Exemplo n.º 1
def getRelaxStepsEnergies(outputFile):
  Counts the number of relaxation steps
  relax_steps = []
  error = None
  success = IO.checkFile(outputFile)
  if not success:
    error = __name__ + ": Cannot locate: " + outputFile
    return success, error, relax_steps

    fout = open(outputFile, "r")
    success = False
    error = __name__ + ": Cannot open: " + outputFile
    return success, error, relax_steps
  for line in fout:
    # checks if the run was successful
    if _const_nice_day_line in line:
      success = True
    # reads in energy
    if _const_total_energy_corrected in line:
      energy = np.float128((line.split(":")[1]).split("eV")[0].strip())

  return success, error, relax_steps
Exemplo n.º 2
def _readAimsOutput(inputFile, system, relaxed=True, eigenvalues=False):
  Reads in FHI-aims output as a system.
  error = ""
  success = True
  have_nice_day = False
  readAtoms = False
  readCompleted = False
  readEigenvalues = False
  read_evs_up = False
  read_evs_down = False
  initial_energy_read = False
  initial_energy = 0.0
  eigen_values_array = []
  eigen_values_up_array = []
  eigen_values_down_array = []
  atomsLineCnt = 0
  noOfAtoms = 0
  energy = 0.0
  version = ''
  noOfcores = 0
  runTime = 0.0
  success = IO.checkFile(inputFile)
  if not success:
    error = __name__ + ": Cannot locate: " + inputFile

    return success, error

    fin = open(inputFile, "r")
    success = False
    error = __name__ + ": Cannot open: " + inputFile
    return success, error
  # initialising spin values
  spin_N = _const_def_value
  spin_S = _const_def_value
  spin_J = _const_def_value
  vbm = _const_def_value
  vbm_occ_num = _const_def_value
  vbm_spin_chan = _const_def_value
  cbm = _const_def_value
  cbm_occ_num = _const_def_value
  cbm_spin_chan = _const_def_value
  homo_lumo_gap = _const_def_value
  for line in fin:
    fields = line.strip().split()
    # reading the final atoms positions
    if (readAtoms and (system is not None)):
      if atomsLineCnt >= noOfAtoms:
        readCompleted = True
        readAtoms = False
      # ignoring the first line
      if atomsLineCnt > 0:
        #print fields
        sym = fields[4].strip()
        if sym not in system.specieList:
        specInd = system.specieIndex(sym)
        system.specieCount[specInd] += 1
        system.specie[atomsLineCnt-1] = specInd
        for j in range(3):
          system.pos[(atomsLineCnt-1)*3 + j] = float(fields[j+1])
        system.charge[atomsLineCnt-1] = 0.0
      atomsLineCnt += 1
    if ((len(fields) > 1) and (fields[0] == "Version")):
      version = fields[1]
    if ((len(fields) > 5) and (' '.join(fields[1:4]) == "Number of atoms")):
      noOfAtoms = int(fields[5])
      if (system.NAtoms != noOfAtoms):
        success = False
        error = __name__ + ": the number of atoms does not match the original number of atoms"
    if ((len(fields) > 5) and (' '.join(fields[1:4]) == "Total energy uncorrected")):
      energy = float(fields[5])
      if not initial_energy_read:
        initial_energy = copy.copy(energy)
        initial_energy_read = True
    # reset values
    if _const_scf_iter in line:
      vbm = _const_def_value
      vbm_occ_num = _const_def_value
      vbm_spin_chan = _const_def_value
      cbm = _const_def_value
      cbm_occ_num = _const_def_value
      cbm_spin_chan = _const_def_value
    if _const_spin_N in line:
      spin_N = float(fields[7])
    if _const_spin_S in line:
      spin_S = float(fields[3])
    if _const_spin_J in line:
      spin_J = float(fields[3])
    if _const_vbm in line:
      vbm = float(fields[5])
      # stop reading eigenvalues
      readEigenvalues = False
    if _const_cbm in line:
      cbm = float(fields[5])
    if _const_homo_lumo in line:
      homo_lumo_gap = float(fields[3])
    # Highest occupied state (VBM)
    if vbm != _const_def_value and cbm == _const_def_value:
      if _const_occ_num in line:
        vbm_occ_num = float(fields[3])
      if _const_spin_chan in line:
        vbm_spin_chan = float(fields[3])
    # Lowest unoccupied state (CBM)
    if vbm != _const_def_value and cbm != _const_def_value:
      if _const_occ_num in line:
        cbm_occ_num = float(fields[3])
      if _const_spin_chan in line:
        cbm_spin_chan = float(fields[3])
    # reading the eigenvalues
    if (eigenvalues and readEigenvalues and (system is not None)):
      if read_evs_up and (_const_evs_down in line):
        read_evs_up = False
      if read_evs_down and (_const_curr_spin in line):
        read_evs_down = False
        readEigenvalues = False
      if len(fields) == 4:
        if read_evs_up:
        elif read_evs_down:
      # reading in spin ups?
      if _const_evs_up in line:
        read_evs_up = True
      # reading in spin downs?
      if _const_evs_up in line:
        read_evs_down = True
    # Checking whether geometry relaxation was performed
    if relaxed:
      if ((len(fields) > 2) and (' '.join(fields[0:3]) == "Final atomic structure:")):
        readAtoms = True
    if ((len(fields) == 4) and (fields[0] == "Using")):
      noOfcores = int(fields[1])
    if ((len(fields) > 5) and (' '.join(fields[1:4]) == "Total time :")):
      runTime = float(fields[6])
    # Checks whether the have a nice day is in the output file. It indicates that the simulation was successful.
    if _const_nice_day_line in line:
      have_nice_day = True
    # Start reading eigenvalues
    if _const_eigenvalues in line:
      readEigenvalues = True
      eigen_values_array = []
      eigen_values_up_array = []
      eigen_values_down_array = []
  # saving the eigenvalues
  if eigenvalues:
    if (len(eigen_values_array) > 0):
      system.eigenvalues = np.array(eigen_values_array, np.float128)
    if (len(eigen_values_up_array) > 0) : 
      system.evs_up = np.array(eigen_values_up_array, np.float128)
    if (len(eigen_values_down_array) > 0):
      system.evs_down = np.array(eigen_values_down_array, np.float128)
  if not have_nice_day:
    system.totalEnergy = 99999999.99
    success = False
    error = __name__ + ": it seems that we are not having a good day"
  if not success:
    return success, error
  if relaxed and not readCompleted:
    success = False
    error = __name__ + ": data has not been read from: " + inputFile + ". It seems FHIaims encountered an error."
  elif system is not None:
    system.homo_lumo_gap = homo_lumo_gap

    system.vbm = vbm    
    system.vbm_occ_num =vbm_occ_num
    system.cbm = cbm
    system.cbm_occ_num = cbm_occ_num
    if spin_N != _const_def_value:
      system.spin_N = spin_N
      system.spin_S = spin_S
      system.spin_J = spin_J
      system.vbm_spin_chan = vbm_spin_chan
      system.cbm_spin_chan = cbm_spin_chan
    system.totalEnergy_initial = initial_energy
    system.totalEnergy = energy
    system.energyDefinition = "FHI-aims_" + version
    system.noOfcores = noOfcores
    system.runTime = runTime
    success = False
    error = __name__ + ": data has not been read from: " + inputFile
  return success, error