Exemplo n.º 1
 def testSanity(self):
     """cigaxg(cxgaig(n))==n for all n"""
     for name, proj, dims, xg, ig in self.knownValues:
         xgout = Fstdc.cigaxg(proj, ig[0], ig[1], ig[2], ig[3])
         igout = Fstdc.cxgaig(proj, xgout[0], xgout[1], xgout[2], xgout[3])
         self.assertEqual(igout, ig,
                          name + igout.__repr__() + xgout.__repr__())
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_KnownValues2(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo corners should give known result with known input"""
     (ni,nj) = self.la.shape
     (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp,-69.5,180.0,0.5,0.5)
     hasAxes = 0
     doCorners = 1
     (i0,j0) = (0,0)
     (la2,lo2,cla2,clo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni,nj),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),(None,None),hasAxes,(i0,j0),doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la!=la2):
         print("\nLAT Expected:\n",self.la)
         print("LAT Got:\n",la2)
     if numpy.any(self.lo!=lo2):
         print("\nLON Expected:\n",self.lo)
         print("LON Got:\n",lo2)
     for ic in range(0,4):
         if numpy.any(self.cla[ic,...]!=cla2[ic,...]):
             print("LAT Expected:\n",self.cla[ic,...])
             print("LAT Got:\n",cla2[ic,...])
         if numpy.any(self.clo[ic,...]!=clo2[ic,...]):
             print("\nLON Expected:\n",self.clo[ic,...])
             print("LON Got:\n",clo2[ic,...])
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_KnownValues2(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo corners should give known result with known input"""
     (ni,nj) = self.la.shape
     (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp,-69.5,180.0,0.5,0.5)
     hasAxes = 0
     doCorners = 1
     (i0,j0) = (0,0)
     (la2,lo2,cla2,clo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni,nj),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),(None,None),hasAxes,(i0,j0),doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la!=la2):
         print "\nLAT Expected:\n",self.la
         print "LAT Got:\n",la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo!=lo2):
         print "\nLON Expected:\n",self.lo
         print "LON Got:\n",lo2
     for ic in range(0,4):
         if numpy.any(self.cla[ic,...]!=cla2[ic,...]):
             print "\n",ic,'cla'
             print "LAT Expected:\n",self.cla[ic,...]
             print "LAT Got:\n",cla2[ic,...]
         if numpy.any(self.clo[ic,...]!=clo2[ic,...]):
             print "\n",ic,'clo'
             print "\nLON Expected:\n",self.clo[ic,...]
             print "LON Got:\n",clo2[ic,...]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testLevels_to_ip1KnownValues(self):
     """level_to_ip1 should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvlnew],kind)[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvlold],kind)[0]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_KnownValues2(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo corners should give known result with known input"""
     (ni, nj) = self.la.shape
     grtyp = "L"
     grref = "L"
     (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp, -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
     hasAxes = 0
     doCorners = 1
     (i0, j0) = (0, 0)
     (la2, lo2, cla2, clo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo(
         (ni, nj), grtyp, (grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4), (None, None), hasAxes, (i0, j0), doCorners
     if numpy.any(self.la != la2):
         print self.la
         print la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo != lo2):
         print self.lo
         print lo2
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.la != la2))
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.lo != lo2))
     for ic in range(0, 4):
         if numpy.any(self.cla[ic, ...] != cla2[ic, ...]):
             print ic, "cla"
             print self.cla[ic, ...]
             print cla2[ic, ...]
         self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.cla[ic, ...] != cla2[ic, ...]))
         if numpy.any(self.clo[ic, ...] != clo2[ic, ...]):
             print ic, "clo"
             print self.clo[ic, ...]
             print clo2[ic, ...]
         self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.clo[ic, ...] != clo2[ic, ...]))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testLevels_to_ip1KnownValues(self):
     """level_to_ip1 should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvlnew],kind)[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvlold],kind)[0]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def testSanity(self):
     """EncodeIp(DecodeIp(n))==n for all n"""
     for rp1v1, rp1v2, rp1k, rp2v1, rp2v2, rp2k, ip1, ip2, ip3 in self.knownValues:
         ((rp1v1b, rp1v2b, rp1kb), (rp2v1b, rp2v2b, rp2kb),
          (rp3v1b, rp3v2b, rp3kb)) = Fstdc.DecodeIp((ip1, ip2, ip3))
         (ip1b, ip2b, ip3b) = Fstdc.EncodeIp([(rp1v1b, rp1v2b, rp1kb),
                                              (rp2v1b, rp2v2b, rp2kb),
                                              (rp3v1b, rp3v2b, rp3kb)])
         self.assertEqual((ip1b, ip2b, ip3b), (ip1, ip2, ip3))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def testSanity(self):
     """levels_to_ip1(ip1_to_levels(n))==n for all n"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipnew])[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvl2],kind2)[0]
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipold])[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvl2],kind2)[0]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def testip1_to_levelsKnownValues(self):
     """ip1_to_level should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipnew])[0]
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipold])[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testSanity(self):
     """levels_to_ip1(ip1_to_levels(n))==n for all n"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipnew])[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvl2],kind2)[0]
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipold])[0]
         (ipnew2,ipold2) = Fstdc.level_to_ip1([lvl2],kind2)[0]
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testip1_to_levelsKnownValues(self):
     """ip1_to_level should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipnew])[0]
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ip1_to_level([ipold])[0]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def gridL(self,dlalo=0.5,nij=10):
     """provide grid and rec values for other tests"""
     la0 = 0.-dlalo*(nij/2.)
     lo0 = 180.-dlalo*(nij/2.)
     ig14 = (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp,la0,lo0,dlalo,dlalo)
     axes = (None,None)
     hasAxes = 0
     ij0 = (1,1)
     doCorners = 0
     (la,lo) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((nij,nij),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),axes,hasAxes,ij0,doCorners)
     return (grtyp,ig14,(nij,nij),la,lo)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def gridL(self,dlalo=0.5,nij=10):
     """provide grid and rec values for other tests"""
     la0 = 0.-dlalo*(nij/2.)
     lo0 = 180.-dlalo*(nij/2.)
     ig14 = (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp,la0,lo0,dlalo,dlalo)
     axes = (None,None)
     hasAxes = 0
     ij0 = (1,1)
     doCorners = 0
     (la,lo) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((nij,nij),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),axes,hasAxes,ij0,doCorners)
     return (grtyp,ig14,(nij,nij),la,lo)
Exemplo n.º 14
def levels_to_ip1(levels, kind):
    """Encode level value into ip1 for the specified kind

    ip1_list = levels_to_ip1(level_list, kind)
    @param level_list list of level values [units depending on kind]
    @param kind   type of levels [units] to be encoded
        kind = 0: levels are in height [m] (metres) with respect to sea level
        kind = 1: levels are in sigma [sg] (0.0 -> 1.0)
        kind = 2: levels are in pressure [mb] (millibars)
        kind = 3: levels are in arbitrary code
        Looks like the following are not suppored yet in the fortran func convip,
        because they depend upon the local topography
            kind = 4: levels are in height [M] (metres) with respect to ground level
            kind = 5: levels are in hybrid coordinates [hy]
            kind = 6: levels are in theta [th]
    @return list of encoded level values-tuple ((ip1new, ip1old), ...)
    @exception TypeError if level_list is not a tuple or list
    @exception ValueError if kind is not an int in range of allowed kind

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> levels_to_ip1([0., 13.5, 1500., 5525., 12750.], 0)
    [(15728640, 12001), (8523608, 12004), (6441456, 12301), (6843956, 13106), (5370380, 14551)]
    >>> levels_to_ip1([0., 0.1, .02, 0.00678, 0.000003], 1)
    [(32505856, 2000), (27362976, 3000), (28511552, 2200), (30038128, 2068), (32805856, 2000)]
    >>> levels_to_ip1([1024., 850., 650., 500., 10., 2., 0.3], 2)
    [(39948288, 1024), (41744464, 850), (41544464, 650), (41394464, 500), (42043040, 10), (43191616, 1840), (44340192, 1660)]
    if not isinstance(levels, (list, tuple)):
        raise ValueError(
            'levels_to_ip1: levels should be a list or a tuple; ' +
    if not isinstance(kind, _integer_types):
        raise TypeError(
            'levels_to_ip1: kind should be an int in range [0, 3]; ' +
    elif not kind in (0, 1, 2, 3):  #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):
        raise ValueError(
            'levels_to_ip1: kind should be an int in range [0, 3]; ' +
    if isinstance(levels, tuple):
        ip1_list = Fstdc.level_to_ip1(list(levels), kind)
        ip1_list = Fstdc.level_to_ip1(levels, kind)
    if not ip1_list:
        raise TypeError(
            'levels_to_ip1: wrong args type; levels_to_ip1(levels, kind)')
    return (ip1_list)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testEncodeIpKnownErrors(self):
     """EncodeIp should raise an exeption for Known Errors"""
     for rp1v1,rp1v2,rp1k,rp2v1,rp2v2,rp2k,ip1,ip2,ip3 in self.knownErrors:
             (ip1b,ip2b,ip3b) = Fstdc.EncodeIp([(rp1v1,rp1v2,rp1k),(rp2v1,rp2v2,rp2k),(0.,0.,Fstdc.KIND_ARBITRARY)])
             self.assertEqual((ip1b,ip2b,ip3b),("Except Fstdc.error",))
         except Fstdc.error:
             self.assertEqual("Except Fstdc.error","Except Fstdc.error")
Exemplo n.º 16
 def testEncodeIpKnownValues(self):
     """EncodeIp should give known result with known input"""
     for rp1v1, rp1v2, rp1k, rp2v1, rp2v2, rp2k, ip1, ip2, ip3 in self.knownValues:
         (ip1b, ip2b, ip3b) = Fstdc.EncodeIp([(rp1v1, rp1v2, rp1k),
                                              (rp2v1, rp2v2, rp2k),
                                              (0., 0., Fstdc.KIND_ARBITRARY)
         self.assertEqual((ip1b, ip2b, ip3b), (ip1, ip2, ip3))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def testCigaxgKnownValues(self):
     """Cigaxg should give known result with known input"""
     for name,proj,dims,xg,ig in self.knownValues:
         xgout = Fstdc.cigaxg(proj,ig[0],ig[1],ig[2],ig[3])
Exemplo n.º 18
 def testCigaxgKnownValues(self):
     """Cigaxg should give known result with known input"""
     for name,proj,dims,xg,ig in self.knownValues:
         xgout = Fstdc.cigaxg(proj,ig[0],ig[1],ig[2],ig[3])
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo should give known result with known input"""
     (ni,nj) = self.la.shape
     (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp,-69.5,180.0,0.5,0.5)
     hasAxes = 0
     doCorners = 0
     (i0,j0) = (0,0)
     (la2,lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni,nj),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),(None,None),hasAxes,(i0,j0),doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la!=la2):
         print "\nLAT Expected:\n",self.la
         print "LAT Got:\n",la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo!=lo2):
         print "\nLON Expected:\n",self.lo
         print "LON Got:\n",lo2
Exemplo n.º 20
def cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2=None, xg3=None, xg4=None):
    """Encode grid definition values into ig1-4 for the specified grid type

    (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4):
    (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = cxgaig(grtyp, (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)):

    @param grtyp
    @param xg1 xg1 value (float) or tuple of the form (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)
    @param xg2 xg2 value (float)
    @param xg3 xg3 value (float)
    @param xg4 xg4 value (float)
    @return Tuple of encoded grid desc values (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)
    @exception TypeError if args are of wrong type
    @exception ValueError if grtyp is not in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cxgaig('N', 200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    (2005, 2005, 2100, 400)
    >>> cxgaig('N', 200.5, 220.5, 40000.0, 260.0)
    (400, 1000, 29830, 57333)
    >>> cxgaig('S', 200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    (2005, 2005, 2100, 400)
    >>> cxgaig('L', -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    (50, 50, 50, 18000)
    >>> ig1234 = (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> cxgaig('L', ig1234)
    (50, 50, 50, 18000)

    Example of bad use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cxgaig('L', -89.5, 180  , 0.5, 0.5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: cxgaig error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type real:(-89.5, 180, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> cxgaig('I', -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cxgaig error: grtyp ['I'] must be one of ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')
    validgrtyp = ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')  #I
    if xg2 == xg3 == xg4 == None and isinstance(
            xg1, (list, tuple)) and len(xg1) == 4:
        (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = xg1
    if None in (grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4):
        raise TypeError(
            'cxgaig error: missing argument, calling is cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)'
    elif not grtyp in validgrtyp:
        raise ValueError('cxgaig error: grtyp [' + repr(grtyp) +
                         '] must be one of ' + repr(validgrtyp))
    elif not (type(xg1) == type(xg2) == type(xg3) == type(xg4) == type(0.)):
        raise TypeError(
            'cxgaig error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type real:' +
            repr((xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)))
        return (Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4))
Exemplo n.º 21
def cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2=None, ig3=None, ig4=None):
    """Decode grid definition values into xg1-4 for the specified grid type

    (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4):
    (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = cigaxg(grtyp, (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)):

    @param grtyp
    @param ig1 ig1 value (int) or tuple of the form (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)
    @param ig2 ig2 value (int)
    @param ig3 ig3 value (int)
    @param ig4 ig4 value (int)
    @return Tuple of decoded grid desc values (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)
    @exception TypeError if args are of wrong type
    @exception ValueError if grtyp is not in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cigaxg('N', 2005,  2005,  2100,   400)
    (200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    >>> cigaxg('N', 400,  1000, 29830, 57333)
    (200.5013427734375, 220.49639892578125, 40000.0, 260.0)
    >>> cigaxg('S', 2005,  2005,  2100,   400)
    (200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    >>> cigaxg('L', 50,    50,    50, 18000)
    (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> ig1234 = (50,    50,    50, 18000)
    >>> cigaxg('L', ig1234)
    (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)

    Example of bad use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cigaxg('L', 50,    50,    50, 18000.)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: cigaxg error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type int:(50, 50, 50, 18000.0)
    >>> cigaxg('I', 50,    50,    50, 18000)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cigaxg error: grtyp ['I'] must be one of ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')
    validgrtyp = ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')  #I
    if ig2 == ig3 == ig4 == None and isinstance(
            ig1, (list, tuple)) and len(ig1) == 4:
        (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = ig1
    if None in (grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4):
        raise TypeError(
            'cigaxg error: missing argument, calling is cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)'
    elif not grtyp in validgrtyp:
        raise ValueError('cigaxg error: grtyp [' + repr(grtyp) +
                         '] must be one of ' + repr(validgrtyp))
    elif not (type(ig1) == type(ig2) == type(ig3) == type(ig4) == type(0)):
        raise TypeError(
            'cigaxg error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type int:' +
            repr((ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)))
        return (Fstdc.cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def testDecodeIpKnownValues(self):
     """DecodeIp should give known result with known input"""
     for rp1v1,rp1v2,rp1k,rp2v1,rp2v2,rp2k,ip1,ip2,ip3 in self.knownValues:
         ((rp1v1b,rp1v2b,rp1kb),(rp2v1b,rp2v2b,rp2kb),(rp3v1b,rp3v2b,rp3kb)) = Fstdc.DecodeIp((ip1,ip2,ip3))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_Dieze_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo with #-grid should give known result with known input"""
     (ni,nj) = self.la.shape
     (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grref,0.,0.,1.,1.)
     xaxis = self.lo[:,0].reshape((self.lo.shape[0],1)).copy('FORTRAN')
     yaxis = self.la[0,:].reshape((1,self.la.shape[1])).copy('FORTRAN')
     hasAxes = 1
     doCorners = 0
     (i0,j0) = (2,2)
     (la2,lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni-1,nj-1),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),(xaxis,yaxis),hasAxes,(i0,j0),doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la[1:,1:]!=la2):
         print("\nLAT Expected:\n",self.la[1:,1:])
         print("LAT Got:\n",la2)
     if numpy.any(self.lo[1:,1:]!=lo2):
         print("\nLON Expected:\n",self.lo[1:,1:])
         print("LON Got:\n",lo2)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo should give known result with known input"""
     (ni, nj) = self.la.shape
     grtyp = 'L'
     grref = 'L'
     (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp, -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
     hasAxes = 0
     doCorners = 0
     (i0, j0) = (0, 0)
     (la2, lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni, nj), grtyp,
                                  (grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4), (None, None),
                                  hasAxes, (i0, j0), doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la != la2):
         print self.la
         print la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo != lo2):
         print self.lo
         print lo2
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.la != la2))
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.lo != lo2))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_Dieze_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo with #-grid should give known result with known input"""
     (ni,nj) = self.la.shape
     (ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4) =  Fstdc.cxgaig(grref,0.,0.,1.,1.)
     xaxis = self.lo[:,0].reshape((self.lo.shape[0],1)).copy('FORTRAN')
     yaxis = self.la[0,:].reshape((1,self.la.shape[1])).copy('FORTRAN')
     hasAxes = 1
     doCorners = 0
     (i0,j0) = (2,2)
     (la2,lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo((ni-1,nj-1),grtyp,(grref,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig4),(xaxis,yaxis),hasAxes,(i0,j0),doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la[1:,1:]!=la2):
         print "\nLAT Expected:\n",self.la[1:,1:]
         print "LAT Got:\n",la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo[1:,1:]!=lo2):
         print "\nLON Expected:\n",self.lo[1:,1:]
         print "LON Got:\n",lo2
Exemplo n.º 26
def levels_to_ip1(levels, kind):
    """Encode level value into ip1 for the specified kind

    ip1_list = levels_to_ip1(level_list, kind)
    @param level_list list of level values [units depending on kind]
    @param kind   type of levels [units] to be encoded
        kind = 0: levels are in height [m] (metres) with respect to sea level
        kind = 1: levels are in sigma [sg] (0.0 -> 1.0)
        kind = 2: levels are in pressure [mb] (millibars)
        kind = 3: levels are in arbitrary code
        Looks like the following are not suppored yet in the fortran func convip,
        because they depend upon the local topography
            kind = 4: levels are in height [M] (metres) with respect to ground level
            kind = 5: levels are in hybrid coordinates [hy]
            kind = 6: levels are in theta [th]
    @return list of encoded level values-tuple ((ip1new, ip1old), ...)
    @exception TypeError if level_list is not a tuple or list
    @exception ValueError if kind is not an int in range of allowed kind

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> levels_to_ip1([0., 13.5, 1500., 5525., 12750.], 0)
    [(15728640, 12001), (8523608, 12004), (6441456, 12301), (6843956, 13106), (5370380, 14551)]
    >>> levels_to_ip1([0., 0.1, .02, 0.00678, 0.000003], 1)
    [(32505856, 2000), (27362976, 3000), (28511552, 2200), (30038128, 2068), (32805856, 2000)]
    >>> levels_to_ip1([1024., 850., 650., 500., 10., 2., 0.3], 2)
    [(39948288, 1024), (41744464, 850), (41544464, 650), (41394464, 500), (42043040, 10), (43191616, 1840), (44340192, 1660)]
    if not type(levels) in (type(()), type([])):
        raise ValueError, 'levels_to_ip1: levels should be a list or a tuple; '+repr(levels)
    if type(kind) <> type(0):
        raise TypeError, 'levels_to_ip1: kind should be an int in range [0, 3]; '+repr(kind)
    elif not kind in (0, 1, 2, 3): #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): 
        raise ValueError, 'levels_to_ip1: kind should be an int in range [0, 3]; '+repr(kind)
    if type(levels) == type(()):
        ip1_list = Fstdc.level_to_ip1(list(levels), kind)
        ip1_list = Fstdc.level_to_ip1(levels, kind)
    if not ip1_list:
        raise TypeError, 'levels_to_ip1: wrong args type; levels_to_ip1(levels, kind)'
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_Z_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo with Z grid should give known result with known input"""
     (ni, nj) = self.la.shape
     grtyp = 'Z'
     grref = 'L'
     (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = Fstdc.cxgaig(grref, 0., 0., 1., 1.)
     xaxis = self.lo[:, 0].reshape((self.lo.shape[0], 1)).copy('FORTRAN')
     yaxis = self.la[0, :].reshape((1, self.la.shape[1])).copy('FORTRAN')
     hasAxes = 1
     doCorners = 0
     (i0, j0) = (0, 0)
     (la2, lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo(
         (ni, nj), grtyp, (grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4), (xaxis, yaxis),
         hasAxes, (i0, j0), doCorners)
     if numpy.any(self.la != la2):
         print self.la
         print la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo != lo2):
         print self.lo
         print lo2
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.la != la2))
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.lo != lo2))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_Fstdc_ezgetlalo_Dieze_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_ezgetlalo with #-grid should give known result with known input"""
     (ni, nj) = self.la.shape
     grtyp = "#"
     grref = "L"
     (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = Fstdc.cxgaig(grref, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
     xaxis = self.lo[:, 0].reshape((self.lo.shape[0], 1)).copy("FORTRAN")
     yaxis = self.la[0, :].reshape((1, self.la.shape[1])).copy("FORTRAN")
     hasAxes = 1
     doCorners = 0
     (i0, j0) = (2, 2)
     (la2, lo2) = Fstdc.ezgetlalo(
         (ni - 1, nj - 1), grtyp, (grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4), (xaxis, yaxis), hasAxes, (i0, j0), doCorners
     if numpy.any(self.la[1:, 1:] != la2):
         print self.la[1:, 1:]
         print la2
     if numpy.any(self.lo[1:, 1:] != lo2):
         print self.lo[1:, 1:]
         print lo2
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.la[1:, 1:] != la2))
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(self.lo[1:, 1:] != lo2))
Exemplo n.º 29
def cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2=None, ig3=None, ig4=None):
    """Decode grid definition values into xg1-4 for the specified grid type

    (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4):
    (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = cigaxg(grtyp, (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)):

    @param grtyp
    @param ig1 ig1 value (int) or tuple of the form (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)
    @param ig2 ig2 value (int)
    @param ig3 ig3 value (int)
    @param ig4 ig4 value (int)
    @return Tuple of decoded grid desc values (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)
    @exception TypeError if args are of wrong type
    @exception ValueError if grtyp is not in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cigaxg('N', 2005,  2005,  2100,   400)
    (200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    >>> cigaxg('N', 400,  1000, 29830, 57333)
    (200.5013427734375, 220.4964141845703, 40000.0, 260.0)
    >>> cigaxg('S', 2005,  2005,  2100,   400)
    (200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    >>> cigaxg('L', 50,    50,    50, 18000)
    (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> ig1234 = (50,    50,    50, 18000)
    >>> cigaxg('L', ig1234)
    (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)

    Example of bad use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cigaxg('L', 50,    50,    50, 18000.)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: cigaxg error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type int:(50, 50, 50, 18000.0)
    >>> cigaxg('I', 50,    50,    50, 18000)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cigaxg error: grtyp ['I'] must be one of ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')
    validgrtyp = ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S') #I
    if ig2 == ig3 == ig4 == None and type(ig1) in (type([]), type(())) and len(ig1) == 4:
        (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = ig1
    if None in (grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4):
        raise TypeError, 'cigaxg error: missing argument, calling is cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)'
    elif not grtyp in validgrtyp:
        raise ValueError, 'cigaxg error: grtyp ['+repr(grtyp)+'] must be one of '+repr(validgrtyp)
    elif not (type(ig1) == type(ig2) == type(ig3) == type(ig4) == type(0)):
        raise TypeError, 'cigaxg error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type int:'+repr((ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4))
        return(Fstdc.cigaxg(grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4))
Exemplo n.º 30
def cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2=None, xg3=None, xg4=None):
    """Encode grid definition values into ig1-4 for the specified grid type

    (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4):
    (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) = cxgaig(grtyp, (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)):

    @param grtyp
    @param xg1 xg1 value (float) or tuple of the form (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)
    @param xg2 xg2 value (float)
    @param xg3 xg3 value (float)
    @param xg4 xg4 value (float)
    @return Tuple of encoded grid desc values (ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)
    @exception TypeError if args are of wrong type
    @exception ValueError if grtyp is not in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cxgaig('N', 200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    (2005, 2005, 2100, 400)
    >>> cxgaig('N', 200.5, 220.5, 40000.0, 260.0)
    (400, 1000, 29830, 57333)
    >>> cxgaig('S', 200.5, 200.5, 40000.0, 21.0)
    (2005, 2005, 2100, 400)
    >>> cxgaig('L', -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    (50, 50, 50, 18000)
    >>> ig1234 = (-89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> cxgaig('L', ig1234)
    (50, 50, 50, 18000)

    Example of bad use (and doctest tests):

    >>> cxgaig('L', -89.5, 180  , 0.5, 0.5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: cxgaig error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type real:(-89.5, 180, 0.5, 0.5)
    >>> cxgaig('I', -89.5, 180.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cxgaig error: grtyp ['I'] must be one of ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S')
    validgrtyp = ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S') #I
    if xg2 == xg3 == xg4 == None and type(xg1) in (type([]), type(())) and len(xg1) == 4:
        (xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4) = xg1
    if None in (grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4):
        raise TypeError, 'cxgaig error: missing argument, calling is cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4)'
    elif not grtyp in validgrtyp:
        raise ValueError, 'cxgaig error: grtyp ['+repr(grtyp)+'] must be one of '+repr(validgrtyp)
    elif not (type(xg1) == type(xg2) == type(xg3) == type(xg4) == type(0.)):
        raise TypeError, 'cxgaig error: ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 should be of type real:'+repr((xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4))
       return(Fstdc.cxgaig(grtyp, xg1, xg2, xg3, xg4))
Exemplo n.º 31
def ip1_to_levels(ip1list):
    """Decode ip1 value into (level, kind)

    levels_list = ip1_to_levels(ip1list)
    @param ip1list list of ip1 values to decode
    @return list of decoded level values-tuple ((level, kind), ...)
        kind = 0: levels are in height [m] (metres) with respect to sea level
        kind = 1: levels are in sigma [sg] (0.0 -> 1.0)
        kind = 2: levels are in pressure [mb] (millibars)
        kind = 3: levels are in arbitrary code
        kind = 4: levels are in height [M] (metres) with respect to ground level
        kind = 5: levels are in hybrid coordinates [hy]
        kind = 6: levels are in theta [th]
    @exception TypeError if ip1list is not a tuple or list

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([0, 1, 1000, 1199, 1200, 1201, 9999, 12000, 12001, 12002, 13000])]
    [(0, 2), (10000000, 2), (10000000000, 2), (10000000, 3), (0, 3), (500, 2), (7999000, 1), (10000000, 1), (0, 0), (50000000, 0), (49950000000, 0)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([15728640, 12001, 8523608, 12004, 6441456, 12301, 6843956, 13106, 5370380, 14551])]
    [(0, 0), (0, 0), (135000000, 0), (150000000, 0), (15000000000, 0), (15000000000, 0), (55250000000, 0), (55250000000, 0), (127500000000, 0), (127500000000, 0)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([32505856, 2000, 27362976, 3000, 28511552, 2200, 30038128, 2068, 32805856, 2000])]
    [(0, 1), (0, 1), (1000000, 1), (1000000, 1), (200000, 1), (200000, 1), (67800, 1), (68000, 1), (30, 1), (0, 1)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([39948288, 1024, 41744464, 850, 41544464, 650, 41394464, 500, 42043040, 10, 43191616, 1840, 44340192, 1660])]
    [(10240000000, 2), (10240000000, 2), (8500000000, 2), (8500000000, 2), (6500000000, 2), (6500000000, 2), (5000000000, 2), (5000000000, 2), (100000000, 2), (100000000, 2), (20000000, 2), (20000000, 2), (3000000, 2), (3000000, 2)]
    if not isinstance(ip1list, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError('ip1_to_levels: levels should be a list or a tuple')

    if isinstance(ip1list, tuple):
        levels = Fstdc.ip1_to_level(list(ip1list))
        levels = Fstdc.ip1_to_level(ip1list)
    if not levels:
        raise TypeError(
            'ip1_to_levels: wrong args type; ip1_to_levels(ip1list)')
    return (levels)
Exemplo n.º 32
def ip1_to_levels(ip1list):
    """Decode ip1 value into (level, kind)

    levels_list = ip1_to_levels(ip1list)
    @param ip1list list of ip1 values to decode
    @return list of decoded level values-tuple ((level, kind), ...)
        kind = 0: levels are in height [m] (metres) with respect to sea level
        kind = 1: levels are in sigma [sg] (0.0 -> 1.0)
        kind = 2: levels are in pressure [mb] (millibars)
        kind = 3: levels are in arbitrary code
        kind = 4: levels are in height [M] (metres) with respect to ground level
        kind = 5: levels are in hybrid coordinates [hy]
        kind = 6: levels are in theta [th]
    @exception TypeError if ip1list is not a tuple or list

    Example of use (and doctest tests):

    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([0, 1, 1000, 1199, 1200, 1201, 9999, 12000, 12001, 12002, 13000])]
    [(0, 2), (10000000, 2), (10000000000, 2), (10000000, 3), (0, 3), (500, 2), (7999000, 1), (10000000, 1), (0, 0), (50000000, 0), (49950000000, 0)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([15728640, 12001, 8523608, 12004, 6441456, 12301, 6843956, 13106, 5370380, 14551])]
    [(0, 0), (0, 0), (135000000, 0), (150000000, 0), (15000000000, 0), (15000000000, 0), (55250000000, 0), (55250000000, 0), (127500000000, 0), (127500000000, 0)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([32505856, 2000, 27362976, 3000, 28511552, 2200, 30038128, 2068, 32805856, 2000])]
    [(0, 1), (0, 1), (1000000, 1), (1000000, 1), (200000, 1), (200000, 1), (67800, 1), (68000, 1), (30, 1), (0, 1)]
    >>> [(int(x*10.e6+0.5), y) for x, y in ip1_to_levels([39948288, 1024, 41744464, 850, 41544464, 650, 41394464, 500, 42043040, 10, 43191616, 1840, 44340192, 1660])]
    [(10240000000, 2), (10240000000, 2), (8500000000, 2), (8500000000, 2), (6500000000, 2), (6500000000, 2), (5000000000, 2), (5000000000, 2), (100000000, 2), (100000000, 2), (20000000, 2), (20000000, 2), (3000000, 2), (3000000, 2)]
    if not type(ip1list) in (type(()), type([])):
        raise TypeError, 'ip1_to_levels: levels should be a list or a tuple'

    if type(ip1list) == type(()):
        levels = Fstdc.ip1_to_level(list(ip1list))
        levels = Fstdc.ip1_to_level(ip1list)
    if not levels:
        raise TypeError, 'ip1_to_levels: wrong args type; ip1_to_levels(ip1list)'
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_Fstdc_exinterp_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_exinterp should give known result with known input"""
     (g1_grtyp, g1_ig14, g1_shape, la1, lo1) = self.gridL(0.5, 6)
     (g2_grtyp, g2_ig14, g2_shape, la2, lo2) = self.gridL(0.25, 8)
     axes = (None, None)
     ij0 = (1, 1)
     g1ig14 = list(g1_ig14)
     g1ig14.insert(0, g1_grtyp)
     g2ig14 = list(g2_ig14)
     g2ig14.insert(0, g2_grtyp)
     la2b = Fstdc.ezinterp(la1, None, g1_shape, g1_grtyp, g1ig14, axes, 0,
                           ij0, g2_shape, g2_grtyp, g2ig14, axes, 0, ij0, 0)
     if numpy.any(numpy.abs(la2 - la2b) > self.epsilon):
         print 'g1:' + repr((g1_grtyp, g1_ig14, g1_shape))
         print 'g2:' + repr((g2_grtyp, g2_ig14, g2_shape))
         print 'la2:', la2
         print 'la2b:', la2b
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(numpy.abs(la2 - la2b) > self.epsilon))
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_Fstdc_exinterp_KnownValues(self):
     """Fstdc_exinterp should give known result with known input"""
     (g1_grtyp, g1_ig14, g1_shape, la1, lo1) = self.gridL(0.5, 6)
     (g2_grtyp, g2_ig14, g2_shape, la2, lo2) = self.gridL(0.25, 8)
     axes = (None, None)
     ij0 = (1, 1)
     g1ig14 = list(g1_ig14)
     g1ig14.insert(0, g1_grtyp)
     g2ig14 = list(g2_ig14)
     g2ig14.insert(0, g2_grtyp)
     la2b = Fstdc.ezinterp(
         la1, None, g1_shape, g1_grtyp, g1ig14, axes, 0, ij0, g2_shape, g2_grtyp, g2ig14, axes, 0, ij0, 0
     if numpy.any(numpy.abs(la2 - la2b) > self.epsilon):
         print "g1:" + repr((g1_grtyp, g1_ig14, g1_shape))
         print "g2:" + repr((g2_grtyp, g2_ig14, g2_shape))
         print "la2:", la2
         print "la2b:", la2b
     self.assertFalse(numpy.any(numpy.abs(la2 - la2b) > self.epsilon))
Exemplo n.º 35
#---------------open netcdf and fst file with same file name--------------------------------
# Open netcdf file
mois = ['07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']
yi = 2018
yf = 2018

for year in range(yi, yf + 1):
    for moi in mois:

        filecdf_path = 'NARR_hgt_lc_' + str(year) + '_' + moi + '_3hrs.nc'

        filecdf_read = Dataset(filecdf_path, 'r')
        #levels =  [1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 875, 850, 825, 800, 775, 750, 725, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 275, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100]
        # Create fst file name
        filefst_path = re.sub('nc', 'fst', filecdf_path)
        iunit = Fstdc.fstouv(0, filefst_path, 'RND+R/W')

        latitude = filecdf_read.variables['lat'][:]
        longitude = filecdf_read.variables['lon'][:]
        var = filecdf_read.variables['hgt'][:]
        lev = filecdf_read.variables['level'][:]
        temps = filecdf_read.variables['time'][:]

        dt = len(temps)
        dz = len(lev)

        for t in range(0, dt):
            for lv in range(0, dz):
                temp = var[t, lv, :, :]
                var2 = np.transpose(temp)
                tmp = np.array(var2).squeeze()
Exemplo n.º 36
 def testSanity(self):
     """ConvertIp2P(ConvertP2Ip(n))==n for all n"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ConvertIp2P(ipnew,Fstdc.CONVIP_IP2P_DEFAULT)
         ipnew2 = Fstdc.ConvertP2Ip(lvl2,kind2,Fstdc.CONVIP_STYLE_NEW)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def testCxgaigKnownValues(self):
     """Cxgaig should give known result with known input"""
     for name,proj,dims,xg,ig in self.knownValues:
         igout = Fstdc.cxgaig(proj,xg[0],xg[1],xg[2],xg[3])
Exemplo n.º 38
 def testSanity(self):
     """cigaxg(cxgaig(n))==n for all n"""
     for name,proj,dims,xg,ig in self.knownValues:
         xgout = Fstdc.cigaxg(proj,ig[0],ig[1],ig[2],ig[3])
         igout = Fstdc.cxgaig(proj,xgout[0],xgout[1],xgout[2],xgout[3])
Exemplo n.º 39
 def testCxgaigKnownValues(self):
     """Cxgaig should give known result with known input"""
     for name,proj,dims,xg,ig in self.knownValues:
         igout = Fstdc.cxgaig(proj,xg[0],xg[1],xg[2],xg[3])
Exemplo n.º 40
 def testConvertIp2PKnownValues(self):
     """ConvertIp2P should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         (lvl2,kind2) = Fstdc.ConvertIp2P(ipnew,Fstdc.CONVIP_IP2P_DEFAULT)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def testConvertP2IpKnownValues(self):
     """ConvertP2Ip should give known result with known input"""
     for lvlnew,lvlold,ipnew,ipold,kind in self.knownValues:
         ipnew2 = Fstdc.ConvertP2Ip(lvlnew,kind,Fstdc.CONVIP_STYLE_NEW)