Exemplo n.º 1
    def logging_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body):

        # Show Raw Body:
        logger.debug("Raw body: %r" % body)

        # Decode the message as json
        rcvd_task = json.loads(body.decode("utf-8"))
        logger.debug("Raw task: %s", rcvd_task)

        # Set some fields used in the response (uuid, receieve time, etc)
        rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_CLIENTID] = self.uuid
        rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_RECEIVE_TIME] = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
        logger.debug("GC_CLIENTID: %s", rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_CLIENTID])
        logger.debug("GC_RECEIVE_TIME: %s", rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_RECEIVE_TIME])

        logger.info("Received task %s at %s", rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF], rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_RECEIVE_TIME])

        # This isn't used yet... someday...
        # TODO: Use the create time from the received task.
        create_time = datetime.utcnow() #dateutil.parser.parse(rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_RECEIVE_TIME])
        logger.debug("create_time: %s", create_time)

        # Figure out which module... key/value pair on moduleid with objects....
        if rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID] in self.gc_modules:
            # Check create time + 5min, throw it away if it's too old
            # TODO: use create time!!
            if (datetime.utcnow() - create_time)  < timedelta(seconds=(60*5)):
                    # If the ModuleID matches a built-in function, create a response object, call the function and store the results
                    # else pass the task to the matched GC_CModule
                    if (inspect.ismethod(self.gc_modules[rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID]])):
                        response = {}
                        response['startTime'] = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
                        response['result'] = self.gc_modules[rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID]]()
                        self.sendResult(rcvd_task, response)
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.warn("GCClient.logging_callback caught exception", exc_info=True)
            # Task was too old
                logger.info(rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_TASK_ID] + " create time > 5 min old ")
        # Module ID no found
            logger.warn(rcvd_task[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID] + " not found in ", exc_info=True)

        # TODO: Automatic diagnostics or logging every 100 tasks
        if (self.numTasks % 100):
            logger.debug("At some point this will send memory info.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def log(self, log_level, msg):
        if (log_level < self.logging_level):

        log_msg = {}
        log_msg[GC_Utility.GC_LOG_DATETIME] = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
        log_msg[GC_Utility.GC_CLIENTID] = self.uuid
        log_msg[GC_Utility.GC_LOG_MSG] = msg
        log_msg[GC_Utility.GC_VERSION] = self.version

        curframe = inspect.currentframe()
        calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2)

        log_msg['caller'] = "%s:%s:%s" % (calframe[1][1], calframe[1][3], calframe[1][2])

        if (log_level == GC_Utility.DEBUG):
            log_msg['level'] = "DEBUG"
        elif (log_level == GC_Utility.WARN):
            log_msg['level'] = "WARNING"
            log_msg['level'] = "INFO"

        if self.ENABLE_COMMS:
            self.comms.publish(exchange_name = self.log_exchange, routing_key=self.log_key, type='direct', message = json.dumps(log_msg))
	def handleTask(self, gccommand) :
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "handleTask - [%s:%s] " % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]) )
		logger.debug('handleTask - [%s:%s]' % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]))
		# Initialize response
		startTime =  GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
		response = {}
		response['startTime'] = startTime
		# Initialize local variables
		taskingObj = gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]
		waitTime = float(taskingObj['timer'])
		cmd = taskingObj['cmdline']
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'execute: [%s for %s sec]' % (taskingObj['cmdline'], taskingObj['timer']))
		logger.debug('execute: [%s for %s sec]' % (taskingObj['cmdline'], taskingObj['timer']))
			# Execute the command
			p = subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=waitTime)
			# Record stderr and stderr to the response
			response['stdout'] = p.stdout.read()
			response['stderr'] = p.stderr.read()
		# Catch and log any errors
		except Exception as e:
			#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.WARN, 'Caught an exception while executing %s [%s]' % (cmd, e))
			logger.warn('Caught an exception while executing %s' % (cmd), exc_info=True)
		self.gcclient.sendResult(gccommand, response);
    def downloadFile(self, gccommand):

        # Initialize response object
        startTime = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
        response = {}
        response['startTime'] = startTime

        # Initialize local variables
        taskingObj = gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]
        request = taskingObj['url']
        saveas = taskingObj['saveas']

        #self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'downloadFile: [%s as %s]' % (taskingObj['url'], taskingObj['saveas']))
        logger.debug('downloadFile: [%s as %s]' %
                     (taskingObj['url'], taskingObj['saveas']))

        # Check for existing file, move it to back up
        GC_Utility.handleBackup(saveas, self.gcclient)

            # Download the file
            f = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
            data = f.read()

            # Save the file
            saveme = open(saveas, "wb")
            with saveme as code:

            # Send the file hash back
            saveme = open(saveas, 'rb')
            response['MD5'] = hashlib.md5(saveme.read()).hexdigest()

        # Connection errors are recorded into the response
        except Exception as e:
            response['ERROR'] = "HTTP Error " + e.strerror

        #self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'downloadFile : Sending result...');
        logger.debug('downloadFile : Sending result...')
        self.gcclient.sendResult(gccommand, response)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def sendOneOffResult(self, moduleId, respData):
        # 2. ModuleID: Integer Associated with command module<br>
        # 3. TaskRef: Integer defined by module<br>
        # 4. RecieveTime: String (YYYYMMDDZHHMMSS.SSS) <br>
        # 5. CompleteTime: String (YYYYMMDDZHHMMSS.SSS) <br>
        # 6. ResponseData: Key Value array, defined by module<br>
        taskObj = {}
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID] = moduleId
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_COMPLETE_TIME] = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_RESP_DATA] = respData
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_VERSION] = self.version

        logger.debug("Printing TaskObj: %r" % pprint.pformat(json.dumps(taskObj)))

        if self.ENABLE_COMMS:
            self.comms.publish(routing_key=self.resp_key, message = json.dumps(taskObj))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def sendResult(self, taskObj, respData):
        # Set assemble the task and response objects.
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_COMPLETE_TIME] = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_RESP_DATA] = respData
        taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_VERSION] = self.version

        # delete unnecessary command data before returning the results
        if GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA in taskObj:
            del taskObj[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]

        # Print and/or send the compiled response
        logger.debug("Printing TaskObj: %r" % pprint.pformat(json.dumps(taskObj)))

        if self.ENABLE_COMMS:
          self.comms.publish(routing_key=self.resp_key, message = json.dumps(taskObj))
          logger.info("Result: %r" % pprint.pformat(json.dumps(taskObj)))
Exemplo n.º 7
	def handleTask(self, gccommand) :
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "handleTask - [%s:%s] " % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]) )
		logger.debug('handleTask - [%s:%s] ' % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]))
		startTime =  GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
		taskingObj = gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]
		response = {}
		response['startTime'] = startTime
		if (taskingObj['cmd'] == 'sendemail'):
			self.sendEmail(taskingObj['msg'], taskingObj['sender'], taskingObj['receivers'], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF] )
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'handleTask :: email :: Sending result...');
		logger.debug('email :: Sending result...')
		self.gcclient.sendResult(gccommand, response);
    def execTask(self, gccommand):
        logger.debug('handleTask - [%s:%s]' %

        startTime = GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()

        # Initialize local copies of the task
        taskingObj = gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]
        cmd = taskingObj['cmd']
        url = taskingObj['url']
        timer = taskingObj['timer']

        # Initialize response object
        response = {}
        response['startTime'] = startTime
        response['browserVersion'] = self.driver.capabilities['browserVersion']

        logger.info('excuteCmd : [%s:%s(%s)]' %
                    (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], cmd, url))

        # Command the browser to load the URL
            self.loadAndParse(url, response, gccommand, timer)

        except WebDriverException as e:
            logger.warn("Caught an WebDriverException in Selenium.")
            response['Title'] = 'Error'
            response['page_md5'] = 'Error'
            response['links_md5'] = 'Error'
            response['error'] = 'WebDriverException'
            response['exception'] = str(e.__str__)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warn("Caught an Generic Exception in Selenium.")
            response['Title'] = 'Error'
            response['page_md5'] = 'Error'
            response['links_md5'] = 'Error'
            response['error'] = 'Generic Exception'
            response['exception'] = str(e.__str__)

        logger.debug('sendResult :[%s:%s] ' %
        self.gcclient.sendResult(gccommand, response)
Exemplo n.º 9
	def handleTask(self, gccommand) :
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "handleTask - [%s:%s] " % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]) )
		logger.debug('handleTask - [%s:%s]' % (gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_MODULEID], gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_TASKREF]))
		startTime =  GC_Utility.currentZuluDT()
		taskingObj = gccommand[GC_Utility.GC_CMD_DATA]
		response = {}
		response['startTime'] = startTime
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'execute: [%s for %s sec]' % (taskingObj['cmdline'], taskingObj['timer']))
		logger.debug('execute: [%s for %s sec]' % (taskingObj['cmdline'], taskingObj['timer']))
		stdout = ""
		waitTime = float(taskingObj['timer'])
		cmd = taskingObj['cmdline']
			p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
			if (p.poll() is None):
				#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.WARN, 'Command [%s] did not terminate after %s. Killing...' % (cmd, waitTime))
				logger.warn('Command [%s] did not terminate after %s. Killing...' % (cmd, waitTime), exc_info=True)
			response['stdout'] = p.stdout.read()
			response['stderr'] = p.stderr.read()
		except Exception as e:
			#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.WARN, 'Caught an exception while executing %s [%s]' % (cmd, e))
			logger.warn('Caught an exception while executing %s [%s]' % (cmd, e), exc_info=True)
		#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'execute : Sending result...');
		logger.debug('execute : Sending result...')
		self.gcclient.sendResult(gccommand, response);
Exemplo n.º 10
	def inboxPoll(self):
		self.count = 0
		while self.Running:
			#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'emailClient : Polling imap server');
			logger.debug('emailClient : Polling imap server')
			result, data = self.mail.search(None, '(UNSEEN)')

			ids = data[0] # data is a list.
			id_list = ids.split() # ids is a space separated string
			for num in id_list:
				result, data = self.mail.fetch(num, "(RFC822)") # fetch the email body (RFC822) for the given ID
				typ, data2 = self.mail.store(num,'+FLAGS','\\Seen')
				mail = email.message_from_string(data[0][1]) # here's the body, which is raw text of the whole email
				#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.INFO, "Received email subject %s" % mail['subject'])
				logger.info('Received email subject %s' % mail['subject'])
				response = {}

				response['cmd'] = 'receivedEmail'
				#response['msg'] = data[0][1]
				response['subject'] = mail['subject']
				# f = open('mail.txt', 'w')
				# f.write(data[0][1])
				# f.close()
				if mail.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
					#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "Processing multipart email")
					logger.debug('Processing multipart email')
					for part in mail.walk():
						# multipart are just containers, so we skip them
						if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
							#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "Nested Multipart")
							logger.debug('Nested Multipart')

						# is this part an attachment ?
						elif part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:
							#print part
							logger.debug('Part: '+part)
							#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "Not a Content-Disposition")
							logger.debug('Not a Content-Disposition')
						# self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "Content-Disposition: %s" % part.get('Content-Disposition'))
						filename = part.get_filename()
						counter = 1
						#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, "Processing email attachment %s" % filename)
						logger.debug('Processing email attachment %s' % filename)
						# if there is no filename, we create one with a counter to avoid duplicates
						if not filename:
							filename = 'part-%03d%s' % (counter, 'bin')
							counter += 1

						att_path = os.path.join(GC_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_DIR, filename)
						#Check if its already there
						if not os.path.isdir(GC_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_DIR):
							#self.gcclient.log(GC_Utility.DEBUG, 'creating ' + GC_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_DIR)
							logger.debug('creating ' + GC_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_DIR)
						elif os.path.isfile(att_path) :
							GC_Utility.handleBackup(att_path, self.gcclient)
						# finally write the stuff
						fp = open(att_path, 'wb')
				self.gcclient.sendOneOffResult(self.MODULE_ID, response)