Exemplo n.º 1
def get_response_content(fs):
    # check input compatibility
    if fs.nvertices < fs.naxes+1:
        msg_a = 'attempting to plot too many eigenvectors '
        msg_b = 'for the given number of vertices'
        raise ValueError(msg_a + msg_b)
    # define the requested physical size of the images (in pixels)
    physical_size = (640, 480)
    # get the points
    L = create_laplacian_matrix(fs.nvertices)
    D = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L)
    HSH = Euclid.edm_to_dccov(D)
    W, VT = np.linalg.eigh(HSH)
    V = VT.T.tolist()
    if fs.eigenvalue_scaling:
        vectors = [np.array(v)*w for w, v in list(reversed(sorted(zip(np.sqrt(W), V))))[:-1]]
        vectors = [np.array(v) for w, v in list(reversed(sorted(zip(np.sqrt(W), V))))[:-1]]
    X = np.array(zip(*vectors))
    # transform the points to eigenfunctions such that the first point is positive
    F = X.T[:fs.naxes]
    for i in range(fs.naxes):
        if F[i][0] < 0:
            F[i] *= -1
    # draw the image
        ext = Form.g_imageformat_to_ext[fs.imageformat]
        return create_image_string(ext, physical_size, F, fs.xaxis_length)
    except CairoUtil.CairoUtilError as e:
        raise HandlingError(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_splits(initial_distance_matrix,
    This is the most external of the functions in this module.
    Get the set of splits implied by the tree that would be reconstructed.
    @param initial_distance_matrix: a distance matrix
    @param split_function: takes a distance matrix and returns an index split
    @param update_function: takes a distance matrix and an index subset and returns a distance matrix
    @param on_label_split: notifies the caller of the label split induced by an index split
    @return: a set of splits
    n = len(initial_distance_matrix)
    # keep a stack of (label_set_per_vertex, distance_matrix) pairs
    initial_state = ([set([i]) for i in range(n)], initial_distance_matrix)
    stack = [initial_state]
    # process the stack in a depth first manner, building the split set
    label_split_set = set()
    while stack:
        label_sets, D = stack.pop()
        # if the matrix is small then we are done
        if len(D) < 4:
        # split the indices using the specified function
            index_split = split_function(D)
            # convert the index split to a label split
            label_split = index_split_to_label_split(index_split, label_sets)
            # notify the caller if a callback is requested
            if on_label_split:
            # add the split to the master set of label splits
            # for large matrices create the new label sets and the new conformant distance matrices
            a, b = index_split
            for index_selection, index_complement in ((a, b), (b, a)):
                if len(index_complement) > 2:
                    next_label_sets = SchurAlgebra.vmerge(
                        label_sets, index_selection)
                    next_D = update_function(D, index_selection)
                    next_state = (next_label_sets, next_D)
        except DegenerateSplitException, e:
            # we cannot recover from a degenerate split unless there are more than four indices
            if len(D) <= 4:
            # with more than four indices we can fall back to partial splits
            index_set = set([e.index])
            # get the next label sets
            next_label_sets = SchurAlgebra.vdelete(label_sets, index_set)
            # get the next conformant distance matrix by schur complementing out the offending index
            L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
            L_small = SchurAlgebra.mschur(L, index_set)
            next_D = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
            next_state = (next_label_sets, next_D)
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_using_laplacian(D, index_set):
    Update the distance matrix by summing rows and columns of the removed indices.
    @param D: the distance matrix
    @param index_set: the set of indices that will be removed from the updated distance matrix
    @return: an updated distance matrix
    L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
    L_small = SchurAlgebra.mmerge(L, index_set)
    D_small = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
    return D_small
Exemplo n.º 4
def update_using_laplacian(D, index_set):
    Update the distance matrix by summing rows and columns of the removed indices.
    @param D: the distance matrix
    @param index_set: the set of indices that will be removed from the updated distance matrix
    @return: an updated distance matrix
    L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
    L_small = SchurAlgebra.mmerge(L, index_set)
    D_small = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
    return D_small
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_splits(initial_distance_matrix, split_function, update_function, on_label_split=None):
    This is the most external of the functions in this module.
    Get the set of splits implied by the tree that would be reconstructed.
    @param initial_distance_matrix: a distance matrix
    @param split_function: takes a distance matrix and returns an index split
    @param update_function: takes a distance matrix and an index subset and returns a distance matrix
    @param on_label_split: notifies the caller of the label split induced by an index split
    @return: a set of splits
    n = len(initial_distance_matrix)
    # keep a stack of (label_set_per_vertex, distance_matrix) pairs
    initial_state = ([set([i]) for i in range(n)], initial_distance_matrix)
    stack = [initial_state]
    # process the stack in a depth first manner, building the split set
    label_split_set = set()
    while stack:
        label_sets, D = stack.pop()
        # if the matrix is small then we are done
        if len(D) < 4:
        # split the indices using the specified function
            index_split = split_function(D)
            # convert the index split to a label split
            label_split = index_split_to_label_split(index_split, label_sets)
            # notify the caller if a callback is requested
            if on_label_split:
            # add the split to the master set of label splits
            # for large matrices create the new label sets and the new conformant distance matrices
            a, b = index_split
            for index_selection, index_complement in ((a, b), (b, a)):
                if len(index_complement) > 2:
                    next_label_sets = SchurAlgebra.vmerge(label_sets, index_selection)
                    next_D = update_function(D, index_selection)
                    next_state = (next_label_sets, next_D)
        except DegenerateSplitException, e:
            # we cannot recover from a degenerate split unless there are more than four indices
            if len(D) <= 4:
            # with more than four indices we can fall back to partial splits
            index_set = set([e.index])
            # get the next label sets
            next_label_sets = SchurAlgebra.vdelete(label_sets, index_set)
            # get the next conformant distance matrix by schur complementing out the offending index
            L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
            L_small = SchurAlgebra.mschur(L, index_set)
            next_D = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
            next_state = (next_label_sets, next_D)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix
    D = fs.matrix
    # read the ordered labels
    ordered_labels = Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.labels))
    if not ordered_labels:
        raise HandlingError('no ordered taxa were provided')
    if len(ordered_labels) != len(set(ordered_labels)):
        raise HandlingError('the ordered taxa should be unique')
    # get the label selection and its complement
    min_selected_labels = 2
    min_unselected_labels = 1
    selected_labels = set(Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.selection)))
    if len(selected_labels) < min_selected_labels:
        raise HandlingError('at least %d taxa should be selected to be grouped' % min_selected_labels)
    # get the set of labels in the complement
    unselected_labels = set(ordered_labels) - selected_labels
    if len(unselected_labels) < min_unselected_labels:
        raise HandlingError('at least %d taxa should remain outside the selected group' % min_unselected_labels)
    # assert that no bizarre labels were selected
    weird_labels = selected_labels - set(ordered_labels)
    if weird_labels:
        raise HandlingError('some selected taxa are invalid: ' + str(weird_labels))
    # assert that the size of the distance matrix is compatible with the number of ordered labels
    if len(D) != len(ordered_labels):
        raise HandlingError('the number of listed taxa does not match the number of rows in the distance matrix')
    # get the set of selected indices and its complement
    n = len(D)
    index_selection = set(i for i, label in enumerate(ordered_labels) if label in selected_labels)
    index_complement = set(range(n)) - index_selection
    # begin the response
    out = StringIO()
    # get the ordered list of sets of indices to merge
    merged_indices = SchurAlgebra.vmerge([set([x]) for x in range(n)], index_selection)
    # calculate the new distance matrix
    L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
    L_merged = SchurAlgebra.mmerge(L, index_selection)
    D_merged = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_merged)
    # print the output distance matrix and the labels of its rows
    print >> out, 'new distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(D_merged)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'new taxon labels:'
    for merged_index_set in merged_indices:
        if len(merged_index_set) == 1:
            print >> out, ordered_labels[merged_index_set.pop()]
            print >> out, '{' + ', '.join(selected_labels) + '}'
    # write the response
    return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix
    L = fs.laplacian
    # read the ordered labels
    ordered_labels = Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.labels))
    if not ordered_labels:
        raise HandlingError('no ordered taxa were provided')
    if len(ordered_labels) != len(set(ordered_labels)):
        raise HandlingError('the ordered taxa should be unique')
    # get the label selection and its complement
    min_selected_labels = 2
    min_unselected_labels = 1
    selected_labels = set(Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.selection)))
    if len(selected_labels) < min_selected_labels:
        raise HandlingError('at least %d taxa should be selected to be grouped' % min_selected_labels)
    # get the set of labels in the complement
    unselected_labels = set(ordered_labels) - selected_labels
    if len(unselected_labels) < min_unselected_labels:
        raise HandlingError('at least %d taxa should remain outside the selected group' % min_unselected_labels)
    # assert that no bizarre labels were selected
    weird_labels = selected_labels - set(ordered_labels)
    if weird_labels:
        raise HandlingError('some selected taxa are invalid: ' + str(weird_labels))
    # assert that the size of the distance matrix is compatible with the number of ordered labels
    if len(L) != len(ordered_labels):
        raise HandlingError('the number of listed taxa does not match the number of rows in the distance matrix')
    # get the set of selected indices and its complement
    n = len(L)
    index_selection = set(i for i, label in enumerate(ordered_labels) if label in selected_labels)
    index_complement = set(range(n)) - index_selection
    # begin the response
    out = StringIO()
    # calculate the new laplacian matrix
    L_small = SchurAlgebra.mschur(L, index_selection)
    D_small = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
    # print the matrices and the labels of its rows
    print >> out, 'new laplacian matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(L_small)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'new distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(D_small)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'new taxon labels:'
    for index in sorted(index_complement):
        print >> out, ordered_labels[index]
    # write the response
    return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 8
def process(npoints, nseconds):
    @param npoints: attempt to form each counterexample from this many points
    @param nseconds: allow this many seconds to run
    @return: a multi-line string that summarizes the results
    start_time = time.time()
    best_result = None
    nchecked = 0
    while time.time() - start_time < nseconds:
        # look for a counterexample
        points = sample_points(npoints)
        D = points_to_edm(points)
        L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
        L_small = SchurAlgebra.mmerge(L, set([0, 1]))
        w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(L_small)
        D_small = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
        result = Counterexample(points, D, w, D_small)
        # see if the counterexample is interesting
        if best_result is None:
            best_result = result
        elif min(result.L_eigenvalues) < min(best_result.L_eigenvalues):
            best_result = result
        nchecked += 1
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'checked', nchecked, 'matrices each formed from', npoints, 'points'
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues of the induced matrix with lowest eigenvalue:'
    for value in reversed(sorted(best_result.L_eigenvalues)):
        print >> out, value
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'corresponding induced distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(best_result.D_small)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'the original distance matrix corresponding to this matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(best_result.D)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'the points that formed the original distance matrix:'
    for point in best_result.points:
        print >> out, '\t'.join(str(x) for x in point)
    return out.getvalue().strip()
Exemplo n.º 9
def process(npoints, nseconds):
    @param npoints: attempt to form each counterexample from this many points
    @param nseconds: allow this many seconds to run
    @return: a multi-line string that summarizes the results
    start_time = time.time()
    best_result = None
    nchecked = 0
    while time.time() - start_time < nseconds:
        # look for a counterexample
        points = sample_points(npoints)
        D = points_to_edm(points)
        L = Euclid.edm_to_laplacian(D)
        L_small = SchurAlgebra.mmerge(L, set([0, 1]))
        w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(L_small)
        D_small = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L_small)
        result = Counterexample(points, D, w, D_small)
        # see if the counterexample is interesting
        if best_result is None:
            best_result = result
        elif min(result.L_eigenvalues) < min(best_result.L_eigenvalues):
            best_result = result
        nchecked += 1
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'checked', nchecked, 'matrices each formed from', npoints, 'points'
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues of the induced matrix with lowest eigenvalue:'
    for value in reversed(sorted(best_result.L_eigenvalues)):
        print >> out, value
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'corresponding induced distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(best_result.D_small)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'the original distance matrix corresponding to this matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(best_result.D)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'the points that formed the original distance matrix:'
    for point in best_result.points:
        print >> out, '\t'.join(str(x) for x in point)
    return out.getvalue().strip()
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_response_content(fs):
    A = fs.matrix
    L = Euclid.adjacency_to_laplacian(A)
    D = Euclid.laplacian_to_edm(L)
    return MatrixUtil.m_to_string(D) + "\n"