Exemplo n.º 1
            totalProtons += nProton
            if nProton == 0:

            #generate N=10 random points for x-y
            XY = hf.GetRandomXY(nProton, size, width, posX, posY)
            #print XY

            #convert points into a strip number for each layer
            Strips = hf.GetStripCoOrds(XY, pitch, angles)
            #print Strips

            #cycle through all strip combinations, find intersections of pairs of planes, see if they are within tolerance of each other
            #returns hit objects of form (XCoord,YCoord,[stripX,stripU,stripV],[radial distance to intersections])
            allHits = hf.FindOverlaps(Strips, pitch, angles, tolerance,
            nRawHits += len(allHits)
            for hit in allHits:
                myHitMap.Fill(hit[0], hit[1])

            rawEff = hf.GetEfficiency(allHits, XY, pitch, tolerance)
            hRawEfficiency.Fill(100.0 * rawEff)
            nProton_RawEffCorrected += nProton * rawEff

            if saveStripMaps:
                hf.PlotHitMap("RawHits", allHits, XY, Strips, pitch, size, i,

            #for hit in allHits:
            #        area=hf.GetPixelArea(hit,angles,pitch)
Exemplo n.º 2
        #reconstruct hits for each tracker module
        TrackerHits = []
        MaxNStrips = []
        for module in [0, 1]:

            #convert simulated protons to strips
            Strips, meanXY = hf.GetTrackerStripCoOrds(XY, mXmY, pitch,

            #keep track of maximum number of strips in each module
            MaxNStrips.append(len(max(Strips, key=len)))

            #find overlap of strips and return hit objects of form (XCoord,YCoord,[stripX,stripU,stripV],[radial distance to intersections])
            Hits = hf.FindOverlaps(Strips, pitch, TrackerAngles[module],
                                   stripTolerance[0], useHalfStrips)

            #calculate efficiency for finding correct hits by checking there is always a reco hit within tolerance of true hit
            eff = hf.GetEfficiency(Hits, meanXY, pitch, stripTolerance[0])
            trackerEffs[module].append(100 * eff)
            nFakeHits = len(Hits) - (nProton * eff)

            #calculate ambiguity
            if len(Hits) > 0:
                ambiguity[module].append(100 * (float)(len(Hits) - nProton) /
                correctedAmbiguity[module].append(100 * nFakeHits / len(Hits))

            if saveStripMaps:
#read in hits, grouped by timestamp. Expects rosetta stile formatting: time, v1,v2,v3,v4, x1,x2,x3,x4, u1,u2,u3,u4
hitsByTimestamp = hf.ReadXUVStripCoOrds(inFile)
print("Timestamps provided " + (str)(len(hitsByTimestamp)))

#loop over all timestamps and find overlaps
reconstructedHits = 0
for i in range(len(hitsByTimestamp)):
    StripX = hitsByTimestamp[i][0]
    StripU = hitsByTimestamp[i][1]
    StripV = hitsByTimestamp[i][2]

    #find hits
    allHits = hf.FindOverlaps(
        [StripX, StripU, StripV, StripX, StripU, StripV], pitch, angles,
        tolerance, False
    )  #strips X,U,V doubled here as find overlaps expects info on which half of a plane a sensor is in...
    reconstructedHits += len(allHits)
    #add results to hit map
    for hit in allHits:
        myHitMap.Fill(hit[0], hit[1])

    #tidy up based on effective pixel area
    allHits = hf.RemoveAdjacentHits(allHits, tolerance, pitch)
    for hit in allHits:
        myRefinedHitMap.Fill(hit[0], hit[1])

    allHits = hf.RemoveAmbiguities(allHits, angles, pitch)
    for hit in allHits:
        myRefinedHitMap2.Fill(hit[0], hit[1])