Exemplo n.º 1
    VTerr[0,i+1*n] = Verrhit[i+1*n]
    VT[0,i+2*n] = Vhit[i+2*n]
    VTerr[0,i+2*n] = Verrhit[i+2*n]
    VT[1,i+0*n] = 1000.   # Hi-T's
    VTerr[1,i+0*n] = 10.
    VT[1,i+1*n] = 1500.
    VTerr[1,i+1*n] = 20.
    VT[1,i+2*n] = 2000.
    VTerr[1,i+2*n] = 30.
# Generate pressures
A = np.zeros(3, dtype=float)
A[0] = 700.    # ThetaD0
A[1] = 1.5     # gD0
A[2] = 1.      # q
D = GEOST_thermo.debye([20, ref_Biso[-1], 273.]) # Instantiate debye
Phit = D.P_thermal(A, VT) + np.random.normal(0,0.5,3*n)
print 'Phit', Phit
Perrhit = abs(np.random.normal(0,1,3*n))
Perrhit = np.sort(Perrhit)

print "Thermal EOS refinement using Debye"
print "True values & initial guesses:", A
# ODR SETUP for isothermal EOS
# model contains information about the ODR functions.
#        fcn   = model function to refine parameters from
#        fjacb = derivatives of fcn w.r.t. parameters
#        fjacd = derivatives of fcn w.r.t. independent var.
odr_model = odrpack.Model(fcn=D.P_thermal)
odr_data  = odrpack.RealData(x=VT, y=Phit, sx=VTerr, sy=Perrhit)
odr       = odrpack.ODR(odr_data, odr_model, beta0=A, maxit=100)
Exemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import GEOST_thermo as thermo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

kB = 8.6173324E-05  #eV/K
B = [1, 100., 300.]
D = thermo.debye(B)

X = np.zeros((2,24), dtype=float)
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
    X[0,i] = 100. - float(i)
    X[1,i] = 1000.
B = np.zeros(3)
B[0] = 1000.
B[1] = 1.5
B[2] = 1.

TD = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
U  = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
Cv = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
for i in range(U.shape[0]):
    TD[i] = 1000.*np.exp(B[1] - B[1]*(100./X[0,i])**(-B[2]))
    U[i]  = D.U(TD[i], X[1,i])
    Cv[i] = D.Cv(TD[i], X[1,i])

Exemplo n.º 3
A = np.zeros(3)    # Debye setup
A[0] = 20.         # No. atoms/cell
A[1] = B[1]        # V0
A[2] = 273.        # Reference temperature (K)

data273 = data(N,B)
X273 = np.zeros((2,N), dtype=float)  # Volume
X273[0,:] = data(N,B).V
X273[1,:] = 273.
Y273 = data(N,B).P
e273 = np.zeros((2,N), dtype=float)  # errs
e273[0,:] = data(N,B).Verr
e273[1,:] = data(N,B).Perr

debye273 = thermo.debye(A)
C = np.zeros(3)
C[0] = 1000.
C[1] = 1.5
C[2] = 1.


# 700 K
N = 24
K0 = 100.
V0 = 202.

B = np.ones(2)     # isothermal EOS initial parameters
B[0] = K0          # K0
B[1] = V0          # V0