Exemplo n.º 1
def find(rawdata):
  sections = []

  base = 0
  while base < len(rawdata) :

    # align to 4 bytes
    if base % 4:
      base += 4 - (base % 4)
    if base >= len(rawdata):

    (length, efitype) = struct.unpack("<3sB", rawdata[base:base+4])
    length = struct.unpack("<I", length + '\0')[0]
    base += 4
    length -= 4

    section = EfiSection(efitype)
    if efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_COMPRESSION:
      (uncomp_length, comp_type) = struct.unpack("<IB", rawdata[base:base+4+1])
      data = rawdata[base+5:base+length]
      if comp_type == 0:
	pass # uncompressed
      elif comp_type == 1:
	data = EfiDecompressor.Decompress(data)
	print "Warning: Unknown compression type %i" % comp_type

      section.SubSections = find(data)

    elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED:
      (guid, data_offset, attributes) = struct.unpack("<16sHH", rawdata[base:base+16+2+2])
      data_offset -= 24

      section.Guid = Guid.strguid(guid)
      section.HeaderData = rawdata[base+20:base+20+data_offset]
      section.Attributes = attributes
      section.Data = rawdata[base+20+data_offset:base+length]

    elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_VERSION:
      (build_number, ) = struct.unpack("<H", rawdata[base:base+2])
      section.BuildNumber = build_number
      section.String = unicode(rawdata[base+2:base+length-2], "utf-16")

    elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE:
      section.String = unicode(rawdata[base:base+length-2], "utf-16")

    elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID:
      section.Guid = Guid.strguid(rawdata[base:base+16])
      section.Data = rawdata[base+16:]

      if length:
	section.Data = rawdata[base:base+length]


    base += length

  return sections
Exemplo n.º 2
def find(instream, streamlength):
  volumes = []

  base = instream.tell()
  while base < streamlength:
    # align to 8 bytes
    if instream.tell() % 8:
      tmp = 8 - (instream.tell() % 8)
      instream.seek(tmp, 1)
      base += tmp

    # Scan for volume GUID
    while base < streamlength and Guid.strguid(instream.read(16))  != "7a9354d9-0468-444a-81ce-0bf617d890df":
      base += 16
    base -= 16
    instream.seek(-32, 1)

    (zero, guid, length, sig, attrib, headerlength, checksum, reserved, revision) = struct.unpack("<16s16sQ4sIHH3sB", instream.read(16 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1))
    volumes.append(EfiVolume(base, headerlength, length - headerlength, sig, attrib))

    # Skip the blockmap - sample I have just has one big block in it
    while True:
      (numBlocks, blockLength) = struct.unpack("<II", instream.read(8))
      if numBlocks == 0 and blockLength == 0:

    instream.seek(length - headerlength, 1)
    base += length

  return volumes
Exemplo n.º 3
def find(instream, streamlength):
    volumes = []

    base = instream.tell()
    while base < streamlength:

        # align to 8 bytes
        if instream.tell() % 8:
            tmp = 8 - (instream.tell() % 8)
            instream.seek(tmp, 1)
            base += tmp

        # Scan for volume GUID
        while base < streamlength and Guid.strguid(
                instream.read(16)) != "7a9354d9-0468-444a-81ce-0bf617d890df":
            base += 16
        base -= 16
        instream.seek(-32, 1)

        (zero, guid, length, sig, attrib, headerlength, checksum, reserved,
         revision) = struct.unpack(
             instream.read(16 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1))
            EfiVolume(base, headerlength, length - headerlength, sig, attrib))

        # Skip the blockmap - sample I have just has one big block in it
        while True:
            (numBlocks, blockLength) = struct.unpack("<II", instream.read(8))
            if numBlocks == 0 and blockLength == 0:

        instream.seek(length - headerlength, 1)
        base += length

    return volumes
Exemplo n.º 4
def find(instream, volume):
  files = []

  instream.seek(volume.Base + volume.HeaderLength, 0)
  base = 0
  while(base < volume.DataLength):
    # align to 8 bytes
    if instream.tell() % 8:
      tmp = 8 - (instream.tell() % 8)
      instream.seek(tmp, 1)
      base += tmp
    if base >= volume.DataLength:
    (guid, checksum, type, attrib, length, state) = struct.unpack("<16sHBB3sB", instream.read(16 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1))
    length = struct.unpack("<I", length + '\0')[0]

    files.append(EfiFile(base, length - 24, Guid.strguid(guid), type, attrib, state))

    instream.seek(length - 24, 1)
    base += length

  return files
Exemplo n.º 5
def find(rawdata):
    sections = []

    base = 0
    while base < len(rawdata):

        # align to 4 bytes
        if base % 4:
            base += 4 - (base % 4)
        if base >= len(rawdata):

        (length, efitype) = struct.unpack("<3sB", rawdata[base:base + 4])
        length = struct.unpack("<I", length + '\0')[0]
        base += 4
        length -= 4

        section = EfiSection(efitype)
        if efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_COMPRESSION:
             comp_type) = struct.unpack("<IB", rawdata[base:base + 4 + 1])
            data = rawdata[base + 5:base + length]
            if comp_type == 0:
                pass  # uncompressed
            elif comp_type == 1:
                data = EfiDecompressor.Decompress(data)
                print "Warning: Unknown compression type %i" % comp_type

            section.SubSections = find(data)

        elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED:
            (guid, data_offset,
             attributes) = struct.unpack("<16sHH",
                                         rawdata[base:base + 16 + 2 + 2])
            data_offset -= 24

            section.Guid = Guid.strguid(guid)
            section.HeaderData = rawdata[base + 20:base + 20 + data_offset]
            section.Attributes = attributes
            section.Data = rawdata[base + 20 + data_offset:base + length]

        elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_VERSION:
            (build_number, ) = struct.unpack("<H", rawdata[base:base + 2])
            section.BuildNumber = build_number
            section.String = unicode(rawdata[base + 2:base + length - 2],

        elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE:
            section.String = unicode(rawdata[base:base + length - 2], "utf-16")

        elif efitype == EfiSection.EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID:
            section.Guid = Guid.strguid(rawdata[base:base + 16])
            section.Data = rawdata[base + 16:]

            if length:
                section.Data = rawdata[base:base + length]


        base += length

    return sections