, self.imageDir(), pkgVersion, dstpath, srcCmd, symCmd )
        xmltemplate = self.xmlTemplate()
        if os.path.exists(xmltemplate):
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -template " + xmltemplate + " -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
            EmergeDebug.debug("using xml template for package generating", 1)
        elif self.package == "qt":
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -template :/template-qt.xml -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
            EmergeDebug.debug("using xml template for package generating", 1)
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -verbose -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
            EmergeDebug.debug(" xml template %s for package generating not found" % xmltemplate, 1)

        if( self.subinfo.options.package.withCompiler ):
            cmd += " -type "
            if compiler.isMinGW():
                if self.buildArchitecture() == "x64":
                    cmd += "x64-"
                    cmd += "x86-"                
            cmd += compiler.getShortName()

#        not needed anymore
#        if self.subinfo.options.package.specialMode:
#            cmd += " -special"

        if not utils.system(cmd):
            EmergeDebug.die("while packaging. cmd: %s" % cmd)

        if self.useDebugPackages:
            utils.rmtree( symPath )
        return True
Exemplo n.º 26
    def createPackage(self):
        """packaging according to the gnuwin32 packaging rules.
        This requires the kdewin-packager"""

        if not self.packagerExe:
            EmergeDebug.die("could not find kdewin-packager in your path!")

        if self.subinfo.options.package.packageName != None:
            pkgName = self.subinfo.options.package.packageName
            pkgName = self.package

        if pkgName.endswith('-src') or pkgName.endswith('-pkg'):
            pkgName = pkgName[:-4]

        pkgVersion, pkgNotesVersion = self.getPackageVersion()

        # kdewin packager creates his own manifest files, so there is no need to add
        # if self.subinfo.options.package.withDigests:
        #    utils.createManifestFiles(filesDir, filesDir, "", self.package, pkgVersion)

        # FIXME: add a test for the installer later
        dstpath = self.packageDestinationDir()

        if (self.subinfo.options.package.packSources) and os.path.exists(
            srcCmd = " -srcroot " + self.sourceDir()
            if not os.path.exists(self.sourceDir()):
                    "The source directory %s doesn't exist and can't be used for packaging."
                    % self.sourceDir())
            srcCmd = ""

        # copy pdb/sym files to a temporary directory, because they can be scattered all over the build directory
        # plus, different build types copy files to different directories (could be buildDir(), buildDir()/bin, buildDir()/bin/Debug...),
        # so let's copy them to one precise location, package them, then delete that directory

        symCmd = ""
        if self.useDebugPackages:
            # directories to ignore: cmake temporary files, and dbg so it won't try to copy a file to itself
            dirsToIgnore = [
                'cmake', 'CMakeFiles', 'CMakeTmp', 'CMakeTmp2', 'CMakeTmp3',
            path = self.buildDir()
            # where to copy the debugging information files
            symRoot = os.path.join(self.buildDir(), "dbg")
            symPath = os.path.join(symRoot, "bin")
            if not os.path.exists(symPath):
            # shouldn't be needed, usually; but if files are present, that could lead to errors

            EmergeDebug.debug("Copying debugging files to 'dbg'...")
            for path, _, files in os.walk(path):
                found = 0
                for directory in range(0, len(dirsToIgnore)):
                    if path.find(dirsToIgnore[directory]) > 0:
                        found = 1
                if found == 1:
                EmergeDebug.debug("Checking: %s" % path, 3)
                for fileName in files:
                    if (fileName.endswith(".pdb")):
                        utils.copyFile(os.path.join(path, fileName),
                                       os.path.join(symPath, fileName))
                    elif not self.subinfo.options.package.disableStriping:
                        if (fileName.endswith(".exe")
                                or fileName.endswith(".dll")
                                or fileName.endswith(".obf")):
                            if compiler.isMinGW():
                                symFilename = fileName[:-4] + ".sym"
                                utils.system( "strip --only-keep-debug " + " -o " + os.path.join( path, symFilename ) \
                                        + " " + os.path.join( path, fileName ) )
                                # utils.system( "strip --strip-all " + os.path.join( path, fileName ) )
                                    os.path.join(path, symFilename),
                                    os.path.join(symPath, symFilename))

            if not self.subinfo.options.package.disableStriping and compiler.isMinGW(
                symCmd += "-strip "
            symCmd += "-debug-package "
            symCmd += "-symroot " + symRoot
            EmergeDebug.debug(symCmd, 2)

        cmd = "-name %s -root %s -version %s -destdir %s %s %s -checksum sha1 " % \
                  ( pkgName, self.imageDir(), pkgVersion, dstpath, srcCmd, symCmd )
        xmltemplate = self.xmlTemplate()
        if os.path.exists(xmltemplate):
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -template " + xmltemplate + " -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
            EmergeDebug.debug("using xml template for package generating", 1)
        elif self.package == "qt":
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -template :/template-qt.xml -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
            EmergeDebug.debug("using xml template for package generating", 1)
            cmd = self.packagerExe + " " + cmd + " -verbose -notes " + \
                    "%s/%s:%s:unknown " % ( self.category, self.package, pkgNotesVersion ) + "-compression 2 "
                " xml template %s for package generating not found" %
                xmltemplate, 1)

        if (self.subinfo.options.package.withCompiler):
            cmd += " -type "
            if compiler.isMinGW():
                if self.buildArchitecture() == "x64":
                    cmd += "x64-"
                    cmd += "x86-"
            cmd += compiler.getShortName()

#        not needed anymore
#        if self.subinfo.options.package.specialMode:
#            cmd += " -special"

        if not utils.system(cmd):
            EmergeDebug.die("while packaging. cmd: %s" % cmd)

        if self.useDebugPackages:
        return True
Exemplo n.º 27
 def findApplication(app) -> str:
     appLocation = shutil.which(app)
     if not appLocation:
         EmergeDebug.warning("Emerge was unable to locate: %s" % app)
         return None
     return appLocation
Exemplo n.º 28
 def enterSourceDir(self):
     if ( not os.path.exists( self.sourceDir() ) ):
         return False
     EmergeDebug.warning("entering the source directory!")
     os.chdir( self.sourceDir() )
     EmergeDebug.debug("entering: %s" % self.sourceDir())
Exemplo n.º 29
def handleSinglePackage(packageName, action, args):
    deplist = []
    packageList = []
    originalPackageList = []
    categoryList = []
    targetDict = dict()

    if action == "update-all":
        installedPackages = portage.PortageInstance.getInstallables()
        if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory(packageName):
                "Updating installed packages from category " + packageName, 1)
            EmergeDebug.debug("Updating all installed packages", 1)
        packageList = []
        for mainCategory, mainPackage in installedPackages:
            if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory(packageName) and (
                    mainCategory != packageName):
            if InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( mainCategory, mainPackage, args.buildType ) \
                    and portage.isPackageUpdateable( mainCategory, mainPackage ):
        EmergeDebug.debug("Will update packages: " + str(packageList), 1)
    elif args.list_file:
        listFileObject = open(args.list_file, 'r')
        for line in listFileObject:
            if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
                cat, pac, tar, _ = line.split(',')
            targetDict[cat + "/" + pac] = tar
    elif packageName:
        packageList, categoryList = portage.getPackagesCategories(packageName)

    for entry in packageList:
        EmergeDebug.debug("Checking dependencies for: %s" % entry, 1)

    for mainCategory, entry in zip(categoryList, packageList):
        deplist = portage.solveDependencies(mainCategory,
    # no package found
    if len(deplist) == 0:
        category = ""
        if not packageName.find("/") == -1:
            (category, package) = packageName.split("/")
        portageSearch.printSearch(category, packageName)
        return False

    for item in deplist:
        item.enabled = args.ignoreAllInstalled

        if args.ignoreInstalled and item.category in categoryList and item.package in packageList or packageIsOutdated(
                item.category, item.package):
            item.enabled = True

        if item.category + "/" + item.package in targetDict:
            item.target = targetDict[item.category + "/" + item.package]

        if args.target in list(
            # if no target or a wrong one is defined, simply set the default target here
            item.target = args.target

        EmergeDebug.debug("dependency: %s" % item, 1)
    if not deplist:
        EmergeDebug.debug("<none>", 1)


    #for item in deplist:
    #    cat = item[ 0 ]
    #    pac = item[ 1 ]
    #    ver = item[ 2 ]

    #    if portage.isInstalled( cat, pac, ver, buildType) and updateAll and not portage.isPackageUpdateable( cat, pac, ver ):
    #        print "remove:", cat, pac, ver
    #        deplist.remove( item )

    if action == "install-deps":
        # the first dependency is the package itself - ignore it
        # TODO: why are we our own dependency?
        del deplist[0]
    elif action == "update-direct-deps":
        for item in deplist:
            item.enabled = True


    # package[0] -> category
    # package[1] -> package
    # package[2] -> version

    info = deplist[-1]
    if not portage.PortageInstance.isVirtualPackage( info.category, info.package ) and \
        not action in [ "all", "install-deps"] and\
        not args.list_file or\
        action in ["print-targets"]:#not all commands should be executed on the deps if we are a virtual packages
        # if a buildAction is given, then do not try to build dependencies
        # and do the action although the package might already be installed.
        # This is still a bit problematic since packageName might not be a valid
        # package
        # for list files, we also want to handle fetching & packaging per package
        if not handlePackage(info.category, info.package, action,
                             args.doContinue, args.update_fast):
            return False

        if args.dumpDepsFile:
            dumpDepsFileObject = open(args.dumpDepsFile, 'w+')
            dumpDepsFileObject.write("# dependency dump of package %s\n" %
        for info in deplist:
            isVCSTarget = False

            if args.dumpDepsFile:
                    ",".join([info.category, info.package, info.target, ""]) +

            isLastPackage = info == deplist[-1]
            if args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage):
                isVCSTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getUpdatableVCSTargets(
                    info.category, info.package) != []
            isInstalled = InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled(
                info.category, info.package)
            if args.list_file and action != "all":
                info.enabled = info.package in originalPackageList
            if (isInstalled and not info.enabled) and not (
                    isInstalled and
                (args.outDateVCS or
                 (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage)) and isVCSTarget):
                if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1 and info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" %
                                        (info.category, info.package))
                elif EmergeDebug.verbose(
                ) > 2 and not info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" %
                                        (info.category, info.package))
                # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name
                if args.probe:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("pretending %s" % info)
                    if action in ["install-deps", "update-direct-deps"]:
                        action = "all"

                    if not handlePackage(info.category, info.package, action,
                                         args.doContinue, args.update_fast):
                        EmergeDebug.error("fatal error: package %s/%s %s failed" % \
                                          ( info.category, info.package, action ))
                        return False

    return True
Exemplo n.º 30
def handleSinglePackage( packageName, action, args ):
    deplist = [ ]
    packageList = [ ]
    originalPackageList = [ ]
    categoryList = [ ]
    targetDict = dict( )

    if action == "update-all":
        installedPackages = portage.PortageInstance.getInstallables( )
        if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory( packageName ):
            EmergeDebug.debug("Updating installed packages from category " + packageName, 1)
            EmergeDebug.debug("Updating all installed packages", 1)
        packageList = [ ]
        for mainCategory, mainPackage in installedPackages:
            if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory( packageName ) and ( mainCategory != packageName ):
            if InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( mainCategory, mainPackage, args.buildType ) \
                    and portage.isPackageUpdateable( mainCategory, mainPackage ):
                categoryList.append( mainCategory )
                packageList.append( mainPackage )
        EmergeDebug.debug("Will update packages: " + str(packageList), 1)
    elif args.list_file:
        listFileObject = open( args.list_file, 'r' )
        for line in listFileObject:
            if line.strip( ).startswith( '#' ): continue
                cat, pac, tar, _ = line.split( ',' )
            categoryList.append( cat )
            packageList.append( pac )
            originalPackageList.append( pac )
            targetDict[ cat + "/" + pac ] = tar
    elif packageName:
        packageList, categoryList = portage.getPackagesCategories( packageName )

    for entry in packageList:
        EmergeDebug.debug("Checking dependencies for: %s" % entry, 1)

    for mainCategory, entry in zip( categoryList, packageList ):
        deplist = portage.solveDependencies( mainCategory, entry, deplist, args.dependencyType,
                                              maxDepth = args.dependencydepth )
    # no package found
    if len( deplist ) == 0:
        category = ""
        if not packageName.find( "/" ) == -1:
            (category, package) = packageName.split( "/" )
        portageSearch.printSearch( category, packageName )
        return False

    for item in deplist:
        item.enabled = args.ignoreAllInstalled

        if args.ignoreInstalled and item.category in categoryList and item.package in packageList or packageIsOutdated(
                item.category, item.package ):
            item.enabled = True

        if item.category + "/" + item.package in targetDict:
            item.target = targetDict[ item.category + "/" + item.package ]

        if args.target in list(
                portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets( item.category, item.package ).keys( ) ):
            # if no target or a wrong one is defined, simply set the default target here
            item.target = args.target

        EmergeDebug.debug("dependency: %s" % item, 1)
    if not deplist:
        EmergeDebug.debug("<none>", 1)


    #for item in deplist:
    #    cat = item[ 0 ]
    #    pac = item[ 1 ]
    #    ver = item[ 2 ]

    #    if portage.isInstalled( cat, pac, ver, buildType) and updateAll and not portage.isPackageUpdateable( cat, pac, ver ):
    #        print "remove:", cat, pac, ver
    #        deplist.remove( item )

    if action == "install-deps":
        # the first dependency is the package itself - ignore it
        # TODO: why are we our own dependency?
        del deplist[ 0 ]
    elif action == "update-direct-deps":
        for item in deplist:
            item.enabled = True

    deplist.reverse( )

    # package[0] -> category
    # package[1] -> package
    # package[2] -> version

    info = deplist[ -1 ]
    if not portage.PortageInstance.isVirtualPackage( info.category, info.package ) and \
        not action in [ "all", "install-deps" ,"generate-jenkins-job"] and\
        not args.list_file or\
        action in ["print-targets"]:#not all commands should be executed on the deps if we are a virtual packages
        # if a buildAction is given, then do not try to build dependencies
        # and do the action although the package might already be installed.
        # This is still a bit problematic since packageName might not be a valid
        # package
        # for list files, we also want to handle fetching & packaging per package

        if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ):
            utils.notify( "Emerge %s failed" % action, "%s of %s/%s failed" % (
                action, info.category, info.package), action )
            return False
        utils.notify( "Emerge %s finished" % action,
                      "%s of %s/%s finished" % ( action, info.category, info.package),
                      action )

        if args.dumpDepsFile:
            dumpDepsFileObject = open( args.dumpDepsFile, 'w+' )
            dumpDepsFileObject.write( "# dependency dump of package %s\n" % ( packageName ) )
        for info in deplist:
            isVCSTarget = False

            if args.dumpDepsFile:
                dumpDepsFileObject.write( ",".join( [ info.category, info.package, info.target, "" ] ) + "\n" )

            isLastPackage = info == deplist[ -1 ]
            if args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage):
                isVCSTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getUpdatableVCSTargets( info.category, info.package ) != [ ]
            isInstalled = InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( info.category, info.package )
            if args.list_file and action != "all":
                info.enabled = info.package in originalPackageList
            if ( isInstalled and not info.enabled ) and not (
                            isInstalled and (args.outDateVCS or (
                                    args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage) ) and isVCSTarget ):
                if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1 and info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package))
                elif EmergeDebug.verbose() > 2 and not info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package))
                # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name
                if args.probe:
                    if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0:
                        EmergeDebug.warning("pretending %s" % info)
                    if action in [ "install-deps", "update-direct-deps" ]:
                        action = "all"

                    if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ):
                        EmergeDebug.error("fatal error: package %s/%s %s failed" % \
                                          ( info.category, info.package, action ))
                        utils.notify( "Emerge build failed",
                                      "Build of %s/%s failed" % ( info.category, info.package),
                                      action )
                        return False
                    utils.notify( "Emerge build finished",
                                  "Build of %s/%s finished" % ( info.category, info.package),
                                  action )

    return True
Exemplo n.º 31
 def enterSourceDir(self):
     if (not os.path.exists(self.sourceDir())):
         return False
     EmergeDebug.warning("entering the source directory!")
     EmergeDebug.debug("entering: %s" % self.sourceDir())