Exemplo n.º 1
def exec_query_operation(operation, epsilon, budget, lower, upper):
    os.chdir(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.DIFF_PRIV_MASTER_PATH)
        subprocess.check_output(['%s %s%s:priv_%s -- %f %f %f %f' % (Const.BAZEL_RUN, Const.DIFF_PRIV_PATH,
                                                                     Const.OPERATIONS_PATH, operation, epsilon, budget,
                                                                     lower, upper)], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        # Execution failed
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.NO_RESULT[0] + '\n')
        return Const.NO_RESULT
    if os.path.exists(Const.RESULT_PATH):
        data = pd.read_csv(Const.RESULT_PATH, header=None)
        # Extract results
        true_value = str(data[0].values[0])
        anon_value = str(data[1].values[0])
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'Result of ' + operation + ' has true value = ' + true_value +
               ' and anonymized value = ' + anon_value + '\n')
        # Remove result file
        return anon_value, Const.OK
    # Execution failed
    fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.NO_RESULT[0] + '\n')
    return Const.NO_RESULT
Exemplo n.º 2
 def post(self):
     Store sent file
     :return: Success or fail
     # Get file from request content
     fin = request.files[Const.FILE + '[0]']
     file_name = str(fin).split('\'')[1].split('\'')[0]
     fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + '[' + Const.SEND_CSV + ' ' +
            request.method + '] Received request to store csv file:' +
            file_name + '\n')
     # Store file
     result = csvh.add_file(fin, file_name)
     return result[0], result[1]
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_file(fin, file_name):
    # Check if file is a csv
    if not file_name.split('.')[1] in Const.SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT:
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'File ' + file_name +
               ' is not supported\n')
        return Const.INVALID_FILE
    # Check if given file already exists
    if os.path.exists(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + file_name):
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'File already exists in directory ' +
               Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH +
               ' and it can\'t be stored\n')
        return Const.FILE_EXIST
    # Save file in csv files directory
    fin.save(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + file_name)
    # Check if given file has numeric columns
    if not fu.has_numeric_columns(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH +
        os.remove(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + file_name)
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() +
               'File has no numeric columns and it can\'t be stored\n')
        return Const.NO_NUMERIC
    fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'File stored in directory ' +
           Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + '\n')
    return 'File stored!', Const.OK
Exemplo n.º 4
 def post(self):
     Try to execute the given query
     :return: A float number representing the query result or an error message
     # Decrypt data received from Cloud Provider
     content = request.get_json()
     user_id = content[Const.ID]
     file_name = content[Const.FILE]
     query = content[Const.QUERY]
     epsilon = float(content[Const.EPSILON])
     fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + '[' + Const.QUERY + ' ' +
            request.method + '] Received from ' + user_id +
            ' request for query:' + query + ' from ' + file_name +
            ' with epsilon = ' + str(epsilon) + '\n')
     result = qh.check_query(user_id, file_name, query, epsilon)
     return result[0], result[1]
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_query(user, file_name, query, epsilon):
    # Check if file for query exists
    if not os.path.exists(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + file_name):
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' made a query on ' + file_name + ' that does not exist\n')
        return Const.FILE_NOT_EXIST
    # Parse the query
    statement, operation, column, lower, upper = fu.parse_query(query)
    operation = operation.lower()
    # Check if operation is valid
    if not check_operation(statement.upper(), operation):
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.INVALID_OPERATION[0] + '\n')
        return Const.INVALID_OPERATION
    # Check given bounds and clamp if they are out of limits
    lower, upper = clamp(lower, upper)
    if lower == Const.INVALID_BOUNDS[0]:
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.INVALID_BOUNDS[0] + '\n')
        return Const.INVALID_BOUNDS
    # Extract data
    full_data = pd.read_csv(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.CSV_FILES_PATH + file_name, header=0)
    # Check if column exists
    if column not in full_data.columns:
        fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.INVALID_COLUMN[0] + '\n')
        return Const.INVALID_COLUMN
    # Get data according the given column
    data = full_data[column]
    # Check if data to use is numeric
    if fu.is_numeric(data):
        df = full_data[[full_data.columns[0], column]]
        # df = df.loc[(df[column] > lower) & (df[column] < upper)]
        df.to_csv(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.DIFF_PRIV_MASTER_PATH + Const.DIFF_PRIV_PATH + Const.OPERATIONS_PATH + '/'
                  + Const.TMP_FILE_PATH, header=False, index=False)
        # Check if users list file exists
        if os.path.exists(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.USERS_LIST_PATH + Const.USERS):
            data = pd.read_csv(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.USERS_LIST_PATH + Const.USERS, header=0)
            # Verify if the given user made previous queries and check its remaining budget
            if user in data[[Const.ID]].values:
                row = data[data[Const.ID] == user].index.tolist()[0]
                # User has not enough remaining budget
                if data.iloc[row][1] < Const.QUERY_BUDGET:
                        fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' has not enough budget (' + str(data.iloc[row][1]) +
                        ') to compute query\n')
                    return Const.NO_BUDGET
                fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' found with budget ' + str(data.iloc[row][1]) +
                       ', enough to compute query\n')
                # User has enough budget, then decrease it
                budget = data.iloc[row][1]
                data.iat[row, 1] -= Const.QUERY_BUDGET
                fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' budget updated to ' + str(data.iloc[row][1]) + '\n')
                # User not found, then add a new one
                df = pd.DataFrame({Const.ID: [user], Const.BUDGET: [(Const.STARTING_BUDGET - Const.QUERY_BUDGET)]},
                                  columns=[Const.ID, Const.BUDGET])
                data = data.append(df, ignore_index=True)
                budget = Const.STARTING_BUDGET
                fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' not found. Created a new one with budget ' + str(
                    budget) +
                    fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' budget updated to ' + str(budget - Const.QUERY_BUDGET) +
            # Overwrite users list file
            data.to_csv(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.USERS_LIST_PATH + Const.USERS, index=False)
            # File does not exist, create a new one
            df = pd.DataFrame({Const.ID: [user], Const.BUDGET: [Const.STARTING_BUDGET - Const.QUERY_BUDGET]},
                              columns=[Const.ID, Const.BUDGET])
            df.to_csv(Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.USERS_LIST_PATH + Const.USERS, index=False)
            budget = Const.STARTING_BUDGET
            fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'File ' + Const.ROOT_PATH + Const.USERS_LIST_PATH + Const.USERS +
                   ' not found. Created a new one and added user ' + user + ' with budget ' + str(budget) + '\n')
            fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + 'User ' + user + ' budget updated to ' + str(
                budget - Const.QUERY_BUDGET) + '\n')
        # Execute the query
        return exec_query_operation(operation, epsilon, budget, lower, upper)
    fu.log(fu.get_current_time() + Const.NO_NUMERIC_QUERY[0] + '\n')
    return Const.NO_NUMERIC_QUERY