Exemplo n.º 1
    def parse(self, path):
        fobj = open(path, "r")
        graph = HarrisGraph()
        graph.node_attr['shape'] = 'box'
        groups = dict()
        # Knoten hinzufuegen, Gruppen erzeugen
        for line in fobj:
            line = line.strip()
            stratum = line.split(";")
            if stratum[1] == "context":
                graph.add_node(stratum[0], stratum[1])
                #graph.add_node(stratum[0], stratum[1], stratum[2], stratum[3], stratum[4])
#            if stratum[1] == "group":
#                groups[stratum[0]] = set()              
        # Kanten hinzufuegen, Knoten zu Gruppen zuordnen
        fobj = open(path, "r")
        index = 0
        for line in fobj:
            line = line.strip()
            stratum = line.split(";")
            unitname = stratum[0]
            later = set(stratum[2].split(", "))
            if stratum[1] == "context":
                for node in later:
                    if node != "":
                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "later")
                earlier = set(stratum[3].split(", "))
                for node in earlier:
                    if node != "":
                        graph.add_edge(node, unitname, "earlier")
#                group = set(stratum[8].split(", "))
#                for g in group:
#                    if g in groups:
#                        groups[g].add(unitname)
#                equal = set(stratum[7].split(", "))
#                for node in equal:
#                    if node != "":
#                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "concurrent")
#                partof = set(stratum[8].split(", "))
#                for node in partof:
#                    if node != "":
#                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "concurrent")            
#        for key in groups:
#           graph.add_subgraph(groups[key], key)
#        neighbors = graph.neighbors("103")
#        for n in neighbors:
#            print(n)
        #print graph.string() # print to screen
        graph.write(self.projname + ".dot") # write to simple.dot
        print "Wrote matrix.dot"
        graph.draw(self.projname + '.svg') # draw to png 
        print "Wrote matrix.png"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parse(self, path):
        fobj = open(path, "r")
        graph = HarrisGraph()
        graph.node_attr['shape'] = 'box'
        # Knoten hinzufuegen
        for line in fobj:
            line = line.strip()
            stratum = line.split(";")
            if stratum[1] == "context":
                graph.add_node(stratum[0], stratum[1], stratum[2], stratum[3], stratum[4])
        # Kanten hinzufuegen
        fobj = open(path, "r")
        for line in fobj:
            line = line.strip()
            stratum = line.split(";")
            unitname = stratum[0]
            later = set(stratum[5].split(", "))
            if stratum[1] == "context":
                for node in later:
                    if node != "":
                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "later")
                earlier = set(stratum[6].split(", "))
                for node in earlier:
                    if node != "":
                        graph.add_edge(node, unitname, "earlier")
                equal = set(stratum[7].split(", "))
#                for node in equal:
#                    if node != "":
#                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "concurrent")
#                partof = set(stratum[8].split(", "))
#                for node in partof:
#                    if node != "":
#                        graph.add_edge(unitname, node, "concurrent")            
        neighbors = graph.neighbors("103")
        for n in neighbors:
        print graph.string() # print to screen
        graph.write("matrix.dot") # write to simple.dot
        print "Wrote matrix.dot"
        graph.draw('matrix.svg') # draw to png 
        print "Wrote matrix.png"