Exemplo n.º 1
def initializationProcess():
    localprefix = '/home/'
    serverprefix = '/home/labcompute/'
    GVal.setPARA('prefix_PARA', serverprefix)
    # GVal.setPARA('prefix_PARA', localprefix)

    return GVal.getPARA('prefix_PARA')
Exemplo n.º 2
def dataRegulationSKL(y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, index_no):

    kick_off_no1 = GVal.getPARA('kick_off_no1_PARA')
    weights_on = GVal.getPARA('weights_on_PARA')
    weight_list = GVal.getPARA('weight_list_PARA')

    # print(max(weights), min(weights))
    if weights_on:
        weights = copy.deepcopy(y_tra)
        for key in weight_list.keys():
            weights[np.nonzero(weights == key)[0]] = weight_list[key]
        weights = np.ones(y_tra.shape)

    kick_off_no1_switcher = {
        0: ko1processor0,
        1: ko1processor1,
        2: ko1processor2,
        3: ko1processor3,
        4: ko1processor4

    y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights = kick_off_no1_switcher[GVal.getPARA(
        'kick_off_no1_PARA')](y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights, index_no)

    # Change the staged level 0,1,2,3 into a binary situation 0 and 1(1,2,3)
    y_tra[np.nonzero(y_tra > 0)[0]] = 1
    y_val[np.nonzero(y_val > 0)[0]] = 1
    return y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights
Exemplo n.º 3
def processCodeDecoder(process_code, decoder_update_flag):
    process_code_str = str(process_code)
    classifier_num_temp = int(process_code_str[-3:])
    recording_index_list_selectserial = int(process_code_str[-5:-3]) - 1
    recording_index_list = GVal.getPARA('recording_index_list_PARA')

    loopPARA_bit = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_bit_PARA')
    loopPARA_decibit = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_decibit_PARA')
    if not process_code_str[-5 - loopPARA_bit:-5]:
        loopPARA_value_index = 0
        loopPARA_value_index = float(process_code_str[-5 - loopPARA_bit:-5])

                 loopPARA_value_index / (10**loopPARA_decibit))

    select_index_temp = recording_index_list[recording_index_list_selectserial]
    if decoder_update_flag:
        GVal.setPARA('classifier_num_PARA', classifier_num_temp)
        GVal.setPARA('select_index_PARA', select_index_temp)
            '### Decoder Success! New parameters: [select_index] and [classifier_num] are updated into the workspace! '
            '### Decoder Success! Output parameters: [select_index] and [classifier_num]  '
            '### Caution! The parameters are not updated into the workspace! ')

    return select_index_temp, classifier_num_temp
Exemplo n.º 4
def caseRawsplit(X, Y, para):
    test_portion = para
    if test_portion > 1 or test_portion < 0:
            'Warning! The input test_portion is not in range[0,1], set the default test_portion as 0.25'
        testportion = 0.25
    N = len(GVal.getPARA('random_seed_PARA'))
    for i in range(N):
        X_train_temp, X_test_temp, y_train_temp, y_test_temp = skmdls.train_test_split(
        # print(X_train_temp.shape)
        # print(X_test_temp.shape)
        # print(y_train_temp.shape)
        # print(y_train_temp.shape)
        # print('$@%' * 40)
        if i == 0:
            X_train = [X_train_temp]
            X_test = [X_test_temp]
            y_train = [y_train_temp]
            y_test = [y_test_temp]
            X_train += [X_train_temp]
            X_test += [X_test_temp]
            y_train += [y_train_temp]
            y_test += [y_test_temp]
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, N
Exemplo n.º 5
def labelProcessor(X0, Y0, X0V, Y0V):
    # labelProcessor is working on processing the noconfident frame problem
    # If a confidential information is attached with the label. This function can be applied to process.
    # There several process methods below. Please add any customized processor in any existed or new switcher and write the funtion above in this file

    path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
    process_code = GVal.getPARA('process_code_PARA')

    # h = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(17, 9.3))
    # plt.subplot(211)
    # plt.plot(Y0[:, 2], label='Noise Label ')
    # plt.plot(Y0[:, 1], '*', label='Confident')
    # plt.plot(Y0[:, 0], label='Class Label')
    # plt.legend()

    FLAG = GVal.getPARA('FLAG_PARA')
    if FLAG['noise_frame_dilation'] == 1:
        YnFD = noiseFrameDilation(Y0[:, 2])
        # Rewrite back into the label variable.
        for iY in range(len(Y0[:, 2])):
            Y0[iY, 2] = YnFD[iY]

    noconfident_frame_process_switcher = {
        0: [processor0, 'Do nothing'],
        1: [processor1, 'Change label 8 to 7'],
        2: [processor2, 'Change label 7 to 8'],
        3: [processor3, 'Delete label 7'],
        4: [processor4, 'Delete label 8'],
        5: [processor5, 'Deleta label 7&8']
    noconfident_frame_process = GVal.getPARA('noconfident_frame_process_PARA')
    print('######## [ Abnormal Frame Processing ] ######## ')
    print('### Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X0.shape) + ' [Y]--' + str(Y0.shape))
    X1, Y1 = noconfident_frame_process_switcher[noconfident_frame_process][0](X0, Y0, noconfident_frame_process_switcher[noconfident_frame_process][1])

    noise_frame_process_switcher = {
        0: [processor0, 'Do nothing'],
        1: [processor6, 'Delete noise frame'],
        2: [processor7, 'Delete noise frame and noblink frame'],

    noise_frame_process = GVal.getPARA('noise_frame_process_PARA')

    print('### [ Training Set ] Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X1.shape) + ' [Y]--' + str(Y1.shape))
    X_out, Y_out = noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][0](X1, Y1, noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][1])
    print('### [ Training Set ] Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X_out.shape) + ' [Y]--' + str(Y_out.shape))

    print('### [ Validation Set ] Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X0V.shape) + ' [Y]--' + str(Y0V.shape))
    XV_out, YV_out = noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][0](X0V, Y0V, noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][1])
    print('### [ Validation Set ] Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(XV_out.shape) + ' [Y]--' + str(YV_out.shape))
    # plt.subplot(212)
    # plt.plot(Y_out[:, 2], label='Noise Label ')
    # plt.plot(Y_out[:, 1], '*', label='Confident')
    # plt.plot(Y_out[:, 0], label='Class Label')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()
    # plt.savefig((path['work_path'] + 'AbnormalFrameProcess_' + str(process_code) + '.png'))
    # print('### The label processing result comprison figure is saved in workpath!')
    return X_out, Y_out, XV_out, YV_out
Exemplo n.º 6
def featurePlotting(label_all, online_fea_all, processCode):

    nega_index_raw = np.nonzero(label_all[0] == 0)[0]
    posi1_index_raw = np.nonzero(label_all[0] == 1)[0]
    posi2_index_raw = np.nonzero(label_all[0] == 2)[0]
    posi3_index_raw = np.nonzero(label_all[0] == 3)[0]

    # [nega, posi1, posi2, posi3]
    colorlist1 = ['#000000', '#000000', '#0d75f8', '#e50000']

    nega_index = nega_index_raw
    posi1_index = posi1_index_raw
    posi2_index = posi2_index_raw
    posi3_index = posi3_index_raw

    screen_fea_list = GVal.getPARA('screen_fea_list_PARA')
    online_fea_name = GVal.getPARA('online_fea_name_PARA')
    print(len(nega_index), len(posi1_index), len(posi2_index),
    pic_num = 1
    for fea1_n in range(len(screen_fea_list)):
        fea1_num = screen_fea_list[fea1_n]
        for fea2_n in range(fea1_n + 1, len(screen_fea_list)):
            fea2_num = screen_fea_list[fea2_n]
            figcode = int(1e13 * pic_num + processCode)
            h = plt.figure(num=figcode, figsize=(17, 9.3))
                     label='No Fatigue')
                     label='Fatigue LV7')
                     label='Fatigue LV8')
                     label='Fatigure LV9')
            plt.legend(loc='best', prop=zhfont)
            plt.xlabel(online_fea_name[fea1_num], FontProperties=zhfont)
            plt.ylabel(online_fea_name[fea2_num], FontProperties=zhfont)
            plt.title('Figure #' + str(figcode))
            # plt.savefig((work_path + '/pic/Figure' + str(pic_num) + '.png'))
            # print('Picture' + str(pic_num) + 'Saved!')
            # plt.close(h)
            pic_num += 1
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def feaSelection(X):
    feaSelectionStrategy = GVal.getPARA('feaSelectionStrategy')
    nComponent = GVal.getPARA('nComponent_PARA')
    feaSelectionStrategies = {1: tSNE, 2: normalPCA}

    X_fss = feaSelectionStrategies[feaSelectionStrategy](X, nComponent)
                 np.arange(0, GVal.getPARA('nComponent_PARA')))
    return X_fss
Exemplo n.º 8
def labelProcessor(X0, Y0):
    path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
    process_code = GVal.getPARA('process_code_PARA')

    h = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(17, 9.3))
    plt.plot(Y0[:, 2], label='Noise Label ')
    plt.plot(Y0[:, 1], '*', label='Confident')
    plt.plot(Y0[:, 0], label='Class Label')

    noconfident_frame_process_switcher = {
        0: [processor0, 'Do nothing'],
        1: [processor1, 'Change label 0 to 7'],
        2: [processor2, 'Change label 7 to 0'],
        3: [processor3, 'Delete label 7'],
        4: [processor4, 'Delete label 0'],
        5: [processor5, 'Deleta label 7&0']
    noconfident_frame_process = GVal.getPARA('noconfident_frame_process_PARA')
    print('######## [ Abnormal Frame Processing ] ######## ')
    print('### Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X0.shape) + ' [Y]--' +
    X1, Y1 = noconfident_frame_process_switcher[noconfident_frame_process][0](
        X0, Y0,

    noise_frame_process_switcher = {
        0: [processor0, 'Do nothing'],
        1: [processor6, 'Delete noise frame'],
        2: [processor7, 'Delete noise frame and noblink frame'],

    noise_frame_process = GVal.getPARA('noise_frame_process_PARA')

    print('### Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X1.shape) + ' [Y]--' +
    X_out, Y_out = noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][0](
        X1, Y1, noise_frame_process_switcher[noise_frame_process][1])
    print('### Current Data Size: [X]--' + str(X_out.shape) + ' [Y]--' +

    plt.plot(Y_out[:, 2], label='Noise Label ')
    plt.plot(Y_out[:, 1], '*', label='Confident')
    plt.plot(Y_out[:, 0], label='Class Label')
    plt.savefig((path['work_path'] + 'AbnormalFrameProcess_' +
                 str(process_code) + '.png'))
        '### The label processing result comprison figure is saved in workpath!'
    return X_out, Y_out
Exemplo n.º 9
def processLearning(mdl, X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val):
    print('######## [Predicting ... ] ########')
    # Z is the classification result with the current model (mdl,no matter what kind of classifier)
    Z = mdl.predict(X_val)
    score = mdl.score(X_tra, y_tra)
    FRAP = calculateFRAP(Z, y_val, 1)

    Z_tra = mdl.predict(X_tra)
    GVal.setPARA('Z_tra_res_PARA', Z_tra)
    GVal.setPARA('Z_res_PARA', Z)
    return mdl, score,  FRAP
Exemplo n.º 10
def dataBalance(X, Y):
    data_balance_process = GVal.getPARA('data_balance_process_PARA')
    data_balance_para = GVal.getPARA('data_balance_para_PARA')

    data_balance_frame = {
        1: downSamplingNega,

    XX, YY = data_balance_frame[data_balance_process](X, Y, data_balance_para)

    return XX, YY
Exemplo n.º 11
def processCodeEncoder():
    recording_index_list = GVal.getPARA('recording_index_list_PARA')
    classifier_list = GVal.getPARA('classifier_list_PARA')
    loopPARA_valuelist = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_valuelist_PARA')
    loopPARA_bit = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_bit_PARA')
    process_code_pack = []
    for recording_index_list_lplb in np.arange(len(recording_index_list)):
        for classifier_list_lplb in np.arange(len(classifier_list)):
            for loopPARA_valuelist_lplb in np.arange(len(loopPARA_valuelist)):
                code_temp = int(1e0 * classifier_list[classifier_list_lplb] +
                                1e3 * (recording_index_list_lplb + 1) + 1e5 *

    return process_code_pack
Exemplo n.º 12
def cFRAPPlotting(res):
    L_clf = len(GVal.getPARA('classifier_list_PARA'))
    if L_clf < 2:
            '### Warning! No enough classifiers for cFRAP Plotting, skip it.')
        return 0
    ft_size = 18
    path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
    beta = GVal.getPARA('beta_PARA')
    y = np.zeros((5, L_clf))
    xlbl = cell2dmatlab_jsp([L_clf], 1, [])
    for i in range(L_clf):
        xlbl[i] = res[i][1]
        for j in range(3):
            y[j][i] = res[i][3][j]
        for jj in range(5, 7):
            y[jj - 2][i] = res[i][3][jj]

    ylbl = [
        '[P] Precision', '[A] Accuracy', '[R] Recall', '[F1] score',
        ['[F' + str(beta) + '] score']
    colorlist = ['#0203e2', '#6ecb3c', '#fd3c06', '#000000', '#000000']
    h = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(17, 9.3))
    ax = plt.gca()
    port = 0.1
    ytick = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)
    x = np.arange(1, L_clf + 1, 1)

    for j in range(5):
        delt = port * j + 0.01 * j
        plt.bar(x - 0.3 + delt,

    plt.legend(loc=2, fontsize=ft_size)
    ax.set_xticklabels(xlbl, fontproperties=zhfont, fontsize=ft_size)
    ax.set_yticklabels(ytick, fontsize=ft_size)
    plt.ylabel('scores', fontsize=ft_size)
    plt.ylim(0, 1.05)
    plt.savefig((path['fig_path'] + 'cFRAP.png'))
    print('Picture for ' + str(L_clf) + ' Various Classifers Saved!')
Exemplo n.º 13
def kerasTrainer(classifier_num, X_train_raw, Y_train_raw, X_valid_raw,
                 Y_valid_raw, path):

    feature_index = GVal.getPARA('feature_index_PARA')
    X, y, X_valid, y_valid, index_no = dataSetPreparation(
        feature_index, X_train_raw, Y_train_raw, X_valid_raw, Y_valid_raw)

    classifier_list = {
        11: [sequentialNN, 'Sequential Frame NN'],
        12: [sequentialNN, 'Sequential Frame NN']

    clf_cache = {
        11: cell2dmatlab_jsp([1], 1, []),
        12: cell2dmatlab_jsp([1], 1, []),

    print('### With model: [' + classifier_list[classifier_num][1] + ']')
    print('######## [Predicting ... ] ########')

    # Loading model to do the classification
    clf, score, FRAP = classifier_list[int(str(classifier_num)[0:2])][0](
        X, y, X_valid, y_valid, index_no, classifier_num)
    clf_cache[classifier_num] = clf
    # return clf,score,FRAP
    return classifier_list[classifier_num][1], score, FRAP
Exemplo n.º 14
def plainCodePool(nlevel, dims, temp, h, y):
    LP_nc = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_namecache_PARA')
    dV = cell2dmatlab_jsp([len(LP_nc)], 1, [])
    for n in range(len(LP_nc)):
        if type(LP_nc[n][0]) == int:
            dV[n] = dVM[LP_nc[n][0]][2]
            dV[n] = GVal.getDVPARA(LP_nc[n][0])

    for i in range(nlevel):
        for j in range(dims[i]):
            tempdV = copy.deepcopy(dV)
            tempdV[i] = h[i][j]
            y = np.vstack((y, tempdV))

    return y
Exemplo n.º 15
def randomForest(X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val, index_no, classifier_num):
    y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights = dataRegulationSKL(
        y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, index_no)
    # http://blog.csdn.net/xuxiatian/article/details/54410086
    clf = skemb.RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=dVM[3200][2],
    # GVal.show('dVM_PARA')
    clf.fit(X_tra, y_tra, sample_weight=weights)
    # print(clf.get_params())
    # print(clf)
    path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
    i_tree = 0
    for tree_in_forest in clf.estimators_:
        with open(path['fig_path'] + '/RF/tree_' + str(i_tree) + '.dot',
                  'w') as my_file:
            my_file = sktree.export_graphviz(tree_in_forest,
                                             class_names=['0', '1'])
        i_tree = i_tree + 1

    return processLearning(clf, X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val)
Exemplo n.º 16
def processCodeDecoder(process_code):
    print('### Input process_code is: [' + str(process_code) + ']')
    process_code_str = str(process_code)
    classifier_num_temp = int(process_code_str[-3:])
    recording_index_list_selectserial = int(process_code_str[-5:-3]) - 1
    recording_index_list = GVal.getPARA('recording_index_list_PARA')

    loopPARA_amount = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_amount_PARA')
    if loopPARA_amount > 0:
        loopPARA_codepool = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_codepool_PARA')
        loopPARA_namecache = GVal.getPARA('loopPARA_namecache_PARA')

        loopPARA_serialnum = int(process_code_str[-11:-7])
        for loopPARA_num in range(loopPARA_amount):
            # Set the value in current loop according to the process_code
            if type(loopPARA_namecache[loopPARA_num][0]) == int:
                dVM[loopPARA_namecache[loopPARA_num][0]][2] = str2num(
                    '### Looping Parameter (' + str(loopPARA_num + 1) + '/' +
                    str(loopPARA_amount) + '): [' +
                    str(loopPARA_namecache[loopPARA_num][0]) + ' | ' +
                    dVM[loopPARA_namecache[loopPARA_num][0]][0] +
                    '], with value set: [' +
                    str(loopPARA_codepool[loopPARA_serialnum][loopPARA_num]) +
                    '### Looping Parameter (' + str(loopPARA_num + 1) + '/' +
                    str(loopPARA_amount) + '): [' +
                    str(loopPARA_namecache[loopPARA_num][0]) +
                    '], with value set: [' +
                    str(loopPARA_codepool[loopPARA_serialnum][loopPARA_num]) +

    select_index_temp = recording_index_list[recording_index_list_selectserial]

    GVal.setPARA('classifier_num_PARA', classifier_num_temp)
    GVal.setPARA('select_index_PARA', select_index_temp)
    print('######## [ Decoder Success! ] ########')

    return select_index_temp, classifier_num_temp
Exemplo n.º 17
def featurePreparation(select_index, online_fea_selectindex, noise_label_index,
                       active_index, data_file):
    # Concatenate all the subjects together in one huge matrix.
    # Comprehensive feature preparation.
    # Bluring the concept of subjects. Combine all records together.

    # [TODO] Add the Developing Features
    dev_fea_signal = []
    GVal.initPARA('online_fea_raw_cache', {'name': 'data'})
    online_fea_signal = cell2dmatlab_jsp(
        [len(select_index), len(online_fea_selectindex)], 2, [])
    noise_label_signal = cell2dmatlab_jsp([len(select_index), 2], 2, [])
    lplb_count1 = 0
    for i in select_index:
        if i not in active_index:
            lplb_count1 += 1
        recordname = data_file[i]
        # Loading of the online features (Developed)
        online_fea_file = glob.glob(path['online_fea_path'] + recordname +

        if recordname in GVal.getPARA('online_fea_raw_cache').keys():
            online_fea_raw = GVal.getPARA('online_fea_raw_cache')[recordname]
            online_fea_raw = np.loadtxt(online_fea_file[0])
            GVal.getPARA('online_fea_raw_cache')[recordname] = online_fea_raw

        # Noise label information. (Contain noise and noblink label information)
        j_lplb_count = 0
        for j in noise_label_index:
            noise_label_signal[lplb_count1][j_lplb_count] = online_fea_raw[:,
            j_lplb_count += 1

        # Online Developed Features
        j_lplb_count = 0
        for j in online_fea_selectindex:
            online_fea_signal[lplb_count1][j_lplb_count] = online_fea_raw[:, j]
            j_lplb_count += 1
        # exit()
        lplb_count1 += 1

        # Save for FINAL EVALUATION
        # GVal.setPARA('feas_PARA',online_fea_raw[])
        GVal.setPARA('online_fea_signal_PARA', online_fea_signal)
        GVal.setPARA('noise_label_signal_PARA', noise_label_signal)
    return online_fea_signal, dev_fea_signal, noise_label_signal
Exemplo n.º 18
def labelReading_NFDA(select_index, data_file, path):

    # Initialize several matrix
    label_signal = cell2dmatlab_jsp([len(select_index), 2], 2, [])
    subject_sample_length = np.zeros([len(select_index), 1])
    active_index = []

    GVal.initPARA('label_raw_cache', {'name': 'data'})

    # Iplb LooPLaBel ,for the for loop
    lplb_count1 = 0
    for i in select_index:
        recordname = data_file[i]
        # Loading of labels.
        label_file = glob.glob(path['label_path'] + recordname + '*.txt')
        if not label_file:
            lplb_count1 += 1

        if recordname in GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache').keys():
            label_raw = GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache')[recordname]
            # print('^^^' * 100)
            label_raw = np.loadtxt(label_file[0])
            GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache')[recordname] = label_raw
            # print('&&&' * 100)
            # GVal.setPARA('label_raw_cache', {recordname: label_raw})

        subject_sample_length[lplb_count1] = len(label_raw)

        # Label
        label_signal[lplb_count1][0] = label_raw[:, 1]
        # Label Confidence
        label_signal[lplb_count1][1] = label_raw[:, 2]

        lplb_count1 += 1

    active_index += select_index[0]
    return active_index, subject_sample_length, label_signal
Exemplo n.º 19
def initializationProcess():
    #  Define the prefix, this is used for different computation environment.
    localprefix = '/home/'
    serverprefix = '/home/labcompute/'

    # locipe local ip end
    locipe = os.environ['SSH_CLIENT'][10:12]
    if locipe == '21':
        # When start working with run_NFDA.sh  (run in slave service)
        GVal.setPARA('prefix_PARA', serverprefix)
        username = os.environ["USERNAME"]
    elif locipe == '45':
        # When working with command: python3 NFDA_Launcher.py (run in master local)
        GVal.setPARA('prefix_PARA', localprefix)
        username = '******'
            os.remove(localprefix + 'GaoMY/EXECUTION/NFDA/code/tlog.txt')
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(' ')
    return GVal.getPARA('prefix_PARA'), username
Exemplo n.º 20
def calculateFRAP(Z, y_val, screen):
    # F - Fscore
    # R - Recall
    # A - Accuracy
    # P - Precision
    TP = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 1), (y_val == 1)))[0])
    TN = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 0), (y_val == 0)))[0])
    FP = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 1), (y_val == 0)))[0])
    FN = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 0), (y_val == 1)))[0])

    if TP + FP == 0:
        P = -1
        FA = -1
        P = TP / (TP + FP)
        FA = 1 - P

    if (TP + TN + FP + FN) == 0:
        A = -1
        A = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)

    if TP + FN == 0:
        R = -1
        MA = -1
        R = TP / (TP + FN)
        MA = 1 - R
    # P = TP / (TP + FP)
    # A = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
    # R = TP / (TP + FN)
    # MA = 1 - R
    # FA = 1 - P
    F1 = fScore(1, P, R)
    beta = GVal.getPARA('beta_PARA')
    F = fScore(beta, P, R)

    FRAP = [P, A, R, MA, FA, F1, F]
    if screen == 1:
        print(('###[ P: ' + str(round(FRAP[0], 4)) +
               ' || A: ' + str(round(FRAP[1], 4)) +
               ' || R: ' + str(round(FRAP[2], 4)) +
               ' || MA: ' + str(round(FRAP[3], 4)) +
               ' || FA: ' + str(round(FRAP[4], 4)) +
               ' || F1: ' + str(round(FRAP[5], 4)) +
               ' || F' + str(beta) + ': ' + str(round(FRAP[6], 4)) + ']###'
    return FRAP
Exemplo n.º 21
def noiseFrameDilation(Y):
    Nr_deprecate = GVal.getPARA('Nr_Frame_PARA')
    NReinit = 3
    noise_serial = copy.deepcopy(Y)
    noise_serial_temp = copy.deepcopy(Y)
    for iNR in range(NReinit - 1):
        noise_serial_temp[iNR] = int(Y[iNR] == 0)
    i_noise = NReinit - 1
    while i_noise < len(noise_serial) - 1:
        noise_serial_temp[i_noise] = int(Y[i_noise] == 0)
        if sum(noise_serial_temp[i_noise - NReinit + 1:i_noise + 1]) == 0:
            for j_noise in range(i_noise, min(i_noise + Nr_deprecate, len(Y) - 1)):
                noise_serial[j_noise] = 9
        i_noise += 1

    return noise_serial
Exemplo n.º 22
def voting(X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val, index_no, classifier_num):

    classifier_list = GVal.getPARA('classifier_list_PARA')
    # dVM[3400] = ['estimators', [21, 23, 25, 30, 31], [21, 23, 25, 30, 31]]
    estims = []
    for i in range(len(dVM[3400][2])):
        clf_temp = (classifier_list[dVM[3400][2][i]][1], classifier_list[int(
            str(dVM[3400][2][i])[0:2])][0](X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val,
                                           index_no, dVM[3400][2][i])[0])

    y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights = dataRegulationSKL(
        y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, index_no)
    clf = skemb.VotingClassifier(estimators=estims, voting=dVM[3401][2])
    clf.fit(X_tra, y_tra)

    return processLearning(clf, X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val)
Exemplo n.º 23
def labelReading(select_index, data_file, path):

    # Initialize several matrix
    label_signal = cell2dmatlab_jsp([len(select_index), 2], 2, [])
    subject_sample_length = np.zeros([len(select_index), 1])
    active_index = []

    GVal.initPARA('label_raw_cache', {'name': 'data'})

    # Iplb LooPLaBel ,for the for loop
    lplb_count1 = 0
    for i in select_index:
        recordname = data_file[i]
        # Loading of labels.
        label_file = glob.glob(path['label_path'] + recordname + '*.txt')
        # print(path['label_path'] + recordname + '*.txt')
        if not label_file:
            # return if no file in local database
            lplb_count1 += 1

        # If the
        if recordname in GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache').keys():
            label_raw = GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache')[recordname]
            label_raw = np.loadtxt(label_file[0])
            GVal.getPARA('label_raw_cache')[recordname] = label_raw

        # Save the total frame length of the current recording
        subject_sample_length[lplb_count1] = len(label_raw)

        # Label
        label_signal[lplb_count1][0] = label_raw[:, 1]
        # Label Confidence
        label_signal[lplb_count1][1] = label_raw[:, 2]

        lplb_count1 += 1

    active_index += select_index[0]
    GVal.setPARA('label_signal_PARA', label_signal)
    return active_index, subject_sample_length, label_signal
Exemplo n.º 24
def decisionTree(X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val, index_no, classifier_num):

    y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights = dataRegulationSKL(
        y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, index_no)

    clf = sktree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=dVM[3100][2],

    clf.fit(X_tra, y_tra, sample_weight=weights)
    path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
    with open(path['fig_path'] + 'dtclf.dot', 'w') as f:
        f = sktree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=f, class_names=['0', '1'])

    # sktree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=path['fig_path'] + 'tree.dot')
    # exit()
    return processLearning(clf, X_tra, y_tra, X_val, y_val)
Exemplo n.º 25
def calculateFRAP(Z, y_val):
    TP = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 1), (y_val == 1)))[0])
    TN = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 0), (y_val == 0)))[0])
    FP = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 1), (y_val == 0)))[0])
    FN = len(np.nonzero(np.logical_and((Z == 0), (y_val == 1)))[0])

    P = TP / (TP + FP)
    A = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
    R = TP / (TP + FN)
    MA = 1 - R
    FA = 1 - P
    F1 = fScore(1, P, R)
    beta = GVal.getPARA('beta_PARA')
    F = fScore(beta, P, R)

    FRAP = [P, A, R, MA, FA, F1, F]

    print(('###[ P: ' + str(round(FRAP[0], 4)) + ' || A: ' +
           str(round(FRAP[1], 4)) + ' || R: ' + str(round(FRAP[2], 4)) +
           ' || MA: ' + str(round(FRAP[3], 4)) + ' || FA: ' +
           str(round(FRAP[4], 4)) + ' || F1: ' + str(round(FRAP[5], 4)) +
           ' || F' + str(beta) + ': ' + str(round(FRAP[6], 4)) + ']###'))
    return FRAP
Exemplo n.º 26
def dataRegulationSKL(y_tra_in, X_tra_in, y_val_in, X_val_in, index_no):
    # This function is working to deal with several data problems below:
    # 1. Processing with the transitional frame (no1)
    # 2. Processing wth label weights

    kick_off_no1 = GVal.getPARA('kick_off_no1_PARA')
    weights_on = GVal.getPARA('weights_on_PARA')
    weight_list = GVal.getPARA('weight_list_PARA')

    # Label weight issue
    if weights_on:
        weights = copy.deepcopy(y_tra_in)
        for key in weight_list.keys():
            weights[np.nonzero(weights == key)[0]] = weight_list[key]
        weights = np.ones(y_tra_in.shape)

    # Transitional frame issue
    kick_off_no1_switcher = {
        0: ko1processor0,
        1: ko1processor1,
        2: ko1processor2,
        3: ko1processor3,
        4: ko1processor4,
        5: ko1processor5,
        6: ko1processor6,
        7: ko1processor7,
        8: ko1processor8

    # Avoiding the overwrite problem when multiply excuting dataRegulationSKL
    y_tra_temp = copy.deepcopy(y_tra_in)
    X_tra_temp = copy.deepcopy(X_tra_in)
    y_val_temp = copy.deepcopy(y_val_in)
    X_val_temp = copy.deepcopy(X_val_in)

    print('###  Label 1 Processing Method: ' + GVal.getPARA('kick_off_no1_detail')[int(GVal.getPARA('kick_off_no1_PARA'))])
    y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights = kick_off_no1_switcher[int(GVal.getPARA('kick_off_no1_PARA'))](y_tra_temp, X_tra_temp, y_val_temp, X_val_temp, weights, index_no)

    X_tra_res = copy.deepcopy(X_tra)
    X_val_res = copy.deepcopy(X_val)

    y_tra_res = copy.deepcopy(y_tra)
    y_val_res = copy.deepcopy(y_val)
    GVal.setPARA('y_tra_res_PARA', y_tra_res)
    GVal.setPARA('y_val_res_PARA', y_val_res)
    GVal.setPARA('X_tra_res_PARA', X_tra_res)
    GVal.setPARA('X_val_res_PARA', X_val_res)
    # Change the staged level 0,1,2,3 into a binary situation 0 and 1(1,2,3)
    y_tra[np.nonzero(y_tra > 0)[0]] = 1
    y_val[np.nonzero(y_val > 0)[0]] = 1

    # Checking code, do not delete .
    print('X train')
    print('y train')
    print(max(y_tra), min(y_tra))
    print('X validation')
    print('y validation')
    print(max(y_val), min(y_val))

    # print(len(np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 0)[0]))
    # print(len(np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 1)[0]))
    # print(len(np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 2)[0]))
    # print(len(np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 3)[0]))

    FLAG_temp = GVal.getPARA('FLAG_PARA')
    pcode4fig = GVal.getPARA('process_code_PARA')
    if FLAG_temp['hist_plotting_flag']:
        ftsize = 16
        hist_fea_list = GVal.getPARA('hist_fea_list_PARA')
        path = GVal.getPARA('path_PARA')
        nbins = 20
        figcode = pcode4fig
        h = plt.figure(num=figcode, figsize=(20, 30))
        inu = 0
        for ireal in hist_fea_list:
            iserial = int(np.where(hist_fea_list == ireal)[0])
            inum = int(np.where(GVal.getPARA('online_fea_selectindex_PARA') == ireal)[0])
            print('inu: ' + str(inu) + ' || ireal: ' + str(ireal) + '|| iserial: ' + str(iserial) + '|| inum: ' + str(inum))
            x = 0.03
            y = 0.89
            a = -0.02
            le = 0.19
            lfig = 0.17
            k = -0.085
            kfig = 0.065

            posx = [x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le,
                    x, x + le, x + 2 * le, x + 3 * le, x + 4 * le]
            posy = [y, y, y, y, y, y + k, y + k, y + k, y + k, y + k,
                    y + 2 * k + a, y + 2 * k + a, y + 2 * k + a, y + 2 * k + a, y + 2 * k + a,
                    y + 3 * k + a, y + 3 * k + a, y + 3 * k + a, y + 3 * k + a, y + 3 * k + a,
                    y + 4 * k + 2 * a, y + 4 * k + 2 * a, y + 4 * k + 2 * a, y + 4 * k + 2 * a, y + 4 * k + 2 * a,
                    y + 5 * k + 2 * a, y + 5 * k + 2 * a, y + 5 * k + 2 * a, y + 5 * k + 2 * a, y + 5 * k + 2 * a,
                    y + 6 * k + 3 * a, y + 6 * k + 3 * a, y + 6 * k + 3 * a, y + 6 * k + 3 * a, y + 6 * k + 3 * a,
                    y + 7 * k + 3 * a, y + 7 * k + 3 * a, y + 7 * k + 3 * a, y + 7 * k + 3 * a, y + 7 * k + 3 * a,
                    y + 8 * k + 4 * a, y + 8 * k + 4 * a, y + 8 * k + 4 * a, y + 8 * k + 4 * a, y + 8 * k + 4 * a,
                    y + 9 * k + 4 * a, y + 9 * k + 4 * a, y + 9 * k + 4 * a, y + 9 * k + 4 * a, y + 9 * k + 4 * a]
            # print(len(posx))
            # print(len(posy))

            inum1 = int(10 * np.floor((inu) / 5) + (iserial) % 5)
            # print(inu, inum1)
            # print(posx[inum1], posy[inum1])
            plt.axes([posx[inum1], posy[inum1], lfig, kfig])
            sns.distplot(X_tra_res[np.nonzero(y_tra_res > 1)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='posi [23]')
            sns.distplot(X_tra_res[np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 0)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='nega [0]')
            sns.distplot(X_tra_res[np.nonzero(y_tra_res == 1)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='tranz [1]')
            # plt.legend .....
            plt.title('[ Feature No. ' + str(ireal) + ' ] Trainning Set ')
            inum2 = int(10 * np.floor((inu) / 5) + (iserial) % 5 + 5)
            # print(inu, inum2)
            plt.axes([posx[inum2], posy[inum2], lfig, kfig])
            sns.distplot(X_val_res[np.nonzero(y_val_res > 1)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='posi[23]')
            sns.distplot(X_val_res[np.nonzero(y_val_res == 0)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='nega[0]')
            sns.distplot(X_val_res[np.nonzero(y_val_res == 1)[0], inum], bins=nbins, rug=False, label='tranz [1]')
            # print(GVal.getPARA('online_fea_name_PARA')[i][0])
            plt.title('[ ' + GVal.getPARA('online_fea_name_PARA')[ireal][0] + ' ] Testing Set ', fontproperties=zhfont, fontsize=ftsize)
            if inu == 0:
            inu += 1
        plt.savefig((path['fig_path'] + 'Histo_Fea_Pic' + str(figcode) + '.png'))
        print('Histo Feature Picture' + str(figcode) + 'Saved!')
        print('### No hist feature plotting... Skip')
    return y_tra, X_tra, y_val, X_val, weights
Exemplo n.º 27
def mainProcesser(process_code):
    # The decoder translate the process_code into different parameter to be set.
    select_index, classifier_num = processCodeDecoder(process_code)
    # Prepare some information
    online_fea_selectindex = GVal.getPARA('online_fea_selectindex_PARA')
    noise_label_index = GVal.getPARA('noise_label_index_PARA')

    # [TODO] Raw Data Reading methods
    #    FUNCTION     rawDataReading()

    # [TODO] New preprocessing methods
    # FUNCTION     raw_dev_fea = preProcessing()

    # Output raw_dev_fea should then become input of the Function featurePreparation()
    if FLAG['data_prepare_flag'] and GVal.getPARA('firstTimeConstruction'):
        # Load the label information from local database
        active_index, subject_sample_length, label_signal = labelReading(
            select_index, data_file, path)
        # Load and prepare the feature from local database
        online_fea_signal, dev_fea_signal, noise_label_signal = featurePreparation(
            select_index, online_fea_selectindex, noise_label_index,
            active_index, data_file)
        # Construct all the information, make a standard format. [label_all] & [online_fea_all]
        label_all, online_fea_all = dataConstruction(
            select_index, online_fea_selectindex, subject_sample_length,
            label_signal, online_fea_signal, noise_label_signal, path,
        GVal.setPARA('firstTimeConstruction', 0)
        print('### Skip the data construction, load from the database')
        print('### The loading data directory is: ' + path['pdata_path'])
        label_all = np.loadtxt((path['pdata_path'] + 'label_all.txt'))
        online_fea_all = np.loadtxt(
            (path['pdata_path'] + 'online_fea_all.txt'))
    X_rawraw = np.transpose(online_fea_all)
    Y_raw = np.transpose(label_all)
    print('######## [Data Preparation Accomplished! ] ########')
    print('### Label  Raw Matrix Size: ' + str(Y_raw.shape))
    print('### Feature  Raw Matrix Size: ' + str(X_rawraw.shape))

    # Until here, all the developed label and features are prepared in a certain format.
    # for one single data sample, get the label by:
    #   snum:  Sample NUM  ||    fnum:   Feature NUM
    #   label_all[0,snum]  : label
    #   label_all[1,snum]  : confidence
    #   online_fea_all[fnum,snum] : difference features.

    # [TODO DONE!]  Compare with Y. Do the validation .   Try leave-one-out, or K-fold
    X_train_rawraw, X_validation_raw, y_train_raw, y_validation_raw, N = datasetSeparation(
        X_rawraw, Y_raw, GVal.getPARA('split_type_num'),
    # Sample: X_train[n_fold][fnum,snum]

    classifier_frame = {3: sklearnTrainer, 2: sklearnTrainer, 1: kerasTrainer}

    # Loop working when n fold is working.
    for N_lplb_count in np.arange(N):
        print(' ')
        print('#' * 32)
        print('######## [Fold (#' + str(N_lplb_count + 1) + '/' + str(N) +
              ') ] ########')

        # Prepare the F, Y

        if FLAG['label_process_flag']:
            # label processor  targeting on noconfident frame / noise frame / noblink frame 'N3 frame'
            # Extendable function strucutre. For any customized label processing tasks.
            X_train_raw, y_train, X_validation_rawS, y_validation_rawS = labelProcessor(
                X_train_rawraw[N_lplb_count], y_train_raw[N_lplb_count],
                X_validation_raw[N_lplb_count], y_validation_raw[N_lplb_count])
            X_train_raw = copy.deepcopy(X_train_rawraw[N_lplb_count])
            y_train = copy.deepcopy(y_train_raw[N_lplb_count])
            X_validation_rawS = copy.deepcopy(X_validation_raw[N_lplb_count])
            y_validation_rawS = copy.deepcopy(y_validation_raw[N_lplb_count])
        # # # Feature Plotting [N/A]
        # if FLAG['fea_plotting_flag']:
        #     featurePlotting(Y_train, X_train_raw, process_code)
        # else:
        #     print('### No plotting, exit feature plotting...')
        # [TODO IN PROGRESS]  Add the feature selection Method
        if FLAG['fea_selection_flag']:
            # feaSelection is doing the feature selection only on trainning set, return the fea selection result
            X_train, feaS_mdl = feaSelection(X_train_raw)
            # According the fea selection result, preprocess  validation set in corresponding to the  trainning set.
            X_validation = feaS_mdl.fit_transform(X_validation_rawS)
            X_train = copy.deepcopy(X_train_raw)
            X_validation = copy.deepcopy(X_validation_rawS)

        # [TODO] Feature Regulation
        # Three types of features:
        #     1 -- Continuous
        #     2 -- Discrete (Categorical)
        #     3 -- Discrete Binary (0 and 1)

        y_validation = copy.deepcopy(y_validation_rawS)

        # [TODO IN PROGRESS] Data balancing method!
        # Data balance only affect on training set.
        # The method is solving the unbalance problem.
        # The function is extendable, customized data balancing method can be applied.
        if FLAG['data_balance_flag']:
            X_train, y_train = dataBalance(X_train, y_train)

        res_temp = cell2dmatlab_jsp([1, 5], 2, [])

        # [TODO IN PROGRESS] Classifier Designing

        res_temp[0][0] = process_code
        res_temp[0][1:4] = classifier_frame[int(str(classifier_num)[0])](
            classifier_num, X_train, y_train, X_validation, y_validation, path)
        # Sample: res[fold number][infoserial]
        # infoserial :  1- model object [1: num, 2:name, 3:mdl obejct]  2- Training Score  3- FRAP
        resCalMethodList = {'median': np.median, 'mean': np.mean}
        if N == 1:
            res = res_temp
            if N_lplb_count == 0:
                res_mid = res_temp
            elif N_lplb_count < N - 1:
                res_mid += res_temp
            elif N_lplb_count == N - 1:
                res_mid += res_temp
                res = res_temp
                for ires in range(len(res[0][3])):
                    temptemp = []
                    for iN in range(N):
                        # if np.logical_and(res_mid[iN][3][ires] != 0.0, res_mid[iN][3][ires] != 1.0):
                        if res_mid[iN][3][ires] not in [0.0, 1.0, -1.0]:
                    res[0][3][ires] = resCalMethodList[GVal.getPARA(

        if FLAG['pairDristributionPlotting_flag']:
            FRAP = res_temp[0][3]
            pairDistPlotting(FRAP, process_code)
        if FLAG['resultDristributionPlotting_flag']:
            FRAP = res_temp[0][3]
            resultPlotting(FRAP, process_code)

            print('### No plotting, exit feature plotting...')


    return res, N
Exemplo n.º 28
        'label_path': (path_prefix + 'public/backend_data/Label/'),
        'online_fea_path': (path_prefix + 'public/backend_data/online_new/'),
        'test_fea_path': (path_prefix + 'public/backend_data/test_fea/'),
        'parent_path': (path_prefix + username + '/EXECUTION/NFDA/code/')

    # Define the several sub path
    # work path, in which all the processing code are placed
    path['work_path'] = (path['parent_path'] + 'python_code/')
    # fig path, to save the result figs
    path['fig_path'] = (path['parent_path'] + 'python_code/fig/')
    # pdata_path, to save several types of processing data, (temporial data for accelerating the procedure)
    path['pdata_path'] = (path['parent_path'] + 'python_code/data/')

    # Global Statement of [path]
    GVal.setPARA('path_PARA', path)

    # Change the current path if necessary.

    # RawData folder list reading.
    data_file_temp = sorted(os.listdir(path['online_fea_path']))
    data_file = data_file_temp
    knnn = 0
    for i in data_file_temp:
        print(str(knnn) + ' || ' + i)
        data_file[knnn] = data_file_temp[knnn][:-4]
        knnn += 1
    # exit()
    # Processing the Control Panel! All the important configuration are pre-defined in control panel.
    # Refer the file controlPanel_NFDA_J.py for more details.
Exemplo n.º 29
    return res, N

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start = clock()
    path_prefix = initializationProcess()
    path = {
        'data_path': (path_prefix + 'public/EEG_RawData/'),
        'label_path': (path_prefix + 'GaoMY/EXECUTION/NFDA/Label/'),
        'parent_path': (path_prefix + 'GaoMY/EXECUTION/NFDA/code/'),
        'online_fea_path': (path_prefix + 'GaoMY/EXECUTION/NFDA/online_new/')

    path['work_path'] = (path['parent_path'] + 'python_code/')
    path['pdata_path'] = (path['parent_path'] + 'data/')

    GVal.setPARA('path_PARA', path)

    # RawData Reading.
    data_file = sorted(os.listdir(path['data_path']))

    FLAG, process_code_pack = controlPanel()

    # ProcessingCodeLoop
    L_lplb_count = 0
    L = len(process_code_pack)
    for process_code in process_code_pack:
        GVal.setPARA('process_code_PARA', process_code)
        res_singleLOOP, N = mainProcesser(process_code)
        if L_lplb_count == 0:
            res = res_singleLOOP
Exemplo n.º 30
def mainProcesser(process_code):
    select_index, classifier_num = processCodeDecoder(process_code, 1)

    online_fea_selectindex = GVal.getPARA('online_fea_selectindex_PARA')
    noise_label_index = GVal.getPARA('noise_label_index_PARA')
    ############## [ Engine START! ] ###################################################

    # [TODO] Raw Data Reading methods
    #    FUNCTION     rawDataReading_NFDA()

    # [TODO] New preprocessing methods
    # FUNCTION     raw_dev_fea = preProcessing_NFDA()

    # Output raw_dev_fea should then become input of the Function featurePreparation_NFDA()

    if FLAG['data_prepare_flag'] and GVal.getPARA('firstTimeConstruction'):
        active_index, subject_sample_length, label_signal = labelReading_NFDA(select_index, data_file, path)
        online_fea_signal, dev_fea_signal, noise_label_signal = featurePreparation_NFDA(select_index, online_fea_selectindex, noise_label_index, active_index, data_file)
        label_all, online_fea_all = dataConstruction_NFDA(select_index, online_fea_selectindex, subject_sample_length, label_signal, online_fea_signal, noise_label_signal, path, FLAG['save_flag'])
        GVal.setPARA('firstTimeConstruction', 0)
        print('### Skip the data construction, load from the database')
        print('### The loading data directory is: ' + path['pdata_path'])
        label_all = np.loadtxt((path['pdata_path'] + 'label_all.txt'))
        online_fea_all = np.loadtxt((path['pdata_path'] + 'online_fea_all.txt'))
    X_rawraw = np.transpose(online_fea_all)
    Y_raw = np.transpose(label_all)
    print('######## [Data Preparation Accomplished! ] ########')
    print('### Label  Raw Matrix Size: ' + str(Y_raw.shape))
    print('### Feature  Raw Matrix Size: ' + str(X_rawraw.shape))

    # Until here, all the developed label and features are prepared in a certain format.
    # for one single data sample, get the label by:
    #   snum:  Sample NUM  ||    fnum:   Feature NUM
    #   label_all[0,snum]  : label
    #   label_all[1,snum]  : confidence
    #   online_fea_all[fnum,snum] : difference features.

    # Feature Plotting [N/A]
    if FLAG['plotting_flag']:
        featurePlotting_NFDA(label_all, online_fea_all)
        print('### No plotting, exit feature plotting...')

    # Prepare the F, Y

    # X_raw[snum, fnum]
    # Y[snum,:]
    if FLAG['label_process_flag']:
        X_raw, Y = labelProcessor(X_rawraw, Y_raw)
        X_raw = copy.deepcopy(X_rawraw)
        Y = copy.deepcopy(Y_raw)

    # [TODO IN PROGRESS]  Add the feature selection Method
    if FLAG['fea_selection_flag']:
        X = feaSelection(X_raw)
        X = copy.deepcopy(X_raw)

    # [TODO] Feature Regulation
    # Three types of features:
    #     1 -- Continuous
    #     2 -- Discrete (Categorical)
    #     3 -- Discrete Binary (0 and 1)

    # [TODO DONE!]  Compare with Y. Do the validation .   Try leave-one-out, or K-fold
    X_train, X_validation, y_train, y_validation, N = datasetSeparation(X, Y, GVal.getPARA('split_type_num'), GVal.getPARA('split_type_para'))
    # Sample: X_train[n_fold][fnum,snum]

    classifier_frame = {
        3: sklearnTrainer,
        2: sklearnTrainer,
        1: kerasTrainer

    # Loop working when n fold is working.

    for N_lplb_count in np.arange(N):
        # [TODO IN PROGRESS] Data balancing method!
        # [IMPORTANT!] Data balance should be after the separation and only affect on training set!
        if FLAG['data_balance_flag']:
            X_train[N_lplb_count], y_train[N_lplb_count] = dataBalance(X_train[N_lplb_count], y_train[N_lplb_count])

        res_temp = cell2dmatlab_jsp([1, 4], 2, [])

        # [TODO IN PROGRESS] Classifier Designing
        # Try different classifiers, Get CY
        print(' ')
        print('#' * 35)
        print('######## [Fold (#' + str(N_lplb_count + 1) + '/' + str(N) + ') ] ########')
        print('#' * 35)
        res_temp[0][0] = process_code
        res_temp[0][1:4] = classifier_frame[int(str(classifier_num)[0])](classifier_num, X_train[N_lplb_count], y_train[N_lplb_count], X_validation[N_lplb_count], y_validation[N_lplb_count], path)
        # Sample: res[fold number][infoserial]
        # infoserial :  0- model object   1- Training Score  2- FRAP
        if N_lplb_count == 0:
            res = res_temp
            res += res_temp
    return res, N