Exemplo n.º 1
def Mythread(rnum, sparql, filename):
    global correctness

    # query
    gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 9000)
    # gc.build("test", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", "root", "123456")
    # gc.load("test", "root", "123456")
    gc.fquery("root", "123456", "lubm", sparql, filename)
    # res = gc.query("root", "123456", "test", sparql)

    # read the file to a str
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        res = f.read()

    # count the nums
    m = 0
    for i in range(len(sparql)):
        if (sparql[i] == "?"):
            m = m + 1
        if (sparql[i] == "{"):
    n = 0
    for i in range(len(res)):
        if (res[i] == "{"):
            n = n + 1
    Num = (n - 3) / (m + 1)

    # compare the result
    if (rnum != Num):
        correctness = False
        print("sparql: " + sparql)
        print("Num: " + str(Num))
Exemplo n.º 2
def Mythread(rnum, sparql, filename, RequestType):
    global correctness

    # query
    gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector(IP, Port, username, password)
    res = gc.query("lubm", "json", sparql, RequestType)

    # fquery
    #gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector(IP, Port, username, password)
    #gc.fquery("lubm", "json", sparql, filename, RequestType)
    #with open(filename, "r") as f:
    #    res = f.read()

    # count the nums
    m = 0
    for i in range(len(sparql)):
        if (sparql[i] == "?"):
            m = m + 1
        if (sparql[i] == "{"):
    n = 0
    for i in range(len(res)):
        if (res[i] == "{"):
            n = n + 1
    Num = (n - 3) / (m + 1)

    # compare the result
    if (rnum != Num):
        correctness = False
        print("sparql: " + sparql)
        print("Num: " + str(Num))
Exemplo n.º 3
def net(sparql1):
    :param sparql1: 查询语句1,以后可能会有查询语句2、3、4...
    gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("pkubase.gstore-pku.com", 80)
    gc.fquery(username, password, "pkubase", sparql1, filename)
    print(gc.query(username, password, "pkubase", sparql1))
Exemplo n.º 4
	def __init__(self):
		self.gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 9000)
		self.ret = self.gc.build("weibo", "data/weibo.nt", gStoreusername, gStorepassword)
		self.ret = self.gc.load("weibo", gStoreusername, gStorepassword)
		self.all_ids = self.get_all_ids()
		self.all_ids_num = len(self.all_ids)
		self.all_weibo_ids = self.get_all_weibo_ids()
		self.current_uid = ""
		self.islogin = False
Exemplo n.º 5
username = "******"
password = "******"
sparql = "select ?x where \
                 { \
                     ?x  <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>. \
                     ?y    <ub:name> <Course1>. \
                     ?x    <ub:takesCourse>  ?y. \
                     ?z   <ub:teacherOf>    ?y. \
                     ?z    <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>. \
                     ?z    <ub:worksFor>    ?w. \
                     ?w    <ub:name>    <Department0>. \
filename = "res.txt"

# start a gc with given IP, Port, username and password
gc =  GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector(IP, Port, username, password)

# build a database with a RDF graph
res = gc.build("lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", "POST")

# load the database 
res = gc.load("lubm", "POST")

# to add, delete a user or modify the privilege of a user, operation must be done by the root user
#res = gc.user("add_user", "user1", "111111", "POST")

# show all users
res = gc.showUser("POST")
Exemplo n.º 6
password = "******"
sparql = "select ?x where \
                 { \
                     ?x  <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>. \
                     ?y    <ub:name> <Course1>. \
                     ?x    <ub:takesCourse>  ?y. \
                     ?z   <ub:teacherOf>    ?y. \
                     ?z    <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>. \
                     ?z    <ub:worksFor>    ?w. \
                     ?w    <ub:name>    <Department0>. \

filename = "res.txt"

# start a gc with given IP and Port
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 9000)

# unload the database
#ret = gc.unload("test", username, password)

# build database with a RDF graph
ret = gc.build("lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", username, password)

# load the database
ret = gc.load("lubm", username, password)

# show
print(gc.show(username, password))

# show information of all users
Exemplo n.º 7
import json, datetime, random

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from weibo.models import UserInfo
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

    from . import GstoreConnector
    from .config import mysql_conf, gStore_conf, path
    import GstoreConnector
    from config import mysql_conf, gStore_conf, path

# My uid: 3023515021
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector(gStore_conf['host'], gStore_conf['port'])

# 4条边关系
def jrelation(request):
    # uid = 2773208055

    nodes = {}
    links = set()
    tuid = request.GET.get("tuid", "")
    if tuid == "":
        return HttpResponse("")
    tuid = int(tuid)
    uid = int(request.COOKIES.get("uid"))

    print("jrelation called", uid)
Exemplo n.º 8
                 { \
                     ?x  <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>. \
                     ?y    <ub:name> <Course1>. \
                     ?x    <ub:takesCourse>  ?y. \
                     ?z   <ub:teacherOf>    ?y. \
                     ?z    <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>. \
                     ?z    <ub:worksFor>    ?w. \
                     ?w    <ub:name>    <Department0>. \

sparql2 = "select * where { ?x  ?y  ?z }"

filename = "res.txt"

# start a gc with given IP and Port
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 9001)

# unload the database
#ret = gc.unload("test", username, password)

# build database with a RDF graph
# ret = gc.build("lubm", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", username, password)

# load the database
# ret = gc.load("lubm", username, password)
# # show
# print(gc.show(username, password))
# # show information of all users
# print(gc.showUser())
Exemplo n.º 9
from structs import *

prefix = {'u':'http://example.org/user/', 
    'w': 'http://example.org/weibo/',
    'c': 'http://example.org/comment/',
    'ua': 'http://example.org/user_attr/',
    'wa': 'http://example.org/weibo_attr/',
    'ca': 'http://example.org/comment_attr/',
    'r': 'http://example.org/rel/'}

database = 'toyweibo'
u_len = len(prefix['u'])
w_len = len(prefix['w'])
c_len = len(prefix['c'])
prefix_string = ''.join(['prefix %s:<%s> ' % (k,v) for k,v in prefix.items()])
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector('localhost', 9000, 'root', '123456')
_ = gc.load(database)

# def transfer(l):
#     ls = l.split(' ')
#     for lls in ls:
#         for k,v in prefix.items():
#             if lls.startswith(k+':'):
#                 llss = lls.split(':')
#                 uri = '<' + v + llss[1] + '>'
#                 l = l.replace(lls, uri)
#     return l

# basic functions

def handle_bad(ls):