Exemplo n.º 1
def percentage_val_eastward(val_longitude, metric, region, threshold=-140):
    Computes the percentage of given values (longitude in val_longitude) eastward of 'threshold'

    :param val_longitude: list
        list of longitude
    :param threshold: float, optional
        threshold to define the westward boundary of the region
    :return ep: float
        percentage of given values eastward of 'threshold'
    keyerror = None
    pos_lon = 'pos' if all(ii >= 0 for ii in val_longitude) is True else \
        ('neg' if all(ii <= 0 for ii in val_longitude) is True else False)
    if pos_lon is False:
        keyerror = "longitude in lon_axis are neither all positive nor all negative"
        list_strings = [
            "ERROR " + EnsoErrorsWarnings.MessageFormating(INSPECTstack()) +
            ": unknown longitude",
            str().ljust(5) + metric + ": " + str(region) + ": " + keyerror +
            ": " + str(val_longitude)
        ep_event = None
        if pos_lon == 'pos':
            ep_event = [1 for val in val_longitude if val > 360 + threshold]
            ep_event = [1 for val in val_longitude if val > threshold]
        ep_event = sum(ep_event) * 100. / len(val_longitude)
    return ep_event, keyerror
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_var(var_to_read, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, dict_metric):
    if isinstance(var_to_read, str):
        var_to_read = [var_to_read]
    if isinstance(filename_nc, str):
        tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obs = reader(filename_nc, model, reference, var_to_read, metric_variables,
        tab_mod, metval, obs = list(), list(), list()
        for ii in range(len(filename_nc)):
            tmp1, tab_obs, tmp2, tmp3 = reader(filename_nc[ii], model[ii], reference, var_to_read, metric_variables,
        obs = list(set(obs))
        if len(obs) > 1:
            list_strings = ["ERROR" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.MessageFormating(INSPECTstack()) + ": too many obs",
                            str().ljust(5) + "var_to_read = "+str(var_to_read),
                            str().ljust(5) + "filename_nc = " + str(filename_nc),
                            str().ljust(5) + "model = " + str(model),
                            str().ljust(5) + "reference = " + str(reference)]
            obs = obs[0]
    return tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obs
Exemplo n.º 3
def string_in_dict(string_or_list, dictionary, inspect_stack):
    Tests if 'string_or_list' is in the given 'dictionary'

    :param string_or_list: string or list
        key or list of keys to look for in 'dictionary'
    :param dictionary: dict
        dictionary in which the given keys are looked for
    :param inspect_stack: array
        list of information about the program/module/line,... created using inspect.stack()
    # test input parameters
    if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):
        EnsoErrorsWarnings.object_type_error('dictionary', 'dictionary',
                                             type(dictionary), INSPECTstack())
    if isinstance(string_or_list, basestring):
        # 'string_or_list' is a string
        if string_or_list not in dictionary.keys():
            # key 'string_or_list' is not in 'dictionary' -> raise error
            list_strings = [
                "ERROR" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(inspect_stack) +
                ": item not included",
                str().ljust(5) + " key: " + str(string_or_list) +
                " is not in the given dictionary",
                str().ljust(10) + "key(s) in the dictionary: " +
    elif isinstance(string_or_list, list):
        # 'string_or_list' is a list
        key_not_included = list()
        for key in string_or_list:
            if key not in dictionary.keys():
                # lists keys that are not in 'dictionary'
        if key_not_included:
            # if 'key_not_included' is not empty -> raise error
            list_strings = [
                "ERROR" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(inspect_stack) +
                ": item not included",
                str().ljust(5) + " key(s): " + str(key_not_included) +
                " are (is) not in the given dictionary",
                str().ljust(10) + "key(s) in the dictionary: " +
        # 'string_or_list' is neither a string nor a list -> raise error
                                             '[string, list]',
Exemplo n.º 4
def statistical_dispersion(tab, method='IQR'):
    Computes the statistical dispersion of the distribution

    :param tab: list or `cdms2` variable
        A list or a `cdms2` variable containing the data to be analysed
    :param method: string, optional
        method to compute the statistical dispersion
        'IQR': interquartile range, IQR = Q3 - Q1
        'MAD': median absolute deviation, MAD = median([Xi - median(tab)])
        Default is 'IQR'

    :return stat_disp: float
    known_methods = sorted(['IQR', 'MAD'])
    if method not in known_methods:
        # if 'method' is not defined -> raise error
        list_strings = [
            "ERROR" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(INSPECTstack()) +
            ": unknown method",
            str().ljust(5) + "method " + str(method) + " is not defined",
            str().ljust(10) + "known methods: " + str(known_methods)
    if method == 'IQR':
        stat_disp = abs(
                SCIPYstats__scoreatpercentile(tab, 75) -
                SCIPYstats__scoreatpercentile(tab, 25)))
        med = float(SCIPYstats__scoreatpercentile(tab, 50))
        stat_disp = float(
            SCIPYstats__scoreatpercentile([abs(ii - med) for ii in tab], 50))
    return stat_disp
Exemplo n.º 5
def minmax_plot(tab, metric=False):
    # define minimum and maximum
    tmp = [NUMPYma__masked_invalid(NUMPYarray(tmp)) for tmp in tab]
    tmp = [tt.min() for tt in tmp] + [tt.max() for tt in tmp]
    mini, maxi = min(tmp), max(tmp)
    if mini < 0 and maxi > 0:
        locmaxi = max([abs(mini), abs(maxi)])
        locmini = -deepcopy(locmaxi)
        locmini, locmaxi = deepcopy(mini), deepcopy(maxi)
    # find the power of ten to get an interval between 1 and 10
    mult = pow(10, int(str("%e" % abs(locmaxi - locmini)).split('e')[1]))
    locmini, locmaxi = int(MATHfloor(float(locmini) / mult)), int(MATHceil(float(locmaxi) / mult))
    if locmaxi == 2 and maxi < 15 and mult == 10 and abs(locmini) != locmaxi:
        locmini, locmaxi = 0, 15
        mult = 1.
    scalmini, scalemaxi = mini / mult, maxi / mult
    interval = locmaxi - locmini
    listbase = list(NUMPYaround([ii*10**exp for exp in range(-1, 1) for ii in range(1, 6)], decimals=1))
    listbase = listbase + listbase
    listmult = [3] * int(len(listbase)/2) + [4] * int(len(listbase)/2)
    list1 = list(NUMPYaround([listbase[ii] * listmult[ii] for ii in range(len(listbase))], decimals=1))
    list2 = list(NUMPYaround([abs(ii - interval) for ii in list1], decimals=1))
    interval = list1[list2.index(min(list2))]
    base = listbase[list1.index(interval)]
    if base * 4.5 < interval:
        ii = 1
        tmp = sorted(list2)
        while base * 4.5 < interval:
            interval = list1[list2.index(tmp[ii])]
            base = listbase[list1.index(interval)]
            ii += 1
    if abs(locmini) == locmaxi:
        maxi_out = 2 * base
        while maxi_out - base > locmaxi:
            maxi_out -= base
        if metric is True and maxi_out < scalemaxi + base * 0.4:
            maxi_out += base
        mini_out = -maxi_out
        if locmini < 0 and locmaxi <= 0:
            locmini, locmaxi = abs(locmaxi), abs(locmini)
            sign = -1
            sign = 1
        half_int = int(round(interval / 2.))
        tmp_middle = locmini + half_int
        mini_out = max([0, tmp_middle - half_int])
        while mini_out > locmini:
            mini_out -= base
        while mini_out + base < locmini:
            mini_out += base
        maxi_out = mini_out + 2 * base
        while maxi_out < locmaxi:
            maxi_out += base
        while maxi_out - base > locmaxi:
            maxi_out -= base
        minmax = list(NUMPYaround(NUMPYarray([mini_out, maxi_out]) * sign, decimals=0).astype(int))
        mini_out, maxi_out = min(minmax), max(minmax)
        if metric is True:
            if maxi_out < scalemaxi + base * 0.4:
                maxi_out += base
    tick_labels = NUMPYarange(mini_out, maxi_out + base / 2., base)
    tick_labels = list(NUMPYaround(tick_labels * mult, decimals=4))
    if all([True if int(ii) == float(ii) else False for ii in tick_labels]):
        tick_labels = list(NUMPYaround(tick_labels, decimals=0).astype(int))
    if len(tick_labels) > 6:
        list_strings = [
            "WARNING" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.MessageFormating(INSPECTstack()) + ": too many ticks for axis",
            str().ljust(5) + str(len(tick_labels)) + " ticks: " + str(tick_labels),
            str().ljust(5) + "there should not be more than 6"
    if min(tick_labels) > mini or max(tick_labels) < maxi:
        list_strings = ["WARNING" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.MessageFormating(INSPECTstack()) +
                        ": wrong bounds in ticks for axis"]
        if min(tick_labels) > mini:
            list_strings += [str().ljust(5) + "ticks minimum (" + str(min(tick_labels)) + ") > tab minimum (" +
                             str(mini) + ")"]
        if max(tick_labels) < maxi:
            list_strings += [str().ljust(5) + "ticks maximum (" + str(max(tick_labels)) + ") > tab maximum (" +
                             str(maxi) + ")"]
    return tick_labels
Exemplo n.º 6
def math_metric_computation(model,
    Computes the metric value, i.e., distance between a model and an observational dataset

    :param model: float or None
        scalar value computed with a model
    :param model_err: float or None
        error value on the scalar value computed with a model
    :param obs: float or None, optional
        scalar value computed with an observational dataset
        default value is None
    :param obs_err: float or None, optional
        error value on the scalar value computed with an observational dataset
        default value is None
    :param keyword: string, optional
        name of a mathematical method to apply to compute the metric value (distance between a model and an
        observational dataset): 'difference', 'ratio', 'relative_difference', 'abs_relative_difference'
        default value is 'difference'
    :return metric: float or None
        distance between a model and an observational dataset or None if 'model' and/or 'obs' is/are None
    :return metric_err: float or None
        error on the distance between a model and an observational dataset or None if 'model' and/or 'obs' and/or
        'metric_err' and/or 'obs_err' is/are None
    :return description_metric: string
        description of the mathematical method used to compute the metric value
    if keyword not in [
            'difference', 'ratio', 'relative_difference',
        metric, metric_err, description_metric = \
            None, None, "unknown keyword for the mathematical computation of the metric: " + str(keyword)
        list_strings = [
            "ERROR" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(INSPECTstack()) +
            ": keyword",
            str().ljust(5) + description_metric
        if model is not None and obs is not None:
            if keyword == 'difference':
                description_metric = \
                    "The metric is the difference between model and observations values (M = model - obs)"
                metric = model - obs
            elif keyword == 'ratio':
                description_metric = "The metric is the ratio between model and observations values (M = model / obs)"
                metric = model / float(obs)
            elif keyword == 'relative_difference':
                description_metric = "The metric is the relative difference between model and observations values " + \
                                     "(M = [model-obs] / obs)"
                metric = (model - obs) / float(obs)
                description_metric = "The metric is the absolute value of the relative difference between model " + \
                                     "and observations values (M = 100 * abs[[model-obs] / obs])"
                metric = 100. * abs((model - obs) / float(obs))
            metric, description_metric = None, ''
        if model_err is not None or obs_err is not None:
            if keyword == 'difference':
                # mathematical definition of the error on addition / subtraction
                metric_err = model_err + obs_err
            elif keyword == 'ratio':
                # mathematical definition of the error on division
                if model is not None and obs is not None:
                    metric_err = float(
                        (obs * model_err + model * obs_err) / NUMPYsquare(obs))
                    metric_err = None
                # mathematical definition of the error on division
                if model is not None and obs is not None:
                    metric_err = float(
                        (obs * (model_err + obs_err) +
                         (model - obs) * obs_err) / NUMPYsquare(obs))
                    if keyword == 'abs_relative_difference':
                        metric_err = 100. * metric_err
                    metric_err = None
            metric_err = None
    return metric, metric_err, description_metric