Exemplo n.º 1
             msg_header_lines = msg_header.splitlines()
             request_type, request_path = msg_header_lines[0].split(' ',1)
             print "Request Type: %s" % request_type
             print "Request Path: %s" % request_path
             if request_type == "PUT":
                 fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                 response_code = FileSync.put_file(fullpath, 'text/plain', msg_body)
                 client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\n')
                 files_received += 1
             elif request_type == "GET":
                 fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                 if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
                     file_list = FileSync.get_file_list(fullpath)
                     response_body = ''
                     for file_name in file_list:
                         response_body += file_name + '\n'
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\n\n')
                     client_sock.send(response_body + '\n')
                     response_body = FileSync.get_file(fullpath)
                     if response_body != '':
                         client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\n\n')
                         client_sock.send(response_body + '\n\n')
                         client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\n\n')
             print "Request Complete\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
 def processClientConnection( self, client_sock, client_info ):            
         print "Accepted connection from ", client_info
         files_received = 0
             while True:                  
                 msg_header, msg_body, content_type = self.read_request( client_sock )
                 if len(msg_header) == 0:
                 print "Message Header: %s" % msg_header
                 print "Message Body Length: %d" % len(msg_body)
                 msg_header_lines = msg_header.splitlines()
                 request_type, request_path = msg_header_lines[0].split(' ',1)
                 print "Request Type: %s" % request_type
                 print "Request Path: %s" % request_path
                 request_complete = False
                 # retrieve any params attached to the requested entity
                 params_offset = request_path.find('?')
                 if params_offset != -1:
                     request_params = request_path[params_offset:]
                     request_params = request_params.lstrip('?')
                     request_path = request_path[0:params_offset]
                 request_path = request_path.lstrip('/')
                 # if the requested path starts with 'static', then let's assume that
                 # the request knows the full path that it's looking for, otherwise, 
                 # we will prepend the path with the path to the data directory
                 if request_path.startswith('static'):
                     fullpath = './' + request_path
                     fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                 if request_type == "PUT":
                     # make sure that the destination directory exists
                     if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fullpath)):
                     response_code = FileSync.put_file(fullpath, content_type, msg_body)
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\r\n')
                     files_received += 1
                 elif request_type == "POST":
                     response_code = "400 Bad Request"
                     path_elems = request_path.split('/')
                     if len(path_elems) >= 2:
                         comp_season_list = WebCommonUtils.split_comp_str(path_elems[0])
                         if comp_season_list != None:
                             result = False
                             error = False
                             # for the sync of event and team data, the URI path is of the following
                             # format /Sync/<comp>/EventData/[TeamData/]. if just EventData is provided,
                             # then the event data is regenerated, if TeamData is provided, then both
                             # the event data and team data is regenerated
                             if len(path_elems) >= 2 and path_elems[1] == 'EventData':
                                 result = WebEventData.update_event_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == True:
                                     result = WebTeamData.update_team_event_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == True:
                                     result = WebAttributeDefinitions.update_event_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == False:
                                     error = True
                             if len(path_elems) >= 3 and path_elems[2] == 'TeamData' and error is False:
                                     team = path_elems[3]
                                     if team == '':
                                         team = None
                                     team = None
                                 result = WebTeamData.update_team_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                            path_elems[2], team )
                             if result == True:
                                 response_code = "200 OK"
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\r\n')
                 elif request_type == "GET":
                     # Parse any params attached to this GET request
                     params = request_params.split(';')
                     for param in params:
                         # split the parameter into the tag and value
                         parsed_param = param.split('=')
                         tag = parsed_param[0]
                         value = parsed_param[1]
                         # process the parameter
                     # check to see if the requested path exists. We may need to handle that
                     # condition separately, treating non-existent directories as empty (as
                     # opposed to sending a 404 not found.
                     # TODO: update the client side to handle the 404 not found as an empty directory
                     #       and then update this block to send the 404 in all cases.
                     if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
                         if request_path[-1] == '/':
                             # if the requested path refers to a directory, let's return an empty
                             # response indicating that there are no files in that directory
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('Content-Length: 0\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\r\n\r\n')
                         request_complete = True
                     if not request_complete:
                         if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
                             file_list = FileSync.get_file_list(fullpath)
                             response_body = ''
                             for file_name in file_list:
                                 response_body += file_name + '\n'
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                             client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                             response_body = FileSync.get_file(fullpath)
                             if response_body != '':
                                 client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                                 client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                                 client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                                 client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\r\n\r\n')
                 print "Request Complete\n"
         except IOError:
         print "disconnected"
def process_json_files(global_config, competition, output_file, input_dir, reprocess_files=False):
    # Initialize the database session connection
    db_name  = global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']
    session  = DbSession.open_db_session(db_name)

    # get all the verified files from the input directory. These files are
    # candidates to be processed
    verified_files = FileSync.get_file_list(input_dir, ext='.verified', recurse=True )
    # For the normal case, get all the processed files, too. We'll use the processed list to 
    # determine which files are actually newly verified and need to be processed. If the 
    # reprocess flag is true, then we'll process all verified files.
    if reprocess_files is not True:
        processed_files = FileSync.get_file_list(input_dir, ext='.processed', recurse=True )
        for processed_file in processed_files:
            verified_files.remove( processed_file.replace('processed','verified') )
    xlsx_workbook = None
    excel_intf_ctrl = global_config.get('excel_sheets_intf', 'Disabled')
    if excel_intf_ctrl == 'Enabled':
        # read in the output file, which is expected to be an XLSX file
            xlsx_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(output_file)
            print 'Error Reading Spreadsheet %s For Input' % output_file
    google_intf_ctrl = global_config.get('google_sheets_intf', 'Disabled')

    # took out for now until we have local dictionary storage
    events = global_config.get('events')
    if events is None:
        events = {}
        global_config['events'] = events
    event_data = events.get( competition )
    if event_data is None:
        events[competition] = { 'ScoutingData': { 'TeamData': {} } }
        event_data = events[competition]

    event_scouting_data = event_data['ScoutingData']['TeamData']

    for verified_file in verified_files:
        filename = verified_file.split('/')[-1]

        # read the file into a dictionary
        with open(input_dir+verified_file) as fd:
            scouting_data = json.load(fd)
            if filename.startswith('Match'):
                team = scouting_data['Setup'].get('Team')
                category = 'Match'
            elif filename.startswith('Pit'):
                team = scouting_data['Pit'].get('Team')
                category = 'Pit'                
                category = 'Unknown'

            if team is not None and len(team) > 0:
                # ######################################################### #
                # store the scouting data to the local database

                DataModel.addTeamToEvent(session, int(team), competition)

                attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions(global_config)
                for section_name, section_data in scouting_data.iteritems():
                    if isinstance(section_data,dict):
                        for attr_name, attr_value in section_data.iteritems():
                            # use the attribute definitions to control whether information gets 
                            # stored to the database rather than the hard coded stuff here.
                            # also need to consider the section/category name as the attributes
                            # and definitions are processed
                            # don't store the team number in the database
                            if attr_name == 'Team':
                            # augment the attribute name with the section name in order to make the attribute
                            # unique
                            attr_name = '%s:%s' % (section_name, attr_name)
                            attribute_def = {}
                            attribute_def['Name'] = attr_name
                            if attr_value.isdigit():
                                attribute_def['Type'] = 'Integer'
                                attribute_def['Weight'] = 1.0
                                attribute_def['Type'] = 'String'
                                attribute_def['Weight'] = 0.0
                            attribute_def['Statistic_Type'] = 'Average'

                                DataModel.createOrUpdateAttribute(session, int(team), competition, category, 
                                                                  attr_name, attr_value, attribute_def)
                            except Exception, exception:
                                exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                                exception_info = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value,exc_traceback)
                                for line in exception_info:
                                    line = line.replace('\n','')
                        print 'Unexpected entry in scouting data file, name: %s, value: %s' % (section_name,section_data)
                score = DataModel.calculateTeamScore(session, int(team), competition, attr_definitions)
                DataModel.setTeamScore(session, int(team), competition, score)

                # ######################################################### #
                # Google spreadsheet update
                if google_intf_ctrl == 'Enabled':
                    row_data = []
                    for section_name, section_data in scouting_data.iteritems():
                        if isinstance(section_data,dict):
                            for attr_name, attr_value in section_data.iteritems():
                                # augment the attribute name with the section name in order to make the attribute
                                # unique
                                attr_name = '%s_%s' % (section_name, attr_name)
                            print 'Unexpected entry in scouting data file, name: %s, value: %s' % (section_name,section_data)
                    sheet_name = '%s_%s_Data' % (competition,category)
                    GoogleSheetsIntf.add_scouting_data_row( sheet_name, row_data )
                # ######################################################### #

                # ######################################################### #
                # ######################################################### #
                # store the scouting data to a local dictionary
                team_data = event_scouting_data.get(team)
                if team_data is None:
                    team_data = { 'Summary': {}, 'MatchData': [] }
                    event_scouting_data[team] = team_data

                team_match_data = team_data['MatchData']

                # if this match has already been scored, then update the data by removing the existing
                # match data and then add the updated data
                update_match = False
                for match_data in team_match_data:
                    if scouting_data['Setup']['Match'] == match_data['Setup']['Match']:
                        update_match = True
                if update_match is True:
                # ######################################################### #

                # ######################################################### #
                # store the match scouting data information to the spreadsheet
                if excel_intf_ctrl == 'Enabled' and xlsx_workbook is not None:
                    if category == 'Match':
                        team_name = 'Team %s' % team
                            team_sheet = xlsx_workbook.get_sheet_by_name(team_name)
                            team_sheet = create_team_sheet( xlsx_workbook, team_name )
                        curr_matches = team_sheet['B2'].value
                        if curr_matches is None:
                            curr_matches = 0
                        # get max row and column count and iterate over the sheet
                        max_row= team_sheet.max_row
                        for i in range(1,max_row+1):
                             # scan for a row that has Match in the first column to identify rows where data will be stored
                             cell_value = team_sheet.cell(row=i,column=1).value
                             if team_sheet.cell(row=i,column=1).value == 'Match':
                                 attr_row = i
                                 data_row = i+1
                                 data_cell = team_sheet.cell(row=i+1,column=1).value
                                 if data_cell is None:
                                     team_sheet = update_data_row( team_sheet, attr_row, data_row, scouting_data )
                                     team_sheet['B2'].value = curr_matches+1
                                 elif data_cell == int(scouting_data['Setup']['Match']):
                                     # Update an existing row
                                     team_sheet = update_data_row( team_sheet, attr_row, data_row, scouting_data )
                                 # Jump over the next two rows
                                 i += 2
                    # ######################################################### #
                shutil.copyfile(input_dir+verified_file, input_dir+verified_file.replace('verified','processed'))
            if xlsx_workbook is not None:             
 def run(self):
     server_sock=BluetoothSocket( RFCOMM )
     port = server_sock.getsockname()[1]
     uuid = "00001073-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F7"
     advertise_service( server_sock, "TTTService",
                        service_id = uuid,
                        service_classes = [ uuid, SERIAL_PORT_CLASS ],
                        profiles = [ SERIAL_PORT_PROFILE ] )
     while not self.shutdown:
         print "Waiting for connection on RFCOMM channel %d" % port
         client_sock, client_info = server_sock.accept()
         print "Accepted connection from ", client_info
         files_received = 0
             while True:                  
                 msg_header, msg_body, content_type = self.read_request( client_sock )
                 if len(msg_header) == 0:
                 print "Message Header: %s" % msg_header
                 print "Message Body Length: %d" % len(msg_body)
                 msg_header_lines = msg_header.splitlines()
                 request_type, request_path = msg_header_lines[0].split(' ',1)
                 print "Request Type: %s" % request_type
                 print "Request Path: %s" % request_path
                 if request_type == "PUT":
                     fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                     response_code = FileSync.put_file(fullpath, content_type, msg_body)
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\r\n')
                     files_received += 1
                 elif request_type == "GET":
                     fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                     if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
                         file_list = FileSync.get_file_list(fullpath)
                         response_body = ''
                         for file_name in file_list:
                             response_body += file_name + '\n'
                         client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                         client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                         client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                         response_body = FileSync.get_file(fullpath)
                         if response_body != '':
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                             client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\r\n\r\n')
                 print "Request Complete\n"
         except IOError:
         print "disconnected"
     print "Bluetooth Sync Server Terminated"