def test_is_init_working_correctly_with_kwargs(self):
        #test whether objects are created correctly when passed all kwargs

        #create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        #imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

        #Check that the state attribute was set correctly
        self.assertEqual(analyzer1.state, 'Michigan')

        #Check that the full data set attribute was set correctly
        self.assertEqual(analyzer1.full_data.equals(test_data1), True)

        #Check that the state's data was obtained correctly from full data set
        self.assertEqual(, True)

        #Check that type for "Week Ending Date" column was converted correctly
        self.assertEqual(['Week Ending Date'].dtype,
                         test_data2['Week Ending Date'].dtype)

        #Check that data_allCauses attribute is correct
                test_data2[test_data2['Outcome'] == 'All causes']), True)

        #Check that data_exceptCovid attribute is correct
                test_data2['Outcome'] == 'All causes, excluding COVID-19']),
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_is_init_data_working_correctly(self):
        #Check that the state's data was obtained correctly from full data set

        #create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        #imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

        self.assertEqual(, True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_is_init_full_data_working_correctly(self):
        #Check that the full data set attribute was set correctly

        #create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        #imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

        self.assertEqual(analyzer1.full_data.equals(test_data1), True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_is_timeSeries_saving_right(self):
        #confirms that .timeSeries() method saves a file with the expected
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)
        analyzer1.timeSeries(save=True, filename='Test_Plot')

        check = os.path.isfile('Test_Plot.png')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_is_init_data_converting_column_to_datetime(self):
        #Check that type for "Week Ending Date" column was converted correctly

        #create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        #imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

        self.assertEqual(['Week Ending Date'].dtype,
                         test_data2['Week Ending Date'].dtype)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_is_init_data_allCauses_correct(self):
        #Check that data_allCauses attribute is correct

        #create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        #imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

                test_data2[test_data2['Outcome'] == 'All causes']), True)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_is_compareToState_plot_created(self):
        # Is compareToState() method successfully creating the plot that is
        # being produced. If not, something within the code failed for the plot
        # to not be produced/called. ie: Did we plot something?

        Analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer("Michigan", test_data1)

        # Sets up a mock test to see if a plot is retuned
        with patch('') as show_patch:

            # Asserts that a plot is returned by at the end of the
            # compareToState method. If a plot is returned - test is ok. If a
            # plot is not returned - test fails
            assert show_patch.called
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_is_string_output_correct(self):
        # Is peakValue() method successfully calculating and storing the value
        # that the peak excess deaths reached within a given state and
        # returning the correct strings for this

        # Set-up: create object with state 'Michigan' and full data from
        # imported CSV (above)
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer("Michigan", test_data1)

        # Assert that returned string will equal the given string
        # If equal, test passes. If not equal, test fails
            'The peak of Excess Deaths, all causes, for Michigan was at 95 excess deathsThe peak of Excess Deaths, all causes except for COVID-19, for Michigan was at 74 excess deaths'
def create_user_object(state):
    This function takes a state as input and creates a
    ExcessDeathsAnalyzer object for that class.
    In the wrapper function, this function will be fed the output
    from get_user_state().
    We deliberately do not allow the user to change the input data here,
    as we leave the determination of the input data set up to the developer.
    #Initialize the class object based on the state input
    user_object = ExcessDeathsAnalyzer(state, input_data)
    #Return this class object for querying in later functions
    return user_object
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_is_compareToState_plotting_right(self):
        #confirms that compareToState() method produces the correct plot
        #Note: checking for whether graphics look exactly like eachother can
        #by tricky and time consuming, especially as minor formatting tweaks are
        #are implemented.  Instead of automating the check, this test will show
        #the tester what graphic is created for visual inspection.
        analyzer1 = eda.ExcessDeathsAnalyzer('Michigan', test_data1)

        # Shows the sample chart for comparison purposes for the visual
        # inspection accomplished below
        im ="testingSuite_compareToState.png")

        #check (by asking tester to confirm the plot is correct)
        check = input(
            "This is a visual test.\nDoes this plot look correct? [Y or N]: ")
        self.assertEqual(check, "Y")
## clean dataset
input_data = excess_deaths_final

input_data = pd.read_csv('Excess Deaths Cleaned.csv')
#Read in ExcessDeathsAnalyzer class from
from ExcessDeathsAnalyzer import *

#%%Run our queries

#Query 1: National Time Series 
National = ExcessDeathsAnalyzer("United States", input_data)
National.timeSeries(save = True, filename = "testplot.png")


#Query 2: Peak date of excess deaths for national


#Query 3: Peak number of excess deaths for national

Exemplo n.º 12

#Read in data from url and perform data cleaning
from ReadIn_EDA_Clean_Export import *

## clean dataset
input_data = excess_deaths_final

#Read in ExcessDeathsAnalyzer class from
from ExcessDeathsAnalyzer import *

#%%Run our queries

#Query 1: National Time Series
National = ExcessDeathsAnalyzer("United States", input_data)
National.timeSeries(save=True, filename="testplot.png")


#Query 2: Peak date of excess deaths for national


#Query 3: Peak number of excess deaths for national


#Query 4: Virginia time series