Exemplo n.º 1
def Dist_HBV2(lakecell,q_lake,DEM,flow_acc,flow_acc_plan, sp_prec, sp_et, sp_temp, sp_pars, p2, init_st=None, 
                ll_temp=None, q_0=None):
    Make spatially distributed HBV in the SM and UZ
    interacting cells 
    n_steps = sp_prec.shape[2] + 1 # no of time steps =length of time series +1
    # intiialise vector of nans to fill states
    dummy_states = np.empty([n_steps, 5]) # [sp,sm,uz,lz,wc]
    dummy_states[:] = np.nan
    # Get the mask
    mask, no_val = GISpy.get_mask(DEM)
    x_ext, y_ext = mask.shape # shape of the fpl raster (rows, columns)-------------- rows are x and columns are y
    #    y_ext, x_ext = mask.shape # shape of the fpl raster (rows, columns)------------ should change rows are y and columns are x
    # Get deltas of pixel
    geo_trans = DEM.GetGeoTransform() # get the coordinates of the top left corner and cell size [x,dx,y,dy]
    dx = np.abs(geo_trans[1])/1000.0  # dx in Km
    dy = np.abs(geo_trans[-1])/1000.0  # dy in Km
    px_area = dx*dy  # area of the cell
    # Enumerate the total number of pixels in the catchment
    tot_elem = np.sum(np.sum([[1 for elem in mask_i if elem != no_val] for mask_i in mask])) # get row by row and search [mask_i for mask_i in mask]
    # total pixel area
    px_tot_area = tot_elem*px_area # total area of pixels 
    # Get number of non-value data
    st = []  # Spatially distributed states
    q_lz = []
    q_uz = []
    for x in range(x_ext): # no of rows
        st_i = []
        q_lzi = []
        q_uzi = []
    #        q_out_i = []
    # run all cells in one row ----------------------------------------------------
        for y in range(y_ext): # no of columns
            if mask [x, y] != no_val:  # only for cells in the domain
                # Calculate the states per cell
                # TODO optimise for multiprocessing these loops   
                _, _st, _uzg, _lzg = HBV.simulate_new_model(avg_prec = sp_prec[x, y,:], 
                                              temp = sp_temp[x, y,:], 
                                              et = sp_et[x, y,:], 
                                              par = sp_pars[x, y, :], 
                                              p2 = p2, 
                                              init_st = init_st, 
                                              ll_temp = None, 
                                              q_0 = q_0,
                                              extra_out = True)
    #               # append column after column in the same row -----------------
                #calculate upper zone Q = K1*(LZ_int_1)
                q_lz_temp=np.array(sp_pars[x, y, 6])*_lzg
                # calculate lower zone Q = k*(UZ_int_3)**(1+alpha)
                q_uz_temp = np.array(sp_pars[x, y, 5])*(np.power(_uzg, (1.0 + sp_pars[x, y, 7])))
    #                print("total = "+str(fff)+"/"+str(tot_elem)+" cell, row= "+str(x+1)+" column= "+str(y+1) )
            else: # if the cell is novalue-------------------------------------
                # Fill the empty cells with a nan vector
                st_i.append(dummy_states) # fill all states(5 states) for all time steps = nan
                q_lzi.append(dummy_states[:,0]) # q lower zone =nan  for all time steps = nan
                q_uzi.append(dummy_states[:,0]) # q upper zone =nan  for all time steps = nan
    # store row by row-------- ---------------------------------------------------- 
    #        st.append(st_i) # state variables 
        st.append(st_i) # state variables 
        q_lz.append(np.array(q_lzi)) # lower zone discharge mm/timestep
        q_uz.append(np.array(q_uzi)) # upper zone routed discharge mm/timestep
    # convert to arrays 
    st = np.array(st)
    q_lz = np.array(q_lz)
    q_uz = np.array(q_uz)
    #%% convert quz from mm/time step to m3/sec
    no_cells=list(set([flow_acc_plan[i,j] for i in range(x_ext) for j in range(y_ext) if not np.isnan(flow_acc_plan[i,j])]))
#    no_cells=list(set([int(flow_acc_plan[i,j]) for i in range(x_ext) for j in range(y_ext) if flow_acc_plan[i,j] != no_val]))

    #%% routing lake discharge with DS cell k & x and adding to cell Q
    # both lake & Quz are in m3/s
    #%% cells at the divider
    # for all cell with 0 flow acc put the q_uz
    for x in range(x_ext): # no of rows
        for y in range(y_ext): # no of columns
            if mask [x, y] != no_val and flow_acc_plan[x, y]==0: 
    #%% new
    for j in range(1,len(no_cells)): #2):#
        for x in range(x_ext): # no of rows
            for y in range(y_ext): # no of columns
                    # check from total flow accumulation 
                    if mask [x, y] != no_val and flow_acc_plan[x, y]==no_cells[j]:
#                        print(no_cells[j])
                        for i in range(len(flow_acc[str(x)+","+str(y)])): #  no_cells[j]
                            # bring the indexes of the us cell
                            # sum the Q of the US cells (already routed for its cell)
                             # route first with there own k & xthen sum
#                        q=q_r
                         # add the routed upstream flows to the current Quz in the cell
    #%% check if the max flow _acc is at the outlet
#    if tot_elem != np.nanmax(flow_acc_plan):
#        raise ("flow accumulation plan is not correct")
    # outlet is the cell that has the max flow_acc
    outlet=np.where(flow_acc_plan==np.nanmax(flow_acc_plan)) #np.nanmax(flow_acc_plan)
    q_lz = np.array([np.nanmean(q_lz[:,:,i]) for i in range(n_steps)]) # average of all cells (not routed mm/timestep)
    # convert Qlz to m3/sec 
    q_lz = q_lz* p2[1]/ (p2[0]*3.6) # generation
    q_out = q_lz + q_uz_routed[outletx,outlety,:]    

    return q_out, st, q_uz_routed, q_lz, q_uz